Theoretical issues
Minnikova T.N. (Saint-Petersburg). Information-evolutionary aspect of the manifestations of art in the
stone age………. 3
In the article is offered a new principle of theoretical explanation of the reasons, which led to the formation of the ancient race of the main cultural universals – ethics, aesthetics, religion, magic and artistic works in the broad meaning. The principle of information causality creates new opportunities for solving interdisciplinary problems.
Diaries, memoirs
Chetverikov B.D. (Saint-Petersburg). «Stezhky-dorozhky» (The pathways) (continuation)………. 10
The autobiographical novel by B.D. Chetverikov tells us about the writer’s life that can be called «the outline» of the history of our country in the 20th century.
Source study
Massov A.Ya. (Saint-Petersburg). The war of 1812 on the pages of the Sydney newspaper «Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser»………. 19
In the 1812–1814 was published only one newspaper in Sydney – «Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser». There, with a lag of about six months, was placed information about the course of the war with Napoleon in Russia. In the article on the basis of the analysis of the publications in this newspaper reveals the degree of awareness of the white inhabitants of the young British colony in Australia about the events in Russia.
Semykin V.A. (Samara). The activities of the political bodies and the party organizations of the RCP(b) in the army (1918–1920): brief characteristics of the sources of researched problem………. 21
The experience of the party political work in the red army during the Civil war in Russia diverse. The activity of political bodies and organizations in the army is of special interest. The author made an attempt to give a brief description of the source base of the problem.
Sokolov P.A. (Novomoskovsk, Tula region). The development of the Russian chemical industry in the pre-war five-year plan (overview of the sources: 1928–1941)………. 25
The article presents a review of a number of sources in the historical study of the problems of
chemical industry development in the RSFSR (1928–1958). Described the first period of the study
of a subject. The most significant publications of the congresses of the chemical science and
industry, collections of documents of the party, legislative bodies, trade unions, socialist competition, as well as statistical publications, proceedings of the party and government leaders of the USSR were analyzed.
General history
Sagalova A.L. (Saint-Petersburg). Ernest Bevin’s dilemma: collective security and integration in British post war policy in Europe………. 29
The article is focused on Western Union as a theoretical concept and practical dimension of foreign policy of Labour government in 1945–1948. The Labour Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, being the founder of Western Union, was faced with two sorts of dilemmas: first, USA or France and European small states would be Britain’s partners in making an effective system of collective defence in Europe; second, would it take form of multifunctional integration project or security pact. The author claims that according to archive documents, Bevin’s first intention was to co-operate with France and integrate Europe, making Western Union both custom and currency union and security pact.
Chen Chia-wei (Moscow). The social base of the democratic progressive party in Taiwan………. 35
The article considers the peculiarities of the social base of the leading opposition party of Taiwan’s
Democratic Progressive party (DPP). The author comes to the conclusion that the activities of
the DPP objectively contributes to the polarization of Taiwan society. This fact explains the historical limitations of software installations of DPP, the uncertainty of its political line. This circumstance is an integral part of the policy in a democratic society and at the same time determines the strength and weakness of the DPP.
National history
Logunova М.О. (Saint-Petersburg). Joint coronation of Russian monarchs – the end of the XVIII–XIX centuries………. 41
The article is devoted to the definition of relative roles of the members of the Imperial family and the demonstration of this ratio through the presentation in the coronation ceremonial, which is one of the most important in the monarchy. The article is a logical continuation of the study of the subject, stated by the author of the work, devoted to the formation of the ritual, and the consideration of the gender aspect of the reading of the definition of the sex ratio of the Russian Empire ruler with his (her) role in hosting one of the most important ceremonies in a monarchy – the coronation.
Simonyan R.Z. (Kursk). The Order of hearing of cases about high treasons bodies of prosecutor’s office of the Russian Empire at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries………. 45
In the article the author carried out the analysis of activity of bodies of the Russian Empire prosecutor’s office concerning participation in hearing of cases about high treasons, conclusions and evaluation of the work of prosecutor’s office in criminal legal proceedings are drawn.
Martinovich D.А. (Minsk, Belarus). «Professional» model in the higher school of the USSR (the end of 1920s – middle of 1930s.) as the phenomenon of «non-classical University»………. 48
The article is devoted to consideration of the USSR «professional» model, characteristic of the higher school of the USSR in the late 1920s-middle of 1930s. The author is analyzed its origins, originated in the pre-revolutionary high school, characterized the development of a model in the first decade of Soviet power. The conclusion is made about the «non-classical» direction of «professional» model emphasizes its influence on the further development of the higher school of the USSR.
The past of Russian regions
Valegina К.О. (Saint-Petersburg). Some results of realization of the reform of 19 February 1861 at the Borisoglebsk district in Tambov province………. 55
The article is devoted to one of the key problems of Russian history – the nature of the changes in agrarian sector of Russia after the reform of 1861 on the example of the Borisoglebsk district in Tambov province. The author uses modern statistical methods and techniques for data processing, which allow to get the updated results of realization of the reform of 1861 in the region.
Silin A.V. (Arkhangelsk). The state policy in the field of improvement of qualification and training
of the working personnel in the years of first five-year plans (on the materials of the European North of Russia)………. 59
The article analyzes the issues of the state policy in the area of skills and ways of training of workers without tearing away from a production in the late 1920s – 1930s, is considered the implementation of this policy in the regions, in particular, in the European North of Russia.
Hudyakova N.D. (Saint-Petersburg). Nationwide assistance of Leningrad during the siege………. 63
The author of the article publishes it on the eve of her 100 birthday anniversary. It is devoted to the study of the problems of the national help to the besieged Leningrad. The article is based as on the big actual material, as on the personal memoirs of the author, who survived the siege of Leningrad.
Konshyn А.Е., V.V. Tashkinova (Kudymkar, Perm region). Repatriated prisoners of war in the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous district………. 71
On the basis of the analysis of archival documents and the national historiography, the authors considered the deployment and use of labour of repatriated Soviet prisoners of war in the post-war period in the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous district.
Military history
Grebenshikova G.А. (Saint-Petersburg). Russia and Turkey at the stage of change: a political-military alliance with the Emperor Paul……….. 73
In the history of relations of Russia and Turkey in the XVIII century there were more military conflicts
and wars, than peaceful cooperation. However, the exception was the short period of the turn of XVIII–
XIX centuries, when during the reign of Emperor Paul the two powers were in allied obligations. Materials from the archives of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg allowed to supplement historical research on this problem.
Sekste J.A. (Saint-Petersburg). Political and diplomatic preparation of Russia and Sweden for war in 1787–1788 gg.: Pages of the history of Russian-Swedish War of 1788–1790 years………. 87
The article is devoted to the complex military-diplomatic game of Russian and Swedish diplomacy, which is more and more complicated the already tense foreign policy environment in the Baltic region on the eve of the war between Russia and Sweden in 1788–1790 gg.
Vasilchenko М.А. (Saratov). Daily life of soldiers of the Czechoslovaks’ Corps in March-May 1918, as a factor in the anti-Bolshevik uprising………. 93
The article describes the impact of social and domestic conditions on the formation of a single army
soldiers of Czechoslovaks’ relations to surrounding their validity. The article shows the following issues of everyday life: soldier and establishing conditions for the carriage of their welfare, health care, nutrition, the problem of relations with the local population. These factors were “domestic stimulus, largely predetermined by soldiers in armed intervention against Soviet rule in the spring-summer of
1918 onwards.
History of culture
Obuhova Yu. A. (Nizhnevartovsk). «Neprigozhiye rechi» (obscene speech) of Afterpetrov’s era in the gender interior of culture………. 96
The article discusses the phenomenon of «neprigozhiye rechi» (obscene speech) of Afterpetrov’s era in Russia in the context of the gender aspects of traditional culture. Analysis of the content of the spoken by the authors of words shows that the main object for criticism of the social ranks at that time became the reigning Empress. With the «babye carstvo» (feminine reign) commoners had their numerous troubles and misfortunes.
Historical characters
Bochkov E.A. (Saint-Petersburg). «…To have for him, as for unreliable, wheelchair» (to the 200th anniversary of the death of M.I. Golenischev-Kutuzov »………. 101
On the basis of archival documents and an extensive historiography analyzed unknown before details of the burial of field Marshal M.I. Golenischev-Kutuzov.
Gessen V.Yu. (Saint-Petersburg). Alexander Alekseevich Voznesensky: the rector, teacher and Martyr………. 105
In article on the basis of archival and literary data, as well as the memories of the relatives and contemporaries described the life, scientific, administrative and educational activity of Professor A.A. Voznesensky. Special attention is paid to the events connected with the arrest, interrogation and execution. Considered the reprisals against his family and friends, as well as other teachers political-economic Department of Leningrad University.
Solodkin Ya.G. (Nizhnevartovsk). When the rule of Boris Godunov started?………. 123
Historians are not unanimous determine the chronology of the beginning of the reign of Boris Godunov. The most convincing is the opinion that brother-in-law of «svyatocar’» (the Holy tsar) Fyodor, on the eve of his coronation received the rank of the equerry, acquired a choir Director’s powers with reference dukes Shuiskys and their supporters in the autumn of 1586.
Methods of teaching
Poltorak S.N. (Saint-Petersburg). Modern vision of the Civil war in Russia (material for lecture to the students-humanities, studying the course of national history)………. 127
In the publication, based on the experience of research and educational activities, the author traces the main trends of development of Civil war in Russia, offering to insight on the activities of the rivalries parts from the positions of the historical «equidistance».
Reviews of scientific editions
Lyubichankovsky S.V. (Orenburg). Occurrence of the Bashkir lands in the structure of Russia in the modern historiography………. 133
The article gives a general positive assessment and demonstration of the discussion points of the third volume of «the History of Bashkir nation». Defined the place of book in contemporary historiography of the Imperial perspective.
Kudryakov S.A. (Saint-Petersburg). Reflections on the virtual history, or Where runs the «Idiot»?………. 135
The review of the 2nd edition of the monograph of B.N. Mironov «the Welfare of the population and the revolution in Imperial Russia: the XVIII – the beginning of XX century» the author gives a high assessment of the work makes a number of judgments of the discussion.
Scientific life
Scientific conferences have passed
Smirnov V.G. (Saint-Petersburg). The St. Petersburg forum about people from Germany and their descendants in Russia………. 139
The article reports on the carrying out of the International scientific conference «Immigrants from Germany and their descendants in Russia», held on 13–14 November 2012 in the Presidential library and the Russian national library (Saint-Petersburg).
Ippolitova A.G. (Samara). International scientific conference «Russian statehood: from the beginnings to the present»………. 140
The publication gives an overview of the international scientific conference «Russian
statehood: from the beginnings to the present», timed to coincide with the 1150 anniversary of the Russian statehood. Emphasizes the variety of scientific issues discussed at the conference in the context of the formation, evolution and transformation of the Russian statehood.
Lapina I.Yu. (Saint-Petersburg). Patriotism – is the basis of the society consolidation: the year of the Russian history in SPSUACE………. 143
The article discusses the implementation of the plan of measures on holding the Year of Russian History, the educational potential of the History subject. The emphasis is placed on the formation of the students’ patriotic thinking.
To the 60-th anniversary of Professor A.A. Popov………. 146
The publication analyzes the scientific and organizational activities of well-known Russian scientist Alexander Alexandrovich Popov – doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, who has made an outstanding contribution to the study of the history and culture of the Russian North.