Aranovich A.V., Bezrodin V.A., Klochkov D.A. (Saint Petersburg). On the emergence and development of uniformology in Russia in the 19th–21st century…………………………………………………… 13
ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH ARANOVICH — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History and Theory of Arts, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, President of Saint Petersburg Society for Military History. 195252, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Karpinskogo St., 34–6–142. E-mail:
VLADIMIR ALEXANDROVICH BEZRODIN — Senior Researcher, State Museum of the History of Religion. 190000, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pochtamtskaya St., 14. E-mail:
DMITRII ALEKSEEVICH KLOCHKOV — Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, CEO of “Forpost” Ltd. (publishing projects). 194100, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Kapitana Voronina St., 8–70. E-mail:
The article highlights the main problems of the emergence and development of uniformology as a service historical discipline in Russia in the 19th – early 21st century. Uniformology appeared and was originally developed as an information desk at the economic side of military units. At the turn of the 19th–20th centuries with the emergence of interest of many officers to the history of their military unit, because of the celebration of their anniversaries, increased attention to historical uniforms. At the same time, many elements of uniforms and equipment, which were preserved in warehouses, began to be museumized, which gave rise to regimental museums. At the present stage, uniformology refers to the object of research from different positions: historical, art, applied. The article focuses on the historiography and the issues of preservation of items of military material culture.
Keywords: army, uniformology, regimental museum, uniforms, equipment, historiography, photography, supply.
Soloviev K.A. (Moscow). Boris and Gleb Monastery of Dmitrov in the middle of the 17th century – history in documents of 1652–1664 …………………………………………………………………………… 20
KIRILL ALEKSEEVICH SOLOVIEV — Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Design of Buildings and Structures of the National Research University – Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. 129337, Russian Federation, Moscow, Yaroslavl highway, 26, office 508, ISA. Associate Professor of History and Theory of Decorative Arts and Design at the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. 125080, Russian Federation, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 9, office 408. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the historical study of the twelve-year period of the Boris and Gleb Monastery of Dmitrov as an ascribed monastery to the Novgorod Sophia Bishop’s house. There is not much information about monasteries and monasticism in Ancient Russia of the pre-Mongol period. However, the first written mention of the monasteries can be attributed to the era of Prince Vladimir equal to the Apostles. The first known urban settlement monasteries – Fedorovskiy, Irininskiy, Yanchin (Ivanovskiy), was founded in Kiev. Since they were founded the Prince’s power, or noble boyar clans, as was customary in the former Byzantine Empire. Princes and boyars were depositors of such monasteries, had the right to appoint abbots. At the end of life, many investors took monastic vows in the city monasteries. Among these monasteries, founded by the princely will, we can note the ancient Boris and Gleb Monastery of Dmitrov. In the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Central State Archive of Moscow, Archive of the Museum-reserve “Dmitrov Kremlin” are stored a large volume of historical documents on the history of the monastery, but serious modern monographs on the history of the monastery does not exist, so it is difficult to determine the exact date of the Foundation of the monastery. The article attempts, through the publication of archival documents, to consider the historical period of development of the Boris and Gleb Monastery in 1652–1664, when it was a part of the Novgorod Bishop’s house.
Keywords: Dmitrov, Boris and Gleb Monastery, Novgorod Archbishop’s home, the Patriarch Nikon, Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich, Archimandrite Avraamiy, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Central State Archive of Moscow, Archive of the Museum-reserve “Dmitrov Kremlin”.
Gorlova N.I. (Moscow). Encyclopedics and dictionaries as a source of historiographic representations of volunteering and volunteer activity …………………………………………………………………………………… 27
NATALYA IVANOVNA GORLOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Sports Industry, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, Stremyanniy Per., 36. E-mail:
The content of encyclopedias and dictionaries is considered by the author as a kind of source of ideas about volunteering (volunteering). The study of these publications allows us to present the peculiarities of understanding the concepts of “volunteer” (“volunteer”), “volunteering” (“volunteering”), “volunteer (voluntary) activity” and to trace their semantic transformation over several centuries. In the course of the study, we identified the transformation of their structural and functional content depending on the socio-economic, political state, ideological situation and the peculiarities of the development of Russian society in different historical periods. The variability of the modern interpretation of the concept of “volunteer” is due to a wide range of practices of socially significant activities of the key subject of volunteer labor in Russian society. In addition, the interpretation of the concepts “volunteer”, “volunteering” demonstrates the presence of various methodological approaches to understanding the essence of volunteering and, accordingly, the participants of volunteering themselves.
Keywords: volunteer, volunteer activity, encyclopedia, dictionaries, encyclopedic article.
Kozcaz Ümit (Karaköprü/Şanlıurfa,Turkey). Caricatures of Cemal Nadir Guler as a historical source in the context of the image of Germany and the Soviet Union in the political satire of World War II ………. 33
ÜMİT KOZCAZ — Postgraduate student, Department of Russian History of the 20th-21st сenturies, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Avenue, 27/4. Akpıyar Mah. 4144. Sok. No:5/20 Karaköprü/Şanlıurfa (Turkey). E-mail:
In the article the author turns to the caricatures of Cemal Nadir Güler as a historical source and considers his work in the context of identifying the image of Germany and the Soviet Union in the political satire of World War II. The object of the research is political caricatures of a famous journalist and cartoonist of republican Turkey. The author selected material from a number of leading Turkish daily newspapers of the period: Akşam (Evening) and Cumhuriyet (Republic). The purpose of the study is to find out how the image of the two opposing sides of World War II is revealed in the Turkish political satire of Cemal Nadir Guler. To this end, the researcher analyzes individual examples of Guler’s creativity in the context of Turkish-German and Turkish-Soviet relations.
Keywords: Caricature, Cemal Nadir Guler, Image, USSR, Germany, WWII.
Belousov A.S. (Saint Petersburg). The Russian Navy during the Russian-Turkish war of 1735–1739: historiographic aspect ………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
ALEKSANDR SERGEEVICH BELOUSOV — Researcher, The State Peterhof Museum-Reserve, Postgraduate student, Department of the Russian history from ancient times to the twentieth century, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University. Russia, St. Petersburg, 199034, Mendeleevskaya line, 5. Тел.: (812) 328-94-48; E-mail:
The paper discusses the Russian and foreign historiography of the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739 and the naval studies in it, which plague the history of the Don and Dnieper flotillas. The analysis of the published works demonstrates the beginning of interest in this military conflict at the end of the 18th century by foreign historians, and then Russian. The historiographic base of the war of 1735-1739 was formed at the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries. The historians of the Navy reproduced the existing model of research and concentrated on the publication of sources at this time. In Soviet times, the study of the war almost stopped. The naval context of the war has ceased to be in the field of view of Soviet historical science. New impetus to the development of historiography is identified at the beginning of the XXI century. Russian and foreign historians publish many works and significantly expand the list of problems. There is a widespread presence of the naval theme, emphasizing the fact that most researchers limit themselves to describing the history of the construction of flotillas without a comprehensive analysis of their shipbuilding programs, staff and combat use. In addition, many modern military historians do not use the experience of previous historiography and base their work on a lapidary list of sources. The analysis of the historiography of the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739 demonstrates that Russian and foreign researchers ignore each other’s sources and literature.
Keywords: historiography, military history, Russian-Turkish wars, navy, 18th century.
Beklemisheva M.M. (Moscow). Contemporary Russian historiography about A.A. Baschmakoff (1858–1943) …………………………………………………………………………………. 44
MARIA MIKHAILOVNA BEKLEMISHEVA — Postgraduate student, Department of Russian History of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119192, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27–4. E-mail:
A well-known Russian journalist, a lawyer by education, a publisher of periodical press in Russian and French, the editor-in-chief of the Government Gazette under P.A. Stolypin, and later a prominent representative of the émigré monarchist movement, A.A. Baschmakoff appeared to be one of the forgotten conservative thinkers whose ideological heritage began to be studied thoroughly only at the end of the last century. Having lived a long and intensive life, A.A. Baschmakoff approved himself in various fields, although nowadays is almost forgotten. The purpose of this article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of Russian historiography dedicated to A.A. Baschmakoff, including different views on various aspects of his activity and socio-political position. While examining the works, the author used a thematic approach with the consideration of chronological order where it was possible. The study allowed both to assess our level of knowledge about the subject of research and identify the assessments which should be adjusted.
Keywords: historical figures, Russian right-wingers, Slavophiles, late Slavophilism, pre-revolutionary jurists, Russian conservatives, editor of the Government Gazette, political journalism.
Tarasov M.G. (Krasnoyarsk). The efficiency of colonization of Central Asia and the element of subjectivity in its assessment of local authorities …………………………………………………………… 55
MIKHAIL GEORGIEVICH TARASOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Siberian Federal University. 660041, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnyi pr., 82a, Room 4–34. E-mail:
The article discusses the process of colonization of the territory of Central Asia (Turkestan) in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The main attention is paid to subjective factors influencing the evaluation of the process, local Russian authorities and taken by them in connection with this, management decisions. In particular, the article considers the influence of the memo of the famous Russian scientist-biologist N.A. Severtsov, negatively assessing the results of the Cossack colonization, the Governor of Turkestan K.Р. Kaufman, who took in this regard, management decisions that significantly worsened the situation of the Cossacks in the region. The article discusses in detail the argumentation of N.A. Severtsov. The author proves his bias in assessing the effectiveness of the process of the Cossack colonization of Central Asia on numerous examples.
Keywords: Central Asia, Turkestan, Cossacks, colonization, economic development, K.P. Kaufman, N.A. Severtsov.
Norkina E.S. (Saint Petersburg). Armenian Students in St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries …………………………………………………………………………………. 61
EKATERINA SERGEEVNA NORKINA — Ph.D. in History, Assistant Professor, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7–9. E-mail:
The paper is devoted to the history of Armenian student world in St. Petersburg on the edge of the 19th–20th centuries. The research focuses on facts from the biographies of young people from Armenian families who originally lived in the capital or arrived in St. Petersburg for higher education. The life path, the origin, the fact of maintaining family ties, the motivation for coming to the capital and the choice of a specialty, participation in public, revolutionary and national activities are the markers with which the article analyzes the peculiarities of the identity of some representatives of Armenian youth. The main sources for the paper are the personal files of the Armenian students of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg, most of which were introduced for the first time into scientific circulation.
Keywords: Armenian students, Caucasus, Armenian Church, identity, stipends, university.
Belozercev S.M. (Irkutsk). Corruption, opium and gold: the interaction of the police and the Sino-Korean population in the Far East of the country in the pre-revolutionary period …………… 70
SERGEY MIKHAILOVICH BELOZERCEV — Postgraduate student of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Baikal State University, Teacher, East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 664074, Russian Federation, Irkutsk-74, Lermontova St., 110. E-mail:
In the Far East at the beginning of the 20th century, Russia’s migration policy began to move from encouraging Chinese-Korean emigration to restricting it. Having undoubtedly had a positive impact on the industrial development of the Far East, Chinese and Korean immigrants inflicted irreparable damage to the region’s ecology, in addition, they did not pay taxes, which contributed to the need to use non-economic methods to combat emigration by the Russian authorities. The volume of Chinese smuggling grew rapidly, and drug production and bootlegging grew. The gold industry was the main source of inflow of foreign labor, Russian law enforcers were supposed to impede the criminal activity of foreigners in the Far East, but corruption in law enforcement was high, which allowed the Chinese and Koreans to expand their criminal activities to the full. Police officers have provided their corruption patronage to foreigners who were engaged in buying gold from mines and producing and selling opium. Some police officers issued a residence permit for Chinese and Korean workers in the mountain mines of the region at an inflated price or without fixing it in the payroll of the police unit. The gendarmes and the prosecutor’s office succeeded in initiating a prosecution or sending him to resign due to the loss of confidence of a number of police officers.
Keywords: Chinese, Koreans, corruption, Far East, opium, gold, police, migration.
Dudarenok S.M. (Vladivostok), Zhao Huiqing (China, Heihe City). Society of Chinese Old Churchmen in Primorsky Kray in 1920–1930 ………………………………………………………………… 75
SVETLANA MIKHAILOVNA DUDARENOK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of History and Archaeology, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University. 690922, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Russky Island, FEFU Campus, building F, level 6, F602. E-mail:
ZHAO HUIQING — Postgraduate student of the Far Eastern Federal University, Associate Professor, Heihe University (China, Heihe City). 690922, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Russky Island, FEFU campus, building 6.1. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the history of Chinese religious communities known authorities called the society of Chinese Old Churchmen or group of Chinese Old Believers, which were generally considered to be the Buddhist organizations. Actually these communities belonged to the syncretic religion Czajliczjao (Teachings of truth), which was founded in the 17th century landed gentry Lajzhu Yang (Yang Jie). Followers worship Kuan yin bothisattve Czajliczjao, which is considered an avatar Wuji Zhi Shen (the infinite Deities). They preach respect for the norms of Confucian ethics, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. Czajliczjao was very common in Northern China in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Based on the analysis of archival documents, memories, an attempt is made to determine how the Russians perceived religious life of Chinese living in the Soviet Far East, as well as show the problem of relations with communities data members society and power structures.
Keywords: Chinese, Russian Far East, Chinese holidays, temples, Czajliczjao, buddizim, bodhisattva.
Gorelova L.A. (Saint Petersburg). The problem of British-Soviet relations during the General Elections of 1951 in the UK ………………………………………………………………………………….. 85
LIUBOV ALEXSEEVNA GORELOVA — Postgraduate Student, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7–9. E-mail:
The article deals with a difficult from the point of view of the domestic political situation and foreign policy period of the history of Great Britain in the summer-autumn of 1951. At this time, the economic situation in the country is aggravated due to the large-scale rearmament program initiated by the Labor government. The difficult international situation in connection with the war in Korea for Britain was complicated by the crises in Iran and Egypt. Given this, the appointment of parliamentary elections on October 25, 1951 made it inevitable that war and peace issues be brought to the fore during the election campaign. The two main parties of the country on the eve of the elections constantly exploited the theme of the third world war and relations with the USSR. Since the programs of conservatives and labourists differed slightly in the socio-economic sphere, foreign policy issues had a significant impact on the voting results.
Keywords: British foreign policy, USSR foreign policy, cold war, parliamentary elections in Great Britain.
Krupin S.V. (Moscow). The Influence of the US Invasion of Iraq on the rise of extremism in the post-Saddam period (2003–2011) ……………………………………………………………………………… 92
STANISLAV VADIMOVICH KRUPIN — 3rd year Postgraduate student, Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy, Institute of History and International Relations, Saratov State University. 15477, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kavkazsky Blvd, apt. 224. E-mail:
The author attempts to analyze the development of extremism in Iraq through the studying of effects of the American invasion in 2003 and its influence on the society of the Middle East state. He also describes the major milestones in the development of Iraq’s post-Saddam political field. Additionally, groups and forces of Iraq who have chosen the tactics of terror as a way to achieve domestic political goals are being studied. The article concludes that despite the elimination of military threats to the United States by Saddam Hussein, religious extremism has been widely developed in Iraq. The pattern of inter-ethnic relations that has developed over the past decades has been broken. At last, the political system of Iraq was destabilized, which became the basis for the establishment of a terrorist group of Islamic State on the territory of this country.
Keywords: Iraq, extremism, Saddam Hussein, USA, Sunni, Shia, Kurds, Baas.
Travkin V.I. (Moscow). Hathor on the round Dendera zodiac ……………………………………………. 97
VIKTOR IVANOVICH TRAVKIN — Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Researcher of Ancient Egypt. 107023, Russian Federation, Moscow, M. Semenovskaya St., 3. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of the bas-relief on the ceiling of the second room of the Eastern chapel of Osiris Hathor temple in the city of Dendera. The bas-relief is presented in the form of a triptych and includes images of the round Dendera zodiac, the figure of the goddess Chickpea with her hands raised up and the bent figure of the goddess Chickpea around thirteen rooks. The author, considering the triptych as a whole, proposes a new original hypothesis for decoding the image on the ceiling bas-relief. Based on information from the history of Ancient Egypt, the mythology of the ancient gods of Egypt in the process of research, he puts forward the postulate that Hathor is the Moon, and the temple of Hathor is the temple of the moon. When studying the left part of the triptych, the author comes to the conclusion that the Central circle, which is held in its hands by the twelve gods of the sky on the round Dendera zodiac is an image of the moon, which overlooks the starry sky. The mythological figures depicted in the starry sky are defined as constellations: zodiac signs, the great and little bear, the Dragon; and as planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth. The presence of these constellations and planets in the sky indicates the location of the moon. On the right side of the triptych shows thirteen rooks moving on the Ground with balls and people. Depicted on the middle part of the goddess Chickpeas – a goddess of heaven, whose hands are raised, talking about the big sky – space. As a result, the triptych appears as a single image: the Moon – space – Earth. Analyzing the unknown circles – balls with people and objects depicted on the extreme bas – reliefs of the triptych, the author hypothesizes that the image on the ceiling of the middle room of the Eastern chapel of Osiris of the temple of Hathor is a message to the descendants, which in the language of the figure shows the process of moving people and objects from the moon to the Earth.
Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Dendera zodiac, Hathor, archаeology, history, origin of mankind, moon, astronomy.
Sharnina A.B. (Saint Petersburg). Meetings of Labiads in Delphi……………………………………. 106
ARIADNA BORISOVNA SHARNINA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Herzen State Pedagogical University. 191186, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Moika Emb., 48. E-mail:
The article explores the Delphic inscription of Labiads of the 4th century BC, a large group of citizens of Delphi. The inscription contains the text of the oath of the tags, which must take the victims from their fellow citizens and control that no one evades them. They controlled that the victims related to the recognition of the civil rights of a child are held only on the feast of Apellai. However, Labiads seems to care less about the legality of civil rights than evading citizens from bringing these traditional sacrifices and from participating in joint meals of Labiads, which may have been associated with the impoverishment of some citizens. This may explain the addition of a copy of the ancient decree of the obligatory meals for the Labiads. It can be assumed that the ripening or already occurring conflicts in the Delphic community, have caused the publication of rules on burials, and prohibition of visiting the graves of previously deceased people.
Keywords: Delphi, the 4th century BC, Labiads, rules on burials, oath of the tags.
Skurlov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). Golden St. George’s weapon «for bravery» with diamonds – awards from the Cabinet of his Majesty. 1867–1917 ………………………………………………….. 111
VALENTIN VASIL’EVICH SKURLOV — Ph.D. in Art History, Expert of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Scientific secretary of the Memorial Fund Faberge. 199406, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya St., 37–3–47. E-mail:
In scientific literature there is no complete List of Golden St. George weapon with diamonds for period 1867–1917, the Article addresses the lack of information and on the basis of archival documents Nos. 125 and 288, inventory 6, Fund 468 (Office of his Majesty), archive files 994, 995, 1001, 1015 inventory of 43 of the same Fund 468, as well as several individual cases for the production of the Golden St. George weapon with diamonds for Grand Dukes Alexander Aleksandrovich and Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich the younger, the generals Mishchenko, Grodekova, Brusilov, Kalitina and Denikin and Admiral Alekseev and Heir of the Emir of Bukhara.. For the first time the list of gentlemen of the St. George’s weapon with diamonds, with indication of jewelers and the prices, dates of receipt in an Office and issue of the weapon from an office is made. The article is intended for historians of military Affairs of Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries, historians of jewelry, art historians and antiquarians.
Keywords: Cabinet of his Majesty, gold premium weapons «for courage» with diamonds (swords, swords, swords), jewelers, George knight.
Nigmatullina Z.F. (Ufa). Items of wood in the collection of the Bashkir State Art Museum named after M.V. Nesterova as a cultural code …………………………………………………………….. 120
ZILYA FASIMOVNA NIGMATULLINA — Postgraduate student, Institute of History and State Administration, Bashkir State University. 450076, Russian Federation, Ufa, Karl Marx St., 3/4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of wooden objects of the Bashkir Decorative and Applied Arts Fund of the Bashkir State Art Museum named after M.V. Nesterov Republic of Bashkortostan, which contains rare, selected, carefully selected from an artistic point of view, samples of wooden household utensils created by folk craftsmen. Now these items are the original for obtaining information about the keynote and the intentions of the master. After the lapse of time, now not just household items, but museum exhibits created their cultural space, became the object of research, being the result of material and spiritual activity of a person. With their “life” within the walls of the museum, they discover not only their own functional, manufacturing technique, local natural landscape, but something more, from the depths of the human subconscious.
Keywords: realogiya, wooden objects, Bashkir decorative-applied art, Bashkirs, art museum, museum fund, museum subject, Republic of Bashkortostan.
Bulanov L.A. (Moscow). On the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of the grand duchess, St. Elizaveta Fedorovna ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 124
LEONID ALEKSEEVICH BULANOV — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, The Chairman of the Cyprus branch of Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS), Advisor/consultant to the Chairman of IOPS. E-mail:
October 5, 2018 in the suburbs of Nicosia, the city of Episcopia Tamasauskas and Genisoy Metropolis, where now flaunts a five-headed temple of the Holy Apostle Andrew, and of All Russian Saints resplendent in the Russian land, occurred a historical event, designed to strengthen spiritual ties to the Orthodox Churches of Cyprus and Russia. 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the execution of members of the Romanov family. That is why, on the initiative of the Tamassos and Orinia Metropolia, as well as the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society (IPPO), a stele and a memorial plaque dedicated to grand duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna were opened in Cyprus. To the scene were taken the icon of the Holy grand duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova with a particle of her Holy relics to the solemn and the worship.
Keywords: Cyprus, history of pilgrimage, the Romanovs, in 1918, grand duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna.
Zolotarev V.A. (Moscow). The Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829 and the Treaty of Adrianople ………………… 126
VLADIMIR ANTONOVICH ZOLOTAREV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief Researcher, Department of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Science. 107564, Russian Federation, Moscow, Myasnikovskaya 1st Street, 3/3.
The article based on published sources and historiography, which is based on publications of the 19th century, comprehensively explores the history of the Russo-Turkish war of 1828–1829. The author analyzes the origin of the war, paying attention to its features in comparison with the previous wars between Russia and Turkey. The facts that ensured the victory of Russian weapons are noted. It is emphasized that as a result of the war the Greeks and other peoples of the Balkan Peninsula were freed from the Ottoman yoke. Attention is drawn to the unique documentary legacy of the war of 1828–1829.
Keywords: Russo-Turkish wars, 1829–1829, Balkans, South-Eastern Europe, Nikolas I, Mahmud II.
Simonyan R.Z. (Kursk). The activities of the Kursk provincial Zemstvo for the development of healthcare in the second half of 19th – early 20th centuries ……………………………………………… 140
RIMMA ZORIKOVNA SIMONYAN — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of Public Health and Health Care, Kursk State Medical University. 305029, Russian Federation, Kursk, Karl Marx St., 63a, 30. E-mail:,
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Kursk provincial Zemstvo and County Zemstvo for the development of health care in the post-reform period. The formation of the system of Zemstvo health care as a set of medical, pharmaceutical and sanitary-preventive directions is investigated. Their step-by-step development is shown. The first stage of Zemstvo medicine is characterized by a traveling system, when medical care was not assigned to a specific medical institution. The second stage – stationary system, i.e. fixing of medical care for stationary institution: medical assistants and obstetric point, rural district hospital, district hospital, provincial hospital. Accordingly, gradually developed and other areas that make up the Zemstvo health. Zemstvo pharmacy at the first stage was the process of formation associated with the organization and formation of material and technical base of pharmacy institutions. The second stage was the discovery of pharmacies in all inpatient medical institutions, with the aim of bringing medical assistance to the population. Zemstvo sanitation was aimed at the dissemination of sanitary knowledge, the fight against epidemics and the prevention of social diseases. At the first stage, Zemstvo sanitation was a set of measures to prevent epidemics. At the second stage, a sanitary organization is formed, designed to carry out sanitary research of localities; vaccination; sanitary supervision and other. The conclusion: the activities of the Kursk province Zemstvo and Zemstv or County for health development in the second half of 19th – early 20th centuries was aimed at the improvement of medicine, pharmacy and sanitation, with a view to their proximity to the population of the province, especially in rural areas. Despite the small state support and lack of funds of the Zemstvo budget in the study period, health care of Kursk province has undergone significant changes. They were introduced into practice: division into sections, drug supply, expansion of the network of medical and pharmacy institutions, registration of patients, prevention of diseases, etc., which later became the basis of public health.
Keywords: Kursk Province, rural medicine, pharmacy, sanitation, public health, rural hospitals.
Akimov A.V. (Moscow). Industrial injuries in pipe plants at the beginning of the 20th century: source study analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………… 149
ANTON VIKTOROVICH AKIMOV — Scientific degree applicant, Department of Historical Informatics, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 115054, Russian Federation, Moscow, Valovaya St., 26, JSC “Cordiant”. E-mail:
The article presents an analysis of statistical data on the basis of different sources in relation to industrial injuries at steel mills of the southern part of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to determine the comparative reliability of statistical indicators, mathematical methods were used. In particular, to identify possible inaccuracies and errors, indicators of different sources were compared, which were also subjected to mutual rechecking. In addition, a systematic approach was used when verifiable data were included in a system of other indicators. Thus, the work presents both a source study analysis based on a comparison of various indicators and quantitative values in relation to the identification of possible errors and inaccuracies in sources, and directly describes the trends regarding the research topic. The main conclusions of the study are the identification of inaccuracies in the calculations and the detection of misprints in the sources, the elimination of which and the use of corrected data based on them can significantly improve the quality of historical material. In addition, it was proved that between sources there is a serious discrepancy in a number of indicators, and for individual plants, accountable to the factory inspection, on the basis of comparison with other sources and calculations, underestimation of industrial injury rates was found.
Keywords: metallurgy, plant, pipes, accident, workers, source, statistics, analysis, early 20th century.
Morozov V.N. (Saint Petersburg). Paracelsus in Russian Intellectual History from the 18th to the first half of 19th centuries: Translations, Curiosities, Interpretation Milestones ………………………………………… 163
VITALIJ NIKOLAYEVICH MOROZOV — Ph.D. in Philosophical Sciences, Institute of philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University. 194354, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Siqueirosa St., 15-1-22. E-mail:
The article considers the phenomenon of reception of Paracelsiana in Russia in the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries based on archival sources from the libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg. For the first time the paper introduces a number of documents with the earliest Russian Paracelsus translations, which allow to highlight a range of texts particularly interesting for the Russian academic community. The original works and notes of Dimitrie Cantemir, Vasily Tatishchev, Alexander Klushin, Akim Nakhimov, Johann Georg von Schwarz, Peter Titov, Semyon Gamaleya and many other authors are viewed for the first time through the prism of the history of Paracelsianism. The article raises the question of the significance of the books by Paracelsus for the intellectual history of Russia. They are considered in the light of their reception in the works of intellectuals from the so-called Friendly Scientific Society at the Imperial Moscow University, as well as in the works of German naturalists in the Russian service related to the history of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
Keywords: Paracelsus, Natural philosophy, Russian philosophy, Russian history, the History of Alchemy and Medicine.
Koltsov I.A. (Saint Petersburg). Scholarly heritage of N.K. Schilder in the writings of A.V. Predtechensky ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 171
IGOR ANATOLYEVICH KOLTSOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. 190103, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Rizhskiy Prospekt, 11. E-mail:
The article deals with the attitude of a prominent Russian historian A.V. Predtechensky (1893–1966) to the scholarly creativity of N.K. Schilder (1842–1902). It is emphasized that A.V. Predtechensky considered the works of N.K. Schilder’s most significant sources for understanding the history of Russia in the late 18th – the first half of 19th century. It is noted that in contrast to their colleagues who worked in the Soviet period, A.V. Predtechensky praised the work of the scholar. For example, the publication “Chronicle of the Peter and Paul fortress” (1932), “Contemporary of Decembrists – T.G. Bok” (1953), “Essays on the socio-political history of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century” (1957) and others traced the use of A.V. Predtechensky materials from the original and unique works of N.K. Schilder.
Keywords: A.V. Predtechensky, N.K. Shilder, Alexander I, scholarly heritage, social-political history of Russia, the first quarter of the 19th century, Decembrist, military settlement.
Kostjaev E.V. (Saratov). Anti-Bolshevik activities and journalism of Menshevik Vladimir Rozanov in 1918–1919 ……………………………………………………………………… 179
EDUARD VALENTINOVITCH KOSTJAEV — Doctor in Historical Sciences, Professor of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Department of Fatherland History and Culture. 410054, Russian Federation, Saratov, Politechnicheskaya str., 77. E-mail:
In this article was researched the question that the Civil war that began after the October coup of 1917 in Soviet Russia was not only in the trenches on the front line, but also actively conducted on the information front. Representatives of anti-Bolshevik opposition political parties and organizations that did not agree to recognize both the established repressive regime in General and the conditions of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty concluded in March 1918 with Germany and its allies in particular took an active part in it. One of the most active and prolific critics of the Bolshevik dictatorship was in 1918–1919 a well-known politician and publicist, the Menshevik-”defensist” Vladimir Nikolaevitch Rozanov. Both in his journal articles and in his practical work, he preferred the toughest methods of counteracting the Bolsheviks, not excluding armed struggle to overthrow their power.
Keywords: October coup, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, revolution, Civil war, opposition activity, Brest peace, dictatorship, Ukraine.
Mokeev A.B. (Saint Petersburg). Director of the Leningrad Mining Institute Afanasy Filimonovich Sukhanov ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 184
ANTON BORISOVICH MOKEEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg Mining University. 199106, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky Island, 21 liniya, 2. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the biography of the outstanding Russian scientist and teacher A.F. Sukhanov. Afanasy Filimonovich has difficult, but very bright fate. He was from a peasant class, lived for a long time with his family in the Kirensk district of the Irkutsk region, far from the capital’s life. In the events of 1917 and the Civil War A.F. Sukhanov did not actively participate. His scientific potential was revealed in the 1920-1930s. In the 1920s A.F. Sukhanov studied at the Tomsk Technological Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1928 with a degree in the development of mineral deposits, received the qualification of a mining engineer. Then he studied in postgraduate school at the institute and had rapid career in the field of mining. Professor and Doctor of Technical Sciences, A.F. Sukhanov during his long life held a number of important positions. He worked at the Tomsk Institute for the mine development, was deputy director for scientific and educational work at the Krivoy Rog Mining Institute, and in 1936–1937 served as director of the Central Asian Industrial Institute. From 1937 to 1941 A.F. Sukhanov was deputy chairman of the Committee of Higher School Affairs at the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR. He also served as director of the Moscow Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold. A.F. Sukhanov for almost three years was a head of the Leningrad Mining Institute, and later he worked at the Moscow Mining Institute, being its rector. His life is an example of an active life position, hard work and the realization of scientific knowledge in practice. As head of the country’s leading universities, A.F. Sukhanov made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel for the mining industry.
Keywords: Afanasy Filimonovich Sukhanov, Mining Engineer, Drilling, Director, Leningrad Mining Institute.
Ippolitov G.M., Filatov T.V. (Samara). The memory of an outstanding scholar, reflected in the original scholarly work (Review of the book «The World through the Eyes of a Historian: In Memory of Academician Yuri Alexandrovich Polyakov», V.A. Tishkov, Y.A. Petrov (eds.). Moscow, Institute of Russian History RAS, 2014 …………………………………………………… 189
GEORGY MIKHAILOVICH IPPOLITOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Professor of the Department of National History and Archaeology, Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L. Tolstoy St., 23. E-mail:
TIMUR VALENTINOVICH FILATOV — Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L. Tolstoy St., 23. E-mail:
The author in the format of a scholarly review covers the materials that are concentrated in a book dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet / Russian historian and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuri Alexandrovich Polyakov (1921-2012). Estimated, first of all, materials that can be considered extraordinary. Attention is also focused on some shortcomings, which, however, are not of a systemic nature.
Keywords: Yury Alexandrovich Polyakov, V.B. Zhiromskaya, A.I. Repinetsky, Civil War, historical demography, historical geography, factography, factology, analytics.
Fedoseeva K.V. (Moscow). Reviews of S.I. Arhangelsky, L.A. Nikiforov and S.A. Feigina on an unpublished book of I.I. Lyubimenko «Russia and England in the first half of the 18th century» …………………………. 194
KSENIIA VLADIMIROVNA FEDOSEEVA — Postgraduate student of Department of Source Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119192, Russian Federation, Moscow Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27/4. E-mail:
The article is based on archival materials from the personal funds of well-known specialists in the history of England by the Leningrad historian I.I. Lyubimenko (1878–1959) and Gorky historian S.I. Arhangelsky (1882–1958), located respectively in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Central Archive of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Documentary sources from the personal funds of other scientists, mainly from the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, were also attracted. The research focused on the monograph of I.I. Lyubimenko on the study of the history of Anglo-Russian relations of the 17th–18th centuries, the preparation of which began before the revolution of 1917, and the circumstances that did not allow her to publish this book. The article studied three reviews of the unpublished monograph by I.I. Lyubimenko: sharply negative reviews of S.A. Feigina and L.A. Nikiforov and favorable feedback of S.I. Arhangelsky. In the analysis of the texts of reviews, the reasons for the significant difference in the book’s estimates are presented. It was concluded that the text of the monograph of I.I. Lyubimenko itself (the discovered text of the book was fully prepared for publication) should be further studied and put into scholar circulation. The article complements the work on the history of national history and introduces new facts to the scholarly biographies of Soviet historians.
Keywords: I.I. Lyubimenko, S.I. Arhangelsky, S.A. Feigina, L.A. Nikiforov, Russian-English relations in the 17th–18th centuries., Leningrad branch of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, history in the USSR, biographies of historians, English studies.
Filatov T.V. (Samara). V.S. Stepin and the end of technogenic civilization (reflection on the fields of one monograph) …………………………………………………………………………. 203
TIMUR VALENTINOVICH FILATOV — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L’va Tolstogo St., 23. E-mail:
The article deals with the historiosophical concept set out in the work of the prominent Soviet and Russian philosopher Vyacheslav Stepin (1934–2018), presented in his monograph “Civilization and culture”. Based on his methodological concept, V.S. Stepin builds an original historiosophy, in which technogenic civilization is considered as the beginning of the transition from traditional civilizations to a hypothetical human civilization of a new type. The author critically examines the views of V.S. Stepin, pointing out that technogenic civilization is a more global transition: from the era of domination of humanity to the era of domination of artificial intelligence.
Keywords: technogenic civilization, traditional civilizations, arms race, ecological crisis, anthropological crisis, collapse of the USSR, artificial intelligence, the end of human history.
Milezhik A.V., Shabelnikova N.A., Usov A.V. (Vladivostok). Respecting the past, we create the future: International scientific forum in Vladivostok………………………………………………………. 208
ALEXEY VIKTOROVICH MILEZHIK — Ph.D. in History, Head of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova St., 21. E-mail:
NATALIA ALEKSEEVNA SHABELNIKOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor, Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova St., 21. E-mail:
ALEKSEY VYACHESLAVOVICH USOV — Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecturer, State Legal and Civil Legal Subjects Department, Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova St., 21. E-mail:
The international scientific conference “Cultural and historical heritage of Russia and Asia-Pacific countries: research and preservation” was held on October 16–17, 2018 in Vladivostok on the initiative and with the support of the leadership of the Far Eastern Federal University, the Russian historical society, the State Academic University of Humanities, the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East, the Russian Geographical Society – the society for the study of the Amur region.
Keywords: international scientific conference, Far East, Russia, cultural and historical heritage, study, preservation, historiography.
In memory of Professor O.A. Rzheshevsky…………………………………………………………………… 211
On March 9, 2019, at the age of 95, died an outstanding Russian historian, chief researcher and consultant of the Institute of universal history of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Oleg Alexandrovich Rzheshevsky. Life and scientific interests of O. A. Rzheshevsky forever associated with the Great Patriotic war, which he met a 17-year-old pilot-instructor. He went from Senior researcher to Head of the Department of foreign military history of the Institute of military history of the Ministry of defense of the USSR. From 1979 to 2003 Professor Rzheshevsky headed the Center of history of wars and geopolitics of the Institute of General history of the Academy of Sciences. Scientific works of Professor Rzheshevsky and his active life position have been repeatedly noted by the scientific community and at the state level.