Philosophy of history
Demin I.V. (Samara). F. Nietzsche and post-metaphysical philosophy of history……… 3
The Article deals with the interpretation of “history” to “life” ratio proposed by F. Nietzsche, reveals its significance for post-metaphysical philosophy of history. The parallels are drawn between Nietzsche’s interpretation and Dasein M. Heidegger’s existential analytics of temporariness and historicity
Keywords: History, the past, life, Nietzsche, philosophy of history, post-metaphysical philosophy.
Kargapoltseva I.V. (Saint Petersburg). “From Smoke into Smother”: a Leningrad child’s recollections of the Great Patriotic War……… 8
A Leningrad child’s recollections, who left the city on the eve of the siege in July of 1941 and happened in the thick of notorious “the mincer of Rzhev” of 1942–1943 are represented by I. Kargapoltseva (then Irochka Egorova). The narration also covers the atmosphere of the first postwar years in Leningrad.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Pulkovo observatory, air raid alarm, evacuation, Pogoreloye Gorodishche, Cherkunovo, the Red Army, German occupiers, “the mincer of Rzhev”, famine, Leningrad.
Source studies
Kobak I.V. (Saint Petersburg). Letters among V.P. Gaevsky and P.I. Gaevsky of 1839–1862 as a historical source……… 13
This paper presents epistolary complexes contained in the letters between V.P. Gaevsky and P.I. Gaevsky, covering 1839–1862. The article constructs integral text of the letters, which allows for analyzing both content of each letter, and the correspondence as a whole. In general, this massive of letters gives an insight into the Gaevskys’ family epistolary traditions, gives an idea of the level of development of epistolary culture, of the peculiarities of doing correspondence, as well as of V.P. Gaevsky’s personality, his political views and world outlook.
Key words: Letters, correspondence as a historical source, family letters, V.P. Gaevsky, P.I. Gaevsky.
Levin D.E. (Saint Petersburg). Letters from N.I. Kostomarov to the editor of “Ancient and New Russia” and “Istoricheskiy Vestnik (History Messenger”) S.N. Shubinsky in the Department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library……… 21
N.I. Kostomarov’s letters completed with the letters of his wife, A.L. Kostomarova (1874–1885) to the editor of magazines “Ancient and New Russia” and “Istoricheskiy Vestnik (History Messenger”) S.N. Shubinsky, stored in the latter’s foundation in the Department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library (f. 874), the most part of which is published first, contain information reflecting the leading part Kostomarov played as an author being published in the said magazines, and the support Shubinsky lent to Kostomarov who was working at the themes of national history of the 18th century, and some other details of Kostomarov’s biography, which escaped attention of the authors of other sources.
Keywords: N.I. Kostomarov, letters, S.N. Shubinsky, archives, “Old and New Russia”, magazine “Istoricheskiy Vestnik”, the Russian National Library, department of manuscripts.
Pylayeva E.I. (Moscow). Undercover personnel of provincial gendarmerie departments in the early 20th century: description of the sources (based on the material of Vologda governorate)……… 47
This paper deals with source studies of undercover personnel of provincial gendarmerie departments in the early 20th century exemplified by Vologda governorate. The author envisages structural peculiarities of paperwork at the political search orders of the Russian Empire. The article arrives at the conclusion that when working at the existing massive of historical sources the method of formalization should be used.
Keywords: Secret report, provincial gendarmerie department, Police Department, Special department, political search, district Department for Defense of Public Security and Order (Okhranka), undercover personnel, financial report.
Minkova K.V. (Saint Petersburg). Hanseatic League in the Russian and foreign historiography……… 52
Hanseatic League served as a subject matter for national and foreign historians from the 17th century. By now, many general and special papers are written on this topic, however, neither research cannot be recognized canonical. The paper considers base documents referred to the activity of Hanseatic League, as well the key works of the Russian and foreign authors on general history of the League and certain aspects thereof.
Keywords: Hanseatic League, historiography, trade, Sartorius, Dollinger.
Rakhimov R.N. (Ufa). “Double hostages”: officers of the General Staff during the Civil war in contemporary historiography……… 56
This paper analyzes the state of contemporary historiography of participation of the officers of General Staff in the Civil war, nature and peculiarities of discussions on this topic.
Keywords: Civil war, General Staff, historiography.
National history
Berdinskykh V.A. (Kirov). Gulag: the problems of economics (mini-monograph)……… 60
Professor V.A. Berdinskykh considers the key problems of establishment of ideology and practice of forced labor in Russia of the 20th century. The specifics of formation of global economic system in the country of 1920–1940s based on methods of exogenous compulsion is reviewed based on vast factual evidence.
Keywords: GULAG, forced convict labor, political repressions of Stalinism, consequences of Gulag economics.
Komissarov V.V. (Ivanovo). Soviet intelligentsia in 1960–1970s, and rethinking of social problems within the scope of science fiction……… 77
The paper considers peculiarities and typical features of the problems of the Soviet society reflected in science fiction, works of the leading authors of the genre are discussed. The reader’s attention is focused on the aspects such as devaluation of formal ideology, rethinking of tragic historical episodes, and estimation of the soviet political regime.
Keywords: Soviet intelligentsia, science fiction, imaginative writing, Soviet society.
Solkheim H. (Oslo, Norway). Problems of efficient performance of juvenile commissions during collapse of the USSR (1985–1996)……… 81
The article analyzes performance of the juveniles commissions, fulfilment of tasks for preventing homelessness in 1985–1996, i.e. during the period, which, in the author’s opinion, was the period of collapse of the USSR.
Keywords: Juveniles commissions, homelessness, juveniles commissions performances, juveniles on file, escapes.
Tsukanov I.P. (Kursk). Activity of the search movement in Russia aiming at immortalization of the people heroic deed during the Great Patriotic War……… 85
The article gives a review of legal framework allowing for immortalization of memory of the fallen during the Great Patriotic War. In particular, the activity of formations searching the fallen heroes of 1941–1945 is analyzed.
Keywords: Search movement in Russia, the Great Patriotic War, immortalization of memory, legal framework.
History of regions of russia
Martynenko A.V., Nadkin T.D. (Saransk). Ethno-political and confessional development in the post-Soviet Republic of Mordovia: achievements, problems, and prospects……… 89
This Article is dedicated to the analysis of development of ethno-political and ethno-confessional situation on the post-Soviet Republic of Moldova. Due to the dialogue established between the regional government and the ethnic groups (the Russians, Mordva, and Tatars) populating the republic, as well as to the development of inter-confessional cooperation, contemporary Mordovia is described by relative stability. However, in 1990- early 2010s, in Mordovia, the activity of a variety of extremist groups was observed, which by now remain thin, marginal, and do not have significant influence with the situation in the republic.
Keywords: The Republic of Mordovia, ethno-confessional development, power and confessions, political religious extremism, left radicals, nationalists, Salaphites, Satanists.
Tereshchenko D.A. (Kursk). Vocational school in the towns of the Russian province in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century……… 91
The investigation describes the establishment and development of vocational education in provincial towns of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th century, during the transition.
Keywords: Education, vocational education, professional personnel, vocational educational institutions, local government, municipal centers.
Zotova A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Financial support of industry of sieged Leningrad……… 93
Based on the archives, the article reviews funding the industries of sieged Leningrad. Activity of Leningrad enterprises Gosbank, Prombank, Selkhozbank, and Lencombank is assessed in terms of crediting industrial enterprises during siege. Great role of the city government authorities in funding enterprises and citizens is pointed out.
Keywords: Siege of Leningrad, industry, finances, budget, banks.
History of culture
Khudyakova N.D. (Saint Petersburg). Destiny of the Museum of Leningrad Defense and Siege……… 98
The article runs about the tragic destiny of the Museum of Leningrad Defense and Siege closed in 1953. The author shares his recollections of history of creation of the museum exposition and its employees’ devoted labor. Closing the museum as one of tragic pages in the history of the city is described.
Keywords: Museum of Leningrad Defense and Siege, Leningrad siege, Leningrad defense.
History of science and technology
Bochinin D.A. (Saint Petersburg). Success in the art of human flying woke up Russia……… 101
The article represents little-known materials about the first Russian Saint Petersburg Week of Aviation held in spring of 1910.
Keywords and phrases: The Week of Aviation, airplane, Imperial All-Russian Flying Club, Kolomyagi hippodrome, flier, N.E. Popov, aviators’ competitions.
History of foreing relations
Sexte Y.A. (Saint Petersburg). Anyalsk confederation of 1788: pages of history of the Russo-Swedish war of 1788–1790……… 107
This paper is devoted to Anyalsk confederation of 1788, which was created by the officers of Swedish Army in Finland in the period of the Russo-Swedish war of 1788–1790. According the author’s estimation, that was a dramatic episode in the history of conflict between the King of Sweden Gustav III and the noble opposition clamoring against the war with Russia and absolute royal power.
Keywords: Anyalsk confederation, separatists, Sejm, Savon Prikaati, riksdag, totalitarianism.
Military history
Benda V.N. (Saint Petersburg). Revisiting rise of military and engineering education in Russian in the early 18th century……… 111
The article runs about special Moscow Engineering School founded on January 16, 1712. Historiography has inaccuracies, disputable statements, and erroneous provisions. Based on the collected materials and archives, the author traces milestones in the history of establishment and development of Moscow Engineering School, which allows for confirmation or calling into question some of conclusions and suggestions of other research workers in previously published papers.
Keywords: 18th century, Peter the I, 1701, 1712, MoscowArtillerySchool, MoscowEngineeringSchool.
Historical characters
Gavrilina N.A. (Tula). Contribution of Prokofiy Akinfievich Demidov to the development of science and education in Russia in the 17th century……… 118
The article is dedicated to one of the representatives of the renowned Demidovs’ family – Prokofiy Akinfievich Demidov. Monetary contributions, submitting science collections, mineralogy room – all this testifies to P.A. Demidov’s charitable activity. Natural science collections is one of significant forms of scientific work of P.A. Demidov. Live plants in his gardens – in Solikamsk, Tula, Moscow – were of the heist value.
Keywords: Charity in science and education, scientific relations, scientific societies.
Pavlov V.E. (Saint Petersburg). Celebrated graduate of the Institute of railway engineers……… 120
The article is devoted to the history of activity of the railway engineer N.A. Belelyubsky, one of the founders of the first in Russia Mechanical laboratory testing constructional materials for strength, unrivaled bridge builder, pioneer in using reinforced concrete in production of bridge structures, and upper railway structure, theoretic and practical worker, world famous specialist in engineering. The article gives information about Belelyubsky’s teachers, inner circle, companions and followers, about creative heritage of the engineer and scientist.
Keywords: N.A. Belelyubsky, engineer, pioneering explorer, the Institute of railway engineers, Mechanical laboratory.
Kesamanly F.P. (Saint Petersburg). Stories about three times Heroes of socialist labor……… 123
The publication is devoted to the 75th anniversary of publication of the Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Soviet of the USSR on establishment (December 27, 1938) and conferred for the first time (December 20, 1939) the title of Hero of socialist labor. It provides dates of establishment and conferment of the title of Hero of socialist labor, twice and three times Hero of socialist labor, the list of all 16 three times Heroes of socialist labor, as well as biographies of members of the Academy I.V. Kurchatov, Y.B. Khariton, A.P. Alexandrov, and publications of stories about them collected by the author.
Keywords: Heroes of socialist labor, stories, Kurchatov, Khariton, Alexandrov
Toktonyazova F.M. (Moscow). Public figures S.A. Rachinsky and O.A. Novikova in struggle against drink and alcohol abuse……… 127
The article investigates the history of struggle of public figures S.A. Rachinsky and O.A. Novikova against drink and alcohol abuse. This problem gained special sharpness in the 19th century, with large-scale modernization destroying traditional style of life, thus converting the said behavioral addictions into the mass public phenomenon. The first non-state temperance societies played a significant role in struggling against this phenomenon.
Keywords:S.A. Rachinsky, O.A. Novikova, I.A. Sikorsky, M.D. Chelyshev, struggle against drink and alcohol abuse, temperance societies in Russia.
Sobolev V.S (Saint Petersburg). To the 290th anniversary of the RussianAcademy of Sciences. The first Russian academician professor Jacob German……… 131
On January 28, 1724, the Emperor Peter the Great signed the decree of the establishment of Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The famous Swiss mathematician Jacob German became its first full member. Over five years, the scientist successfully carried out research and teaching activity within the walls of the Academy of Sciences. His activity results not only got fame and authority to the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, but also became a weighty contribution to the development of the world science.
Keywords: Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the first Russian members of the Academy, mathematician Jacob German, development of national science, history of science and culture.
It will be history tomorrow
Makhova A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Evolution of ideology of the French National Front after the shift of the leader. Presidential program of Marine Le Pen……… 134
This paper analyzes the ideology of the new leader of the French National Front – Marine Le Pen. The author traces evolution of the party after the power shift. Opinions of the former and present leaders of the National Front are compared, general and specific ideological features are outlined. Social-political and economic conditions existing at present in France are reviewed.
Keywords: Euroscepticism, immigration, Islamisation, national identity, right radicalism.
Scientific discussion
Gerasimova S.A. (Tver). Showing of military actions in the area of Rzhev-Vyazma Salient in the new fundamental work on history of war, and the problems of availability of documentary sources of study: concealed history……… 140
The article reviews showing of military actions in Rzhev-Vyazma Salient in the third volume of the fundamental twelve-volume research into the history of the Great Patriotic War, possible reasons for secrecy of facts from the history of “Rzhev” operations are specified, opposite procedures in organization of availability of archive documentary sources on the history of war are marked out.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Rzhev-Vyazma Salient, new research into the history of war.
Ageev N.V., Vinichenko M.V., Saxonov O.V. (Moscow). Keen desire not supported with comprehensive investigation……… 146
This article considers the provisions of S.A. Gerasimova’s publication “Showing of military actions in Rzhev-Vyazma Salient in the new fundamental work on the history of war, and the problems of availability of documentary sources of study: concealed history” about events that took place on the Rzhev-Vyazma direction set forth in the third volume of the fundamental twelve-volume research “Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945”.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Moscow battle, Rzhev-Sychev operation, operation “Mars”, S.A. Gerasimova.
Scientific publication reviews
Somov V.A. (Nizhny Novgorod). Establishment of the tradition of the Kremlin receptions during the Stalin era……… 148
The article represents a review of the Russian historian V.A. Nevezhin monograph “Josef Stalin’s Feasts. Great Kremlin Receptions”. According to the reviewer’s opinion, “works similar to the monograph acquire a special importance. Their rise provides a formula for adequate attitude of the society to its history”.
Keywords: V.A. Nevezhin, J.V. Stalin, Stalin era, Kremlin, gala receptions.
Izmozic V.S. (Saint Petersburg). The Russian censorship: the past and the present……… 150
The review investigates three editions of collections “Censorship in Russia: history and modern times”. A wide circle of authors, versatile topics of the articles, and high scientific level of the same is pointed out.
Keywords: Censorship, information society, publications, bibliography, reference materials.
Ganelin R.Sh. (Saint Petersburg). Review of A.S. Puchenkov’s monograph “Ukraine and Crimea in 1918 – early 1919. Political historical sketches”……… 152
Review by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science, Professor R.Sh. Ganelin is prepared for the book “Ukraine and Crimea in 1918 – early 1919: Political historical sketches” by the associate professor of Saint Petersburg Institute of History, candidate of historical sciences A.S. Puchenkov, which caused a massive interest both in experts and in readers interesting in history. The reviewer justly draws attention to the urgent character of the research, and vast source database.
Keywords: A.S. Puchenkov, Civil war, Ukraine, Crimea, 1918–1919.
Frolov M.I. (Saint Petersburg). A citizen of sieged Leningrad, naval historian, teacher……… 154
The article traces the life journey and scientific work of the Doctor of Historical Sciences I.M. Kuzinets. The scientist’s merits in study of the history of the Soviet Armed Forces and of the history of the Great Patriotic War are highly appreciated.
Keywords: I.M. Kuzinets, history of Navy, history of the Great Patriotic War, history of Siege of Leningrad.