Actual interview
Modern terrorism as a neo-paganism: interview of A.S. Gogun with a Professor of the University named after Ban-Ilan (Ramat-Gan, Israel) A. Geyfman………. 3
In the interview, which was given by Israel Professor Anna Geyfman to the journal for scientists «Clio», the relationship of modern terrorist actions with a history of terrorism is traced. А. Geyfman considers in them not only a result of contact between the traditional and urban societies, but the revolt of the archaic nature of paganism against monotheism.
Key words: terrorism, terrorist attack in Boston, А. Gaiman, V.М. Chernov, socialist-revolutionaries.
Theoretical issues
Melnik М.G. (Saint-Petersburg). The influence of the ideas of J.J. Rousseau about equality, freedom and civil society on development of socio-political thought………. 9
In the article analyses the ideas of the outstanding thinker of the French Enlightenment of the eighteenth century J.J. Rousseau, whose views have essentially affected on the socio-political thought not only of his time, but also of the future. The author analyzed the philosophical-political treatises Rousseau: «Discourse on the origin and grounds of inequality between people» (1755) and «On the social contract» (1762).
Key words: J.J. Rousseau, equality, freedom, human rights, man, power, contract, coercion, democracy, opinion, citizens, society.
Document is published for the first time
Denisova М.P. (Saint-Petersburg). Documents on the history of activity of Ya.V. Zakharzhevsky on a post of the General Manager of Tsarskoe Selo (1817–1865)………. 14
The article deals with the sources on the history of activity of Ya.V. Zakharzhevsky on a post of the General Manager of Tsarskoe Selo, identified in the Russian state historical archive. Identified one of the most recent official lists of Ya.V. Zakharzhevsky, allowed not only to clarify some questions of his biography, but also to restore the complete list of his awards.
Key words: sources, archival funds, Tsarskoye Selo, Ya.V. Zakharzhevsky, management.
Diaries, memoirs
Chetverikov B.D. (Saint-Petersburg). «Stezhky-dorozhky» (The pathways) (continuation)………. 18
The autobiographical novel by B.D. Chetverikov tells us about the writer’s life that can be called «the outline» of the history of our country in the 20th century.
Key words: B.D. Chetverikov, Russia in the XX century, creative intelligentsia.
Source study
Burdega Т.V. (Lviv, Ukraine). The print of moskvofilsky movement in East Galicia 1900–1905: periodization, structure………. 27
In the article analyzes the structure and periodization of moskvofilsky print (first period – 1900–1908; second – 1908–1914; third – 1914–1915) of East Galicia in 1900–1915. The author analyzed the publications that make up the structure of moskvofilsky print. Among them there are «Galician», «Russian word», «Russian Rada», «Subcarpathian Rus», «The voice of the people», «The voice of labour», «New life», «Russkaya Volya», «Live thought», «Nationalist», «Strakhopud», «Wreath», «Ambassador».
Key words: East Galicia, moskvofils, Russian people’s party, Russian national organization, «Galician», «Russian word», «Subcarpathian Rus», «The voice of the people».
Mikheeva G.V. (Saint-Petersburg). Recommended bibliographic periodicals in Russia in the first post-revolutionary fifth anniversary (1917–1921)………. 31
The focus of recommendatory bibliographic periodicals in 1917–1921 were pressing issues of the life of the country: questions about power, about the Constituent Assembly, about the attitude towards the war, about land. Propaganda of the current literature was carried out in accordance with a political platform, which adhered to the editors of these journals.
Key words: Recommended bibliographic periodicals, recommended bibliography, history of Russian bibliography in Russia in 1917–1921.
Nalivkin L.А., Filatova Т.V. (Saint-Petersburg). Moscow and Petersburg Newspapers on NATO membership of the Baltic countries………. 34
The publication provides excerpts from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg periodicals reflecting the opinions of the military, politicians, officials and other figures to the accession of the Baltic States in NATO.
Key words: NATO, The Baltic States, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the expansion of NATO on the East.
Zotova А.V. (Saint-Petersburg). Historiography of the economic and financial life of Leningrad (1941–1945)………. 38
In the article analyzes the main trends in the development of historiography devoted to the economic and financial life of Leningrad in 1941–1945. It is noted that historiography began in 1941, and currently there is an activation of research of the problem.
Key words: The great Patriotic war, the siege of Leningrad, Economics, finances, 1941–1945.
General history
Stasevich V.А. (Saint-Petersburg). Titled nobility in the structure of magistrates at Henry VII………. 48
The article is devoted to the problems connected with the policy of king Henry VII prescription-titled aristocracy in the composition of the justices of the peace, and first of all the issues about the extent to which such appointment was combined with the ownership of land within the relevant territory.
Key words:England, titled nobility, aristocracy, elite, Henry VII, the state apparatus, justices of the peace, prosopography.
Kostyuk R.V. (Saint-Petersburg). Revolutionary reformism in French: to the question about the political doctrine of the SFIO in 1920………. 53
The article analyzed the ideology and party doctrine of the SFIO of the leading left-wing party of France in 1920s. Special attention is devoted to approaches of the French socialists to the revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the class struggle. The article gives General characteristics of the strategy of the revolutionary reformism, which in 20-th years of the XX century was followed by France’s socialists.
Key words: SFIO, politics, revolution, reforms, socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, party.
Volkovsky N.L., Glazyrin А.Е. (Saint-Petersburg). Information and communication construction of national identities of «ours» and «theirs» in the period of Serbo-Croatian conflict in 1990–1995 (on the example of QMS Croatia)………. 59
Based on the analysis of mass media, the authors examine the role of the QMS in the disintegration of the Yugoslav Federation in 1990–1995 and in the subsequent development of the interethnic conflict.
Key words: aggression, genocide, geopolitics, journalist, identity, information, conflict, nationalism, isolation, image, self-determination, consciousness, terrorism, ethnicity.
National history
Gavrilina N.А. (Tula). Charity in Ancient Russia………. 69
The article is devoted to the problems of charity in Ancient Russia. Charity appeared in the country with the introduction of Christianity. The care of the public concern entrusted to the clergy. During the reign of Vladimir the Saint were established College to teach noble children, people of average condition and the needy. Prince Vladimir the Saint laid the Foundation of public care.
Key words: charity, Ancient Russia, support to the poor.
Pashin V.P. (Kursk). The nomenclature of the 1920s and privileges: fact or fiction?………. 71
In the article on the basis of archival materials, taken from the funds of the state archives, reveals the mechanism of establishing, strengthening and systematizing the privileges of party nomenclature in 1920s. Comparison of levels of nomenclature workers and ordinary citizens life is given.
Key words: the nomenclature, the responsible worker, privileges, the level of life.
The past of Russian regions
Biryukov S.N. (Pogar, Bryansk region). Mandates and elections of deputies to the Commission on the drafting of a «New Code» of 1767, as the reflection of socio-economic contradictions between citizens of Starodubye………. 74
The article considers the events, which took place in cities of Starodubye during elections to the Commission on the drafting of a «New Code» of 1767. Analysis of «Nakazy» (orders), composed by citizens of Starodubye and Pogar, indicates the deteriorating of socio-economic and political contradictions among the various strata of urban population. Conflicts between nobility, burgers and urban Cossacks took place in the conditions of increasing the incorporation process in the cities of Starodubye in the socio-economic system of the Russian Empire.
Key words: commoners, deputy, town head, szlachta, urban Cossacks, «Nakazy» (orders).
Hodanovich V.I. (Saint-Petersburg). «Mystery» of Molvinskaya column………. 77
On the basis of archival documents the fate of Molvinskaya column – six-meter granite pillar marking the border of the city of Saint-Petersburg – is traced.
Key words: Molvinskaya column, city boundaries of Saint-Petersburg, О. Montferrand, М.А. Miloradovich, Ekateringof, St. Isaac’s Cathedral.
Kononova Т.L. (Кursk). Regional peculiarities of formation and development of librarianship in the Central black earth region in the second half of XIX – early XX century (according to the materials of Kursk province)………. 81
The article considers the formation and development of the libraries of educational institutions, local self-government national and public libraries in Kursk province in the second half of XIX – early XX century. The article analyses the means of their maintenance, founders, the composition of funds, rules of use. Attention to the regional specifics of librarianship is paid. It consisted in a variety of types of libraries, and the broad participation of the Zemstvo, social and professional organizations, industrial enterprises in the formation of the library network.
Key words: County library, Kursk province, reading room, public library, book fund, library science.
Potapova N.V. (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). Development of the Baptist movement in Siberia and the Far East of Russia in the conditions of Religious policy of the government of A.V. Kolchak (autumn 1918–1919)………. 85
The article investigates the activities of the Baptist communities in Siberia and far East in conditions of religious policy of the government of A.V. Kolchak. The author clarifies the facts from biographies of the leaders of the Siberian and far Eastern Baptists: R.А. Fetler, E.V. Olson, Ya.Ya. Vince.
Key words: Civil war, intervention, Siberia, the Far East, Baptist, religious politics.
Kulachkov V.V. (Bryansk). The spread of education and literacy among the peasant population of Western region of Russia in the 1920s………. 90
The article is devoted to the spread of education and literacy among the peasant population of Western region of Russia in the 1920s. However, financial problems, and often dismissive attitude of officials had not contributed to the achievement of optimal results in this work.
Key words: the peasantry, the West region, education, literacy, books, Newspapers, voluntary assistance.
Kokoulin V.G. (Novosibirsk). Higher education in Siberia (1920–1929)………. 93
The article considers the history of the development and reform of higher education in Siberia in the period of war communism and the new economic policy. The author used the archival documents of the funds of the Siberian and the provincial education departments, as well as materials from periodicals. The article shows the direction, mechanisms and results of development of higher education in Siberia, the financial situation of the teaching staff and students, controversial processes of reforming of higher education, as well as the reaction of the students and teachers on these processes.
Key words: higher education, University of Tomsk, Irkutsk University, teaching staff, Siberia.
Balabko Т.V. (Saint-Petersburg). To the question about the role of landscape sections of the Museum of the City in the development of «green building» in Petrograd-Leningrad in 1920–1930………. 101
1920–1930 – an important stage in the landscaping of cities. In these conditions a special role in Petrograd-Leningrad had a landscape section of the Museum of the City. Scientific development of its employees V.Ya. Kurbatov, P.V. KovalskayaIlyina, N.S. Veysberg and Е.А. Polyakova made an invaluable contribution to the study and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the green Fund of Leningrad.
Key words: «green building», the Museum of the City, V.Ya. Kurbatov, Е.А. Polyakova, P.V. KovalskayaIlyina, N.S. Veysberg, landscaping, gardening of cities. .
Cilibina Т.V. (Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region). The economic activity of the Arkhangelsk correctional labor colony № 1 in 1930–1950-s………. 104
The article analyzes the economic activity of the Arkhangelsk correctional labor colony № 1 in 1930–1950s. The author focuses on aspects such as main directions and results of economic activities, the organisation of work.
Key words: correctional labor colony, prisoners, forced labor, economic activity, production profile, forestry, woodworking.
Military history
Kochegarov S.А. (Arkhangelsk). Allied interaction of the armed forces of bourgeois Estonia and white Northwest corps during the attack on Petrograd in May-June, 1919………. 107
The article deals with one of the most important aspects of the armed conflict in North-West Russia in May-June 1919 – interaction of troops of young Estonian Republic and the Russian white troops of the North building. In the article the documents of the State archives of Estonia (Eesti Riigi arhiiv), as well as modern Estonian historiography are used.
Key words: The civil war, the Republic of Estonia, the North-West building, Y. Laidoner.
History of culture
Kubanova Т.А. (Saint-Petersburg). The history and peculiarities of the artistic space of Komsomolsk-on-Amur………. 113
The article analyzes the history and specifics of formation of fine arts in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the 1930s, from the first years of its construction. Its components were the Ukrainian and Russian realistic school, and folk ornamental art of the Tungus-Manchu.
Key words: Far East, art, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, artist, Manchu-Tungus.
Historical characters
Solodkin Ya.G. (Nizhnevartovsk). Whether Cherkas Alexandrov ally of Ermak? (the history of Siberian Chronicles of XVII)………. 118
Contrary to the opinion of a number of researchers, Pogodinsky chronicler should not be attributed to the Cherkas (Ivan) Alexandrov, as the three news about him in this «Story» are recent additions, moreover, the first of them was made in the text of the secondary varieties of Esipovsky chronicle hardly to the place. This makes not to think that Cherkas was in a circle of companions of Ermak.
Key words: Siberian Chronicles of the XVII century, Cherkas (Ivan) Alexandrov, Pogodinsky chronicler, «Short description of the Siberian land …», expedition of Ermak..
Ivanov А.А. (Irkutsk). The first exile of Lev Trotsky………. 120
The article is devoted to exile of L.D. Trotsky in Irkutsk province in 1900–1902. The article shows the process of the formation of Trotsky-politician, demonstrates mastering of Marxist doctrine by him, his work as a correspondent of the newspaper «the Eastern review». Bright polemical article of Trotsky, as well as a report, which he had read in Irkutsk, identified him from among of the ordinary exiles, brought him to the attention of the Siberian social-Democrats, that played a decisive role in his political career: Trotsky was escaped and got a place in the edition of Lenin’s «Iskra».
Key words: a political exile, Irkutsk region, Siberia, the social Democrats, the revolutionary movement.
Minnikova Т.N. (Saint-Petersburg). Military history as a basis for the formation of Patriotic feelings in the modern Russian society………. 128
The publication represents a response to the article of Professor V.A. Zolotarev, «On the issues of reforming the Armed forces», published in the journal for scientists «Clio» (2013. № 3. P. 123–133). According to the author, Russian historians «have something to defend, protect, what to believe and where to develop».
Key words: the journal for scientists «Clio», V.A. Zolotarev, military history, reform of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation..
Belozerov B.P., Gacalov R.R. (Saint-Petersburg). Health of the nation and its legal protection in the contemporary Russian history………. 130
The article presents the analysis of the state of health in the Russian Federation over the last decade. The consequences of destructive government policies of the 1990s , aimed at departure from the budget financing of health care, and transfer it on a commercial basis, led to adverse consequences associated with the drastic reduction in numbers of indigenous population of the country and a threat to national independence of the Russian state.
Key words: health of the nation, orphan’s money, honest investing, normative-legal base, Russian gene pool, the national project.
Will be history tomorrow
Volgin Е.I. (Moscow). Electoral reform of 1993: a new stage of Russian party genesis………. 136
The focus of the article – electoral reform of 1993. The author examines the influence of the new electoral legislation on the process of establishment and development of new political parties in Russia.
Key words: The Constitution, elections, electoral laws, political party, electoral reform of 1993.
Makhova А.V. (Saint-Petersburg). European multiculturalism and the reasons for its collapse………. 142
The article is devoted to the study of multiculturalism in Europe. The author analyzes the reasons for the failure of this policy and its negative consequences. For creation an objective picture the author analyzes the policy of assimilation or «melting pot», which is a kind of antithesis of the policy of multiculturalism.
Key words: multiculturalism, immigration, assimilation, national identity, Islam, «color racism».
Makarova М.N., Vakhrushev R.V. (Izhevsk). The problem of corruption in higher education: the view of students………. 145
The article presents the results of a sociological poll of students, aimed to identifying their attitude to corruption in the system of higher education. Identified factors of corruption, the main directions of University anti-corruption policy.
Key words: corruption, higher education, students, anti-corruption policy.
Reviews of official opponents
Kabytov P.S. (Samara). A review of A.I. Denisov dissertation «Culture of the peasant’s everyday life of the 1920s (on the materials of the TASSR)………. 150
In the review a high estimation to the dissertation research of D.V. Davydov is given. His , the dissertation is devoted to the study of the history of everyday life of peasant culture in the 1920s on the territory of the Tatar Autonomous SSR.
Key words: P.S. Kabytov, D.V. Davydov, culture of the peasantry, 1920s, Tatar Autonomous SSR.
Scientific life
Forthcoming scientific conferences
XXXIV International scientific conference «Fashion as a reflection of the psychology of its time»………. 152
On the scientific work of Professor V.S. Volkov………. 153