Klio #07 (211) 2024

Wang Junqi (Moscow). Attempt to reform the Chinese Empire in 1898 (“One Hundred Days of Reform” in the eyes of Russian and British contemporaries through the prism of analysis of the level of international structure)

postgraduate student of the department of regional
problems of world politics; Faculty of World Politics,
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1
e-mail: gabriel_wong@163.com

Abstract. In 1898, Chinese society faced a huge crisis. Against this historical backdrop, the Chinese Emperor Guangxu appointed a number of young officials and began a process of reform. Unfortunately, this reform lasted just over three months. This failed reform also attracted the attention of Western powers. Some media reports from the British and Russian Empires expressed differing views on the Hundred Days of Reform. This article describes the origin, process and results of the Hundred Days of Reform in the Qing Empire. In addition, this article describes and analyzes the reasons for the different attitudes and approaches of the British Empire and the Russian Empire to the Hundred Days of Reform in the context of the international situation in the Far East at the end of the 19th century. The article applies the lens of international structure level analysis and provides a detailed explanation based on the international picture of the Far East in the late 19th century, the domestic traditions of Great Britain and Russia, specific reform measures, and the personalities of the leaders of China, Great Britain, and Russia.
Keywords: Hundred Days of Reform, Great Game, Qing Empire, Emperor Guangxu, Empress Dowager Cixi

Makurin A.I., Utimishev R.F. (Tyumen). The Image of Revolutionary Yekaterinburg in the Travelogues of K. Ackerman and F. McCullagh

Candidate of Historical Sciences
Senior Researcher,
Tyumen State University
625003, Tyumen, Volodarsky Street, 6
e-mail: aimdif@yandex.ru

Laboratory assistant-researcher of,
Tyumen State University,
625003, Tyumen, Volodarsky Street, 6
e-mail: r.utimishev@yandex.ru

Abstract. Based on the analysis of travelogues by two English-speaking authors, the article provides a comparative study of the image of Yekaterinburg during the Russian Civil War. One travelogue was written by F. McCullagh, an officer of the British military mission in Russia, who actually acted as a journalist. The other travelogue belongs to the famous American journalist K. Ackerman, who became famous for his anti-Bolshevik publications in the American press. The murder of Nicholas II and his family put this city in the center of attention of the world community. In addition, the capital of the Urals found itself on the front lines during the confrontation between the Reds and the Whites, and power in the city changed several times. Due to these circumstances, the attention of foreign journalists was riveted to Yekaterinburg. Great Britain and the USA, which supported the troops of A.V. Kolchak, were interested in obtaining objective information about the state of affairs in his army and the rear. Thus, many were interested in receiving information, first of all, from Yekaterinburg. The request for information from revolutionary Russia also arose in the public environment, due to which the importance of receiving first-hand information increased.
Keywords: Yekaterinburg, Civil War, F. McCullagh, K. Ackerman, travelogues, foreign journalists

Solomakha E.N., Ryabinina D.G. (Nizhny Novgorod). Labor L.N. Gumilev “Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of the earth” as a historiographical fact and historiographical source

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Russia and auxiliary historical disciplines Minin State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod
603005, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin Square, 7
e-mail: elenasolomakha@yandex.ru

student of the Faculty of Natural Geography, Minin State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod
603005, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin Square, 7
e-mail: darya.ryabinina.18@bk.ru

Abstract. The article examines the concept of a major representative of the civilizational approach in history L.N. Gumilyov. An analysis of his work “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth” is carried out as a historiographical fact. In this regard, the theoretical question of determining a historiographical fact is considered. The classic definition of a historiographic fact as a historian’s concept was developed by historiographic science back in the middle of the last century, by the Soviet historiographer N.L. Rubinstein. Analyzing the content and terminology of L.N.’s work. Gumilyov’s “Ethnogenesis and Biosphere of the Earth”, the author shows that this work really became the pinnacle of L.N.’s creative growth. Gumilyov. It is in this work that the formation of L.N.’s scientific worldview is reflected. Gumilyov, and that it is in “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth” that the author’s historical concept of the scientist is embodied, first of all, on the basis of which we can judge his personal contribution to the development of historical thought. The definition of a historiographic source is also taken in its classical sense, although the results of scientific discussions of the second half of the twentieth century are not missed, but are presented in the analysis of the very approach to the problem of considering L.N. Gumilyov’s work as a historiographical source. We emphasize that the concepts of historiographical fact and source are connected, can be differentiated, and are presented in interaction with each other. depending on research goals.
Keywords: L.N. Gumilev, historiographical fact, historiographical source, historical concept, ethnogenesis, theory of passionarity, civilizational approach, ethnicity, connection between history and geography

Savchenko D.Ye. (St. Petersburg). The main problems of the Soviet-Polish War of 1919-1921 in modern Polish historiography 32

Bembeeva V.G., Boskhomdzhiev V.A., Ulanov O.V., Tsymbalova K.A. (Elista). Pechenegs and Cumans in the history of Ancient Rus’ (on the issue of modern historiography)

Bachelor, Department of IRDA, Faculty of Humanities,
Kalmyk State University named after. B.B. Gorodovikov,
358011, Russian Federation, Elista, st. Pushkina, 11
e-mail: valeriabembeeva5@ gmail.com

Bachelor, Department of IRDA, Faculty of Humanities,
Kalmyk State University named after. B.B. Gorodovikov,
358011, Russian Federation, Elista, st. Pushkina, 11
e-mail: boshomjievv@gmail.com

Bachelor, Department of IRDA, Faculty of Humanities,
Kalmyk State University named after. B.B. Gorodovikov,
358011, Russian Federation, Elista, st. Pushkina, 11
e-mail: ulanov.ochir123@gmail.com

Bachelor, Department of IRDA, Faculty of Humanities,
Kalmyk State University named after. B.B. Gorodovikov,
358011, Russian Federation, Elista, st. Pushkina, 11
e-mail: romanovaksenia088@gmail.com

Abstract. This article examines issues related to the history of the nomadic tribes of Eastern Europe who lived on the territory of modern Russia (the steppe south of our country) at the turn of the first and second millennium AD. Among the many nomadic tribes, well-known Turkic tribes were chosen that played an important role in the ethnogenesis of modern Turkic peoples – the Pechenegs (Kangars, Badjanaks, Bechenes, Kengeres). At the beginning of the article, the relevance of the study is shown and a brief description of these nomadic Turkic tribes is given, which made serious changes in the foreign policy vector of many states and peoples of Eastern Europe, including Ancient Rus’. Due to the breadth of the problem of historiography of the history of the Pechenegs on the territory of our country, the authors took as a basis the analysis of only modern works of historians, archaeologists, medievalists, nomadologists and Turkologists. At the end of the work, the authors came to conclusions. Thus, it was concluded that in modern historiography not much research has been published on the more than two hundred-year history of the Pechenegs on the territory of our country. The main drawback of most works can be called their generalizing nature for all nomadic tribes (in addition to the Pechenegs, Cumans, Khazars, Torquays, Bulgars, etc.) that were on the territory of modern Russia. In this regard, they often wrote about the Pechenegs indirectly, fragmentarily, sometimes devoting chapters to them. We can only highlight the work of M.V. Kiseleva, in which an attempt was made to comprehensively consider the problem of the history of the Pechenegs. In this regard, the problem we are studying requires further research and is in dire need of fundamental works.
Keywords: pechenegs, nomads, tribes, sources, authors, work

Kashina E.V. (Khabarovsk). The formation and development of Australia’s Foreign Policy in the 1920–1930s: historiographical approaches and researches

Pacific national University
680042, Khabarovsk, st. Pacific, 136
e-mail: 011133@pnu.edu.ru

Abstract. After the First World War, Australia underwent a revision of international priorities, expressed in the confrontation between the traditional feelling oneself as part of The British Empire and the national identity’s growth. These processes are reflected in historiography. Moreover, the question about the beginning of independent Australian foreign policy remains controversial among the Russian and foreign historians.

The article is devoted to the main historiographical approaches to the history of the Australian foreign policy. The author presents historiographical periodization and historiographical approaches’ classification of the history of Australian foreign policy, focusing on the 1920s-1930s.

The author analyzes the main historians’ views. There’s an overview of the most significant researches on the history of the Australia’s foreign policy development, as well as diplomatic and economic relations is provided.
Keywords: foreign policy of the Australian Union; foreign historiography, domestic historiography, imperial traditionalism, Australian-British dualism, left-wing nationalism, foreign policy progress

Luniashin S.D. (Moscow). The competencies and activities of the Austrian Aulic War Council in the first years after establishment (1556-1558)

assistant, postgraduate, Department of History of the Middle Ages, History Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4
e-mail: slunyashin@narod.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of responsibilities of the Austrian Aulic War Council (Hofkriegsrat) and its activities in the first two years after its creation (1557-1558) in connection to the problem of “absolutist state”, as well as the place of this department in the system of court government of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy are studied. The sources are the Aulic War Council protocol records of documents received and sent, information from which is compared with the “Instruction” of Ferdinand I. dated November 17, 1556, according to which the Hofkriegsrat was established. An important element of the work is the classification of records by their topic, author and geography of correspondence. As a result of the study, the main functions of the Hofkriegsrat during the period under review were determined: coordinating the supply of troops in Hungary, informing the king and partially, in coordination with other bodies, resolving issues of salaries to troops and commanders. The gradual development of a network of correspondents in 1557-1558 was traced. By summarizing the geography of the correspondence, a centralizing moment in relation to various composites in the activities of the Hofkriegsrat has been identified. Further study of the relationship between the Aulic War Council, Aulic Chamber and Hungarian Estates seems promising for understanding the role of the military factor in the transformation of the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy into a Modern state.
Keywords: military history, 16th century, Austria, Hungary, Habsburgs, absolutist state, the machinery of government, Ottoman-Habsburg wars

Manykin A.S., Soloviev S.V., Rodin D.V. (Moscow). The W. Clinton administration and discussions in the US Congress on the issue of withdrawal from the ABM Treaty

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119992, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, bldg. 4, Faculty of History, Moscow State University
e-mail: enigma9307@mail.ru

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Space Flight Control, Faculty of Space Research, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, building 52, 2nd academic building, Faculty of Space Research
e-mail: sergey.soloviev@scsc.ru

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher at the Laboratory of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119992, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, bldg. 4, Faculty of History, Moscow State University
e-mail: KuratorMSU@yandex.ru

Abstract. The necessity to continue the participation of the United States in the ABM Treaty of 1972 was actively discussed in the US Congress throughout the 1990s. Republicans, convinced of the primacy of force in international relations, sought to consolidate Washington’s dominance in the post-bipolar world by abandoning restrictive agreements and creating a missile defense system designed to project US power to the rest of the world. Congressmen and senators from the Republican Party justified this course with the emergence of new threats from “rogue countries” and international terrorism, capable of developing or otherwise obtaining missile technology in a short time and striking at American territory. In turn, the Democrats advocated for preserving the ABM Treaty and curtailing programs to create a national missile defense system (NMD). This position was explained by the desire to reduce US military spending and prevent a deterioration in relations with Russia, that was preparing to ratify the START II agreement. Due to the growing popularity of the Republicans, who exploited the fears of American citizens about new threats and gained dominance in both houses of Congress, the W. Clinton administration was forced to make concessions on the creation of NMD, thereby preparing the withdrawal of the United States from the ABM Treaty under President G.W. Bush in 2002.
Keywords: USA, W. Clinton, United States Congress, Anti-ballistic missile, ABM Treaty, international relations, postbipolar world, hegemony

Drozdov D.S. (Saratov). The evolution of the U.S. sanctions program against the DPRK after 2006

postgraduate student 2 years of study, Institute of International Relations and International Relations,
SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
410012, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya st., 83
e-mail: droz.99@mail.ru

Abstract. The article examines the evolution of the United States’ sanctions against North Korea following the DPRK’s first nuclear test. It highlights the nonlinear process of tightening sanctions and the existence of alternative methods for de-escalating the situation on the Korean Peninsula. An analysis of the goals and objectives of the sanctions is provided, along with an evaluation of their outcomes. The study includes an assessment of the political, economic, and diplomatic consequences of the sanctions, as well as their impact on international relations and regional security. Key factors determining the effectiveness of the sanctions are identified, and recommendations for future strategies aimed at stabilizing the situation and preventing further conflict escalation are proposed. The advantages of dialogue and the pursuit of peaceful conflict resolution as alternatives to sanction pressure are also considered.
Keywords: DPRK, USA, sanctions, US-North Korean relations, nuclear program

Naumov A.O., Afanasyeva M.A. (Moscow). “Dialogue of Civilizations” as a resource of “soft power” of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, School of Public Administration, Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems
119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect 27, building 4
e-mail: naumovao@my.msu.ru

Post-graduate student of the 2nd year of study,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, School of Public Administration, Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems
119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect 27, building 4
e-mail: mafanaseva757@gmail.com

Abstract. Since the end of the XXth century, there have been objective prerequisites for the transformation of world civilization, which had developed up to that time under the influence of the global dominance of Western liberal capitalist ideology, towards increasing the importance of intercultural pluralism. At the same time, there is a reassessment of the methods and tools of force used by countries to increase their influence or maintain competitiveness in international relations. In the context of the political and ideological activity of different countries, the concept of soft power by J. Nye. It represents an alternative to harsh military methods due to material power, the use of which only leads to an increase in inter-country contradictions. In this regard, the historical retrospective of the use and interpretation of the concept of the “Dialogue of civilizations” by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, M. Khatami, as a resource of Iran’s soft power and the basis for the formation of a constructive dialogue between Islamic and Western cultures is of research interest. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the periodic aggravation of Iran’s relations with the United States and its allies. The article identifies the prerequisites for updating the content of the foreign policy doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran in relation to the countries of Western civilization with an assessment of the reaction of the international community, and describes the mechanisms for the practical implementation of the concept of “Dialogue of civilizations”.
Keywords: Islamic Republic of Iran, the concept of “Dialogue of civilizations”, Khatami, soft power, public diplomacy

Izmaylova A.N. (Krasnodar). The Olympic factor in the domestic and foreign policy of the PRC

Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Oriental Studies
Kuban State University
350040, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya st., 149,
E-mail: izmaylova_nast@mail.ru

Abstract. Currently, the Asia-Pacific region is attracting increasing attention from the international community. The Olympic movement is one of the factors of “soft power” – the most important component of the modern political course of the countries. In the 21st century, the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and the 2022 Winter Olympic Games were held in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which became large-scale events in both the political and diplomatic spheres. In this study we will consider the goals and results of China’s domestic and foreign policy in the context of the Olympic movement, using the example of the 2008 and 2022 Olympics in Beijing. In both cases, the Games became a platform for presenting the achievements of the country. The key goals of the Chinese government in organizing the Games were to create an attractive image of the state, demonstrate the symbiosis of European and traditional Asian values (for example, Confucian values were expressed in the mascots of the Games), expand trade and economic ties and “revive” China’s status as a leading power in the region. The mentioned provisions have been achieved to one degree or another and had a positive impact on the PRC.
Keywords: PRC, Olympic movement, “soft power”, Confucianism, international relations

Chernyy V.D. (Moscow). Foreigners about music and musical instruments in Muscovy: peculiarities of perception

Professor, Department of History of Russian Art, RGGU,
Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor Russian State University for the Humanities,
6 Miusskaya sq., Moscow, Russia, GSP-3, 125993,
e-mail: tchernie@rambler.ru

Abstract. The article analyzes the evidence of foreigners about music and musical instruments in Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries. Mostly this information is based on personal observations and impressions, and sometimes it is obtained from other sources. The authors’ opportunities to obtain information were limited by the conditions of their stay in Russian cities and the circle of communication with the local population. Most often, foreigners encountered military music, which was used not only in the army, but also in solemn ceremonies and holidays. Much less often they had to come into contact with the music of buffoons, which was considered street entertainment, not worthy of attention. The Europeans were inclined to include festive bells in the musical art, which they highly appreciated. The main research method uses a source-based analysis of foreigners’ notes on the music of Muscovy, reviews of the spheres and features of its existence and expressive techniques. As it turned out, the greatest interest of foreigners was caused by the attitude of Russians to instrumental music widespread in Europe and the reasons for its rejection in Russia, as well as a gradual change in attitude towards it, which began with the royal court, where musicians were invited and instruments rare for Muscovy were delivered. According to the works of foreign authors, by the end of the XVII century instrumental music was widespread in the homes of wealthy citizens. In their perception of Russian music, travelers were guided by criteria developed in European countries, where a stable musical tradition has developed that accompanied them during church services, on the streets and at home. For this reason, foreigners primarily paid attention to instrumental performance. At the same time, Europeans paid tribute to the exotic forms of Russian music for them – bells, local dances and folk performers.
Keywords: music, musical instruments, military music, trumpets, drums, bell ringing, songs, dances, instrumental music, perception

Karimov T.T. (Kazan). Yasak tatars komand of foreman Suyunduk Tukbaev of the Baylyar land volost of Ufa uezd (based on materials of the III revision)

h. s., senior scientific researcher, Institute of History. Sh. Marjani AS RT (Kazan)
420111, Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Baturina, 7A
e-mail: tkarimov@bk.ru

Abstract. The article examines the history of the yasak tatars of the team of Suyunduk Tukbaev of the Baylyar land volost of the Ufa district based on materials from the 1762 census and other sources. A significant part of these tatars lived on the territory of other land volosts. Revision tales of 1762 indicate a large-scale resettlement of yasak tatars to Bulyarskaya, Kyr-Elanskaya and Yurminskaya volosts, where they settled in villages under agreements with votchinnikis. Most of the settlers settled in the Kyrilan-Baylyar volost in the villages of Isergapovo, Abdulkarimovo, Abdulovo, Verkhnie Bishindy, Ryatamak, Staroturaevo Smailovo, Suvukkul and Tyumenyakovo, now part of the Bavlinsky district of the RT, Ermekeevsky and Tuymazinsky districts of the RB. Based on these materials, it is possible to trace the role of the Baylyar people in the formation of the population of the tatar land volosts, the initial stage of development of a number of villages and the circumstances of the emergence of some of them. All yasak tatars of this team in the 1795 census were recorded in the teptyar class and entered into marriage relations with tatars of the bashkir and other classes, forming a single tatar ethnocultural space.
Keywords: Baylyar land volost, unified tatar ethnocultural space, Kyr-Elan land volost, tatars of the bashkir class, tatars of the teptyar class, yasak tatars

Krutetsky V.Yu. (Yaroslavl). To the study of the collections of works by St. Maksim Grek of the last quarter of the XVIth century

Candidate of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor of Department of
Humanitarian sciences
Yaroslavl State technical University
Russian Federation, 150023,
Yaroslavl, Moskovsky av., 88 A
e-mail: krutetsky_v@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the collections of compositions of Maxim the Greek, created in the last quarter of the 16th century. The author examines the composition of these collections. The researching of the collections allowed to determine the methods used by the compilers in the process of structuring these collection types. The most common was the thematic systematization of texts: the compilers combined works in groups according to their thematic affiliation. There is also a more complex two-levels thematic systematization, in which within the thematic group of works can be placed more narrow on the subject complexes. In some cases, the texts are systematized by other criteria: purpose, character, genre nature, chronology. This variant of systematization, as a rule, is combined with the thematic one and performs a supporting role. The presence of thematic complexes of texts allows identifying the most relevant from the point of view of the drafters, the themes in the literary heritage of the writer. Common to the collections of this time is the emphasis, first of all, on the polemical works of the writer. A “biographical” theme is also presented. This theme is sometimes associated with the problem of philological views and practice of Maksim Grek. The study of the collections of works by Maksim Grek leads to the conclusion that the appeal to his literary heritage in the last decades of the XVIth century was caused by the actualization in this period the problems discussed him in his literary creativity. This actualization was associated with cultural and historical events and processes that took place at that time in Russia. Аmong them are the establishment of the Patriarchate, and the need to counter Catholic expansion in the Western Russian lands, especially in connection with the preparation for the conclusion of the Brest Union.
Keywords: Maksim Grеk, collections of Maksim Grеk´s works, thematic complex, establishment of the Patriarchate, Brest Union

Shlomova A.I. (Krasnoyarsk). Development’s specifics of the settlements on the territory of Prichulym’e in the post-reform period

2nd year master’s student at the Department of History of Russia, World and Regional Civilizations, Humanitarian Institute, Siberian Federal University
660041, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Ave., 79
e-mail: kvant41@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of specifics in settlement development on the area of Prichulymye that occupied the territory of Achinsk district (okrug) in the period from 1860s to 1900s. The actuality consists in studying such questions of Siberian history as territory development while the borders of our modern Russian state are being transformed. It is also worth paying attention to the scientific knowledge of local history on the threshold of 100-year anniversary of Achinsk district establishment. The toponymical aspect as the historical demonstration of development process is also paid attentions. The subject of the research is settlement development of Achinsk okrug in the post-reform period. The purpose of the research is the identification of the specifics in the analyzed territory in the aspects of settlements size, location, reasons for foundation, toponymy usage, the names of the first habitants. The research is based on the concept of frontier modernization and such scientific methods as historic-dynamic analysis, quantitative method of data processing. The multidiscipline method of etymological interpretation is used to reveal the peculiarities of development strategy in geographical name usage.  The attention is paid to the settlement structure changes, its connection with road and river transport systems. The process of new settlements foundation is studied based on non-published archive materials. As a result, transformation in typical class and size of settlements was detected, peculiarities in usage and changes of oikonyms were traced, some reasons and ways of settlement foundation were revealed. The novelty consists in the usage of multidiscipline method in local history, introducing non-published archive documents in the scientific usage.
Keywords: Achinsk, dynamics, expansion, foundation, Prichulymye, settlement, toponymy

Li Dongxin (Moscow). Extraordinary Embassy of Wang Zhichun to Russia in 1895

Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,
Faculty of History,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
E-mail: lidongxin6@gmail.com

Abstract. In the history of Russian-Chinese relations at the end of the 19th century, insufficient attention was paid to Wang Zhichun’s diplomatic mission in Russia. Meanwhile, the goals of the Chinese diplomatic mission in February 1895 were twofold. According to the official version, the extraordinary embassy arrived to express condolences on the death of Emperor Alexander III and congratulate Nicholas II on his accession to the throne. However, the real background was completely different. China sought Russian intervention in the Sino-Japanese War and hoped for military support from Saint Petersburg. The choice of a candidate for the role of Ambassador Extraordinary was not accidental. Wang Zhichun was a sophisticated bureaucrat, had experience in diplomatic activities, he authored several historical works, but most importantly, he was familiar with Nicholas II when he, in the status of heir to the Russian throne, traveled to the East in 1891 and visited China. The official reception of the extraordinary Chinese embassy was emphatically ceremonial, and subsequently the parties exchanged gifts. The work uses materials from the Asian Department of the Foreign Policy Archive of Imperial Russia and published documents from Chinese archives that allow us to reconstruct a holistic picture of the history of Wang Zhichun’s extraordinary embassy in Russia.
Keywords: Chinese Empire, Russian Empire, diplomatic mission, diplomatic gift, Sino-Japanese War, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Zhichun, Emperor Nicholas II

Agaeva D.M. (Moscow). The role of the Entente countries in the collapse of the White movement

researcher research center (fundamental military-historical problems), Military University of the Ministry of Defence
125047, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 14
e-mail: diana.agaeva.2012@mail.ru

Abstract. The civil war in Russia ended almost a century ago, but it still harbors many controversial and little-known components, and raises many questions that could not be answered objectively for a long time, which became especially obvious when, after a long time of one-sided interpretation of those tragic events for our country, it became possible to look at them not only from the point of view of the winners, but also the losers. One of these difficult questions will be considered in this article, namely, what was the so-called cooperation of the anti-Bolshevik or White camp with the interventionists of the Entente countries and what impact did it have on the outcome of the Russian Troubles of the early twentieth century?
Keywords: Civil war, intervention, the White movement, the Bolsheviks, the allies, the separatists

Krivoruchko V.K. (Moscow). State Building in the RSFSR at the local level in the 1920s and 1930s: prospects for complex research

1st year postgraduate student of the Department of Historical Informatics, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1.
e-mail:: vladislav.krivoruchko.1999@mail.ru

Abstract. The article considers historiography on the issues of state building in the RSFSR at the local level in the 1920-1930-ies. The sources for analysis are monographs, articles and dissertations of Soviet, as well as Russian economists, legal scholars and historians. The article defines the main subjects that have received their development in the domestic historiography, starting from the first decades of Soviet power: the organizational and legal and financial basis of the work of local bodies in the 1920-1930’s. their economic and financial activities, as well as administrative and territorial reforms of the 1920s and 1930s. The author concludes that most of the research is written in a historical and legal manner. Complex works that take into account the institutional environment of local government are scarce, especially in the 1930s. Local budgets in historiography are studied relatively poorly. The source-scientific potential of local budgets is not fully realized. Quantitative methods are only beginning to be applied by scientists in this field. In this connection, the author proposes three directions of research, within the framework of which it is possible to achieve a qualitatively new level in the study of questions of state-building in the RSFSR on the ground in the 1920-1930’s: 1) preparation of complex works based on historical institutionalism; 2) determination of possibilities and limitations of different level local budgets as a source on history of state and local administration; 3) Formation of approaches to the study of local budgets using quantitative methods and computer technologies.
Keywords: historiography, local authorities, local budgets, administrative-territorial division in the RSFSR in 1920–1930-s, prospects of study

Belonogov A.L. (St. Petersburg). Leningrad Party Apparatus during the “Great Terror” (the Case of the City Communist Party Committee Bureau)

PhD in Political science, senior lecturer, St Petersburg University,
199034, St Petersburg, Universitetskaya Emb., 7-9
e-mail: a.belonogov@spbu.ru

Abstract. The article discusses the changes that occurred in the Leningrad party apparatus during the period of the “Great Terror” and the factors which caused them. On the basis of historical context of the 1930s in the USSR the role of the city communist leaders in political repressions is being analyzed. An assessment is given of the activities of the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Bolshevik Party A.A. Zhdanov, who replaced S.M. Kirov in that post, who was killed on December 1, 1934. Attention is drawn to the “double nature” of the activities of the new leader of the Leningrad Bolsheviks. In Moscow, as a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, he, together with I.V. Stalin made decisions sent to the Soviet regions, and in Leningrad he accepted them for execution as the first party functionary on a regional scale. Conclusions are drawn on the basic characteristics of the Leningrad political leadership formed after the “Great Purge” completed.
Keywords: Leningrad city communist party committee, district party committee, party apparatus, senior party cadres, party committee bureau, political repressions, “Great Terror”

Vinogradov A.A. (St. Petersburg). On the issue of a formation of national militia divisions in Leningrad in 1941

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of  the A.F. Mozhaisky M.S.A..
A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
197198, 13 Zhdanovskaya St., Russia, St.Petersburg
e-mail: Anton1004@yandex.ru

Abstract. This article is devoted to divisions of people’s militia formed in Leningrad. The article examines conditions for creation and functioning of divisions of people’s militia of hero city Leningrad in context of sudden attack by German Faseist troops on the Soviet Union in 1941. The circumstances of deployment of the Leningrad Front are shown. A role of Finland in framework of Hitler’s aggression against the USSR is noted. A Competent steps of Soviet leadership aimed at creating an information and ideological organization for rallying Soviet people in a face of mortal danger, which was later proved by course of the Great Patriotic War and historians who revealed secret plans of Hitlerite government for a genocide of Soviet people, are described. The article shows activities of party and state bodies to create paramilitary units formed from volunteers during the most difficult period of the Great Patriotic War.
Keywords: people’s militia, Leningrad, the Great Patriotic War, party organs, state bodies, A.A. Zhdanov, I.V. Stalin

Vorob’ev D.A. (Leningrad region, Kirovsk). Losses of underground organizations of Leningrad region in the battle for Leningrad

Postgraduate student
Saint Petersburg Institute of History Russian Academy of Sciences
197110, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya,7.
Museum-reserve “Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad”
 187342, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Kirovsk, Ladoga bridge, 2.
e-mail: dmitrij_vorobev_96@mail.ru

Abstract. This work is devoted to the study of the losses suffered by underground organizations in the Leningrad region as a result of the Battle for Leningrad. Its relevance lies in the fact that in 2024 St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region celebrate the 80th anniversary of complete liberation from the blockade and the German-Finnish occupation, respectively. An important role in these events was played by underground organizations that conducted propaganda work with civilians and partisans, conducted reconnaissance in the occupied areas of the region and organized guerrilla, extermination and sabotage formations. To date, there are no full-fledged studies on their losses and numbers, which further emphasizes the relevance of the topic. With the help of archival documents from the funds 116L and 4788L of the Central State Administrative Committee of St. Petersburg and the use of methods such as analysis, synthesis and historical and comparative, the author managed to calculate that in the period from July 1941 to March 1944, at least 464 underground organizations with a total number of 4032 operated in the occupied territory of the Leningrad Region, which is more than 11% of the total Resistance movement in the region. During this time, they suffered a total minimum loss of 1,109 people or 27.5% of their total number: 984 killed, 54 prisoners, 54 missing, 17 wounded. The results obtained can be used not only in the creation of scientific papers on the partisan and underground movements of the Leningrad region and the USSR, but also in the preparation of exhibitions in these areas.
Keywords: Leningrad region, underground organizations, underground worker, battle for Leningrad, irretrievable losses, sanitary losses, Great Patriotic War

Solentsova E.A., Ramazanov A.A. (Samara). Institutional innovations in the process of creating new conditions for patent and licensing activities of the USSR in the 1950-1960s

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, Samara State Economic University
443011, Samara, st. Soviet Army, 141
e-mail: solentsova2009@mail.ru

graduate student, Samara State Economic University
443011, Samara, st. Soviet Army, 141
e-mail: ramazanovarseniy@gmail.com 

Abstract. This article examines the directions of patent and licensing activity of the USSR, which consisted in expanding the possibilities of international scientific cooperation in the 1950-1960s. The authors consider serious structural and technological changes in the socio-economic sphere throughout the world, which contributed to the development of common international standards in the practice of copyright protection and patenting of inventions, as “external” factors that contributed to the integration of Soviet inventions and developments into the international scientific space. Our focus is on institutional transformations in the process of creating new conditions for patent and licensing activities. Among the new institutes are institutions whose main tasks were the collection and processing of new information, examination of inventions, translations and summarizing of foreign literature. This was done by VNIIGPE (All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination), TsNIIPI (Central Research Institute of Patent Information), CBTI (Central Bureau of Technical Information), VPTB (All-Union Patent and Technical Library). It is concluded that the practice of interaction between science and government in this period has not yet been strengthened, although the planned principles were maintained throughout the entire period under review. Industry-oriented state committees, as well as the State Scientific and Technical Committee (State Committee for Science and Technology), Goskomizobreteniy (State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries) were themselves in a state of organizational restructuring and, as a result, a state of departmental disunity was developing.
Keywords: patents, licenses, inventions, research institute, USSR, international relations, scientific and technical interaction

Nikolaev N.E. (Moscow). Historical background of the formation of the United Russia Party in the context of post-Soviet Russia

postgraduate student of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1
e-mail: Nicknickolaev1@yandex.ru

Abstract. The article examines the transformational processes that have occurred in Russia over the past three decades, with a particular focus on the formation and strengthening of the United Russia party as the leading political force. The author analyses the country’s transition from a communist system to a democratic form of governance following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The 1999 elections, held amidst an economic crisis, revealed the dependence of voting outcomes on regional elites and became a catalyst for the consolidation of the political system. The introduction of the Political Parties Law in 2001 under the leadership of V.V. Putin, the strengthening of vertical power, and the creation of federal districts were key steps in the process of power consolidation. The author notes that the creation of the United Russia party was an essential tool for ensuring political stability and supporting presidential policies. The author concludes that United Russia has become a key element in the consolidation of power and the implementation of large-scale reforms aimed at stabilizing and modernizing the country. The party has provided political support to the president, strengthened vertical power, and contributed to the formation of a new political culture based on the support of centralized governance.
Keywords: «United Russia», the dominant party, formation of parties in Russia, post-Soviet Russia, party system

Gapsalamov A.R. (Yelabuga). Application of modernization theory to economic processes taking place in the USSR

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Head of the Department of Economics and Management
423600, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, st. Kazanskaya, 89,
e-mail: gapsalamov@yandex.ru

Abstract. Political and economic processes and events taking place in the world today and affecting Russia necessitate a revision of established views on history and the creation of a unified interpretation of the historical process from the standpoint of understanding the motives, course and consequences of transformations and directions of public policy. In this regard, we can take as a basis the theory of modernization, which most fully reflects the economic and social processes that took place in the country in the past.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the theory of modernization and its application to the economic processes taking place in the USSR.

The research methodology is based on the systemic-cyclical nature of the development of social, political and, especially, economic institutions, and is built on the principles, approaches and methods of scientific knowledge. The author, when preparing materials, relied on the principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency.

As the results of the study: the author’s definition of the concept of “modernization” was outlined, based on the social and economic processes taking place in the USSR; the terms “anti-modernization” and “super-modernization”, characteristic of certain periods of the country’s development, are highlighted and discussed; factors influencing the modernization processes taking place in the Soviet Union are shown; the process of modernization at the regional level is analyzed.
Keywords: modernization, anti-modernization, super-modernization, economics, USSR

Nozdrin D.M. (Moscow). The Ivan Turgenev’s years of study

postgraduate student of the Faculty of History of
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1
e-mail: nozdrindenis11@gmail.com

Abstract. Turgenev’s biography has been researched thoroughly enough. There are many complete biographies and single papers generally dedicated to a separate subject. Scientific novelty of the article is its full coverage of the problem of the Turgenev’s period of study, starting with the earliest years, when his parents employed tutors and teachers for their sons, and finishing with his return from Berlin, where he successfully had listened 3 semesters of lectures on ancient history and philosophy. The main source of the article are few survived Turgenev’s letters of the period. The purpose is to briefly, but completely as possible narrate the Turgenev’s studentship, the period where he mainly absorbed information, ideas, and artistic images than produced.

The article consists of 6 parts-periods of life of young Turgenev, main stages of his education. Each part contains full factual material and the author’s view on the significance of this or that period.

In conclusion the reflection on the problem whether the Turgenev’s youth and years of study were joyful and happy is given. Also the author summarizes what education Turgenev eventually got and thanks to whom.
Keywords: Turgenev, Stankevich, Granovsky, Bakunin, aristocratic education in Russia in the first half of the 19th century, the Moscow University in the 1830s, the Saint Petersburg University in the 1830s, the University of Berlin in the end 1830s, beginning of 1840s, the Stankevich circle, The Frolovy salon, the progressive youth of 1830s

Sofronova L.V., Sazonova M.B. (Nizhny Novgorod). Homo trilinguis: Robert Wakefield and the development of English Renaissance Hebraism

Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Head of Department of of General History, Classical Disciplines and Law,
Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
603000, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanov st., 1,
e-mail: lidiasof@yandex.ru

Post graduate student,
Head of Department of of General History, Classical Disciplines and Law,
Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
603000, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanov st., 1,
e-mail: ritaavdi@mail.ru

Abstract. The article examines the development of Christian Hebraic studies in Renaissance England in the first half of the 16th century. The study focuses on the activities of the first English Christian Hebraist, Robert Wakefield, who realized the humanistic ideal of the «homo trilinguis». His becoming as a Hebraist and Semitologist at Cambridge, Paris, and Louvain universities, his lectures of Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Aramaic, and Arabic are studied. An assumption is made about the existence of a circle for the study of biblical Hebrew at the court of Henry VIII Tudor. R. Wakefield enjoyed the patronage of John Fisher and Robert Pace, and taught them the Hebrew language. An analysis of the inaugural lecture, “Oratio in laudibus trium linguarum” allows us to conclude that Wakefield has wide erudition in the field of Jewish and Christian literature. Wakefield’s participation as a Hebraic expert in the divorce case between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon demonstrates recognition of his high linguistic competence in the field of Hebraic studies.
Keywords: Hebraism, Renaissance, University of Cambridge, Hebrew, Robert Wakefield, John Fisher, Henry VIII, “King’s great matter”

Zotova A.V., Poltorak S.N. (St. Petersburg). D’Artagnan of Russian history: Professor Francois-Xavier Coquin as a researcher of Russia in the 17th-21st centuries

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of International Relations,
St. Petersburg State University.
199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9.
e-mail: anastasiyazotova@mail.ru

Dr. Sc. (Historical), Professor
Professor of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
195251, Russia, St. Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya st., 29;
Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin.
196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10.
е-mail: poltorak2006@yandex.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the scientific activity of the prominent modern French historian Francois-Xavier Coquin (01/27/1931–07/13/2022). The authors draw attention to the fact that the French researcher was a supporter of the St. Petersburg historical school. This, in particular, is evidenced by his special attention to the study of historical sources and the desire for constant analysis of the works of provincial Russian historians, especially the 20th – early 21st centuries. The authors of the published material give examples from the scientific and pedagogical activities of the French researcher, tracing its dynamics from his student years to the last days of his life. Attention is drawn to the fact that the study of Russian history by F.-X. Coquin began as a historian of Siberia. He devoted a number of scientific articles and a major monograph to the study of this Russian region. Later, based on materials from Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg) archives, he focused his work on studying the history of Russian revolutions, the activities of V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and other communist leaders of the USSR. It is noted that in recent years F.-X. Coquin paid a lot of attention to the relationship between Russia and the European Union. It is concluded that the scientific heritage of the prominent French historian needs deep and consistent study.
Keywords: domestic history, development of Siberia, history of the peasantry, history of revolutions in Russia, Stalinism

Palchik V.N., Mikhailov A.R. (Moscow). Analysis of the Development of the Coal Industry in China and the Russian Federation in the Context of Economic History in the 21st Century

Postgraduate student of the Department of Sociology, Management Psychology and History, State University of Management
109542, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ryazansky Prospekt 99,
e-mail: palchik-1997@mail.ru

Postgraduate student of the Department of Sociology, Management Psychology and History, State University of Management
109542, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ryazansky Prospekt 99,
e-mail: azek.klark@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the coal industry in China and the Russian Federation in the 21st century, with a focus on historical economic development, environmental policy and its history, modernization, and state strategy in these countries. The dynamics of Russian coal exports to China and India, as well as the overall volume of coal production and exports, are examined. Particular attention is paid to the record coal export figures to China in August 2023, when shipments reached 9.97 million tons, and the forecasts of the Russian Ministry of Energy, according to which the annual volume of coal exports to China could reach 85-100 million tons. The trend of stability in coal production levels in Russia is analyzed, with a projected production volume in 2023 at the level of 440 million tons. Changes in coal production volumes in the first quarter of 2023, which were 1.6% lower compared to the same period in 2022, are also considered, and the absence of a significant reduction in production levels in 2023, unlike the previous year, is noted. The article also emphasizes the importance of the Asia-Pacific region for Russian coal exports, which accounted for 63.3% of total exports in 2022. Finally, the prospects for further growth in coal exports from Russia are examined, despite current economic and environmental challenges.
Keywords: coal industry, China, Russian Federation, economic development, environmental policy, modernization, state strategy, energy policy, sources of economic history, environmental history

Lapina I.Yu., Kargapoltsev S.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Civilization challenges and systemic problems of domestic sociogenesis. Part 5

Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya stree t, 4, St. Petersburg
e-mail: clio@spbgasu.ru

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 4, St. Petersburg
e-mail: clio@spbgasu.ru

Abstract. This article continues a series of publications by the authors in the Klio journal, dedicated to understanding the process of Russia’s confrontation with civilizational challenges based on an analysis of the historical experience of the development of our state. The authors believe that uncontrolled migration to Western Europe from countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East constitutes “racism in reverse.” Reflections are given on the attempt by the collective West to carry out the “cancellation” of Russian culture, to pretend that L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, P.I. Tchaikovsky and many other luminaries of Russian culture allegedly do not represent global spiritual value. Concerns are being expressed about the fate of the family institution: as a result of Western propaganda of same-sex marriage, gay pride parades and festivals, currently in the Russian Federation 67% of young people do not see the point in starting a family. The authors reflect on the consequences of the policy of Ukrainization of non-Ukrainian-speaking territories, and on the liberal consumer values that are still instilled in Russia. There are unsuccessful attempts to preserve traditional forms of education in the Russian Federation, and the reluctance of migrants to integrate into Russian society and culture.
Keywords: population migration, abolition of Russian culture, modern family, liberal consumer values, problem of education