Soboleva E.S., Sorokina S.P. (St. Petersburg). The Second Russian Expedition to South America (1914-1915) in the Press
Cand. of Hist. Sci., Senior Research Fellow, Department of Ethnography of South and South-West Asia, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS,
199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 3
Leading Museum Records Specialist, Department of Documentation, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS,
199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 3
Abstract. Participants of the second Russian expedition to South America acknowledged the importance of the attention of domestic and foreign journalists. Information support for the expedition in 1914-1915 directly influenced the success of these scientific mission. Articles in major newspapers and popular mass magazines in Argentina and Brazil made it easier to resolve organizational issues at the initial stage. The public was informed in a timely manner through newspapers about the purpose of their trip of to remote areas of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, etc. The authorities and local residents provided the young enthusiasts with all possible assistance. Russian scientists conducted effective natural science and ethnographic research and made a significant contribution to world science. S. V. Geiman actively collaborated with periodicals in Russian and Spanish; his publications contributed to the popularization of remote areas of South America (especially Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego). Upon returning to Russia, the young scientists prepared a series of articles on natural science and ethnography for newspapers and magazines. In the 1960s, the media helped renew interest in Russian expeditions to South America.
Keywords: Russian scientific expeditions, polymorphism, press, America, history, ethnography
Savchenko D.Ye. (St. Petersburg). The main problems of the Soviet-Polish War of 1919-1921 in modern Polish historiography
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of International Relations and Political Studies, SZIU, RANEPA
199178 Sredny prospect VO, 57/43, St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract. The article is a brief overview of newspaper publications published both in the territory of the RSFSR (Pravda, Izvestia), and in a certain number of Soviet-controlled territories, including the SSRB/BSSR and the buffer state LitBel. The articles examine the issues of the information and military confrontation between the RSFSR and Poland in the period 1918-1921, as well as an analysis of the most important events related to the strategic and tactical tasks of the RCP(b), including measures to implement the “Sovietization” of the western territories of the former Russian Empire, the domestic political situation in Europe, the activities of Polish armed formations on the territory of the RSFSR, the role of the Soviet-Polish confrontation in the context of the civil war in Russia. Particular attention is paid to highlighting the style of publications that use various metaphors and propaganda cliché.
Keywords: Soviet-Polish war, propaganda, Poland, RSFSR, Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Soviet republics, Red Army, Polish army, armored
Litvinov V.P. (Yelets). Imperial Police IN Russian Turkestan: Historiography of the Problem
The candidate of historical sciences, independent
researcher. 399740. Russia, Yelets, street
Razin’s item, д. 21-а, fl. 22;
SPIN-код: 9120-1652, AuthorID: 1055060
Abstract. Clause is devoted to the review of a historiography of the organization and activity of imperial police in Central Asia. In opinion of the author, above it there is no high-grade scientifically-historical reflection. It marks, that those who worked in region, wrote to the pre-revolutionary period about police in Russian Turkestan, but did not consider its activity by special image. The Soviet historiography in 1920-30-х considered connection of Central Asia to imperial Russia as «an absolute harm», and police represented, the main instrument of oppression of people. With acceptance of the Stalin constitution 1936 to consider began “angrily” smaller, in comparison with a possible enslavement of region the British imperialism. Began to write about progressive value of its connection to Russia later, and the some people considered its voluntary, that, really, took place. However the role of imperial police in Russian Turkestan was still represented, as negative. The postSoviet historiography objectively estimates value of police in maintenance of the law and order in region, recognizing and lacks of its work. But some historians from the former republics USSR which have become after its disintegration independent and sovereign, to please of the elites, run down not only imperial, but also the Soviet «colonial» past. The author specifies, that foreign, mainly, the English historiography during the pre-revolutionary period recognized connection to Russia useful to people of Central Asia. During Soviet time the western historians considered it negatively, and now many of them again profess the concept of «an absolute harm».
Keywords: Central Asia, Russian Turkestan, a historiography, imperial police, the governmental certificates, falsifications
The candidate of historical sciences, independent
researcher. 399740. Russia, Yelets, street
Razin’s item, д. 21-а, fl. 22;
SPIN-код: 9120-1652, AuthorID: 1055060
Abstract. Clause is devoted to the review of a historiography of the organization and activity of imperial police in Central Asia. In opinion of the author, above it there is no high-grade scientifically-historical reflection. It marks, that those who worked in region, wrote to the pre-revolutionary period about police in Russian Turkestan, but did not consider its activity by special image. The Soviet historiography in 1920-30-х considered connection of Central Asia to imperial Russia as «an absolute harm», and police represented, the main instrument of oppression of people. With acceptance of the Stalin constitution 1936 to consider began “angrily” smaller, in comparison with a possible enslavement of region the British imperialism. Began to write about progressive value of its connection to Russia later, and the some people considered its voluntary, that, really, took place. However the role of imperial police in Russian Turkestan was still represented, as negative. The postSoviet historiography objectively estimates value of police in maintenance of the law and order in region, recognizing and lacks of its work. But some historians from the former republics USSR which have become after its disintegration independent and sovereign, to please of the elites, run down not only imperial, but also the Soviet «colonial» past. The author specifies, that foreign, mainly, the English historiography during the pre-revolutionary period recognized connection to Russia useful to people of Central Asia. During Soviet time the western historians considered it negatively, and now many of them again profess the concept of «an absolute harm».
Keywords: Central Asia, Russian Turkestan, a historiography, imperial police, the governmental certificates, falsifications
Nadtochiy Yu.B. (Moscow). Historiography of Science: Scientific Knowledge as a Source of Innovation (Using the Example of Discoveries and Inventions of Russian Scientists of the Late 19th Century). Part 2
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and Innovative Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article continues the author’s publication in the journal “Clio”, which studies one of the designated historiographical problems of determining the results of which discoveries and inventions of the pre-revolutionary period of time can be recognized as sources for specific innovations that people use in the modern world. The continuation of the material describes the well-known discoveries and inventions of Russian scientists in the field of physical and mathematical sciences, provides examples of innovations based on them. The paper shows that scientific achievements, which have worldwide fame and recognition, are still an inexhaustible source for the emergence of various kinds of innovations, based on the knowledge gained, a large number of innovative goods and services are produced. However, according to the results of the study, it is clear that not all inventions turned into innovations at once, some did not receive further development at all (but, in particular, contributed to the emergence of new knowledge), some only became recognized if they were finalized, and some became more important for the further development of scientific thought.
Keywords: sources of innovation, discovery, invention, knowledge, innovation, science, Russian Empire
Gapsalamov A.R., Bochkareva T.N. (Yelabuga). Chronology of the Development of Soviet Historiography on the Issues of State Industrial Policy (1917–1930s)
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Head of the Department of Economics and Management
423600, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, st. Kazanskaya, 89,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy,
423600, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, st. Kazanskaya, 89,
Abstract. The gradual destruction of the myth of the ideality of market relations leads to the study of other forms of social structure. The article provides a historiographical analysis of scientific works on the issues of state industrial policy in Soviet Russia-USSR in 1917 – 1930s. The authors relied on the principles of historicism, objectivity and consistency in the preparation of materials. A special place in the work is devoted to the consideration of the views of scientists on the decentralization and centralization of the management system within the framework of the industrial policy. The authors show the presence of pluralism of opinions on these processes in the initial period of the establishment of Soviet power and a gradual decrease in interest in this issue in the second half of the 1920s, which is explained by the beginning of industrialization and an intolerant attitude to a different point of view on the ongoing reforms.
Keywords: historiography, state industrial policy, centralization, decentralization, industry, Soviet Russia, USSR
Kang Shixin (Moscow). Orthodox Churches in Lvshun (Port-Arthur) in the late 19th-early 20th Century
PhD Candidate,
Department of the history of Russia of the 19th–early 20th centuries
Faculty of History
Lomonosov Moscow State University
119192, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27,
Abstract. Based on a wide range of archival materials and research literature, the article analyzes the process of origin and strengthening of the Orthodox presence in Northeast China at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. Russian colonization of Port Arthur was accompanied by the construction of Orthodox churches, necessary to meet the spiritual needs of various social strata, primarily military, railway employees and their families. The history of Orthodox parishes established since 1898 forms the history of the Orthodox presence in the city. Port Arthur has more than a century-long history of Orthodoxy, during which the local parishes maintained close ties with the Chinese and Japanese Orthodox missions. The fate of the city’s Orthodox churches was closely monitored by Nicholas of Japan after the Russo-Japanese War; until 1924, the cemeteries and churches of Port Arthur were served monthly by a Japanese priest, Sergei Suzuki, sent by the Japanese Orthodox Church. The influence of Nicholas of Japan and the Japanese Church on the churches of Port Arthur was considerable, and both this influence and the Orthodox churches of Port Arthur deserve attention. The history of not only the churches built, but also the projects that were not realized for various reasons are examined, but at the same time provide insight into the goals and objectives of the Orthodox clergy and the local military administration.
Keywords: Lvshun (Port Arthur), churches in Port Arthur, military priests, Russian military cemetery, Russo-Japanese War, Japanese Orthodox Church, Russian Spiritual Mission in China
Demin D.V. (Moscow). Electoral Processes in Ukraine before the “Orange Revolution” (1991-2002)
Postgraduate student of the Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University.
Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, building 4, 119992
Abstract. The article analyzes all the electoral campaigns in Ukraine that took place after the collapse of the USSR and before the “Orange Revolution”. It should be noted that in the context of analyzing the causes and prerequisites of the “Orange revolution”, researchers, as a rule, consider only the parliamentary elections of 2002, in rare cases, superficial attention is paid to the presidential elections in 1999. According to the author of the article, this approach is limited, and therefore the conclusions obtained with its help are inaccurate. Thus, limiting the study of the “Orange revolution” to the analysis of the electoral campaign in 2002, which took place after the “Cassette Scandal”, researchers consider it as the first step towards the coming to power of the future “orange” opposition, and often conclude that as a result of the Kuchmagate crisis, the internal prerequisites for a change of the political regime in 2004 were laid. However, in in a broader context, the situation looks different: if we consider the parliamentary elections of 2002. not isolated from previous political processes, but in a comprehensive manner, their results testified to the inability of the Ukrainian national democratic opposition, under extremely favorable domestic political conditions, to enlist the support of anti-government voters and win. At the same time, Kuchma once again demonstrated the ability to defeat his political opponents even in conditions of acute internal political crisis. As a result, the author concludes that in the prevailing conditions in 2002-2004. In domestic political conditions, the opposition had virtually no chance of winning the 2004 presidential elections legally.
Keywords: «Orange revolution», Kuchma, Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, Symonenko, «Cassette Scandal», «Kuchmagate», «Ukraine without Kuchma»
Kostanenko L.A. (Krasnodar Territory, Azovskaya station). On some aspects of the formation of the church organization of Zikhia in the 7th-10th centuries
Lecturer at the Department of Church History of the Ekaterinodar Theological Seminary
353245, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Azovskaya station, Gornaya str., 5
Abstract. The article offers an attempt at a comprehensive examination of the problem of the formation of the church organization in Zikhia in the 7th-10th centuries. It was during this period that significant changes occurred in the ethno-political structure of the Western Caucasus and the North-Eastern Black Sea region. One of the tasks of the reform of church administration in the region was the need to spread the Christian mission among the Zikh tribes migrating from the East to the West, to the territory of Taurida. The solution of this problem was facilitated by the high spiritual mood of Christian pastors-missionaries, driven on the edge of the oikumene by the “apostolic idea” as an alternative to the secular movement generated by the iconoclastic heresy in the capital. The cessation of iconoclasm in Byzantium, in the middle of the 9th century, gave impetus to the further development of the Christian mission among the Zikhs. However, the question of the boundaries of the “Zikh” church organization still remains relevant. The history of the “Zikh” diocese of the Church of Constantinople is examined using a wide range of sources, including church-canonical, hagiographic, epigraphic, etc.
Keywords: Zikhia, Western Caucasus, ethno-confessional, localization, Sugdeya, Nikopsia, Tamatarkha
Karimov T.T. (Kazan). Inter-class marriages of tatars of the Kirghiz land volost of the Ufa viceroyalty (according to the census records of 1795)
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Institute of History. Sh. Marjani AS RT (Kazan)
420111, Kazan, st. Baturina, 7A
Abstract. This article studies inter-class marriages of tatars living in the Kirghiz land volost, based on the data of the 1795 census tales, which have repeatedly attracted the author’s attention. The villages of Zirikly, Nizhnezaitovo, Kilkabyzovo, Yabalakovo, Ilishevo, Urmetevo, Kuruchevo, Kuyanovo, Sakatovo, Aktanysh, Kadykeevo, Karakashly, Kugarchin-Bulyak, Urussu and Yutaza, belonging to three «districts» of the Ufa viceroyalty, are analyzed. The study shows that the population of these villages, often heterogeneous in its class composition, intermarried with tatars of the bashkir, teptyar and meshcheryak classes, as well as with yasak tatars from different regions. The facts testify to the close ties and common mentality of the tatars, who have a common history and origin and live in a single ethnocultural space.
Keywords: Kirgiz land volost, tatars of the bashkir class, tatars of the teptyar class, unified tatar ethnocultural space, yasak tatars, service tatars
Ilyin P.V. (St. Petersburg). Decembrists Acquitted During the Investigative Process: Horse Guards Officers M. F. Golitsyn, A. K. Lieven, A. A. Pleshcheev
Candidate of Historical Sciences,
senior researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of History RAS
197110, Russia, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya, 7,
Abstract. The issue of the Decembrists, who were acquitted during the investigation and found not to be involved in the activities of secret societies, deserves attention, since it has practically not been developed in previous historiography. The acquitted participants in the movement are associated with little-studied issues of the history of Decembrism or subjects endowed with scientific significance (for example, the preparation of the uprising on December 14, 1825). The solution to the question of the participation of officially acquitted persons in the Decembrist movement depends on a fundamental choice: what is considered more reliable – incriminating testimony about belonging to a secret society or the acquittal of the accused and the official conclusions of the investigation. The article highlights the “case” of Horse Guards officers M. F. Golitsyn, A. K. Lieven and A. A. Pleshcheev, who were brought to the investigation due to testimony about participation in a secret society and a Decembrist conspiracy in St. Petersburg made by A. A. Bestuzhev and E. P. Obolensky. Based on criticism and comparison of investigative materials, including unpublished archival documents from the investigative files of Horse Guards officers, the author seeks to establish the true extent of their participation in the Decembrist organization. The tactics of defense of officers involved in interrogations and their significance for subsequent acquittal are analyzed. The question of the reasons for recognizing the Horse Guards-men as innocent is considered, the role of family ties with representatives of influential court circles in the curtailment of the investigation and the favorable outcome of the investigation for the accused is shown.
Keywords: political history of Russia in the 19th century, Decembrists, investigative process, criticism of investigative testimony, personalities
Ananyev S.V. (Moscow). Activities of Local Gendarme Bodies to Ensure Internal Security in the Northwestern Region of the Russian Empire on the Eve and Period of the Polish Uprising of 1863-1864
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Division Officer, Main Center for Scientific Research, Federal Service of the Troops, National Guard of the Russian Federation
111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya str., 9 A,
Abstract. This article discusses the activities of local bodies of the Gendarmes Corps in the North-Western Territory of the Russian Empire in the suppression and suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864, as well as threats not only to public, but also to state security. The purpose of the author of the article is to analyze the activities of the local gendarmerie to ensure internal security in the North-Western Territory of the Russian Empire. To achieve this goal, an analysis of unpublished documents from the funds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archive, as well as published materials was carried out. The subject of the study is the policy of local executive bodies in the field of ensuring state and public security in the region. The study of the activities of the local gendarmerie in the region is part of the activities of the tsarist government to ensure public security in the western outskirts of the state to implement policies to ensure its internal security. A set of police and political measures taken in the future by the executive authorities in the matter of ensuring internal security on the outskirts of the empire is listed. Examples of the participation of the gendarme corps in the fight against Polish rebels, courage and heroism of personnel are given. The work uses retrospective, problem-chronological, historical-comparative, as well as general scientific research methods. The conclusions are based on data from archival sources, memories of contemporaries of events and a number of modern researchers of the problem. This study deepens the information available in domestic historiography on this issue. Based on the study, it was concluded that the gendarmerie of the region played an important role, both in the suppression and in the fight against the rebels on the eve and during the Polish uprising of 1863-1864.
Keywords: Gendarmes Corps, public security, state security, Polish uprising, revolutionaries, rebels, gendarmerie team, demonstrations, smuggling
Zhilkibaeva R.R. (Yelabuga). Public Education in the Vyatka Province in the Second half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries
Docent of the Department of General and Russian History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan
(Volga Region) Federal University
423600, Russian Federation, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya St., 89
Abstract. The article examines the development of public education in the Vyatka province in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. It provides information that reveals the specifics of the development of education in this region, identifies existing problems, the main ones being the lack of qualified teaching staff, poor development of female education, and the lack of continuity between educational institutions of different levels. These problems led to a low percentage of literacy among the population. The article provides statistical information on the development of public education by district, the literacy rate of the population, and the number of educational institutions of different types. These data allow us to conclude that the education system in the province was not fully systematized and did not allow meeting the growing needs of the population for education. The lack of well-trained teaching staff and the predominance of clergy in the education system only exacerbated the problems. At the same time, the school system was accountable to various departments, including zemstvos, the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of State Property, etc. This significantly complicated the implementation of a unified policy and the solution of existing problems in the field of education and naturally had a negative impact on the socio-economic development of the country. The author comes to the conclusion that in order to update and improve the education system in the Russian Empire, a full-scale educational reform was needed, which would allow for a clear definition of goals and objectives for each level of education, the selection and better training of teaching staff, and the provision of continuity in education between different types of schools. Due to the lack of a clear plan for reforming the educational system in the Russian Empire, individual steps in this direction did not greatly affect the improvement of the situation in the education system.
Keywords: education system, public education, Vyatka province, zemstvo, teachers
Ozadovskiiy V.E. (Moscow). The «Revolutionary Ukrainian Party» in the Russian Social-political Life in the Begging of XX Century
Postgraduate student
Department of the History of Russia in the XIX-XX centuries,
Faculty of History,
Moscow State University
named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Russian Federation, Moscow, 119192,
Lomonosovsky prospect, 27, building 4,
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of the role of «Revolutionary Ukrainian party» in the process of Ukrainian movement formation on territory of the Russian empire in the begging of XX century. On the basis of official documentary materials, archival materials of the Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (GARF), publicist materials, periodicals and memorials the author analyses the activities of the first Ukrainian political parties. The question is raised about the origin of the ideology and activity of the Ukrainian nationalists. The article also focused on the such questions as the formation of «Revolutionary Ukrainian party», the question of social-political, scientific and educational activity the question of the means, methods and results of the Ukrainian organizations social-political work with the local groups of peasant and urban population on the territory of the Little Russians Governorates. The author studies the discussions and inner-party clashes between the representatives of the different ideological directions in the party, analyzed the causes of split in the party, which lead to the foundation of the Ukrainian Social-Democratic Union (Spilka). The author seeks to understand the role of «Revolutionary Ukrainian party» and the attitude of its members to Russia.
Keywords: Russian Empire, social-political life, Ukrainian organizations, Ukrainian parties, ukrainophiles, «Revolutionary Ukrainian party»
Kostiaev E.V., Emelianov A.V., Tabojakova Ju.V. (Saratov). Ukraine’s Path from Autonomy to Independence in 1917–1918: the View of the Mensheviks
Ph. D, associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy
77 Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410054
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy
77 Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410054
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Philosophy
77 Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410054
Abstract. The article provides a detailed analysis of the theoretical views and practical activities of representatives of the Menshevik part of the national social democracy in Ukraine in 1917–1918. It was at this time, after the Bolsheviks seized power in Petrograd in October 1917 as a result of a coup d’etat, that anti-Russian, separatist, and nationalist tendencies prevailed in Ukraine. The political activity of the Mensheviks of the then Ukraine took place in extremely difficult conditions, since they advocated the preservation of unity with Russia and opposed the declaration of independence of Ukraine, for which the local Social Democrats were hated by the Ukrainian nationalists who seized power in Kiev back in 1917. The Mensheviks strongly opposed the course towards the independence of Ukraine, believing that its proclamation would lead to the country falling into economic and political bondage to foreign powers. The predictions and warnings of the Mensheviks in this regard fully came true after the signing of the Brest Peace by Ukraine and the subsequent occupation of the country by the troops of Germany and Austria-Hungary, however, the Mensheviks could not prevent the onset of such severe consequences.
Keywords: social democracy, Menshevism, Bolshevism, the Great Russian Revolution of 1917–1922, Civil War, political struggle, The Brest Peace
Yakhimovich S.Yu. (Khabarovsk). Russian Trade Unions and the Revolutionary Events of 1917 in the Exclusion Zone of the Chinese-Eastern Railway
Ph. D in History, Associate Professor,
Professor of the Department of social and humanitarian and economic disciplines
of the I.F. Shilov Far Eastern law Institute of the Ministry
of interior Affairs of Russia.
680020, Russia, Khabarovsk, 15 Kazarmenny Lane.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the disclosure of issues related to the development of Russian trade unions in China, on the territory of Manchuria during the revolutionary upheavals of 1917. Trade unions appeared in February 1917 and were concentrated in the exclusion zone of the Chinese-Eastern Railway (CER), where the laws and regulations of the Russian Empire were in force at that time, as well as its troops. Thousands of Russian railway workers worked on the CER, which formed the main base for the trade union movement. From the very beginning, leadership in trade unions was secured by representatives of left-wing parties, from which the Bolsheviks gained increasing influence on professional associations of workers and employees. In 1917, the Main Executive Committee of the Railway Trade Unions became the most representative trade union body of the CER exclusion zone. With the growing revolutionary ferment in the CER zone, trade unions were politicized and involved in direct participation in regional political events. Trade union delegates joined various government and local government bodies, in particular, the pro-Bolshevik Council of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. All this led to a political crisis at the end of 1917, during which the CER exclusion zone came under the control of Chinese troops. However, the trade union movement only continued to expand, revealing a tendency to unite many small associations of workers into larger professional organizations.
Keywords: Manchuria, trade union, railway workers, employees, committee, Bolsheviks
Novoseltsev N.R., Rakhinsky D.V. (Krasnoyarsk). Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Divnogorsk in Soviet Times
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Siberian Federal University,
660041, Svobodny Ave., 79, Krasnoyarsk
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare,
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky,
Partizana Zheleznyaka St., 1, Krasnoyarsk
Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
660049, Mira Ave., 90, Krasnoyarsk
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to consider the development of physical culture and sports in Divnogorsk during the Soviet era. The task: to highlight the positive and negative aspects of each period, the role of the City Sports Committee. Territorial framework – the city of Divnogorsk. Chronological framework – the Soviet era. The author found that the activities of the City Sports Committee played a major role in this area. It held various Spartakiads, Healthy Lifestyle Days and performed other functions related to the implementation of the political course for improving the health of the population. Two stages were identified in the development of Divnogorsk sports: the 1950-1970s and the 1980s. During the period of history in Divnogorsk, competitions were held every year, the material and technical base was improved, the number of GTO badge holders increased. There were also shortcomings, for example, problems with personnel policy, a large number of coaches did not have the proper education
Keywords: Krasnoyarsk Krai, tourism, material and technical base, Divnogorsk, physical education, sports, GTO, city sports committee
Vycherov D.A. (St. Petersburg). Young Leningraders on Siberian Soil During the Great Patriotic War (Based on Materials from the “Essay on Boarding School No. 178 of the Smolninsky District of Leningrad)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Social Sciences of SPbPU
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
195251, Politekhnicheskaya St., 29, Building B, St. Petersburg
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of various aspects of the daily life of the pupils of boarding school No. 178 of the Smolninsky district of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, which were reflected in the pages of the “Essay”. This institution was evacuated to the village of Menshakovo in the Yaroslavl region, and then to the village of Agarak in the Omsk region. The “Essay” itself was written by the workers and pupils of the boarding school in early 1943. In it, they described their departure from Leningrad and how their days passed in the new place (first in Menshakovo, and then in Agarak): study, assistance to collective farms, leisure activities, material and living conditions, relationships between children and the boarding school workers. The events taking place at the front are also mentioned on the pages of the “Essay”. This document is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The information contained in it is valuable and can help in studying Soviet wartime childhood, since the pupils themselves took direct part in its writing (albeit under the supervision of adults). As a result, in the “Essay” one can “see” the surrounding reality through the eyes of a child. Not many such sources are known, since history is “written” by adults: in documents that focus on certain aspects of the phenomenon of “childhood” (including Soviet childhood), the position of adults is presented, their view of the object being studied. In sources of personal origin, to which the “Essay” can be attributed, the emotions and experiences of the child himself, his thoughts and ideas are reflected.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, evacuation, schoolchildren, siege of Leningrad, Siberia, wartime childhood
Kokorev M.A. (Moscow). The Social Movement of the Internationalist Soldiers – Veterans of the War in Afghanistan: 1989–1992
Postgraduate student of the History Faculty of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninsky Gory ter, 1.
Abstract. The article is a continuation of the articles published in previous issues of the scientific journal «the Social movement of internationalist soldiers – veterans of the war in Afghanistan: social and political conditions of the movement’s emergence» [КLIO. No.02 (206), 2024. 252 p. P. 192 – 199.] and “The social movement of internationalist soldiers – veterans of the war in Afghanistan: 1985 – 1989” [КLIO. No.03 (207), 2024. 240 p. P. 182 – 189.]. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the importance of the social movement of internationalist soldiers – veterans of the war in Afghanistan in the 1989 – 1992 years. The article examines the historical conditionality and key tendencies in the development of veteran organizations of «afghans» in the in the 1989 – 1992 years, highlights the main directions and importance of the socio-patriotic activities of «shuravi». The article introduces previously unknown and unpublished sources of personal origin, collected and studied in the course of scientific research.
Keywords: War in Afghanistan, soldiers-internationalists, «shuravi», public associations, SVA, RSVA, RFIVA, The Warriors-Internationalists Affairs Committee, USSR, CIS
Mochalov D.P. (Orenburg). Communist Parties and Movements in the Period 1991-1992 based on materials from the archives of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center
Applicant for a Degree Candidate of Historical Sciences
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
460014, Russian Federation, Orenburg, Sovetskaya St., 19
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to study the activity of neo-communist forces in the country and its assessment by the new Russian government. A brief overview of a number of left-wing radical organizations of those years is given from the point of view of government forces, which made it possible to highlight the most painful aspects of the communists’ activities for the liberal government. Various aspects of the communist organizations’ activities are analyzed using the archive materials of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center: mass street actions, ideological radicalization, and the search for connections with the trade union movement. The article notes the growing influence of newly created communist parties and movements in a number of areas of political activity, which forced the communists to be perceived as serious political opponents in the near future. It is shown that the successes of the communist opposition were temporary achievements that could not lead to a full-fledged restoration, but significantly threatened the course of reforms in the country. The contradictions arising in the assessments of the degree of danger of communist parties and movements for the new government are considered. It is concluded that the difference in assessments of the danger of communist parties and movements reflects the desire of presidential structures to present opposition to a specific government as a threat to the state system.
Keywords: anti-communism, shock therapy, communist party, radical reforms, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
Nikitina A.A. (Moscow). Specific features of local self-government bodies of formation in Rostov region in 1993-1994
Ph.D, Assistant, Department of Public Administration,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991
Abstract. This article focuses on the historical experience of the organization of local self-government in the Rostov region in 1993-1994. The growing role of local administration in solving important issues of socio-economic development of the country and its regions at the present stage determines the relevance of the topic. Effective improvement of local self-government is possible only on the basis of the study historical experience of reforms and transformations accumulated in the 1990s. The object of the study is the institution of local self-government. The subject of the study was the process of formation and development of the local self-government system in the Rostov region in 1993-1994. As a result of applying historical-comparative, historical-dynamic and retrospective research methods in the work, the tasks of the study were solved and its goal was achieved. It is concluded that the system of local self-government built in the Rostov region was organizationally consistent with constitutional principles. It is necessary to further study the problem with the expansion of the range of sources, which will highlight the most promising directions for the development of local self-government and, possibly, will be of practical interest for modern public authorities.
Keywords: local administration, local government reform, municipal elections, electoral system, legal regulation of local self-government, Rostov region
Sosin M.A. (Yakutsk). Smallpox Epidemic of 1819. Organization and Fight Against Epidemiological Measures in the Yakutsk Region
Institute of Humanitarian Research and Problems of
Indigenous Peoples of the North
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Junior Researcher
Department of History
677027, st. Petrovsky, 1, Yakutsk, Rep. Sakha (Yakutia)
Abstract. The aim of the study is to investigate the causes of the disease and the factors that contributed to the protection of the indigenous population of the region from the consequences of multiple smallpox epidemics. In addition, the article traces the history of the introduction of smallpox vaccination in the territory of North-Eastern Siberia. The author notes that 14 smallpox epidemics were recorded in the Yakutsk region during the period under study. The diseases were classified into “local diseases,” which Russian doctors were unable to treat, and “introduced diseases,” which shamans were powerless against. The article analyzes literary and archival materials on the history of smallpox vaccination and folk methods of smallpox prevention in Yakutia. The decrees of His Imperial Majesty the Autocrat of All Russia in the period under study are analyzed. As a result, the author was able to present generalized information about the course of the disease and the features of its treatment.
Keywords: smallpox, epidemics, smallpox vaccination, Yakutsk region, KIIBES
Azarevich V.K. (Vladivostok). Organization of Political Control in the Russian Far East on the eve of the First World War
Research Fellow,
Research Department, Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History.
690091, Russia, Vladivostok, 20 Svetlanskaya St., Vladivostok,
Abstract. The article is devoted to the influence of the human factor on the organization of political control bodies in the Russian Far East in 1911-1913. The basis of the study is the analysis of personnel changes that took place in Vladivostok security and Khabarovsk counterintelligence departments in the autumn of 1911 and their influence on the organization of political supervision in the region, as well as changes in the work of these state bodies. It is shown that the personnel reshuffle was caused by the attempts of the vice-director of the Police Department S.E. Vissarionov to reform the system of personnel selection of political investigation officers, with the desire to bring younger and politically literate officers into the service. It was assumed that they could fight the revolutionary threat more effectively than their older colleagues. In the Far East, the attempt to change the quality of investigative bodies by appointing new officers was successful, leading to a noticeable qualitative change in the work of political control in the region. However, this experience was not scaled to the whole empire because of the assumption of power over the police and gendarmerie in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in January 1913 by V.F. Junkovsky, who was a strong opponent of political investigation in any form.
Keywords: Vladivostok Guard Department, Khabarovsk Counterintelligence Department, Priamurskoye General-Governorship, Primorskaya Oblast, Amur Oblast, Separate Corps of Gendarmes, Police Department, political control, counterintelligence, political investigation, okhran
Ermishina N.D. (Moscow). Culturological Analysis of the First Type of Culture in Human History
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Professor of the Department of History and Cultural Studies
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
111250, Moscow, st. Krasnokazarmennaya, 14, building 1
Abstract. The article examines the society of the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods as a type of culture based on the unity of cultural values. The purpose of the work is to determine the core of this type of culture as its fundamental principle. An analysis of material and spiritual culture is carried out, their constituent elements are highlighted. The chronological framework is determined by the main type of activity – the appropriating economy. Material and spiritual culture depended on natural conditions. In the Upper Paleolithic hunting for large animals was used. Stone spears, darts, and bolas were used as the tools. Sewn clothing made from skins and above-ground residential buildings were known. Social relations are characterized by the presence of a tribal egalitarian community. The first institution of marriage appears – the couple family. Exogamy was formed. All elements of spiritual culture were laid down in the Upper Paleolithic. They existed in syncretic unity both among themselves and with elements of material culture.
The transition to the Mesolithic was determined by a major environmental crisis, which entailed changes in flora and fauna. Changes in material culture were reflected in the invention of the bow and arrow, in the decrease in the size of the community, and in the beginnings of differentiation between communities. The beginning of new types of activities was laid – agriculture and animal breeding. But the main occupation remained hunting. In spiritual culture, mythology and rituals became more complex. Images of people, composition and schematic drawings appeared in painting. The symbolism of all types of art has increased. The conclusion is drawn: the core of the culture of this historical type is syncretism. A name for the type of culture is proposed – natural-symbolic.
Keywords: typology, syncretism, core of culture, productive activity, society, art
Vasilyeva N.A., Bakhturidze Z.Z. (St. Petersburg). Diplomatic Activities of P. Neruda. Essay on a Political Biography
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of World Politics, Faculty of International Relations. Saint-Petersburg State University.
199034, 7/9, Universitetskaya embankment, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Higher School of International Relations at the Humanitarian Institute. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University.
195251, 29 Polytechnitcheskaya street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Abstract. The destinies and biographies of some people are inextricably linked with politics and history. The life of Pablo Neruda confirms this fact, and expands the horizons of this relationship, not limited only to his homeland, but embracing, in fact, the whole world. Being a poet by vocation, endowed with this fateful gift, he had the opportunity to “talk” about many things in such a way that he was heard far beyond the borders of Chile. Being a diplomat by occupation and by conviction, he realized his potential as a humanist and peace fighter. His poetry and his life have become part of the world heritage, because Pablo Neruda, as he incredibly subtly and correctly noted, “a Chilean heart that contains the whole world.” Neruda’s diplomatic and political activities date back to 1927 and are undoubtedly a reflection of certain moods and trends of that period in Latin American history, and given the scale of his personality, they still arouse research interest to this day. Serious transformations of recent decades, outlining new contours of political existence, pose many questions to humanity and people, the answers to which can often be found in biographies that are filled with meaning and therefore have not lost either their impact or significance. The biography of Pablo Neruda is undoubtedly one of the most striking examples of this.
Keywords: diplomacy, humanism, cosmopolitanism, conflict, immigration, Spain, Chile
Psychomakhova A.R. (Moscow). Umar Bersei – Educator and Enlightener of the Adyghe People
Lecturer, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Department of Education and Science of Moscow State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution “Medical College No. 5”,
117638, Moscow, Nakhimovsky pr. str. 4А
Abstract. The publication analyzes the periods of life of the enlightener Umar Bersei, reveals the stages of his formation: birth in an Abadzeh family, falling into Turkish captivity at the age of eight; then he was sold to an Egyptian pasha, where the owner notes the young man’s abilities, provides him with home education and sends him to the Paris Polytechnic Institute. Upon graduation from the institute, W. Bersei entered military service in the Russian army. After leaving the service, he was invited to the post of senior teacher of the Circassian language in the Stavropol gymnasium. He knew several European and Caucasian languages. In the gymnasium he was engaged in advanced study of the Circassian language, thanks to him the Circassian alphabet of 46 letters was compiled. The approved primer was used in Stavropol, Yekaterinodar, Novocherkassk and Yeysk gymnasiums as a teaching aid at the Historical and Philological Department of the Academy of Sciences.
On the basis of the analysis, the article defends the thesis about the progressiveness of the views of the enlightener and the relevance of using today the fables of W.H. Bersei in the educational process in educational institutions.
Keywords: teacher, educator, folklore, publication, North Caucasus, gymnasium
Baltovsky L.V., Smirnova A.P. (St. Petersburg). Historical, Cultural, Methodological Aspect of the Formation and Development of Russian Statehood in the Concept of P.N. Milyukov
Doctor of Political Science,
Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
190005, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 4, Saint Petersburg
Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy,
Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
190005, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 4, Saint Petersburg
Abstract. The article analyzes the scientific work of the prominent Russian historian P.N. Milyukov, who promoted a new direction in the study of the past at that time – “cultural history”. The authors give a critical assessment of the concept of “historicism” as one of the main categories of historical science. Attention is drawn to the fact that P.N. Milyukov innovatively assessed the events of the times of Peter the Great, placing emphasis on the study of the material side of the historical process, economic, financial, social, “institutional” history. According to P.N. Milyukov, the dominant factor in historical research should be the people, and not historical figures. According to the authors, P.N. Milyukov became the founder of modern methodology and philosophy of science. He put in first place not the history of events, but the history of everyday life: the history of institutions and morals. A representative of the Moscow Historical School, the historian shared the views of V. O. Klyuchevsky and P. G. Vinogradov. He formed his scientific ideas based on the acceptance of the ideas of the pro-Western scientists of his time.
Keywords: historical concept of P.N. Milyukov, positivism, comparative research method, historicism, history of culture
Nikitina A.A. (Sergiev Posad). Administrative Work of P.P. Pokryshkin in the Peregrod Branch of the All-Russian Collegium for Museum Affairs in 1918-1919
Museum of Christian Art “Church and Archaeological Cabinet of the Moscow Theological Academy”, custodian of the museum funds.
141300, Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Sergiev Posad
Abstract. Soviet Russia launched a huge revolutionary program to build a new socialist society in the first post-revolutionary years. While there was a heated debate about the place and role of the old culture in the construction of a new society, the Soviet state was solving the problem of forming institutional foundations in the work of preserving cultural monuments of bygone eras. In this article, the author aims to determine the contribution of the architect-restorer P. P. Pokryshkin to the organization of the activities of the Soviet system of monument protection in 1918-1919 – the All-Russian Collegium for Museum Affairs of the People’s Commissariat of Education, and the formation of a large scientific center and restoration workshop in Petrograd.
This article is relevant because it introduces new material and includes historical, biographical and educational aspects that contribute to a greater understanding of the past and the formation of a deeper interest in Russian culture.
The author of the article conducted a comprehensive historical reconstruction of the activities of P. P. Pokryshkin within the framework of his service in the Collegium for Museum Affairs in 1918-1919 using the method of historical analysis, chronological, historical-comparative and retrospective methods.
As a result of this research, the author came to the following conclusions: P. P. Pokryshkin, as an active member of the All-Russian Collegium, set himself several key tasks aimed at reforming the system of protection of cultural heritage in Russia. He sought to centralize the management of museum affairs, create a single structure that would coordinate the activities of all institutions for the protection of monuments in the country, and develop restoration work in the regions. Pokryshkin considered it necessary to introduce uniform principles of restoration for all cultural heritage protection institutions. As a result of serious and painstaking work, he managed to maintain significant influence on state policy in the field of cultural heritage protection, expand the activities and increase the powers of the Petrograd department of the All-Russian Collegium.
Keywords: Russian history, cultural heritage protection agencies, academician P. P. Pokryshkin, reform of the Soviet system of cultural heritage protection
Lapina I.Yu., Kargapoltsev S.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Civilization Challenges and Systemic Problems of Domestic Sociogenesis. Part 7
Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya stree t, 4, St. Petersburg
Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 4, St. Petersburg
Abstract. This article continues a series of publications by the authors in the journal “Klio”, dedicated to understanding the process of Russia’s confrontation with civilizational challenges based on an analysis of the historical experience of our state’s development. The authors express the opinion that artificial intelligence, in addition to its advantages, may also have problematic properties that need to be foreseen. It is noted that a number of major intellectual projects of the Russian Federation are supervised by globalist moderators from unfriendly countries. Based on historical experience, the authors argue that, while keeping up with the times and technological progress, we should be cautious about innovations, some of which may disrupt the process of development of our basic values – spirituality, morality, culture. The authors’ focus remains on the issue of preserving the Russian mentality. The problem of “voluntariness on a legislative basis” is analyzed from a historical perspective, imperceptibly developing into an “obligation” of citizens. An example of this is the recent experience of Covid restrictions.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, “new normal”, basic values, mentality, digitalization, new world order
Samorodov D.P. (Sterlitamak). Creator of the cultural-historical approach to history. Master of Botany Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky (Historiography)
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of the Fatherland and Methods of Teaching History, Chief Researcher of the Sterlitamak Branch of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
450000, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak, Lenin Avenue, 49
Abstract. The article, with a chronological and historical focus, examines the main historiosophical and sociological ideas of the Russian botanist N.Ya. Danilevsky, outlined by him in the famous book “Russia and Europe”. The reasons for the emergence of a heated scientific and philosophical debate in the 80–90s are shown. XIX century around this book, initiated by the Russian philosopher V.S. Solovyov. The positions and arguments of both apologists of Danilevsky’s organic theory on cultural and historical types (K. Leontiev, F. Dostoevsky, K. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, N. Strakhov) and critics of the new civilizational approach to history (V. Solovyov, P. Milyukov) are characterized, N. Kareev, etc.). The essence of the critical attitude to the ideas of N. Danilevsky on the part of the major Russian philosophers N. Berdyaev and N. Lossky, who considered the scientist only an epigone of Slavophilism, is revealed. The fact of inattention and critical attitude towards N. Danilevsky on the part of Soviet scientists, guided by the norms of historical mathematics, the class approach and the principle of party membership, is explained. The historiography of the problem in the post-Soviet, modern periods is characterized in detail, when humanities scholars, in conditions of ideological pluralism and freedom of expression in their works (including dissertation projects), gave a generally high positive assessment of the ideological heritage of N. Danilevsky, rightly positioning him as the founder of the civilizational, cultural-historical approach, leveling the generally accepted starting term “universal history” and considering the concept of “historical process” to be the history of individual cultural-historical types, i.e. Civilizations. An attempt has been made to correlate the organic theory of N. Danilevsky with the cosmophilosophical, metahistorical concept of L. Seklitova, which involves the “seeding” of earthly civilizations from the outside, i.e. with the participation of highly intelligent, providential forces of the external, subtle cosmos. A feature of the author’s methodology is the application of the principle of historicism in its highest, spiritual (non-materialistic) understanding, in the form of metahistoricism.
Keywords: N.Ya. Danilevsky, cultural-historical type, book “Russia and Europe”, pochvennichestvo, V.S. Solovyov, Russian World, historiography of Slavophilism, historical approaches
Lavrenov S.Ta., Polyansky M.S. (Moscow). The Warsaw Uprising of 1944: historical facts against speculation (on the 80th anniversary of the event)
Leading Researcher,
Center for Fundamental
Military-Historical Problems
Military University of the Ministry
Defense of the Russian Federation,
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor,
Advisor to RARAN
125047, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 14.
Chief Researcher,
Center for Fundamental Military Historical Research
Problems of the Military University of the Ministry
Defense of the Russian Federation,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
125047, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 14.
Abstract. The article examines the causes and consequences of the Warsaw Uprising (August 1-October 2, 1944). The threat of the final loss of power forced the leadership of the Polish emigrant government and the leadership of the Home Army subordinate to it to initiate the Warsaw Uprising. However, the operational and strategic situation, accompanied by increased resistance of German troops near Warsaw, dispelled hopes for the fleeting nature of the uprising. In an effort to “rehabilitate” themselves in the eyes of public opinion, the leadership of the uprising replicated the version of the allegedly deliberate suspension of the Soviet offensive for political reasons. The article, however, provides evidence that the Soviet command, to the last possible opportunity, made efforts to liberate Warsaw.
Keywords: globalization, gender transhumanism, collective West, Special military operation, Covid-19, pandemic, medical and sanitary dictate, Satanism, tolerance, liberalism, Russophobia, neocolonialism, Russia, V.V. Putin, Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, European Union
Pankrashin S.A. (Moscow). Provisioning of the Archive of Princess Catherine Yurievskaya: a Few Words About the Problem of Structural Formation of the Archive Complex
Postgraduate student of Department of History of Moscow State University
119992, Lomonosovsky avenue, 27, b. 4, Moscow
Abstract. The present article is devoted to the problem of the provenance of princess Catherine Yurievskaya (Dolgorukova, 1847–1922), morganatic bride of the Emperor Alexander II of Russia (1818–1881), which situated in the State Archive of Russia. Special source-studies of the entire archive complex, which reflects the life and fate of the princess herself, Alexander II, their children and some related persons, were not conducted in the domestic historiography. One of the major problems associated with this archive complex is the problem of its provisioning, that is, the process of formation and evolution of the structure of the archive throughout its existence. The author of the article suggests that the key to solving this problem can be the typewritten «Diaries of Emperor Alexander II», compiled and edited in 1921–22 by the last secretary and assistant of Princess N.I. Markov based on the documents and documents of the emperor, especially his correspondence with the princess, which were originally present at the time of the death of the princess. The article examines the structure of the archive, brings together all currently known data in Russian historical literature on its history and draws conclusions about ways of reconstruction of the original appearance of the archive of Princess Yuryevskaya.
Keywords: Romanov’s dynasty, morganatic wifes and brides, princess Yurievskaya, archive studies of Romanovs, typewritings of Markov