Filatov T.V. (Samara). Application of general scientific methods in historical researches: to statement of the problem……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
TIMUR VALENTINOVICH FILATOV — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Volga region State University of telecommunications and informatics. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, Leo Tolstoy st., 23. E-mail:
The article deals with the specifics of the application of scientific methods in historical research. The author believes that the historical knowledge of abstraction, modeling, idealization and some other scientific methods get a different sound than in the natural sciences. First of all, their field of application covers not only theoretical but also on the level of empirical scientific knowledge. As an illustration of this thesis is a methodological concept of Imre Lakatos. It formulates the thesis of “distilled history” when it is not a theory substantiates the generated previously, and therefore relatively independent of the empirical basis, which only post factum loaded theory and empirical basis is structured under the appropriate rational reconstruction, which, in turn, is determined by randomly wandering “zero point” of modern times.
Keywords: general scientific methods of knowledge, modeling, abstraction, idealization, the distilled history, a historic fact, rational reconstruction, “a zero point” of the present.
Levin D.E. (Saint Petersburg). Uvarov awards………………………………………………………………………………18
DMITRIY EMMANUYLOVITCH LEVIN (1947–2014) — Librarian of the National Library of Russia, Awardee of the Russian Ministry of Culture in 2004. E-mail:
The article describes the history of the Count Uvarov awards in the Imperial Academy of Sciences (IAS) that were given for the works on Russian and Slavic history, since its foundation in 1856 and until the award termination in 1918. “Rules on Count Uvarov awards” is commented in comparison with the Demidov prize and the rules of the prize named after prof. A.A. Kotlyarevskiy. The social and psychological aspect of the awards was considered. The article deals with the practice of reviewing works, reviewers rewarding with the Uvarov Gold Medal and the publication of reviews. It is proposed to republish the works awarded with reviews, to renew the Count Uvarov award giving and to put a memorial plaque in honor of the historian and organizer of science honorary member of the IAS A.S. Uvarov and his wife P.S. Uvarova (born Scherbatova) on the building of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. A chronological list of the Uvarov awards from 1857 to 1918 with bibliographic descriptions of the works awarded, indicating the reviewers and bibliographic descriptions of the reviews is attached, as well as indicating the reissued works awarded.
Keywords: Uvarov awards, Uvarov gold medal, Uvarov committee, Demidov prize, prize named after prof. A.A. Kotlyarevskiy, Aleksey Sergeevich Uvarov, Praskovya Semenovna Uvarova, Imperial Academy of Sciences.
Filippova T.P. (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic). Research expeditions in the territory of the Autonomous region of Komi (Zyrians) in the1920–1930th: source study aspect…………………………………………………………………………54
TATYANA PETROVNA FILIPPOVA — Ph.D. in History, Researcher, Department of humanitarian cross-disciplinary researches, Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 167000, Russian Federation, Komi Republic, Syktyvkar, GSP-2, Kommunisticheskaya St. 24. E-mail:,
The article is devoted to the analysis of documentary sources on history of scientific studying of the Autonomous region of Komi (Komi ASSR) in the 1920-1930s which remained in funds of National archive of the Komi Republic. The structure and information opportunities of sources are analyzed. The revealed documents allow to consider the multiple-factor process of scientific development of the territory of the modern Komi Republic in the 1920–1930s which was carried out within the research expeditions. Documents of funds represent a unique complex of sources which disclose not only tasks, directions and priorities of scientific research in Komi, but also a role of individuals in studying of the region. These sources present one of valuable groups of retrospective documentary information on the subject. Their introduction to a scientific turn can significantly add to a historical picture of development of science in the European North of Russia.
Keywords: National archive of the Republic of Komi, sources, science, expeditions, Komi Autonomous region, Komi ASSR.
Novik D.G. (Saint Petersburg). The UN headquarters: choice and its consequences…………………………………62
DMITRY GUENNADIEVICH NOVIK — International coordinator, Department of International Cooperation, North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA. 199178, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Sredniy prospect V.O., 57/43. E-mail:
This article covers the history of a historical choice of the USA as a host country for the United Nations. The historical nature of this choice is obvious because it defined the place where all the major decisions on the post-war world order were to be made. The European countries had their history as an advantage: for ages, all such decisions were made within the Old World. But Europe was also the place where the Second World War was unleashed and it could have made the moral burden for the UN in Europe too heavy to bear. Finally, the USA was chosen to host the UN (not without the help of such UN members as the USSR). On one hand, this choice granted the UN the possibility to start with a clean slate having the support of one the most powerful actors of the post-war world. On the other hand, it gave to the USA the possibility to implicitly influence the UN, and especially its Secretariat. It became an obstacle for the UN operations on the initial stage of its existence. First Secretary-Generals had to deal with this situation. Finally, Dag Hammarskjold succeeded in establishing the UN independence and defending its special rights.
Keywords: United Nations, UN Charter, USA, Cold War, Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjold, UN Headquarters, Secretary-General, political pressure.
Abukov S.N. (Donetsk). To the origin of tsarina Anastasia Zakharyina’s mother and brothers Romanovichy………67
SERGEY NAVIL’EVICH ABUKOV — Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecture of the Department of historiography, source studies, archeology and methods teaching history, Donetsk National University. 83015, Donetsk, Universitetskaya St, 24, II building, room № 21. E-mail:
Despite the research of the Romanov House, in the early history of the dynasty there are a lot of white spots. This article focuses on one of the most intractable problems of early genealogy of the Romanovs: the origin mother of tsarina Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina — Ulyana Fyodorovna, which are not reflected in the sources and it can be considered not determinable. The author attempted to answer this riddle. The article presents the arguments according to which Ulyana Fyodorovna is the daughter of a prominent statesman, diplomat and philosopher of the first half of the XVI century okolnichy Fyodor Karpov, leading its origin from Rurik, although lost the title. It is also noted that Fyodor Karpov was also the ancestor of the subsequent line of the Romanovs, who in 1613 became Russian tsars.
Keywords: Romanovs, wedding, marriage, Anastasia Zakharyina, Ul’yana Fyodorovna, Fyodor Karpov, kinship, origin.
Vedernikov M.V. (Moscow). Initiation and progress of Czech sociopolitical movement in Russia on the eve of the Great War…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………71
MIKHAIL VLADIMIROVICH VEDERNIKOV — Postgraduate Student, Department of Southern and Western Slavs, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Scientific Researcher of Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Mokhovaya st. 11-3., r. 214. E-mail:
Thematic justification of prewar activity of Russian Czechs comes from fact that in the start of the Great War they were among the first who publically proclaimed necessity of Austro-Hungary’s elimination. Consequently, they said about future independence of Czech lands. Their activity was supported by government agencies. Two official audiences with Nicolas II proved it. Previous works about Czechs in the First World War didn’t pay attention on research of this prewar phenomenon.
Czech newspapers, Russian and Czech archives were used for writing this contribution. As a result of study author came to conclusion that till the First World War Czechs were not cohesive community with strong links. Relative successes were common to Kiev Czechs. However, their cooperation met with barriers. Stroke of Czech’s luck in the start of war was determined by other reasons.
Keywords: Russian Czechs, Russian empire, Czech society, Great War.
Izbassarova G.B. (Moscow). Kazakh Chinggizids of Zhadik’s house in the service of the Russian Empire (1824–1869)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….81
GULBANU BOLATOVNA IZBASSAROVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1. E-mail:
In 1823 the Orenburg military Governor P.K. Essen appealed to the Asian Committee with the reform project, proposing to restructure all government institutions of nomadic society, the development of the administrative-territorial management system. At the 31st meeting of the Asian Committee which took place on January 31, 1824 the transformation of the Orenburg region management was addressed, then this project was approved by the Emperor. After the reforms of 1824, the territory of Zaural’skaya Horde was divided into three parts.
The article, based on the new archival sources and published materials, studies the service of the “white bone” representatives ― Kazakh Chinggizids of Zhadik’s house, in the form of the sultans-rulers and temporarily assigned to this position in the Eastern part of the Horde of the Russian Empire.
In the article the new biographical data is introduced, the attention is paid to the service of the temporarily assigned governors, who essentially perform the function of the sultans-rulers, however were disadvantaged in terms of wages and shall proof the loyalty to the Empire and its Supreme rulers during the several years of the service.
Keywords: Chinggizids, Eastern part of the Zaural’skaya Horde, the reform of 1824, the Orenburg military governors, the Foreign Ministry, the Russian Empire.
Volkov I.V. (Moscow). The Syr Darya line as the management authority of border territories in Turkestan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….87
IVAN VASILEVICH VOLKOV — Ph.D. in Politics, Scientific Secretary of the Society of studying the history of domestic intelligence. 109652, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novomarinskai st., blok 10–52. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the common problem of the organization of the Royal administration on the eve of the accession of Central Asia to the Russian Empire. The author notes that “the Syr Darya line” was not conditional geographical edge, but administrative-territorial authority of management of the border areas of Russian Turkestan and in its activities the foreign department of Russia actively participated. The establishment in 1854 of the Syr Darya line was the next act of the Royal government in moving towards Central Asia. The management staff of the Commander of the Syr Darya line consisted of military and civilian officials including the special representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Management of the Syr Darya line was abolished in 1865 after the formation in the area from the Aral Sea to lake Issyk-Kul of the Turkestan region.
Keywords: Syr Darya line, Central Asia, administrative management, Russian Turkestan, foreign Ministry.
Azhigulova A. I. (Orenburg). The mortality rate in the Southern Urals in the 1930s………………………………94
ALBINA ISLAMOVNA AZHIGULOVA — Postgraduate Student of the Department of General history and methods of teaching history and social studies, Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 460050, Russian Federation, Orenburg, Proletarskaya st., 308, 102. E-mail:
The article discusses the main causes of increased mortality in the 1930s. Mortality, as the process of extinction generations depends on a number of factors, biological and social. From the standpoint of demographic analysis is essentially a division of the factors on the so-called endogenous, generated by the internal development of the human body, and exogenous, associated with the influence of the external environment. A high proportion of exogenous factors (a little depending on the age composition of the population) in the structure of death causes provides a high level of mortality rate.
The main causes of mortality selection: exhaustion after the experience of hunger of 1932–1933, the rise of infectious diseases, weakness of the health system. The basis of this research is based on archival data of the Russian Federation, the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions. The article in detail examined the activities of the people’s Commissariat of health, as well as the work of the local administration to monitor causes of mortality. The author comes to the conclusion that exogenous factors were the leading causes of mortality in the period.
Keywords: mortality, Southern Urals, epidemic diseases, infant mortality rate, overall mortality, increase.
Muzalevskaya V.A. (Saratov). The approaches of the administrations of Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr. towards Syrian policy of the United States: comparative analysis……………………………………………………………………99
VICTORIA ANDREEVNA MYZALEVSKAYA — Postgraduate Student, Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy, Institute of History and International Relations, N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. 410012, Russian Federation, Saratov, Chelyuskintsev str., 151/161, app. 38. E-mail: victoriamuzalevskaya@yandex.r
In this article we compare the approaches of the American administrations of Clinton and George Bush Jr. policy towards Syria. The article draws attention to the fact that both administrations had different goals in the Middle East region. So, a team of Democrat Clinton was focusing its efforts on the Arab-Israeli peace process, and therefore, the Syrian policy of the United States in this period was built in the context of the Israeli-Syrian peace talks. For Republican George W. Bush Syria was of interest in the context of Iraqi politics, as well as in the fight against terrorism. It is stated that the Clinton administration used the tactic of diplomatic cooperation, establishing relations with Syria. Team of George Bush Jr. used diplomacy very limited, mainly in the first years of being in the White house, after which it began to use all kinds of political and economic pressure. It is also emphasized that Congress played an important role in shaping Syrian policy of the United States under both presidents. However, if at the B. Clinton the Congress hindered the administration’s policy, imposing sanctions and restrictions on Syria, when at the President George Bush Jr. democratic congressmen tried to build their own line of engagement with Damascus. In general, it is stressed that the President George Bush Jr. conducted less active and “friendly” Syrian policy than Clinton but more efficient, which contained a broad set of “checks and balances”, which was especially clearly manifested in the new project of “Greater Middle East”.
Keywords: USA, Syrian policy of the United States, Bill Clinton, G. Bush Jr., the U.S. Congress, the Middle East, Syria, Bashar al-Assad.
Kolesnik A.V. (Donetsk). Treasures of the Neolithic flint products of the Seversky Donets river basin (southern part of the Russian plane)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………104
ALEXANDER VIKTOROVICH KOLESNIK — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Historiography, Source Study, Archeology and Methods of Teaching History, Donetsk State University. 83001, Donetsk, Universitetskaya ul., 24. E-mail:
In the late Stone Age (the Neolithic, 7–6 thousand years ago) Donbas was formed as the large European center for production and processing of mineral resources. Cretaceous flint was the main mineral resource of Donbas. Owning to the particularities of its geology history the region abounds in outcrops of Cretaceous deposits. The outcrops are especially numerous on the right bank of the Seversky Donets river. In Donbas, there were numerous Neolithic workshops on flint preprocessing. Flint products from workshops were distributed to considerable distance. In some cases specially selected products got to treasures. In most cases, it was small individual “toll kits”. Hiding of these sets on settlements or in burials in most cases had a ritual meaning. The problem of the semantic contexts of the Neolithic flint treasures is under discussion in the article.
Keywords: Donbas, Neolithic, hoards of the flint products, Seversky Donets, flint-working workshops.
Kuptsova I.V. (Moscow). The contribution of the artistic intelligentsia in the formation of a positive image of England during the First World War……………………………………………………………………………………………………111
IRINA VALENTINOVNA KUPTSOVA — Doctor of History, Professor, Department of regional and municipal administration, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 127055, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novoslobodskaya str., 11–96. E-mail:
During the First World War, there had been important changes in perception of England and the English under the influence of intensification of intercultural dialogue in frame of allied relations. The purpose of this article is to comprehend the contribution of the artistic intelligentsia in the formation of a positive image of England during the World War I. The artistic intelligentsia was a subject and an object of forming this image. Representatives of the artistic intelligentsia justified the necessity of Russia’s alliance with England. Image of England had been mixed Anglophobia and Anglophilia. Among Anglophiles were both convinced admirers of England, its political system, and traditions, as well as those who had considered an alliance with England as a forced step. The article deals with the experience of perception of England and the English by Vyach. Ivanov, F. Sologub, K. Chukovsky, A. Tolstoy, B. Savinkov, E. Zamyatin. It is concluded that the war helped to brighten highlight the positive qualities of the English: courage, patriotism, devotion to duty and tradition, honesty, thrift and practicality, love of freedom. Many of the negative traits had lost their relevance. General wartime conditions allowed a better understanding of the English, helped to change stereotypes, to perceive England as a reliable ally.
Keywords: artistic intelligentsia, the First World War, an image of ally, mutual acceptance of cultures, positive image of England.
Sharaevskaya A.V. (Komsomolsk, Ivanovo region). Rural network of the cinefication of the second half of the 1920s (on the materials of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky province)………………………………………………………………….119
ALENA VLADIMIROVNA SHARAEVSKAYA — Postgraduate Student, Department of Modern History, Faculty of History, Ivanovo State University. Lecture of the Ivanovo Power Engineering College. 155150, Russian Federation, Ivanovo region, Komsomolsk, str. Sovetskaya, 6. E-mail:
The article deals with the process of the cinefication in province of IvanovoVoznesensk in the 1920s. The complex structure of the management of rural film network is observed in the article. The questions described in the article, are connected with confusion in management, shortage of the equipment, qualified personnel. Possible ways of answering these questions are also mentioned. Projects of the cinefication of the village are analyzed and the main results of the research are summed up. The new organizations involved in the cinefication which were created during the specified period in the village, had most often commercial purposes that slowed down the development of film network. The article is based on data from funds of the Ivanovo region archive, which are first mentioned in the scientific research. The analysis of rural film network allowed to reveal the main problems and disadvantages.
Keywords: Ivanovo-Voznesensky province, rural film network, city film network, cinema, film projector, film recursor, cinefication, the project on the cinefication, film industry.
Dmitriev I.E. (Moscow). Fashion industry of France in 1920–1950s through eyes of the Russian emigrant Konstantin Verigin……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………128
IVAN EVGEN’EVICH DMITRIEV — Postgraduate Student, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 109507, Russian Federation, Moscow, Samarkand Blvd., 15, Building 1, Apt. 28. E-mail:
The focus of the article is the memoirs of a Russian emigrant perfumer K.M. Verigin “Fragrance. Memories of the perfumer”, which were released in 1965 in France. In the 1920s, like many Russian refugees, K.M. Verigin (1881–1961) emigrated with his family to Europe, where he found work in the fashion industry. For 35 years, from 1924, he worked in one of the most successful European fashion business in the Chanel company. His memoirs, published in Russia only in 1996, help to recreate a retrospective picture of the French perfume industry development of the first half of the XX century. A special place in the memories of K.M. Verigin assigned to the contribution of Russian immigrants in the global perfume industry development of the first half of the twentieth century and the problem of their adaptation in France in the 1920–1930s.
Keywords: history of fashion, history of perfumery, Konstantin Verigin, Ernest Beaux, Russian emigration 1920–1950s.
Khotko S.K. (Maicop, Republic of Adygea). The equestrian arming set in Circassia of the XIII–XVII centuries: morphogenesis, style, export………………………………………………………………………………………………135
SAMIR KHAMIDOVICH KHOTKO — Ph.D. in History, Leading Researcher, Ethnology Department, Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after Kerashev. 385000, Russian Federation, Republic of Adygea, Maicop city, ul. Krasnooktjabrskaya, 13. E-mail:
The ethnic and cultural image of the country of Circassians is inextricably connected with the genesis of the original set of armament and the equestrian equipment which appeared to be the most widely spread within an extensive region of the Eastern Europe and Near East during the XIII–XVII centuries. This article is devoted to clarifying of the interconnection of the nature of Adygs’ ethno-genesis with those forms of the social and political organization of society, which were determining the development of armament, the high level of continuity in technologies, forms, and style. Certain achievements of the Circassian culture in the field of weapons and armor, the horse breeding, creation of the military costume were most directly connected with the genesis of the military social class that represented a significant part of the population, which culture and the mode of life, in general, were imbued with the ideas concerned prestige of the military lifestyle. The many centuries-old nomadic challenge caused the reciprocal powerful and effective force, the class of warriors-riders, intended to protect the agricultural area of the Northwest Caucasus. The extensive plain between the Kuban and the Don rivers was a kind of «hippodrome» on which the best riders of the Steppe and the Caucasus competed. The constant infiltration of nomadic warriors into the ruling class of the Northwest Caucasus strengthened the defensive potentialities of the local population in all the historical periods. It seems the high level of the military class and arming complex of Meotians during the age of a thousand years (since the proto-Meotian period of the VIII-VII centuries, BC, till the III century, AD) to be no coincident. Meotians in that regard could be represented as the closest historical analogue of the Circassian society, and the country of Meotians was a kind of «prototype» of Circassia. Circassian cuirass warriors operated in the staff of the Golden Horde, the Polish, the Ottoman, the Russian, the Crimean Tatar, the Georgian, the Iranian and the Egyptian armies. Appropriately, attendant things of them can be found in museums and private collections all around the world.
Keywords: Circassians, Circassia, the Golden Horde, «Cherkass helmets», Circassian cuirass, Circassian saber.
Verbovoy A.O. (Saint Petersburg). The role of Danube military flotilla in Russo-Turkish War of 1806–1812 years (To 210th anniversary of a beginning of Russo-Turkish War of 1806–1812 years)………………………………………….144
ALEXEY OLEGOVICH VERBOVOY — Ph.D. in History, Researcher of the research department-12, Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetcov. 197045, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Ushakovskaya nab. 17/1. E-mail:
This article discusses the use of the forces of the Danube Flotilla during the Russo-Turkish War of 1806–1812. It shows in detail the process of forcing Danube flotilla in the beginning of XIX century and causes of it. It is also shown actions of the flotilla in support land forces in time of battles in near the river places and transporting war cargoes for successful conducting war actions. There is separately considered an activity of the flotilla in the storm of Ishmael and other Turkish fortresses on the Danube. The end of the article gives a brief overview of flotilla actions in storming such hard fortresses as Silistra and Ruschuk and a role of the flotilla in a both Ruschuk battles that finished the war. And then there was shortly shown the result of the war.
Keywords: Russo-Turkish War of 1806–1812 years, Danube, military river flotilla, cannoneer boat, floating battery, iol, galliot, gun, Ishmael. Akkerman, Silistra, Brailov, Serbia, Bessarabia, Moldavia, Walachia.
Nekrasov O.V. (Moscow). Russian intelligence and counterintelligence service on the “Roof of the world” (the end of the XIX ― beginning of the XX century) ……………………………………………………………………………………149
OLEG VLADIMIROVICH NEKRASOV — Member of Society of studying the history of domestic intelligence. 109652, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novomarinskai st., blok 10–52. E-mail:
The article is devoted to research of intelligence and counterintelligence activity of Pamir boundary detachment in the end of the XIX ― beginning of the XX century. The author testifies that detachment operated successfully, delivering the valuable information in the central authorities of military reconnaissance and actively monitored the work of foreign spies on the “Roof of the world”. Special attention to the local intelligence was certainly paid to the political maneuvers of the British, however the actions of the Chinese and the Afghan authorities also did not remain without it. In addition, the Pamir border detachment was engaged in counterintelligence, catching the British and other spies. There is the reason to assert that intelligence and counterintelligence information of the Pamir border detachment played an important role in shaping the policy of the tsarist government on the borders of Central Asia.
Keywords: Central Asia, the Pamir detachment, “Instructions to the chief of the Pamir detachment”, border post, intelligence, counterintelligence.
Fomichev S.O. (Saint Petersburg). The fate of the commanders of the Ural military district and the activities of its Military Council in the context of mass political repression of 1937–1938………………………………………………155
SERGEY OLEGOVICH FOMICHEV — Lecturer of the Mikhailovskaya military artillery Academy. 195009, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Komsomola, 22. E-mail:
The article discusses the political purges in the environment of the command personnel (CIP), the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red army (RKKA) in 1937–1938 Special attention in studies of these processes is given to the activities of the command of the Ural military district, as well as the fate of senior commanders and chiefs of the military district.
The publication also discusses the activities of the Military Council of the region and the role played by the members of the military Council in addressing not only questions of military administration, but in other areas of the County, including political issues (political purges in the military). The researchers of this tragic period of the Soviet state have the opportunity to get acquainted with previously unpublished or little-studied documents of the Russian state military archive (RGVA), the archive of the Military Collegium of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation (AVCS of the Russian Federation), the Central archive of the Federal security service (TSA FSB).
The author of the article describes the role of command of the Urals military district during the political purges of the red army.
Keywords: command and commanding staff of the Ural military district, mass political repression, the military Council, the activities of the command.
Ganin A.V. (Moscow). “Commissar, you are under arrest. Driver, straight ahead to Kozlovka, directly to the Cossacks” The story of the desertion of the assistant commander of the Soviet Southern front A.L. Nosovich from the Red army………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………165
ANDREY VLADISLAVOVICH GANIN — Doctor of History, Leading Researcher, Institute of Slavic studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 32-A. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the history of the desertion of one of the high-ranking Soviet military officials the assistant commander of the Soviet Southern front former general A.L. Nosovich to the Whites in October 1918. Still the circumstances of this case were unknown. Detection in France of a unique personal archive of general Nosovich allowed us to explore this issue in detail. As a result of the escape the Whites received information about the preparation of units of the Red army offensive on the Southern front, and various secret documents. Treason led to the resumption of the debate on the need to involve former officers to the Red army. However, the Whites were unable to adequately assess the attention of Nosovich, were suspicious towards him and almost never used his info.
Keywords: Russian Civil War, white underground A.L. Nosovich, Southern front.
Mednikov D.M., Goncharov A.E., Karelin N.M. (Krasnoyarsk). A “fine” arctic enterprise: baron Ludwig von Knoop’s company and commercial shipping on the Kara sea, 1878–1884…………………………………………………………176
DMITRIY MIHAILOVICH MEDNIKOV — Lecturer, Department of English for Technical Purposes, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. 660037, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, prospekt imeni gazety “Krasnoiarskii rabochii”, 31. E-mail:
ALEXANDER EVGEN’EVICH GONCHAROV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of English for Technical Purposes, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. 660037, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, prospekt imeni gazety “Krasnoiarskii rabochii”, 31. E-mail:
NIKOLAI MIHAILOVICH KARELIN — Senior lecturer, Department of History and Humanities, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. 660037, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, prospekt imeni gazety “Krasnoiarskii rabochii”, 31. E-mail:
While baron Ludwig von Knoop’s efforts in transforming the Kara Sea route into a practical shipping route was the first long-term enterprise in this direction (from 1878 to 1884), it has found little recognition in polar literature, being overshadowed by the expeditions of Nils Adolf Eric Nordenskiöld and Joseph Wiggins. Despite his achievements as a polar mariner, Eduard Dallmann, who worked for Knoop had also not been properly credited in Russian studies concerning the history of the Northern Sea Route. At the same time, Canadian and German historians have advanced significantly in describing the history of this remarkable enterprise. This article introduces these relatively recent studies to the Russian reader and contributes to the story by using new sources from Siberian archives. The paper focuses on the logistical issues of Baron Knoop’s enterprise, the statistics of imports and exports and the reasons behind its failure. The initial success of the company caused the Russian authorities to consider opening a customhouse on the Yenisei, for the purpose of which an official was ordered to the mouth of this river. His account of the first voyage of the company is a valuable source on polar history. The German enterprise opened the Siberian market for new European products and stimulated the export of local produce. However, a chain of unfortunate events caused the company to cut its losses and quit any further voyages to Siberia.
Keywords: Northern Sea Route, Ludwig von Knoop, Eduard Dallmann, the steamer “Moskva”, commercial shipping, the mouth of the Yenisei.
Kashevarov A.N. (Saint Petersburg). A.V. Vedernikov is a figure of the church printing of the middle of ХХ century……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………184
ANATOLII NIKOLAEVICH KASHEVAROV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; Professor of Department of History of Journalism, Saint Petersburg State University. 195251, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya Str., 29. E-mail:
The article is devoted to A.V. Vedernikov’s activity in the publishing department of the Russian Orthodox Church and the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy” in the 1950s. Particular attention is paid to the reorganization of the “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy” undertaken by A.V. Vedernikov, and the involvement of new literary employees. The article also shows the desire of A.V. Vedernikov as executive secretary of the magazine to counteract the cavils of censorship and to minimize Soviet officialdom to “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy” had remained a church publication and contributed to the cause of spiritual enlightenment. Made analysis suggests that A.V. Vedernikov had a significant impact on the revival and development of the Church journalism and the publishing industry in the Russian Orthodox Church.
Keywords: Anatoliy Vasilevich Vedernikov, metropolitan Nikolay (Yarushevich), publishing department, “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy”, affairs Council of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Avrus A. I. (Moscow). (book review «A.N. Potresov. Rubicon 1917–1918. Journalism» / edited by R.M. Gainullina, A.P. Nenarokov, J.S. Rosenthal. Moscow: Izd-vo “Polit. jenciklopedija”, 2016)…..……………………………………..190
ANATOLIY IKHILYEVICH AVRUS — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. 107076, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kolodeznaya str., 7-3-12. E-mail:
The review is devoted to the analysis of a collection of articles by Alexander Nikolaevich Potresov, a prominent representative of the Russian Social democracy. Potresov’s newspaper articles appeared on the heels of the events he described. The articles reflected the author’s perception of these events, his first attempts to assess them and predict the consequences. The author of the review expounds the main ideas presented in the Potresov’s articles, notices their advantages and disadvantages. It is emphasized that the following collection of articles is an important source of the study of the revolutionary events of 1917 and the beginning of the Civil War in Russia. The review also assesses the introductory article and the comments placed in the collection.
Keywords: Alexander Nikolaevich Potresov, Russian Revolution of 1917, Civil War in Russia, Mensheviks, defencists, internationalists.
Losik A.V., Sherba A.N. (Saint Petersburg). L.A. Govorov — мarshal born in Leningrad battle (Review on the monograph of Belozerov B.P., Sidorenko V.P. «Marshall, born in Leningrad battle». Saint Petersburg: Znanie, 2016)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………195
ALEXANDER VITALIAVICH LOSIK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, The Baltic state technical university “Voenmech” named after D.F. Ustinov, Deputy editor of the journal “КLIO”. 197374, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg. Shkoljnaya str., 88, 2, 81. E-mail:
ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH SHERBA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Researcher of the Research Department “Military history of North-western region of Russian Federation”, Research institute “Military history”, Military Academy of the General Staff. 191055, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nevskiy boulevard 10. E-mail:
About the subject of the title, we can learn from the monograph of B.P. Belozerov, V.P. Sidorenko “Marshall, born in Leningrad battle. To the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Marshal of Soviet Union Leonid Aleksandrovich Govorov (1897–1955)” 2nd ed. ext. and rev. (Saint Petersburg: Znanie, 2016. 362 p.). The book examines problems associated with the defense of the city-front, breakthrough and the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War and the role of the commander of the Leningrad front L.A. Govorov. The authors emphasize that in the battle for Leningrad revealed his generalship and military organizational skills, well thought-out rational ideas, the ability to confront the nazi group of armies “North”. All that allowed the interaction with other fronts to deliver a crushing impact at the enemy on the Soviet North-West.
Keywords: L.A. Govorov, Marshal, commander of the Leningrad front operation, the front city, Leningrad.
Belgorodskaya L.V., Pavlova I.P. (Krasnoyarsk). A new form of scholarly communication among historians…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………200
LYUDMILA VENIAMINOVNA BELGORODSKAYA — Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of Russian History, Siberian Federal University. 660041, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Svobodny, 79. E-mail:
IRINA PETROVNA PAVLOVA — Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. 660049, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Mira, 90. E-mail:
The paper is devoted to the experience of the historic forums in Krasnoyarsk. Analysis of the subject and format of meetings of professional and social events is given in this article. The authors analyze the experience of visualizing the history. Particular attention is paid to the Forum in 2016, dedicated to the Siberian economic history.
Keywords: history forum, Siberia, communication of historians.
Samartseva E.I. (Tula). World of weapons: history, heroes, collections…………………………………………………203
ELENA IGOREVNA SAMARTSEVA — Doctor of Historical sciences, Professor, Scientific secretary of the Tula State Museum of weapons, Professor of the Tula State University. 300002, Russian Federation, Tula, Oktyabrskaya street, 2. E-mail:
October 20–21, 2016 the International scientific-practical conference «World weapons: history, heroes, collections» took place at the Tula State Museum of weapons. The conference was attended by more than 200 professionals and guests of honor. 89 researchers have presented reports or messages. They discussed issues about the history of weapons and military equipment, the problems of collecting and restoration of weapons, museum and private collections, etc. The conference was attended by researchers from different scientific centers of Russia and other countries.
Keywords: International conference, history and culture, Tula State Museum of weapons, history of weapons production, the problems of collecting.