TO THE READERS OF THE JOURNAL…………………………… ……………………………………………………….13
Sleptsova O.J., Serdyuk M.B. First International Decade of Indigenous People in documents of the State Archive of the Magadan Region……………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
OLGA JUR’EVNA SLEPTSOVA — Senior Lecturer, North-Eastern State University. 685000, Russian Federation, Magadan, Portovaya ul., 13. E-mail:
MARIIA BORISOVNA SERDYUK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Far Eastern Federal University. 690090, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, ul. Sukhanova, 8. E-mail:
The International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People coincided with a difficult period of transformation of all spheres of Russian society, as a result of which the indigenous people of the North found themselves in a very difficult situation. The events held within the framework of the decade at the federal and regional levels were designed to ensure the sustainable development of these people.
The article is devoted to the analysis of documents reflecting the events of the First International Decade of Indigenous People in the Magadan Region.
The source of the study was the materials of the Organizing Committee for the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People in the Magadan Region, which were deposited in the Fund of the Administration of the Magadan Region in the State Archive of the Magadan Region.
The article analyzes the composition of documents, explores their information capabilities, the documents are divided into groups. The authors draw conclusions about the high informative value of documents for studying the socio-economic situation of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North in the post-Soviet period and the development of a regional state policy on indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North in the Magadan Region.
Keywords: State Archive of the Magadan Region, indigenous peoples of the North, International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, regional state policy, socio-economic situation.
Elantseva O.P. Fast building of a new railway of the USSR to the Pacific coast: by photo documents of 1943–1945………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
OLGA PAVLOVNA ELANTSEVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Patriotic History and Archive Management, School of Humanities Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University. 690922, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ajax Bay, FEFU Campus, bld. F, A 402. E-mail:
It’s the first time the author has attempted to systematize thematically photo documents of the history of fast built railway Komsomolsk — Sovetskaya Gavan (1943–1945). More than 15 thousand photos recorded the history of the new building work: the uniqueness of the engineering and geological characteristics of the construction area, the topographic and orographic situation. Also, they revealed professionally significant possible variants for passing the route. The photos turn on the spotlight on various excavations, loading-unloading and explosive, compressor and other types of work made by prospectors, designers, and builders, on the construction of artificial structures. Based on the unique material of central, regional and departmental archives, the author concludes that the presented photo documents are historical evidence setting new research objectives in order to better understand the history of the Great Patriotic War.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, the history of the Far East, transport communications, lines of communications, the railway Komsomolsk — Sovetskaya Gavan, superfast construction, photos as a historical source.
Medvedeva L.M., Lavrentiev A.V. Domestic historiography of the transport development of the Russian Far East (1970s — 2017)…………………………………………………………………………………………………25
LIUDMILA MIKHAILOVNA MEDVEDEVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. 690014, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Gogolya St., 41. E-mail:
ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH LAVRENTIEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. 690014, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Gogolya St., 41. E-mail:
Transport of the Far East plays an important role in the development of the region and is one of the key factors in realizing its potential. The periods of the rise of social and economic transformations in the east of the country are connected with the implementation of large-scale transport projects. Domestic historiography includes a considerable number of works devoted to the history of rail, sea, river, automobile and air transport at different periods of time. The authors have done a great job of identifying new sources and modern interpretation of historical phenomena. They described the process of construction of communication routes, the functioning of transport enterprises and their role in providing transportation. Systematization and analysis of available works allowed to sum up some results of the research of transport subjects, to reveal tendencies and features of its studying at different time periods, to define new development guidelines.
Keywords: historiography, the Russian Far East, the history of transport, the way of communication.
Tolstokulakov I.A., Kim Young Soo. Pacific policy of Russia and contribution of Russian researchers to investigation of Korean coastal waters in the second half of the 19th century……………………………………………34
IGOR ANATOLIEVICH TOLSTOKULAKOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Korean Studies, Far Eastern Federal University. 690105, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Davydova St., 42–75. E-mail:
KIM YOUNG SOO — Ph.D., Research Fellow at the Northeast Asia History Foundation (Republic of Korea, Seoul). 120-705, Republic of Korea, Seoul, Seodaemun-gu, Imgwang Bldg., Tongillo 81. Tel.: 010-3492-4416, e-mail:
In the second half of the 19th century Korea became a subject of colonial aspiration of western states. The European world investigates a new country actively, and Russia participates in Korean Studies as well. This article has been prepared mainly on the base of archival dates and aimed for objective analysis of the contents of Russian Pacific Policy and the contribution of Russian navigators to investigation of coastal waters near Korean peninsula. The results of studying Korean seaside geography by Russian experts turned out to be weightier than surveys of western colleague. As the principal task of Russians was guaranteeing the regional interests for Russian Empire. This article is marked by balanced approach of Russia toward Korean political problems, the authors has pointed out Russia’s readiness to protect a sovereignty of Korean state even under the raising external pressure. And at the same time they also take into consideration Russia’s insistence for strengthening own political and naval position in the region.
Keywords: Russian policy, investigation, Korean Peninsula, coastal waters, archival date, cartography, island, navigator.
Garusova L.N. The Immigration Policy of Canada: historical experience……………………………………………….43
LARISA NIKOLAEVNA GARUSOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Asia Pacific Department, School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University. 690922, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ajax-10, D 415. E-mail:
Productive use of opportunities of international migration largely depends on effective immigration policy of the host state. In its historical development, Canada has great immigration experience that could be applied in other countries. The evolution of Canadian immigration policy was considered on the analysis of Canadian literature and sources, including the immigration laws of Canada of the 19th–21st centuries. The author has identified the main trends in the development of the immigration process in Canada from the classical colonial period to the present time. It was formulated author’s periodization of the immigration policy of Canada, which includes 4 main stages. The immigration policies of the Canadian state depend on the needs of the economy, ideas about social organization, the foreign policy interests, and the international situation. The most essential changes have occurred over the last 50 years. Canadian immigration policy has abandoned the principles of discrimination of migrants on racial-ethnic lines and focused on service socio-economic needs of the country. The author has identified the recent trend for the enhancement of the humanitarian component in its structure that can become the main feature of the immigration policy of the Canadian state in the 21st century.
Keywords: Canada, immigration policy, racial and ethnic discrimination, immigration laws, Chinese immigration, immigrants from the United States and Europe, economic immigration programs.
Kanevskaya G.I. “Diaspora entrepreneurs” or “runaway convict revolutionaries”. (Feature of the genesis of the Russian diaspora in Australia)…………………………………………………………………………………50
GALINA IVANOVNA KANEVSKAYA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Scientific Laboratory of International Institutes and Multilateral Cooperation of the APR. Eastern Institute — School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University. 690105, Russian federation, Vladivostok, ul. Davydova, 36. E-mail:
Diasporal research is a relatively new trend in Russian science. Of particular interest is the evolution of diasporas in various countries of Russian dispersion. The article deals with the initial pre-revolutionary period in the history of Russian immigration in Australia. The main attention is paid to revealing the general and particular in the formation of the Russian diaspora on the fifth continent to understand what makes it similar in a series of other waves of migration and what are its specific features inherent only in this phenomenon. The author comes to the conclusion that the specificity of the genesis of the Russian diaspora has manifested itself in the decisive role in this process of political emigrants as the most active part of immigration. The article is based mainly on the materials of periodicals of Russian immigrants in Australia.Keywords: Russian immigration in Australia, Russian political emigrants, institutionalization of the national diaspora.
Belyaeva N.A. All-Russian Union of Customs Officers in 1918: the case of the Vladivostok customs inspector dismissal………………………………………………………………………………………………………………54
NATALYA ANATOLYEVNA BELYAEVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 6900012, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Nadibaidze ul., 17, 204. E-mail:
The author of the article examines the situation in the local departments of All-Russian Union of Customs Officers in the spring and the summer of 1918. Based on the dismissal Vladivostok customs inspector accused of bureaucracy, the processes that took place among customs officers during the short period of Soviet power in the territory of the former Priamursky general – governance are analyzed. The fact that f the inspector had served in the far region for more than fifteen years of life and his personality led to public response. The situation divided customs environment on a social basis. The story of the dismissal of the inspector is studied as a reflection of the common process of politicization of such an important state institution as customs after the seizure of power by the Bolshevik Party and the formation of the Soviet government. The study was carried out on the basis of archival documents of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East, which are introduced into scientific study for the first time.
Keywords: The All-Russian Union of Customs Officers, the customs department, the October Revolution, the Far East, the customs inspector, the struggle against bureaucracy, the social division, the civil war.
Shabel’nikova N.A. Finance support and provision of material needs of the Far Eastern militia employees in the 1920th. (Devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Workers and peasants militia formation)…………………………….60
NATAL’JA ALEKSEEVNA SHABEL’NIKOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, full professor, Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines, Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. 690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova St., 21. E-mail:
An effective system of social protection of police employees, which is based on finance support and provision of material needs, has a significant impact on the effective implementation of tasks assigned to internal affairs bodies. In the article features state insurance formation of the Far Eastern militia employees in the 1920s are considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the conditions of the need to ensure public order and fight against crime, the militia financing should have been among the main priorities of the Soviet state. However, due to the difficult situation in the country, many departments were financed by a residual principle, including the NKVD. Data are provided that that the emerging system of state security in the country, in general, and in the Far East in particular, directly depended on the means of local budgets. Author comes to the conclusion that despite the measures taken by the NKVD leadership and state bodies (one-off increases in salaries, the introduction of a bonus system for fight against various kinds of offences, and so on) social problems of the Workers and peasants militia in the 1920s were not resolved.
Keywords: Workers and peasants militia, Far East, Russian SFSR, budget, money allowance, salary, premium pay, clothing allowance, pension provision, social insurance, state insurance.
Sinichenko V.V., Izakson R.A. Army-prisoners of war of the First World War in the Russian Far East: the history of camp life…………………………………………………………………………………………………………69
VLADIMIR VIKTOROVICH SINICHENKO — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of State Legal and Civil Law Disciplines in Vladivostok’s branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotel’nikova ul., 21. E-mail:
RAISA ANDREEVNA IZAKSON — Lecturer of the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology in East-Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 664081, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Volzhskaya ul., 51. E-mail:
Different aspects of location of army-prisoners in the Russian Far East during the First World War are shown in the article. The problem of army-prisoners in the rear regions of Russia was solved not systematically, but situationally. The studying of historical, political and legal literature of the 20th century proves that the problem of contradictory policy of the Russian government towards army-prisoners of the First World War was interested many researchers from Russia and foreign countries. Materials about this theme in different periods were published in the periodicals, memoirs of army-prisoners, scientific works, monographs, etc. Article provides a comprehensive view of both the scale of deployment of prisoners of war in the east of Russia and the mechanisms for the functioning of camp life.
Keywords: First World War, Army-prisoners, Russian Far East, camp life, maintenance of army-prisoners, temporary foreign population in Russia, shoots of army-prisoners, rights of army-prisoners, acceptance of army-prisoners in citizenship, placement regime of army-prisoners.
Bondarenko E.Y. Political and historical aspects of the presence of Czechoslovak prisoners of war in the Russian Far East during the Civil War and intervention (1918–1920)………………………………………………………………78
ELENA YUR’EVNA BONDARENKO — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Laboratory of Social Design and Forecasting of the Department of Social and Psychological Sciences of the School of Humanitarian Sciences of the Far Eastern Federal University. 690048, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, the Centennial Ave, 47–6. E-mail:
Based on a wide range of Russian and foreign sources, the main aspects of the stay of Czechoslovak prisoners of war in the Russian Far East during the Civil War and military intervention (1918–1920) are explored. The reasons for the appearance of Czechoslovaks on Russian territory are analyzed. The relationship between former Czechoslovak captives, voluntarily surrendered to Russia and betrayed by its own government with Russian revolutionary detachments, as well as with foreign military units based in Vladivostok is being investigated. Conclusions are drawn about the reasons for the split of the Czechoslovak corps. Particular attention is drawn to the responses of American, British and Japanese newspapers to the peculiarities of the relationship between the Czechoslovak corps and the Entente. It is concluded that the destinies of Czechs were fateful, in addition to their own were caught in a Civil War in Russia.
Keywords: Russia, World War I, Civil War, military intervention, Czechoslovak corps, foreign prisoners of war, Czechoslovak-White guard coup, Far East, Vladivostok.
Aleksandrov P.G. «The events are under way in the territory of one Russian town…»: the details of Czechoslovak rebellion in Vladivostok…………………………………………………………………………………………86
PETR GERMANOVICH ALEKSANDROV — Scientific Associate, Primorye State Museum named after V.K. Arsenyev. 690003, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Posyetskaya ul., 19–19. E-mail:
The article is devoted to an armed revolt of parts of the Vladivostok group of the Czechoslovak case during which in the city the power of Council of Working and Soldier’s deputies has been overthrown. In article, the author pays special attention to reconstruction of events of the revolution which was taking place in Vladivostok on June 29, 1918. Work is based on little-known Czechoslovak sources, documents of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East and the State Archive of Primorsky Krai, materials of periodicals of 1918, memoirs of direct participants of events, both supporters of Council, and Czechoslovaks. Analyzing the course of a revolt of Czechoslovak parts and the events preceding him, the author reveals a number of the features distinguishing this event from performances of Czechoslovak groups in the Volga region, Siberia and in the Urals.
Keywords: Civil War, Far East, Vladivostok, Czechoslovak Corps, Legionnaires, revolt.
Zalesskaya O.V. The activity of the Blagoveshchensk office of the Far East state commercial representation (Dalgostorg) in the Chinese market in the late of 1920s……………………………………………………………………94
OLGA VLADIMIROVNA ZALESSKAYA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Dean of the International Faculty, Professor of the Romance-Germanic and Oriental Languages Department, Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. 675000, Russian Federation, Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk, ul. Lenina, 104. E-mail:
The article based on a wide range of unpublished archival materials deals with the activity of the Blagoveshchensk office of the Far East state commercial representation (Dalgostorg) in the late 1920s, during the period after the completion of large-scale measures for the economic union of the Far East with the Soviet Russia and during the growing tensions in the Far East border. The Blagoveshchensk office of Dalgostorg carried out its activities directly on the Soviet-Chinese border, where in an exclusive geographical proximity there were two sparsely populated and extensive regions ― the Soviet Far East and Northeast China. The apartness from the centers of the both countries, the weak development of industry, the role of the state in the foreign trade ― all this had been influenced to the activity of the Blagoveshchensk office. In the article the author characterizes in detail the transformation of the authorities in the Far East after the end of the Civil War, analyzes the volumes and dynamics of the Soviet-Chinese border trade, considers the peculiarities of export-import operations of the Blagoveshchensk office of Dalgostorg with the Chinese merchants.
Keywords: Soviet-Chinese relations, Far East, Dalgostorg, Soviet-Chinese cross-border trade, Blagoveshchensk office of Dalgostorg.
Ornatskaya T.A. The formation and development of school-course training of lawyers in the Far East in 1922–1941……………………………………………………………………………………………………………100
TATIANA ALEKSANDROVNA ORNATSKAYA — Ph.D. in History, Doctoral Student, Far Eastern Federal University. 680000, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, ul. Lenina, 40–58. E-mail:
The article highlights a challenging period of legal training of staff of the Soviet organs of justice and the Prosecutor’s office in the Far East. The author explores the period of the final stage of the existence of a buffer state ― Far Eastern Republic ― to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The Central objective of the article is to study the transformation of the essence of the educational process associated with the improvement of the legal field of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in the studied period. The study clearly shows that in the 1920–1930s the formation of legal education took place. Normative regulation of the learning process was started only in the 1925, the article concludes that the remoteness of the Far Eastern region, the lack of qualified faculty, financial constraints, shortage of personnel at the grass-roots units of the judiciary and prosecutors hampered the formation of a system of judicial training in the region.
Keywords: Far East, justice, legal education, teaching, teaching process, syllabus, courses, training by correspondence.
Anisimov A.L. U.S. Extraordinary Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary to Qing Empire John Elliott Ward (1858–1861): the treaty at any price…………………………………………………………………………………109
ALEXANDER LEONIDOVICH ANISIMOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of socio-humanitarian and economic disciplines of the Far Eastern Law Institute. 680063, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, lane Vladivostok, 1–34. E-mail:
In historiography, there is practically no works that address the history of American-Chinese relations, mid-19th century through the prism of personalities contributing to their formation. Given the degree of knowledge of the problems in this article, tasked to analyze the activities of American diplomatic representative in the Qing Empire J. E. Ward to implement the new tasks of Chinese policy of the United States set by Washington in the late 50s of the 19th century when writing works have been used archival materials published diplomatic documents, the English-language newspaper, published in China, United States and England, as well as domestic work, American, Chinese, British and Japanese researchers.
Keywords: Far eastern United States policy, China, Qing Empire, opium wars, The Taiping rebellion, Tientsin treaty.
Tikhi K.T. Rapprochement of Soviet-Japanese relations in 1925 in the evaluations of American press……………117
KONSTANTIN TEODOROVICH TIKHI — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Historical Education, Pedagogical School of the Far Eastern Federal University. 690010, Russian Federation, Primorsky Krai, Ussuriysk, Nekrasova St., 35. E-mail:
The submitted work is devoted to research of the attitude of American society toward normalization of Soviet-Japanese relations in 1925. The US conservative and liberal press have been investigated on the basis of content analyses during the policy of non-recognition. Conservative press considered that Soviet-Japanese rapprochement do not disturb the results of Washington Conference, using “faking news”. Liberal Press stressed missed opportunities for American, business and went for the US recognition of the Soviet Russia.
Keywords: Japanese-Soviet relations, Soviet foreign policy, American public opinion.
Pikalov Y.V. The problem of Special Far Eastern Army commanders and political workers’ compliance with the with the professional requirements, moral and political qualities (1929)……………………………………………………121
YURIY VASILIEVICH PIKALOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Socio-Humanitarian and Economic Disciplines Department of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 680013, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, Vladivostokski per., 1–6. E-mail:
The research’s topic relevance is determined by the demand of the historical experience in the new type army formation during the country transition from the socioeconomic and political development of an old model to the new one. It was exactly in the period when the Special Far Eastern Army (SFEA) was formed and rallied. The most difficult period for it was in 1929, when in the process of the army formation it entered the battle on the Chinese Eastern Railway. The study was based on the basis of the State Archive of the Khabarovsk Krai unpublished documents and published documents of the resolutions and decisions of congresses, plenums, and resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), as well as the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets resolutions. The next group of sources made up the periodical press, in particular, the newspaper “Pravda”. Assistance in the research was provided by the scientists who wrote on similar subjects. The novelty of the research consists of a scientific analysis attempt of the command staff discontent with the policy of the leading party, with their financial position and with hazing relations between the commanders of the Special Far Eastern Army. These hazing relations are divided into hooligan manifestations and confrontation between the command staff and political workers of the army. As a result of the work, conclusions were drawn about the harmful impact of commanders with their financial position, the hazing between them on the morale and combat capability of the SFEA. The causes that gave rise to these discontent and hazing relationships are revealed. This makes it possible to use them in the current conditions of the construction of the Armed Forces of Russia.
Keywords: Special Far Eastern Army, professionalism of commanders, morale, army combat capability, hazing, special department, political department.
Tkachyova G.A. Acquisition of naval units in the Far East of the USSR during the Second World War (1939–1945)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………128
GALINA ANATOLYEVNA TKACHYOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Leading Researcher of the Institute of history, archaeology and ethnography of the peoples Far East, Far Eastern brunch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 690001, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Pushkinskaya St., 89. E-mail:
In the article on basis of archival documents and materials, for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, describes the process of completing units of the Pacific navy (TOF) and the Red banner Amur military flotilla (KAF) by conscripts and reservists of the reserve, volunteers in the Great Patriotic War. Their social and demographic characteristic is submitted. Provides the information about redeployment of military units and changes in the number of personnel of the Far Eastern naval forces depending on the operational-strategic situation in the region and the need to replenish the existing troops on the Soviet-German front. Using statistical data revealed that the main indicators of the mobilization of reservists and volunteers to the Pacific fleet and the Amur flotilla depended on the military-political situation, economic and demographic capabilities of the country and was determined by the restructuring of the Armed forces of the USSR. With use of statistical data, it is revealed that the main indicators of mobilization of reservists and volunteers to the Pacific navy and the Amur military flotilla depended on the military-political situation, economic and demographic opportunities of the country and were defined by reorganization of Armed forces of the USSR.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Far East, Pacific fleet, Amur military flotilla Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner, mobilization expansion, mobilization, recruits, persons liable for call-up of a stock.
Usov A.V. Rescue service of the Pacific fleet (1941–1945)……………………………………………………137
ALEKSEY VYACHESLAVOVICH USOV — Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecturer, State Legal and Civil Legal Disciplines Department, Vladivostok branch of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. 690002, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Okeanskii Ave., 98–1. E-mail:
In article the historical experience of activity by Rescue service of the Pacific fleet in days of the Great Patriotic War and fighting with Japan is considered. The research study was conducted on the records of the Branch of the Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defence (Navy Archive in Gatchina) and its Archives department in Vladivostok, as well as Russian State Naval Archives in St. Petersburg, most of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The main focus is paid to creation and functioning of rescue units in the main navy bases of the USSR on the Pacific direction. Losses of the Soviet and foreign ship structure and also results of activities by Rescue service of the Pacific fleet on work performance ship-raising and rescue operations are analyzed, their features are traced. It is noted that the majority of the actual operations were made off-schedule, on the projects made at the place of accident. The author comes to the conclusion that the richest historical experience of the Emergency and Rescue Service of the Pacific Fleet got in 1941-1945 needs to continue to be studied, summarized and introduced into the training of modern marine rescuers.
Keywords: maritime safety, Far East, Great Patriotic War, ship salvaging, Pacific Fleet, diving, EPRON, sea rescue service, maneuvers.
Golovin S.A. Biography highlights of М.М. Gerasimov……………………………………………………………145
SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH GOLOVIN — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, The Chair of Russian History and Special Historical Sciences, Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. 675000, Russian Federation, Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk, ul. Lenina, 104. E-mail:
The article deals with basic biography and creative activity highlights of M.M. Gerasimov — the founder of semblance recreation method on craniological groundwork. This technique has become a consequence of the development of biological, historical, archaeological and social disciplines that treat a person in all its complex diversity (anatomy, anthropology, paleoanthropology and archeology). This Soviet anthropologist’s major achievements in prehistoric people and historical personalities’ semblance recreation based on the analysis of skull calcius are covered in the article. To date, not all elements of the person can be accurately reconstructed on the basis of cranial data, and if the parts adjacent tightly to the bone base are restored with complete certainty, such elements of appearance as auricles, details of the forms of the lips, nostrils and others, will always inevitably to recover with a large share of probabilities. Wide selections of historiographical, biographical and bibliographical sources have been used during writing this article. The article is of interest to people of various specialties and is of particular importance for museology and archeology in connection with the problem of anthropogenesis.
Keywords: anthropology, archaeology, semblance recreation based on the analysis of skull, historical graves.
Popravko E.A. The A.V. Khrulev’s activity for rehabilitation of officers repressed in the period of Great Terror……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………150
ELENA ALEKSANDROVNA POPRAVKO — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Army General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Makarov Emb., 8. E-mail:
The repressions of the command staff of the Red Army as a subject of research have a rich historiography. The opposite process — rehabilitation of officers — rarely attracts the attention of scholars, and it is mentioned mainly in biographical research in а final part as information about termination of criminal cases or the cancellation of previous convictions. But the scale of rehabilitation, the initiators and participants in this process remain beyond the attention of history.
This study aims to research the role of Army General Andrei Vasilievich Khrulev as one of the initiators and active participants in the rehabilitation of officers who were repressed at the Great Terror, to reveal the features of this work and to characterize some features of him as a military leader.
The research is based on the materials deposited in the personal archive of A.V. Khrulev (personal and official correspondence about the rehabilitation of officers who were repressed in the end of the 1930s, inquiries, request, personal characteristics of the repressed and their members families and etc).
The documents were provided by A.V. Khrulev’s family — daughter Valeria Andreevna and grandson Alexander Eduardovich Khrulev.
Keywords: A.V. Khrulev, repression, command staff of the Red Army, Great Terror, rehabilitation, leadership style.