Klio # 10 (118) 2016





«Fabulous cousin». Kavos, Zarudnaya, Benua in the memories of Maria Evgenyavna Gudkova (née. Kavos). The publication of  Lisovskaya N.A. (Saint Petersburg)…………………………………………………………………..……13


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Str. Lakhtinskaya, 23, 14. E-mail: lisovskayanatalya@yandex.ru

The publication which is offered to the readers of the journal is the fragmentary records of M.E. Gudkova about her life experiences, meetings and events. The peculiarity of the published documents is that they were written by a person and a considerable part of his life was in exile since the start of which had been almost 50 years. The author’s language as a result of the impact of environment that surrounded the author got a unique flavor and originality. The special value of published materials is that the author shares the memories about the meetings with well-known figures of the Russian culture. This is the first part of the document.

Introduction, application and notes for these letters written by N.A. Lisovskaya (by V.S. Lisovskaya granddaughter (née. Zarudnaya)).





Zibaev A.V. (Saratov). Concept of «kosmos» in Philostorgius…………………………………………………………….53

ANTON VALER’EVICH ZIBAEV — Postgraduate Student, Institute of History and International Relations, National Research Saratov State University. 410012, Russian Federation, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya st., 83. E-mail: zibaew@mail.ru

Church historian Philostorgius as one of the successors of Eusebius of Caesarea was a lawyer in Constantinople and a native of Cappadocia Secunda. He followed to Pliny the Elder and sought to supply his work with knowledge which was needed to describe the universe from the sky to the earth’s depths. In his “Ecclesiastical History” unity of the man and the nature is demonstrated throughout the entire narrative. Being a disciple of Eunomius, Philostorgius was strongly influenced by the Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism, this influence manifests itself in his views on the nature of God. In Photius’ “Epitome of the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius” word kosmos is used in sense of order or beauty. So that there is a significant difference between Philostorgius’ work and so called classic church histories of Eusebius of Caesarea, Socrates of Constantinople, Sozomen, Evagrius and Theodoret of Cyrus.

Keywords: Philostorgius, church historians, universe, description of the world, a full range of all sciences, order, decoration.





Markelov A.Y. (Samara). Octavian, Roman Senators and Prohibition to Visit Egypt………………………………….58

Andrey Yuryevich Markelov — Postgraduate Student, Department of General History, International Relations and Documentation Management, Historical Faculty, National Research Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev. 443011, Russian Federation, Samara, Str. Academician Pavlov, 1, office 103 ch/b. E-mail: aquila856@yandex.ru

Egypt was absorbed into Imperium populi Romani, after the war against Mark Antony had been won by Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus. In 30 B.C. the victor in the battle of Actium introduced the decision to forbid the Roman senators from entering Egypt without his license. The paper deals with the causes of this step. According to the author’s view the main reason of the action taken was multiple-valued political situation after occupation of former Ptolemaic kingdom. Egypt was the base of Antony. The considerable part of the Roman Senate was on the side of this triumvir till the decisive battle of the Civil War of 44–30 B.C. near Cape Actium. Some protagonists of Antony from senators had the resources in Egypt which could be used by them in the struggle against Octavian. Therefore, the extraordinary decision was introduced in order to avoid any problems and to consolidate his position in the just acquired country.

Keywords: Civil wars in Rome, the battle of Actium, the second triumvirate, Roman Senate, Roman senators, principate of Augustus, Roman Egypt.





Aranovich A.V., Pankratov A.G. (Saint Petersburg). Armament and manufacture of arms (weapons) on the territory of Kiev principality in the XIV — the middle XV centuries…………………………………………………………………63

ALEKSEI VLADIMIROVICH ARANOVICH — Doctor of History, Professor, Department of History and Theory of Art, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Senior Research Fellow of State Museum of City Sculpture, President of St. Petersburg Society of Military History. 195252, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, st. Karpinski 34, Bldg. 6, Apt. 142. E-mail: aaranovitch@yandex.ru

ALEKSANDR GERMANOVITCH PANKRATOV — Postgraduate student, Department of History and Theory of Arts, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. 197082, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Bogatyrsky pr., d. 56/3, 187. E-mail:pankrat_1410@mail.ru.

Invasion of Mongols on the territory of medieval Russia has negatively influenced on the production capabilities of the last.

Kiev land got a serious economic damage to a large extent that probably affected on their self-production of armaments. Foreign policy factors involved Kiev in the orbit of the interests of various medieval states of Eastern European entities and also had an impact on the originality and quality of weapons warriors in Kiev land.

This article contains archaeological, narrative and visual sources, describing warriors appearance in the Kiev lands in XIV, XV centuries, in the context of defensive armament.

Certain statements made in article are the beginning of the discussion about the specifics of arms of Kiev warriors in the era of mature Middle Ages, on the uniformity or diversity of weapons types on different territories of Ancient Rus

Keywords: Kiev principality, manufacture of arms (weapons), arms (weapons) of the XIV — middle XV centuries, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, defensive armament, Kiev land warriors, Kiev Psalter, Duke Vytautas, Prince Svidrigaylo.


Basov S.L. (Saint Petersburg). Enforcement of administrative liability in the Soviet period……………………………70

SEMEN LEONIDOVICH BASOV — Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department, St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the Russian Academy of General Prosecutor’s Office. 191028, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Liteiniy Avenue, h. 44. E-mail: bsl0990@mail.ru

The need of examination of any social relations, including legal, in close connection with the historical conditions does not raise doubts. This article investigates the development of the Institute of enforcement of administrative liability — administrative penalties — in the Soviet period, because the origins of appearance and the stages of formation of the administrative-tort law in Russian jurisprudence and legislation are generally studied in academic literature, however there is no attention paid to this problem.

The rules of law of the Soviet period that became historical and empirical materials of the investigated time, publications on the history of law, theories of the administrative-tort law were reviewed in the preparation to this study.

As is evident from the investigation, the order of imposition of an administrative penalty in the Russian law was regulated less of all in the period of the Soviet government. The situation of regulation of the order of execution of administrative penalty was not better. Only in twenties legislative regulation of relations in the area of execution of administrative penalty develops, however there are many lacunas in the current normative acts of the Soviet period: the terms of commencement of resolutions on an imposition of an administrative penalty, the limitation of their execution, the order of execution of certain types of administrative sanctions are not specified. According to the following development of administrative law these lacunas were compensated by the new rules of law, the policy of the government in the area of execution of an administrative penalty were regulated.

The author’s investigation can contribute to more profound knowledge of the institute of imposition of the execution of administrative penalty of Russia in the Soviet period, to formation of the presentation of administrative process of that period of time.

Keywords: Institute of the enforcement of administrative penalties, administrative liability, legislation on administrative liability, the history of Russian law.


Tropov I.A. (Saint Petersburg). «It’s time to think that people are awaking…»: about «revival» policy of the local Soviets in the middle 1920’s………………………………………………………………………………………………….78

IGOR ANATOLEVICH TROPOV — Ph. D. in History, Professor of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. 198261, St. Petersburg, ul. Gen. Symonyaka 4-1-85, e-mail: i-tropov@yandex.ru

The paper is dedicated to the insufficiently studied aspects of the Bolshevik’s domestic policy, aimed at improvement of the activity effectiveness of the local Soviets in the middle 1920’s. The urgency of the issue is determinate by requirement of the deepening of the scientific knowledge about functioning specificity of the soviet government machine in the specific conditions of NEP and reasons of the emerging role of the communist party in the governmental system in 20’s.

On the basis of the varied materials of the periodicals and archive materials we brought to light main functioning problems of the local bodies of the state administration, showed contradictory picture of the public opinion and expectations relating to the activity soviet local organizations. Described main directions of the revival policy of the Soviets in 1925 as method of the improvement of the soviet functioning at the local level in the conditions of the new economic policy. Showed distinctions of the election campaign in 1925 from similar campaigns of the preceding years. Concluded that results of the reelection were unprofitable for the Bolshevist political system due to the fact of the reduction the number of the communists in newly elected Soviets. It’s mentioned that results of the reelection forced dominant party to pull the plug on democratic transition in the election system and improve the control of the party organizations on local Soviets in the middle of 1926.

Keywords: local Soviets, election campaign, «revival» of the Soviets, party-state government.





Khalilova L.A. (Kazan). The internal administrative-territorial structure of the TASSR in the 1920s: ethno-national aspect…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..83

LYAISAN ALFIROVNA KHALILOVA — Postgraduate Student of Ethnology Department, Institute of History named S. Mardzhani, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. 420014, Russian Federation, Kazan, Kremlin, entrance 5. E-mail: leyusupova@yandex.ru

The article analyzes the process of internal administrative-territorial division of Tatarstan in the 1920s and its effect on the ethnic identity of the Tatars, namely the functioning of the native language. An attempt is made to clarification reasons folding of policy of realization Tatar language in connection with administrative-territorial division of TASSR in the 1920s.

The study led to the conclusion that the reforms in the field of administrative-territorial division carried out soon for the economic improvement of the country and of rigid centralization policy in all spheres of society. Beginnings of local authorities in the area of administrative and territorial division based on ethnic principle are often ignored and sometimes overlap. Cancel conducted within the republican reforms, taking into account the ethnic composition of the population such as the consolidation townships, the creations of cantons led to cancellation of some of the implementation of the Tatar language and reduce the degree of realization of the national rights of the Tatar population.

Keywords: national policy of Bolsheviks, 1920s, Tatar ethno-nation, administrative-territorial structure of Tatar ASSR, policy of realization Tatar language.





Mikhailov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). The beginning of the “bulgarian summer”: the diplomatic conflict 23 may – 14 jun 1915..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….92

VADIM VIKTOROVICH MIKHAILOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State University of Aerospace instrumentation (Saint Petersburg). 196105, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Sevastyanova st., 4–102. E-mail: batukom@mail.ru

The article discusses little known facts regarding the involvement of Bulgaria in the First World War by means of the diplomacy of the Entente and the Central Block. It shows the contradictions in resolving the territorial issues in the Balkans, caused by the entry into the war on the side of the Entente Italy seeking acquisitions at the expense of Austria-Hungary. In turn, not receiving the desired compensation on the Adriatic, Serbia with great difficulty went to the territorial concessions to Bulgaria if the latter would agree to join the Entente. Further, according to the principle of “Domino” problems arose with the engagement of Greece and Romania. In turn, these difficulties have benefited Germany, which started the bribery of members of the Bulgarian Pro-German government of the customized king of Bulgaria Ferdinand. “Ideological” work in Bulgaria was allocated an unprecedented amount, which the German Ambassador, von Michaelis could use instinctively. H. von Michaelis also provided funding circulation Bulgarian Newspapers, which became the mouthpiece of germanophilia. But the main issue in trading Bulgarian politicians of their political and military orientation was the issue of territorial. May 24, 1915, the Allies had drawn up a draft joint statement to the Bulgarian government, according to which, in the case of a Declaration of war on Turkey, they promised immediate occupation of Western Thrace along the Enos-Midia, and guaranteed to receive after the war a significant part of the so-called “indisputable Macedonia”. However, this did not satisfy a large part of the Bulgarian politicians, who wanted revenge for the defeat in the Second Balkan war. This played Germany, which managed to convince the Bulgarian leaders in the military weakness of the Entente and the best territorial gains in case of defeat.

Keywords: the First World War, the Bulgarian summer of 1915, the Macedonian question, V. Radoslavov, G. von Michaelis.


Ye Fan (Zhengzhou, PRC). Chinese students in Moscow infantry school (1927–1931)……………………………….101

YE FAN — Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian history of the XIX — early XX century, History Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University. China, He Nan province, Zhengzhou city, Huashan street 227, build. 8, entr. 2, apt 6. E-mail: ye5125172@mail.ru

The USSR played a significant role in the Chinese Communist movement. During the 1920–1930s, a number of Soviet military schools opened their doors to Chinese students. The goal was to help the Communist Party of China (CPC) build up its army. In this article the author discusses the training of junior army officers for the CPC in the Moscow Infantry School. This was the institute that accepted the highest number of Chinese military personnel. The historical facts connected with the training of Chinese cadets are little known and haven’t been studied thoroughly yet. The author is the first to reconstruct their lives and the training process, based on unpublished archive materials (mainly from the Russian State Military Archive — RGVA, and the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History — RGASPI) and also based on the recollections of cadets. The article analyzes the make-up of classes, the rules and limits of acceptance, the main features of the training process, the character and content of the curriculum, teachers and trainers. The real everyday life of Chinese cadets in a Soviet military institute is reconstructed (daily routine and schedule, material conditions, living conditions, leisure). The author focuses on the hardships in the process of obtaining military and political skills (mostly in connection with insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, low-level primary training and literacy). But many Chinese cadets still succeeded, due to hard work, persistence and diligence, and became professional officers. By showing the advantages and disadvantages of the training received in the Moscow Infantry School to Chinese students, the author of this article demonstrates the importance and the influence of this school and its alumni on the military history of China and the CPC.

Keywords: USSR, CPC, Chinese revolution, Moscow Infantry School, military education, military pictures, Chinese students, life and education of students.


Khabalov A.T. (Moscow). Historic Prerequisites of European Policy of Eastern Partnership…………………………114

ALAN TAYMURAZOVICH KHABALOV — Сandidate for a PhD degree Department of Political Sciences and Law, Moscow State Regional University. 121614, Russian Federation, Moscow, Osennya st., 16. E-mail: Habal@yandex.ru

The article considers specifics of forming and evolution of independent Moldova that was accompanied by aspiration of some European countries (Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and Austria), the Ottoman Port and Russia to include in a sphere of their control the small state in the South-Eastern Europe that having important geostrategic position in Europe. Under these circumstances the Moldavian rulers (nationally-oriented) seeked not only for effective military force but the diplomatic mastery, manipulating on contradictions of great powers. Nevertheless, Moldova found itself under the suzerainty of Poland and Hungary, then it was as autonomy within the Ottoman Empire and, finally, found its place within the Russian Empire.

Keywords: Moldavian princedom, Wallachia, geopolitical competition, suzerainty, Turkish threat, the Ottoman Empire, patronage of Russia.


Khruleva T.V. (Saint Petersburg). The impact of the Turkmen-Turkish and Turkmen-Iranian relations on the formation of Turkmenistan’s neutrality……………………………………………………………………………………125

TATIANA VLADIMIROVNA KHRULEVA — Candidate for a PhD degree School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 198206, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Novobelitskaya st. 6-1-151. E-mail: t26783@yandex.ru

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the Central Asian states became an object of the high interest of Turkey and Iran. New geopolitical order gave them a chance to strengthen their economic and political positions in the region. At the same time their ambitions meant that Central Asia could turn into an arena of confrontation between traditional regional antagonists. New independent states had to choose main lines of cooperation in relations with these two countries. Almost all of them made their choice in favor of Turkey.

But for a variety of reasons for Turkmenistan it was important to build up relationships both with Tehran and Ankara. The author argues that the decision to choose the neutrality status helped Turkmenistan to develop mutually beneficial cooperation with both states and not to create difficulties neither with Turkey and Iran nor with other regional actors.

Keywords: neutrality, Turkmenistan, Central Asia, Turkey, Iran, security, economy.


Lomako V.V. (Saint Petersburg). Russia and Cyprus: bilateral relations in the sphere of tourism (the history and problems)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………134

VIKTORIA VALERIEVNA LOMAKO — Master of International Relations, Postgraduate student, Department of international relations in the post-Soviet areas, Saint Petersburg State University. 192007, Russia, St. Petersburg, Borovaya st., 59-61, 113. E-mail: vdyadina@mail.ru

The article is devoted to the Russian-Cyprus relations in the field of tourism. Cyprus is one of the priorities for the outbound travel of citizens of Russia. Cyprus expresses interest in more Russian tourists who will come to Cyprus. The author analyzes the history of the development of relations between the two countries in the tourism sector. The article also discusses how to obtain visas for Russians, the impact of the crisis in 2013 year on the tourism sector. The crisis is expected to decrease the number of tourists from Russia. The Republic of Cyprus is in a bitter struggle for the flow of tourists from Russia and is making many attempts to increase the flow of Russian tourists. Representatives of the tourism industry of Cyprus are well aware of the value of all the Russian tourists and trying different ways to compensate for the negative impact of the crisis. Also, the author takes attention to a number of negative factors that exist in the hospitality sector of the Republic of Cyprus.

Keywords: Russia, Cyprus, tourism, hospitality industry, pro-visa, crisis, bilateral relations





Sobolev V.G. (Saint Petersburg). «Our Religious National Arabic Alphabet»: the Script as an Attribute of Identity?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..140

VLADISLAV GEORGIEVICH SOBOLEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of the Post-Soviet studies, School of international relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191060, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Smolny str. 1/3. Тел.: +7 (812) 777-65-00 (доб. 1773), e-mail: vsobolev@mail.com

The article based on new historical data analyses the discussion that took place in Russian Empire at the turn of the XX c. The discussion was about the introduction of the Cyrillic alphabet to Muslim peoples. The author gives special attention to the Rules of Primary Education for Inorodtsy (Indigenous people) 1906 and the reasons that forced Russian government to review them. The author shows that a number of letters and wires demanding the revision of the Rules sent to the government from all over the country in reality were composed in Saint Petersburg by the most energetic Muslim public figures — including members of State Duma. By the example of these discussions about alphabet the author tries to prove that Russian government failed to devise common and circumspect policy towards “Muslim question”, therefore it is incorrect to define Russian policy towards Muslim indigenous people in terms of “rusification” or “obrusenija”.

Keywords: Russification, obrusenie, Russian Muslims, Cyrillic, Nikolai Ilminsky, Turkic languages.


Bubnel E.V., Procenko A.S. (Ufa). The views of researchers on a ceramic set of Kara-abyzskoy culture…………150

EUGENE VIKTOROVICH BUBNEL — Head of the department of archeology, National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. 450000, Russian Federation, Ufa, Sovetskaya st., 14. E-mail: kvestar986@gmail.com

ANTON SERGEEVICH PROCENKO — Postgraduate Student, Department of General History and Cultural Heritage, Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla. 450000, Russian Federation, Ufa, October Revolution st., 55. E-mail: anton.procenko@mail.ru

The authors conducted an analysis of the main stages of the study of the ceramic complex as one of the most important cultural markers diagnosing Kara-abyzskoy archaeological culture. Modeled ceramic is considered by researchers as a very important feature in a business combination monuments single entity.

The authors highlight the main features of the study of the issue in the twentieth century, when the monuments of the Kara-abyzskoy culture have been the object of comprehensive field research of archaeologists. The authors highlighted the great contribution to the study of Kara-abyzskoy culture by archaeologists such as A.V. Schmidt, A. Zbrueva, A.K. Pshenichnyuk, V.A. Ivanov, due to the efforts and qualified classification developments which highlight the legitimacy of particular archaeological culture is recognized by all researchers. Each stage of the evolution of the study of ceramics Kara-abyzskoy culture can be stated separately, highlighted the role and specific contributions of individual scientists in the development and deepening of knowledge on the affected article in issue.

Keywords: Kara-abyzskoy culture, Urals steppe, ceramics, ceramic complex material settler.


Smirnova T.M. (Saint Petersburg). Folklore Theater of V. Vsevolodsky (Experimental and Ethnographic theaters in Leningrad)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….154

TAMARA MIHAILOVNA SMIRNOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of History and Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University of aerospace instrumentation. 190000, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya, 67. E-mail: mokva@inbox.ru

In the 1920s — early 1930s in the USSR happened a genuine theatrical revolution — searching for new theatrical forms and artistic media, the creation of the national theater, the new drama, the formation of a new, mass audience. One of the most interesting experiences of the new theater was the folk theater of Vsevolod Nikolaevich Vsevolodsky-Gerngross that existed in two consecutive versions — Experimental (1922–1929) and Ethnographic (1930–1936) theater in Petrograd — Leningrad. In the Ethnographic theatre there was several national groups which performance were based on folklore.

Attempts to present on a professional stage authentic folk rituals, festive production and folklore, showing their tradition, on one hand, and the historical dynamics on the other, proved to be very difficult, causing conflicting assessments of experts-ethnographers, theater critics and ideological leadership.

The article discusses the little-studied history of both theaters. Used a wide range of sources, publications in periodicals and archival materials for the first time introduced into scholarly circulation.

Keywords: V.N. Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, Petrograd, Leningrad, theater, folklore, experimental theater, ethnographic theater, political education, Union of art workers (Sorabis, Rabis), Union of Artists Mediation Office (Posredrabis), Russian Museum, the gypsy, the Olympics of Art of the USSR.





Niyazov N.S. (Saint Petersburg ). The First World War experience and the USSR state military establishment modernization in the interwar period……………………………………………………………………………………….175

NIYAZI SABIR OGLY NIYAZOV — Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Department of the Post-Soviet studies, the School of international relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191060, Russia, St. Petersburg, Smolny str. 1/3. E-mail: NiNiyazi@yandex.ru

The Soviet Union was one of the first states in the world where the experience of the First World War was studied in wide scale, by a range of military, historians and economists.

Specificity of the Soviet system development lays in the fact that the political head of the USSR exerted the exceptional influence on the First World War events evaluation.

The study of the experience of the First World War in the USSR had a great influence on the formation of conceptual approaches to the nature of future wars. In the 1920s two views on the way to achieve victory in the war emerged ― strategy of attrition and strategy of violence.

The analysis of the First World War and its socio-political consequences, urged the Soviet leadership to pay exceptional attention to the development of industry, part of which was formed by the enterprises involved in the production of military-technical products.

Keywords: The First World War, Strategy of attrition, Strategy of violence, the military-industrial complex of the USSR.


Bartenev V.I. (Moscow). Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military during the Cold War (1970–1980s)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………182

VLADIMIR IGOREVICH BARTENEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Director of Center for Security and Development Studies, School of World Politics, Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1-52. E-mail: vladimir.bartenev@fmp.msu.ru.

This publication constitutes a logical continuation for a series of research papers on the U.S. experience in long-term technological forecasting for military purposes (very little known to the Russian academic and expert communities) which started with a study of the legendary project “Toward New Horizons”. This paper contains results of an in-depth examination of some truly unique documentary sources and works by American military historians, reconstructs the history of the largest research projects aimed at forecasting long-term science and technology trends implemented by different U.S. military services. These projects are compared in terms of organization of forecasting process, methodology, accuracy of forecast assessments and their impact on the U.S. military and military-technical policies in order to identify the criteria for success of such research endeavours. The paper consists of two parts. The second part examines the projects implemented in the 1970–1980s.

Keywords: Cold War, United States, Soviet Union, military forces, forecasting, science, technology, defense, security, research and development.





Kovalevsky D.G. (Saint Petersburg ). Special Features of Work Cost Registration at the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical  Plant in the end of the XIX century…………………………………………………………………………192

DENIS GEORGIEVICH KOVALEVSKY — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher, N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy, St. Petersburg. 197045, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Ushakov emb., 17/1. Е-mail: Kovalevskiy1963@mail.ru

This article is devoted to armored shipbuilding in Russia. In the course of the management reform at the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant in 1881–1883 years it was decided to hand the Plant over under the state management control. For more reasonable way of taking the task decision, different modes of «Russian Baltic Ironworks and Mechanical Community» stock company liquidation were proposed. For their estimation it was necessary to analyze the financial book-keeping rules, accepted at the Baltic Plant and in the Navy Department. For this purpose, overhead expenses, common for the Plant, expenses of the material resources storehouse and shop expenses, were described. The order of work cost registration, accepted at the Baltic Plant, was also taken into consideration. Entered to the Plant determination method of working force cost, material resources cost, overhead expenses and connected with it profit calculation,, was stated. The order of work cost prices was given, as follows: determination method of used material resources; registration of working force; composition of overhead expenses and their exact estimate; order of profit calculation.

Keywords: The Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant, financial book-keeping rules, overhead expenses, work cost registration, work force registration, charging extra income.





Goloseyeva A.A. (Moscow). Resurrecting the names: the life path of SR Fedor Severyanovich Mansvetov………197

ANNA ANATOLYEVNA GOLOSEYEVA — Candidate of Historical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Political Sociology, Russian State University for the Humanities. 125993, Russian Federation, GSP-3, Moscow, Miusskaya square, 6. E-mail: goloseyeva@gmail.com

The article presents for the first time in the Russian historic literature career of a prominent figure of the Socialist Revolutionary Party — Fedor Severyanovich Mansvetov. It describes the history of his family, his social and political activities until emigrating to the United States and cooperation in the Library of the Hoover Institution. The author describes his versatile work among Russian emigrants in Czechoslovakia in the 1920’s and his participation in the leadership of the Far Eastern Republic. Special attention is given to his activities in exile and especially events related to the American Slavic colonization Trust (ASKT), which he had headed. The author shows the impact of those events on the struggle taking place in the ranks of the SR emigration.

The article is based on the archival materials, most of which are introduced into scholarly circulation for the first time.

Keywords: Socialist-Revolutionary Party, emigration, the SRs in exile, Fedor Severyanovich Mansvetov, Victor Chernov, American Slavic colonization Trust, transmigrates, the Hoover Institution.





Losik A.V., Sherba A.N. (Saint  Petersburg). Economics and Finance of Leningrad during the great Patriotic war (Review on  the book of A. V. Zotova, “The National economy of Leningrad. 1941–1945”)…………………………204

ALEXANDER VITALIAVICH LOSIK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, The Baltic State Technical University “Voenmech”of D.F. Ustinov, Deputy Editor of the scholarly journal “KLIO”. 197374, Russian Federation, SaintPetersburg, Shkoljnaya str., 88, 2, 81. 

ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH SHERBA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Researcher of Research Department (military history of North-western region of Russian Federation), Research institute (of military history), Military Academy of the General Staff. 191055, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nevskiy boulevard 10. E-mail: a.n.sherba@maiil.ru

The answer to the question about how the national economy of Leningrad was in 1941–1945, and especially during the full blockade of the city on the Neva, we find in interesting and in many ways unique book of candidate of historical sciences A.V. Zotova, “The National economy of Leningrad. 1941–1945” (St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Poltorak”, 2015, p. 196), which is the subject of this review.

On the basis of the rich source base of primarily archival studies, the author examines the activities of all spheres of the national economy of Leningrad during the great Patriotic War and the contribution of citizen to the victory of Soviet Union over Nazi Germany.

Keywords: Leningrad, blockade, finance, credit, war economy, experience economy and finance, the state Bank, credit institutions.


Gekht A.B. (Saint Petersburg). Nazis’ false mirror (Review on the book of A. Gogun «Adolf Hitler’s black PR. The USSR in the mirror of nazis’ propaganda»………………………………………………………………………………..210

ANTON BORISOVICH GEKHT — Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Region studies, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. 195298, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Lenskaya st. 15, 116. E-mail: a.geht@yandex.ru

The author reviews the recently published A. Gogun’s book. It analyzes the phenomenon of the war propaganda (on the example of Nazi propaganda against the Soviet Union), as in the period preceding the attack on the Soviet Union, and during World War II. The author attempts to trace not only the structure and impact of information technology in the promotion of Soviet society, but also a substantive aspect — those stereotypes and images that were introduced into the consciousness of ordinary people in the USSR. The book also contains some examples of nazis’ propaganda against the USSR. The review author’s main impressions, thoughts and conclusions are in the text.

Keywords: World War II, Nazi propaganda, the enemy image, information warfare.



In memory of Dutch colleague (Pim Kooij)………………………………………………………………………………..214

On August 9th, 2016 in Groningen in the age of 71 years a well-known Dutch historian Professor Pim Kooij died of a heart attack. As a great research scholar, he made a significant contribution to European scholarship for his work on actual problems of social history in the XIX–XX.