Klio #10 (214) 2024


Baibakova L.V., Zaitseva A.V. (Moscow). The Formation of the American Neoconservatism’Ideology in Soviet and Modern Russian Historiography

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, G. 444
e-mail: nastya.zaycheva@mail.ru

postgraduate student of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, G. 444
e-mail: nastya.zaycheva@mail.ru

Abstract. Neoconservatism is one of the influential currents of political thought of the second half of the 20th century. It is known for the programs of U.S. President R. Reagan and British Prime Minister M. Thatcher, who came to power on the wave of economic crisis in the late 1970s ‒ early 1980s. Studying the ideology of neoconservatism is a relevant task from a scientific point of view, since it still has a direct impact on US internal and external policies. In domestic and foreign historiography, the nature of neoconservatism has been studied for decades, with each author choosing his own methodological guidelines and preferred problem area. It is believed that the ideology of neoconservatism, having emerged after World War II, was finally formed by the early 1980s. However, the sphere of scholars’ interests is focused mainly on mature neoconservatism, while the origins of its formation are still poorly studied. The article analyzes the evolution of Soviet and contemporary Russian scholars’ perceptions of the time of the emergence of neoconservatism as a current of political thought. The author studies the main results of the Soviet period historiography, outlines the positions of modern researchers, and identifies new angles in the study of this influential ideological and political current, which scholars began to turn to after 1991.
Keywords: Social thought, American conservatism, the origins and principles of the neoconservatism, Soviet literature, modern Russian historiography

Bazhanov D.A. (St. Petersburg). Military Everyday Life of Sailors of the Russian Imperial Navy During the First World War: Achievements and Prospects of Russian Science

PhD in History, associate professor, department of Russian History (XIX-XXI centuries) of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, assistant professor
191186, St. Petersburg, Russia, 48, River Moika Emb.,
e-mail: dbazhanov@herzen.spb.ru

Abstract. The proposed article is an attempt to analyze the history of the study by Russian scientists of the daily life of sailors of the Russian Imperial Navy during the period of Russia’s participation in the First World War. Based on the understanding of everyday life as recurring life situations and their perception in this quality, the author examines the achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the study of the everyday aspects of the life of sailors, psychology, behavioral attitudes, elements of worldview. As a result, the author noted the occasional appeal of Soviet specialists to the issues of naval life (mainly the quality of food), as well as the self-organization of their free time. This was due to both the relatively small number of studies devoted directly to the navy, and the prevailing perception of the events of the First World War as a precursor to the revolution. At the present stage, the range of research has expanded significantly, which is associated with the formation of military anthropology. The number of works affecting the connection of psychology and consciousness with the participation of the fleet in combat operations, and material supplies has increased significantly. Various aspects of everyday life (hygiene, physical education) are actively explored. However, the division of research into pre-revolutionary and revolutionary remains, and the navy is still considered in isolation from other branches of the armed forces. The exception is the work of Elena Y. Dubrovskaya.
Keywords: military everyday life, the First World War, the Revolution of 1917 in Russia, the Russian Imperial Navy, sailors

Nadtochiy Yu.B. (Moscow). Historiography of Science: Scientific Knowledge as a Source of Innovation (Using the Example of Discoveries and Inventions of Russian Scientists of the Late 19th Century). Part 3

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and Innovative Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russian Federation
 e-mail: Yflnjxbq-7e@yandex.ru

Abstract. This article continues the author’s series of publications in the journal “Klio”, which are devoted to the historiographical aspects of the influence of scientific achievements of Russian scientists and inventors on the appearance in our lives of various innovations based on their discoveries and/or inventions. In the modern world, a lot of works have been published on various inventions and discoveries made earlier. Interest in them not only does not fade, but also increases. In the works of scientists, in various notes, essays and other sources, different opinions are published: both confirming the data obtained by other scientists, and containing certain criticism, doubts, etc. It is recognized that many discoveries have been carried out and are being carried out in parallel, both by Russian and foreign scientists, and this is partly understandable regarding the time period under consideration: there were no such means of communication then, and various interesting phenomena in our lives interested many scientists from different fields of sciences. In the published continuation of the material, the well-known discoveries / inventions of our compatriots in the field of chemistry, agriculture and technical sciences are considered, and the possibilities of various innovations based on them are studied. As a result of the work carried out, the existence of a different time lag from the discovery and/or invention to the appearance of innovations based on it is shown, and an attempt is made to determine the relationship of the acquired scientific knowledge with the appearance of certain innovations.
Keywords: sources of innovation, discovery, invention, knowledge, innovation, science, Russian Empire

Saveleva D.I. (St. Petersburg). Egypt in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu

Institute of History,
St. Petersburg State University.
199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9.
e-mail: d-saveleva@mail.ru

Abstract. The paper deals with plots from ancient history in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu, compiled by the bishop of the city of Nikiu in the second half of the 7th century. The Chronicle survived only in Ethiopic translation (Ge’ez language) contains a lot of valuable information on the history of Egypt before the Arab conquest. The topic of Egyptian rulers, particularly Faunus-Hermes and his descendants, is chosen by author as a main subject of the study. The author shows that although John of Nikiu took the information about the first Egyptian rulers from the works of another John, John Malala (6th century AD), he also followed the text of a number of other sources, as among them there is the anonymous Chronicon Paschale (first half of the 6th century AD) and presumably the work of Diodorus Siculus (c. 90–21 BC). Unfortunately, the other sources used by John of Nikiu cannot be identified yet, however it is obvious that their origin in Egypt. The author concludes that the Coptic bishop in his description of ancient history transferred the texts of the prior sources with notable compliance up to a certain point. John of Nikiu only shortened some of the stories or slightly reinterpreted them. At the same time, John of Nikiu often made his own additions to the text. The separate plots in the Chronicle, which include references to the rulers of Egypt and toponyms, previously unmentioned in the known sources, are of particular interest.
Keywords: John of Nikiu, ancient Egypt, foreign literature in Ethiopic translation, ancient mythology, Byzantine historiography

Davydova O.A. (Moscow). Initiation of a religious phenomenon: the apotheosis of Berenice I in the formation of cult of the queens of the Ptolemaic dynasty

Junior Research Fellow of Department of Comparative
Studies of Ancient Civilizations of IWH RAS,
119334, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 32A,
e-mail: davydova.olga96@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to Berenice I, who after her death was deified together with her husband Ptolemy I, which marked the beginning of the tradition of honoring the kings and queens of the Ptolemaic dynasty. The article examines in detail the causes of the deification of Berenice I and how strongly it was influenced by Egyptian and Greek-Macedonian customs and cultural norms. The study of examples of the iconography of the queen in Egyptian and Greek sources made it possible to highlight her key role in the royal cult – the role of the mother not only of her own children, future heirs, but also of all other descendants of the dynasty.
Keywords: Berenice I, Ptolemaic dynasty, cult of the Ptolemaic queens, royal cult, ancient Egypt

Begunova L.V. (Mytishchi). Features of the Use of the Term “Excise” in Pre-reform Russia Documents (Late 18th Century – Early 1860s): Some Clarifications

Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian History,
Federal State University of Education
141014, Russia, Mytishchi, Vera Voloshina st., 24,
E-mail: gudina.ludmila26@yandex.ru

Abstract. The terminological aspect is of particular importance when studying the history of taxation in Russia, as each historical period has its own peculiarities in the use of terms employed to denote fiscal payments. This article examines the specifics of the application of the term “excise” in the Russian Empire from the late 18th century to the early 1860s. Previous historiography has already noted some peculiarities in the use of this term in pre-reform Russia; however, the sources utilized by researchers have not allowed for a full exploration of these features. The instances of the term “excise” discovered by the author in sources (mainly of a normative-legal nature) provide a new perspective on this issue. It is demonstrated that the use of this term in pre-reform Russia significantly differed from its modern interpretation. It is shown that “excises” could refer to various fiscal payments, including those unrelated to indirect taxation. The results of the study correct the existing understanding in the scientific literature regarding the specifics of using the term “excise” in documents from the pre-reform period of the Russian Empire and may be useful to a wide range of specialists engaged in the study of the history of Russian taxation.
Keywords: excise tax, indirect taxes, Russian Empire, tax terminology, patent fee, fiscal payments

Gracheva Yu.V. (Moscow). Institute of Visitations in the First Decade of the XIX Century

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor,
Department of Russian History,
Faculty of History and Philology,
St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities
115184, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novokuznetskaya, 23B
ORCID: 0000-0002-2220-9361;
e-mail: g.yuliya@mail.ru

Abstract. The article examines the role of inspection trips in the educational policy of the Russian Empire in the first decade of the 19th century. Visits became one of the main means of control by the Ministry of Public Education over existing and opening gymnasiums and district schools. Such inspections were to be regularly carried out by trustees, university professors, and directors of public schools. Archival materials from the funds of the ministry, introduced into scientific circulation, make it possible to trace the mechanism of visitation trips, their frequency, and the thoroughness of recording the results, which were reflected both in the reports of the visitators themselves and in the reports of the trustees and ministerial reports to the emperor. The distinctive features of each of the six educational districts are shown – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kazan, Dorpat, Vilnius. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the burdensomeness of visitation inspections, they brought significant benefits to educational institutions.
Keywords: Ministry of Public Education, educational district, visitation, trustee, gymnasium, district school

Bogaytseva M.V., Sirenko O.R. (St. Petersburg). Establishment of the System of Education and Additional Training of the Daughters of Russian Officers in the Women’s Patriotic Institute of the Committee, Highly Approved on the 18th Day of August 1814

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director of SBEI
School No. 511 Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg
196628, St. Petersburg, Shushary s.,
Slavyanka ter., Kolpinskoye h., 20,
е-mail: pilarmary@yandex.ru

postgraduate student of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Leningrad Region Pushkin Leningrad State University,
3nd year, field: National History.
196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoye h., 10.
е-mail: olgerduman@mail.ru

Abstract. The proposed article summarizes the results of research into the characteristic features of the process of formation of additional training and educational system for the daughters of Russian officers at the St. Petersburg Patriotic Institute, their activities at the stage of study, and their lifestyle in general. The connection of the mentioned processes with the Russian army, first of all with the Committee of August 18, 1814 (about the wounded) is established. When working on the article the authors relied on the data of by-laws, official records of the XIX century, memoirs, journalistic works of participants and contemporaries of the events in question, works of historians of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The results of the study are presented in correlation with the updating of the modern presentation of a significant thematic complex, devoted to the analysis of value and semantic aspects of the problem under study. The methods of phenomenology, historical psychology, historical anthropology have been used.
Keywords: education, training, upbringing, female pupils, Committee, everyday life, institution

Karimov T.T. (Kazan). Population and land issues in the Kirghiz land volost of the Orenburg province according to the «Vedomosti» of 1856

h. s., senior scientific researcher, Institute of History.
Sh. Marjani AS RT (Kazan)
420111, Kazan, st. Baturina, 7A
e-mail: tkarimov@bk.ru

Abstract. The article examines the population and land issue based on the Vedomosti of 1856, reflecting the new division of the Bashkir army into cantons, as a result of which the teptyari received a new class name for departmental affiliation – bashkirs. The population of the military class of the villages of the Kirghiz land volost of the Belebeevsky and Bugulminsky districts of the Orenburg province, which were included in the new 20th and 23rd cantons, is studied. The Vedomosti provides data on the population of the villages based on the results of the IX revision (1850) and the characteristics of their land provision. This information allows us to analyze the class structure of the population and determine the share of votchinniki and non-votchinnikis. In the 20th canton, non-votchinnikis prevailed by 2.8 times, and the population as a whole lived in a single tatar ethnocultural space. However, like any other source, Vedomosti requires a critical approach.
Keywords: Kirgiz land volost, tatars of the bashkir class, tatars of the teptyar class, unified tatar ethnocultural space, yasak tatars, service tatars

Khodorov O.I. (Sochi). The Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878: Diplomatic Aspect and Mobilization of the North-West Caucasus Troops

post-graduate student of the department Russian history at Kuban State University, methodist of humanitarian department of the Sochi Center for Education.
354000, Krasnodar region, Sochi, Yunyh Leninetsev street, 5
e-mail: oleg-khodorov@yandex.ru

Abstract. The article is the first in historiography to comprehensively analyze and compare diplomatic initiatives and issues of mobilization of troops of the North-West Caucasus in the pre-war and wartime periods of the Russian-Turkish confrontation of 1877–1878. In the course of the study, the author concludes that the most problematic part of the draft events were the shortcomings in the organization of transport logistics. Also notes the following: despite the fact that Russia failed to solve the Eastern question peacefully, the protracted diplomatic game was not lost to it. As a result, the Foreign Office succeeded in postponing the start of the war until the spring of 1877, thus gaining the necessary time for better preparation of the Turkish military and naval forces. Russia, on the other hand, managed to ensure Europe’s neutrality in the upcoming war, guaranteeing a clash with Turkey alone. Psychologically, this was of great importance for Emperor Alexander II, who, as we know, began his reign during the very difficult and lost to Europe Crimean War of 1853–1856.
Keywords: Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878, mobilization, diplomatic negotiations, Constantinople Conference, London Protocol, D.A. Milyutin, A.M. Gorchakov, Caucasian Army, Kuban Cossack Army

Baryshnikov M.N. (St. Petersburg). Government and Business in the Establishment of Russian Regular Shipping in the Persian Gulf

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of History at the Institute of History and Social Sciences of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.
191186, St. Petersburg, Moika River Embankment, 48,
e-mail: barmini@list.ru

Abstract. Russian steam navigation and trading company was important economic and political tool of the imperial government, not the least in the beginning of the twentieth century during the Scramble for Persian Gulf. At the same time, shipping company was business entities in their own right, pursue their own—and their shareholders’—agendas in various regions of the Near and Middle East. Drawing on new archival data on negotiations between ministerial officials and entrepreneurs, I show that need for a new transport line caused by the reversal in regional goods and passenger flows that started at the end of the XIX century bounded Russian authorities to a need to attract shipowners to cooperation. In this article the effects of influence of government and commercial interests on public-private partnerships’ efficiency are investigated using the example of an early twentieth century establishment of a sea communication between Russia and the ports of the Persian Gulf. Its comparative assessment how much credentials shipping firm preserved or purchase in the long run and also offers conjectural estimates showing that exposure to opportunities for cross-border trade led to more resilient and larger regional operations—at the expense of government subsidies, regular flights and combination of freight and passenger transportation. A political and economic background for private-state relations finds that departmental supervision was financially acceptable as it made successfully functioning of the steamship line more likely in the view of shareholders. The reaction of ministerial officials and business owners to events such as a geopolitical rivalry, foreign trade relations and the wider macroeconomic environment was the ultimate determinant of main directions in reaching an agreement on public-private partnership in 1903.
Keywords: Russian steam navigation and trading company, Persian Gulf, maritime shipping, cargo and passenger transportation, stakeholders, public-private partnership, hajj

Kruzhalina А.А. (Irkutsk). Rallies of Siberian deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire as a Form of Anti-government Civil Initiatives of the Population

candidate of Historical Sciences,
Head of the Department of Russian History of Historical Faculty,
Irkutsk State University,
664003, Irkutsk, Karl Marx st., 1
e-mail: kliokrua@yandex.ru

Abstract. The article analyzes the phenomenon of rallies and send–offs of deputies of the State Duma based on the materials of the Irkutsk Governor-General in 1906-1912. The relevance of the research lies in the importance of the studied processes for the development of the national historiography of parliamentarism. The novelty of the research lies in the unexplored nature of this phenomenon of the political life of the Russian Empire. The basis of the source base consists of unique archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as sources of personal origin and periodicals. Based on a comparative approach, the author compares the evidence from various sources, assessing the degree of their reliability. The article reconstructs the motives and actions of the participants of the meetings – rallies, as well as the reaction of the gendarmes to the protest actions of the participants. The results of the study allow us to characterize the social composition, motives of the participants and the consequences of the rallies, both personally for parliamentarians and for the broad masses of the people; to assess the impact of this phenomenon on the development of the socio-political situation in the region.
Keywords: Mandelberg, Karaulov, Ermolaev, deputies, State Duma, rallies, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Siberia

Baranov A.V., Kasyanov V.V. (Krasnodar). Areas of Settlement of Ethnic Minorities in the Context of the Nationality Policy and History of Kuban Settlements in the 1920s

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Kuban State University, Professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Management,
350040, Russia, Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya str., 149, room 237,
e-mail: baranovandrew@mail.ru

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Kuban State University, Head of the Russian History Department,
350040, Russia, Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya str., 149, room 248,
e-mail: culture@kubsu.ru

Abstract. The topic of the study is relevant, since it was in the 1920s that the areas of settlement of the Kuban ethnic groups, including ethnic minorities, significantly changed. The processes of socio-cultural integration of the multiethnic regional community, the development of new professions and social statuses during modernization remain insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study is to find out the changes in the areas of settlement of ethnic minorities of Kuban in the context of the history of settlements of Kuban in the 1920s. The research methodology involves the application of the paradigm of social constructivism in regional history, a comparative historical approach, the construction of synchronous and diachronic statistical series, mapping. As a result of the study, the areas of settlement of the ethnic minorities of Kuban (Armenians, Adyges, Germans, Poles, Greeks, etc.) in the early and late 1920s were established. The differences in the level of urbanization, the level of literacy of ethnic groups are revealed. The influence of the “korenization” policy of 1923–1932 on the formation and development of national districts and village councils, for land use and social stratification of the Kuban ethnic minorities is revealed. The influence of collectivization on migration processes and the geography of settlement of ethnic minorities in the region is argued.
Keywords: ethnic minorities, history, settlements, areas of settlement, Kuban, 1920s

Petin D.P. (Apatity). Formation of the Judicial System in the Kola North in the 1920s

Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Postgraduate student of the Federal Research Center “Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Industrial Investments LLC, Deputy Director for Legal Issues on Non-core Assets
184209, Russian Federation, Apatity, Lenina St., 60
e-mail: dmitriy.petin@rndv.ru

Abstract. It is worth noting that the process and conditions in which the formation of the judicial system of the Kola North took place in the initial period in the 1920s have not been practically studied in scientific literature. There are some non-scientific publications describing the chronology of the formation of the judicial system and judicial figures, however, the conditions of the formation of the judiciary as part of the general system of justice of the Soviet state have not been studied in detail, as well as scientific publications devoted to the issues and conditions of the formation of the system of justice in general. The main source of information about the formation of the judicial system is the fonds of the State Archive of the Murmansk region. The study of these fonds allows us not only to trace all the stages of the formation of the judicial system, which took place in extremely difficult political and socio-economic conditions, but also to identify the features of its construction in the territory of the Kola North, types of judicial bodies, as well as to analyze the conditions under which the formation of judicial bodies, which were part of the system of Soviet justice, in the 1920s. The article will describe the processes of formation of judicial bodies, the conditions of their formation and some of the problems that affected these processes. The article deals with the social, economic and geopolitical situation in the Kola North, which led to difficulties both in the material and technical support of the judicial bodies and in the recruitment of employees, who as a rule had neither education, nor appropriate qualifications, nor work experience in such institutions, and the employees sent “from the center” had great difficulty in adapting to the complex situation in the region. Examples of the personal composition of individual judicial bodies, the level of competence and education of employees will be given separately in the article. This analysis will make it possible to conclude that, due to the lack of local personnel, the sent employees, in general, did not have proper education and competence, which significantly hindered the development of the judiciary in the Kola North. Professional judges began to appear in the Kola North only at the end of 1920.
Keywords: Kola North, judicial institutes, courts, judges, cadres, Soviet power

Pavlov O.D. (Moscow). Educational and political preparation of extraterritorial minorities of the West in the USSR. The experience of the Communist University of national minorities of the West: (1921–1925). Part 1

postgraduate, Department of
Russian History of the 20th-21st centuries,
History Faculty, Moscow State University.
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, Building 4
e-mail: odpavlov@mail.ru

Abstract. The focus of this article is the history of the Communist University of National Minorities of the West (KUNMZ), a unique institution of higher education designed to train party workers from among the extraterritorial minorities living in the European part of the RSFSR (Jews, Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns), as well as foreign communists. The chronological framework of the study is limited to the first five years of the university, when the rector of KUNMZ was a well-known figure in the international revolutionary movement, Yu. Markhlevsky. Based on the archival sources of the Russian State Historical and Political Society (fond 529), many of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the events associated with the creation of the university of national minorities of the West are analyzed: the activities of the commission for the organization of KUNMZ, the formation of the administrative structure of the university and the system of national sectors, the formation of the Petrograd branch of KUNMZ, and the inauguration of Yu. Markhlevsky as the rector of the university. The relationship between the interethnic and international policy of the Soviet state and the actualization of the issue of political training of national minorities is separately traced. In conclusion, the article presents a statement about the duality of the tasks (Soviet and international) set by the party before the Communist University of National Minorities of the West and their practical solution during the rectorship of Marchlewski.
Keywords: KUNMZ, M. Frumkina, Comintern, History of the USSR, national minorities, J. Marchlewski

Verikov V.V. (Khabarovsk). Participation of Rural Performers in the Protection of Public Order in the Far Eastern Village (1920 – 1930s)

Candidate of the Department
of Theory and History of State and Law of the
Far Eastern State University of Railway Engineering
Russian Federation, 680021, Khabarovsk, st. Serysheva, 47
e-mail: verikov@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the participation of rural performers of the Amur region and Primorye in the protection of public order in the 1920s – 1930s. Analyzing historiography, based on the works of historians, lawyers, and jurists, it is noted that the problem is new and insufficiently studied, therefore the presented work is quite relevant. Using archival sources and published materials, the author shows the mechanism of formation and subsequent work of the Institute of rural performers in general and the specifics of its functioning in the Far East of the USSR, highlighting difficulties and problems of a regional nature: a shortage of personnel in the police, a shortage of local district inspectors, lack of funding, etc. The practical participation of rural performers in the fight against Hunkhuz gangs in the border settlements of the Amur region and Primorye of the specified chronological period, ensuring the protection of public order, and police assistance is particularly emphasized. It is emphasized that in the process of socio-economic, political and legal transformations, elections and the participation of rural performers in the everyday life of the Far Eastern village became an integral part. Using the examples of official resolutions, the contribution of rural performers to the implementation of fire-fighting and anti-epidemic measures is revealed. Summarizing, the author states that, despite all the difficulties and peculiarities of the development of the Far Eastern territory at the early Soviet stage, the activities of rural performers who performed diverse administrative duties were effective and significant.
Keywords: rural performers, public order protection, workers’ and peasants’ militia, village council, collective farm

Artemyeva V.V. (Yakutsk). History of Exploration and Mining of Coal at the Field Jebariki-Haya (1920-1950s)

Postgraduate Student, Department of History and Arctic Studies, Institute of Humanitarian Researches and Problems of Indigenous People of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation,
677000, Yakutsk, Petrovskogo St., 1,
e-mail: Vikaart.2018@mail.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the history of exploration and industrial development of the Dzhebariki-Khaya coal deposit on the Aldan river. It is shown that with the advent of Soviet power, the role of the coal industry in the restoration of the national economy of the country became one of the primary ones. The formation of a unified state industrial system in Yakutia in the early 1920s led to the development and growth of production in the republic. It is established that the first scientific descriptions of the Dzhebariki-Khaya deposit were given in the middle of the XIX century and lasted almost until the early 1950s. The circumstances that prompted the Council of People’s Commissars of the Yakut ASSR to begin exploration and research, and then industrial development, are considered. The high quality of coal produced at the Dzhebariki-Khainskoye field made it in demand not only in the republic and in neighboring territories, but also contributed to the formation of the gold industry in the Aldan district of Yakutia. Due to its inaccessibility and climatic conditions, industrial development of the field began only in the 1940s. It was concluded that the Dzhebariki-Khaya field played a huge role in the economy of Yakutia, providing fuel to the republican river fleet and industry of the Aldan district of Yakutia.
Keywords: history of Yakutia, history of economy, mineral resources, development of minerals, development of a coal deposit, Dzhebariki-Khaya

Chernov V.A., Bobyshev S.V., Akhmetova A.V. (Khabarovsk). Comparative Analysis of the Development of Medical Care for Indigenous Peoples of Northern China, The Soviet Far East and Alaska in the 1960s–1980s

candidate of historical sciences
Far Eastern State Transport University,
associate professor of the department of “Theory and history of state and law”
680021, Khabarovsk, st. Serysheva, 47,
e-mail: vl.af.chernov@mail.ru

doctor of historical sciences, professor
Far Eastern State Transport University,
head of the department of “Theory and history of state and law”
680021, Khabarovsk, st. Serysheva, 47,
e-mail: history@festu.khv.ru

doctor of historical sciences, associate professor
Far Eastern State Transport University,
senior research fellow
680021, Khabarovsk, st. Serysheva, 47,
e-mail: norna-zine@mail.ru

Abstract. The article analyses the development of the system of medical care for small indigenous peoples living in remote areas of the north in China, the Soviet Union (mainly the Far East) and the USA (Alaska) in the period of 1960s-1980s. The criteria for classification as small-numbered peoples in China and Russia are specified, and examples of their settlement are given. The time period under consideration is characterised by the fact that modern medicine, typical of large cities and heavily populated territories, began to penetrate at this time into sparsely populated areas. The peculiarities of the organization of medical care in remote areas of China, the USSR and the USA are outlined. The reasons for the emergence of new diseases among indigenous peoples are analyzed, connected with the loss of traditional activities, change of places of residence, which led to a break with the habitual habitat and methods of traditional treatment, change in the structure and type of nutrition, loss of young people’s interest in national traditions, culture and language and assimilation, as well as methods of organizing health care in places where ethnic minorities live. The conclusion is made about the consequences of the penetration of ‘civilization’ into the places where indigenous peoples live on the health of ethnic minorities.
Keywords: indigenous peoples of the North and Far East, ethnic minorities, Nanai, diseases, medical care

Semenov V.N. (Vladovostok). Changes in the Composition of the Submarine Forces of the Pacific Fleet of the USSR (1946-1991)

PhD in Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University,
690922, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ayaks settlement, 10
e-mail: viktor_55@mail.ru

Abstract. In the works of historians devoted to the construction of the Pacific Fleet, the issues of changes in the structure of the Pacific Fleet, the tasks solved by the fleet, and the development of the fleet infrastructure are mainly considered. The author in his article paid special attention to the changes in the composition of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet in the period 19461991: the creation of a group of Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces (submarines with ballistic missiles on board); submarines included in the Naval Forces of General Purpose (multi-purpose and torpedo submarines); special-purpose submarines, and how these changes affected the expansion of the tasks set before the submarine forces. During the change in combat composition, the combat capabilities of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet increased, they became the main striking force of the fleet, began to solve the problems of nuclear deterrence of a potential enemy and combat aircraft carrier strike groups of a potential enemy, which ultimately resolved the issue of ensuring the military security of the USSR in the Asia-Pacific region. In his work, the author studied and analyzed a number of archival documents of the Pacific Fleet (closed until recently), as well as materials presented in books by Soviet historians, which allowed him to draw a conclusion about the dynamic development of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet.
Keywords: The Navy of the USSR, Pacific Fleet, submarine forces, changes in composition, 1946-1991

Kalinina O.V. (Moscow). Сhurch Holidays and Soviet Holidays in People’s Consciousness and Everyday Culture of the Pskov-Pechersky Region

Postgraduate Student, Department of Ethnology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
119234, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Avenue, 27/4
e-mail: kalinina_ol@mail.ru

Abstract. The subject of this study is the phenomenon of the coexistence of church-folk and Soviet holidays in the Pechorsky District of the Pskov Region in the 1940s–1980s. The cultural specificity of this region determined the late entry into the USSR, the long-term preservation of traditional ritual forms, the significant influence of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery and the parish churches. The study is based on materials obtained during the author’s ethnological expeditions in 2007–2017. Structured and semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. The analysis of the data obtained was obtained using the comparative historical method. Until now the Soviet festive culture of the Pskov-Pechorsky Region has not been included in the area of interest of ethnologists and folklorists focused on the study of traditional culture. The article examines some conventional pairs of holidays that were formed as a result of the imposition of the “red” calendar on the church-folk calendar: Easter – Anniversary of the October Revolution, Feast of the Holy Trinity – Day of the end of the sowing campaign, St. Peter’s Day – Fisherman’s Day, Christmas – New Year. The conclusion is made about the parallel existence of two types of holidays in people’s minds. At the same time, these holidays intersected in everyday life.
Keywords: holiday, Pechersky District of the Pskov Region, tradition, soviet culture, new rituals, Orthodoxy

Pronchenko M.A. (Moscow). Experience of reforestation in the Kazan Admiralty

an applicant for a scientific degree of Candidate of Historical sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of History)
119991, Russia, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskie gory, d. 1, str. 51
e-mail: pron4enko.masha2016@yandex.ru

Abstract. In this article were considered reforestation experiments in the Kazan admiralty in 1730–1750 which were conducted by the foresters M. Zelger and J. Walentin and their students. At this time these experiments are evaluated differently in the scientific literature. The materials of Svechin’s Senate commission 1763–1765, the General Atlas 1782 and some others were provided for the research. Data on experimental groves of the Kazan admiralty, which were in the area of villages Sobachkino, Arkhangelskoe (Togaevo) and Chandorovo, have been analyzed, the efficiency of the applied methods of reforestation has been studied, the scope of the work carried out and its results have been established. The formalistic approach to the reforestation works was prevailed in the Kazan Admiralty. For 32 years only four experimental groves were planted which were not properly monitored and cared for. During this time 12 302 oaks were grown though the real annual necessity of the Baltic fleet for the timber products exceeded this number two and a half times. Therefore the Kazan Admiralty didn’t complete this task of reforestation.
Keywords: the Kazan Admiralty, ship timber, Catherine II, reforestation, M. Zelger, I. Selivanov, A. I. Svechin

Baltovsky L.V., Smirnova A.P. (St. Petersburg). Historical and Cultural Aspect of Original Russia in the Concept of N.Ya. Danilevsky

Doctor of Political Science,
Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
190005, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 4, Saint Petersburg
e-mail: leonid.baltovsky@gmail.com

Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophy,
Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
190005, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 4, Saint Petersburg
e-mail: asmirnova78@gmail.com

Abstract. The article notes the contribution of N. Ya. Danilevsky to the development of the “eternal dispute” between the Slavophiles and Westernizers, in which the author was undoubtedly on the side of the Slavophiles. It notes the abundance of historiography devoted to the analysis of the content of the fundamental work “Russia and Europe”, which has become a classic of Russian scientific literature. The authors come to the conclusion about a curious feature of the phenomenon: the Slavophiles and Westernizers with their ideas pushed N. Ya. Danilevsky to write his fundamental work, which, in turn, gave a new impetus to the theoretical confrontation of the supporters of two diametrically opposed ideas. It is noted that this work has not lost its relevance to this day. The monograph “Russia and Europe” in modern conditions has become an important tool for the spiritual unification of if not all Slavs, then at least the entire Orthodox world.
Keywords: N.Ya. Danilevsky, the originality of Russia, Slavophiles, Westernizers, “Russia and Europe”

Koltachikhina E.Yu. (Moscow). On the 460th Anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s Birth

Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Physics, Moscow State Geological Survey,
Head of the Group of the Department of Scientific Policy and Organization of Scientific Research at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, Moscow State University, Main Building, Sector A, Room 1006
e-mail: kolt-elena@yandex.ru

Abstract. 2024 marks the 460th anniversary of the birth of Galileo Galilei. Our article, based on a wide range of published sources and extensive historiography, shows the evolution of Galileo’s worldview, his discoveries in optics, astronomy and mechanics, as well as the creation of the telescope. During the time of Galileo, ideas about the world were based on a well-developed and holistic system of views, which were based on the teachings of Aristotle, Ptolemy and theologians. The world was arranged clearly and reasonably. In the center was the Earth, around which there was a rotating dome with luminaries: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Everything seemed obvious: you were walking on the hard and motionless Earth, and the Sun was moving across the sky. Young Galileo studied Aristotle’s Physics and his book On the Heavens. In the writings of Archimedes, he found a method of understanding the world that was close to him – the language of mathematics. He realized that the basis for studying the world should not be the interpretation of texts, but observations, measurements and experience. Thanks to his experimental approach, research became systematic and became an integral part of science. A. Einstein noted that Galileo’s methods of understanding the world are one of the most important achievements in the history of human thought. The author identifies and describes the key stages in the formation of Galileo as a scientist, and analyzes his contribution to world science.
Keywords: Galileo, telescope, Star Messenger, first telescopic observations
Samoylov N.A., Maiatskii D.I. (St. Petersburg). Collection of Chinese books of sinologist P. S. Popov and his academic and pedagogical activities at St. Petersburg University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Theory of Asian and African Social Development,
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7-9.
e-mail: n.samoylov@spbu.ru

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Department of Chinese philology,
Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia)
199034, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7-9.
е-mail: d.mayatsky@spbu.ru

Abstract. The article examines new data on the academic heritage of the outstanding Russian diplomat, scholar, translator and teacher Pavel Stepanovich Popov (18421913), whose life and work are still poorly investigated. Previously unknown facts and information about the private book collection collected by him and donated to the library of St. Petersburg University in 1913 are found and reported. Data on its composition, codicological and other features are provided. The main problems that potential researchers of the collection may encounter are formulated. Information on the owner’s seals and ex-libris on the books is discussed. The uniqueness of the collection is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the handwritten and early printed materials in Chinese included in it. A list of these materials is provided for the first time. The conducted review of the books allows us to determine their significance not only in the academic, translation and pedagogical work of P. S. Popov, but also in the history of teaching the Chinese language and sinology disciplines at St. Petersburg University in the early 20th century.
Keywords: Pavel Stepanovich Popov (1842-1913), book collection of P. S. Popov, Chinese manuscripts and woodcuts, history of the library of St. Petersburg State University, translations and research by P. S. Popov, teaching activities of P. S. Popov

Ilchenko M.A. (Samara). A.V. Kolchak: Vicissitudes of the Fate of a Bright Historical Figure (on the 150th Anniversary of the Admiral’s Birth)

Assistant at the Department of Philosophy
The Volga State University of
Telecommunications and Informatics,
443010, Samara, L. Tolstoy, no. 23
e-mail: strays885@yandex.ru

Abstract. Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak (November 4, 1874 – February 7, 1920) entered the history of the Russian state as a bright, dialectically contradictory, tragic figure. This article, written in a lapidary style, primarily from the position of a problem-chronological approach, is dedicated to the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of A.V. Kolchak, an event that can be considered, with a certain degree of conventionality, significant for the preservation of historical memory. The author’s goal in this publication was not simply to compile another biographical description of the life and work of the famous admiral, but to present reflections of a general nature, emphasizing certain life vicissitudes in his difficult fate. Particular attention is paid to the worldview position and morale and combat qualities of Alexander Vasilyevich, which allowed him to achieve a high level of professionalism as a naval commander in the battles of the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars. The role and significance of his activities in the events of the Great Russian Revolution and the fratricidal Civil War (1917-1920) are also noted, thanks to and “in spite of” this, the name of A.V. Kolchak is attached to the pages of the history of our country.
Keywords: Admiral A.V. Kolchak, The Civil War in Russia, the White Movement, the Supreme Ruler of Russia, the vicissitudes of historical fate, the role of personality in history, worldview position, political values and beliefs

Gavrilova N.I. (Irkutsk). Commemorative practices of city government bodies in Eastern Siberia in the sphere of “monument construction” (based on materials from Irkutsk in the last third of the 19th century)

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History,
Baikal State University
11 Lenin St., Irkutsk, Russia, 664003
e-mail: nig2312@yandex.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the city self-government bodies of the Irkutsk province in the field of monument organization. The initiatives of the Irkutsk City Duma are considered in the context of changes in the Russian memorial culture of the second half of the XIX century. During this period, municipal self-government bodies become the main initiators and organizers of various memorial actions. The study of the commemorative practices of the Irkutsk City Duma was conducted taking into account the characteristics of Russian legislation in the field of organizing fundraising for the opening of monuments. It was emphasized that the strict control of this area by the state caused the need for the Duma to support its initiatives on the construction of monuments by local authorities. Otherwise, the implementation of the proposals of public self-government became difficult or even impossible. It is no coincidence that the only implemented project of the Irkutsk City Duma was the opening of the monument to Alexander III (1908). The role of the Governor-General in the establishment of this monument has become crucial. The author focuses on the analysis of the participation of the Irkutsk City Duma in the organization of the monument to the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N.N. Muravyov-Amursky in Khabarovsk (1891) and the opening of the monument at the grave of A.P. Shchapov (1886) in Irkutsk. It is emphasized that the success of such events was mediated by the peculiarities of the socio-political situation in the region in the early 80s of the XIX century.
Keywords: municipal self-government, commemorative practice, monument, N.N. Muravyov-Amursky, A.P. Shchapov, Alexander III, Eastern Siberia

Lapina I.Yu., Kargapoltsev S.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Civilization Challenges and Systemic Problems of Domestic Sociogenesis. Part 8

Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya stree t, 4, St. Petersburg
e-mail: clio@spbgasu.ru

Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 4, St. Petersburg
e-mail: clio@spbgasu.ru

Abstract. This article continues a series of publications by the authors in the journal “Klio”, dedicated to understanding the process of Russia’s confrontation with civilizational challenges based on an analysis of the historical experience of our state’s development. It is noted that the reliance on “bonds” represents an understanding of the results of the activities of generations that preceded our time, right up to ancient times. The attempt by some theorists and practitioners to reject the historical past represents a de facto rupture of space and time, which is a path to nowhere. The consequences of peoples and states ignoring the “national task” are analyzed, and the authors rely on the opinion of P.A. Stolypin. It is believed that history and philosophy, as sciences, have predictive functions that allow a person to “look beyond the event horizon.” According to the authors of the article, human thought is the basis for substantiating the “teleportation” capabilities of consciousness.
Keywords: Civilization challenges, chronology, periodization, time, temporality, laws of nature

Gavrilova N.I. (Irkutsk). “And Society has not Forgotten Him”: M.M. Speransky in the Historical Memory of Irkutsk Residents in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History,
Baikal State University
11 Lenin St., Irkutsk, Russia, 664003
e-mail: nig2312@yandex.ru

Abstract. The name of M.M. Speransky, who lived in Irkutsk in 1819-1820 during his tenure as the Siberian Governor–General (1819–1822), was firmly preserved in the memory of the townspeople. Speransky’s documents and belongings, as well as Irkutsk residents’ oral memories of him, formed a stable layer of commemorative practices. They were widespread in the private sphere and at this level fixed the name of M.M. Speransky in the historical memory of Irkutsk residents.
In 1872, public events dedicated to the memory of M.M. Speransky were held for the first time. They were timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of this statesman and the 50th anniversary of the Siberian reforms. The author concludes that these events contributed to strengthening the image of Speransky as an outstanding reformer of the early 19th century in the historical memory of the townspeople. The beginning of the formation of the image of M.M. Speransky as one of the symbolic landmarks embodying the liberal hopes of the regional public was laid. The 50th anniversary of the death of M.M. Speransky (1889) is also considered by the author as an important event for the formation of the image of M.M. Speransky in the historical memory of Irkutsk residents. The analysis of the measures proposed by the Irkutsk City Duma to perpetuate the memory of M.M. Speransky in Irkutsk is presented.
Keywords: historical memory, M.M. Speransky, Irkutsk Society, civic initiatives, Governor-General

Leontiev Ya.V., Livshin A.Ya. (Moscow). Historical rumology: results and possible prospects of the research approach

Doctor in History, Associate Professor,
Professor, Department of History of
State and Municipal Management,
Faculty of Public Administration,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
e-mail: leoyar@mail.ru

Doctor in History, Professor, Professor,
Department of History of
State and Municipal Management,
Faculty of Public Administration,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
e-mail: livshin@spa.msu.ru

Abstract. The study of rumors circulating in the past has become a prominent area in research on socio-political history. The article summarizes the main results of the application of the rumorological approach to the consideration of political history and indicates the promising direction of its further development, according to the authors. It is stated that it is correct to focus on the analysis of rumors as a valuable historical fact in itself without trying to prove its compliance with reality. The applicability of the rumorological optics is emphasized not only to situations of historical transits or crises, but also to periods of stable existence of institutionally organized societies. The conclusion is made about the prospects of combining the potentials of historical rumorology and historical semiotics.
Keywords: rumorology, historical semiotics, open society, Avital Ronell, B.I. Kolonitsky, V.B. Aksenov

Belousov L.S., Baibakova L.V. (Moscow). In Search of a Contemporary Concept of the Russian State’s Role in System of International Relations of Modern Times

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Acting Dean of the Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, E-404
e-mail: poltorak2006@yandex.ru

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Modern and Contemporary History
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, G-444
e-mail: poltorak2006@yandex.ru

Abstract. Russian researchers have traditionally paid great attention to our country’s foreign policy, but its place in the system of international relations has not been traced specifically and deeply enough, taking into account the accumulated contradictory experience. This article summarizes the results of studying the history of international relations in line with new methodological approaches. One of the promising areas of modern historiography is the so-called “conference diplomacy”, designed to develop an international legal document contributing to the establishment of peace after a prolonged military conflict. A fruitful example of this approach is the collective monograph “Russia at international forums and congresses of the XVII ‒ early twentieth century”, published at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021. Compositionally constructed according to the problem-chronological principle, it is not only devoted to the study of the role of Russia in the system of international relations, it examines the work of significant conferences of modern times, in which Russian diplomats took an active part. A look at conference diplomacy through the prism of its four-hundred-year history is presented for the first time in Russian historiography.
Keywords: The Russian Empire, the system of international relations, international congresses and conferences, conference diplomacy, the peace treaty

Bogdanov V.P., Leontiev Ya.V., Livshin A.Ya. (Moscow). “Antiquity and Modernity mixed”: notes characterizing the events and processes of the 20th century on copies of early printed Cyrillic publications

Doctor in History, Senior Researcher,
Laboratory of Cultural History,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
e-mail: vpbogdanov@gmail.com

Doctor in History, Associate Professor,
Professor, Department of History of
State and Municipal Management,
Faculty of Public Administration,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
e-mail: leoyar@mail.ru

Doctor in History, Professor, Professor,
Department of History of
State and Municipal Management,
Faculty of Public Administration,
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
e-mail: livshin@spa.msu.ru

Abstract. The article is devoted to the records on the books of old Cyrillic printed editions (issued at the end of the XV – XVIII centuries), reflecting the phenomena and processes of the XX century. Despite the strongest transformation processes that the Russian population experienced during the Soviet period, old books often performed the same functions for which they were published centuries ago. The records on them still reflected deposits, any transactions, facts of ownership, etc. However, through these trivial narratives, it is possible to recreate the life of modern Russian society. Some records directly report the events of the 20th century, while most reflect them indirectly. Thus, these brief narratives reflect the First World War, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War, the processes of collectivization and the fight against religion, as well as the renaming of settlements. At the same time, there was no place in them for the names of state, party or military figures (with the exception of A.A. Brusilov). But figures of local history figure: chairmen of collective farms, any committees, etc. At the same time, entries on books, like ego documents, often contain the personal attitude of the authors to certain events. Since they are made on publications of a religious nature, sometimes they have references to Sacred History.
Keywords: records on the books, old Cyrillic printed editions, traditional culture, XX century, war, revolution, collectivization

Kurbatova A.G. (Moscow). The Eastern Partnership Program as an integration platform for the promotion of European standards of historical education in neighboring countries

Applicant at the Department of history of the New Independent States
of the Faculty of History
Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27, bldg. 4
E-mail: kurbatova_anastasiya@mail.ru

Abstract. The Eastern Partnership program, as one of the leading forms of integration cooperation with neighboring countries (in this case, with six countries of the western and southern borders of the Russian Federation), includes a wide range of cultural and educational projects. The topic of studying and teaching history is a relatively young but promising area of work of the Eastern Partnership, which is actively supported by representatives of leading government, educational and public organizations in Germany, the Netherlands and the Baltic countries, including the European Association of History Teachers and the Federal Agency for Civic Education in Germany.
In this article, the author analyzes the role of the Eastern Partnership program in promoting European standards of historical education in partner countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine). Based on the statutory, regulatory and program-project documentation, the author identifies leading state and non-governmental organizations specializing in supporting programs in the field of historical education. The article presents the structure and content of grant and methodological support for thematic projects and actions. Special attention is paid to the information and educational Internet platforms and communities created within the framework of the Eastern Partnership as new forms of scientific, expert and youth consolidation.
Keywords: Eastern Partnership program, EuroClio, history and civil education, intergovernmental platforms, integration cooperation, Eastern European Network for Citizenship Education EENCE, Civil society forum CSF, MATRA program