Shadrova V.M. (Saint Petersburg). Nomadic military service as a motivator writing communication of the family (continuation, the beginning in “Klio” № 6, 7, 9 (2016)……………………………………………………………………….13
VALERIA MIKHAILOVNA SHADROVA — Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI».
198152, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Primakova, 4, 35.
After the family members reunited in Leningrad (February 1945), the final period of their life as an entire family began. Long periods of separation by the force of circumstances were in the past, they became shorter and were caused, mainly, by departures on a month-long vacation to the countryside, a health-care facility, or on business, but the tradition of keeping the communication lifeline active by means of ‘snail mail’ remained. Life, in general, was gradually becoming more predictable, industries reborn, the all-embracing process of economy recovery was gaining pace. It was facilitated by the monetary reform (1947), abolition of ration card system, and the government-sponsored annual price reduction program which covered basic foodstuff and consumer goods categories.
Keywords: military officer, M.A. Shadrov, personal correspondence, post-war Leningrad, monetary reform.
Asaul A.N. (Saint Petersburg). The Iranian version of the origin surname “Asaul”………………………………………35
ANATOLY NIKOLAEVICH ASAUL — Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Innovations, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
190005, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 2-nd Krasnoarmeiskaya St. 4.
In article investigates the Iranian version of the origin of the word “Asaul”, entered in the Old Russian language in the same sound and meaning. The toponyms of the southern lands of the Kievan Rus’ (now the territory of Ukraine) and the Crimea, confirming the stay in these places aces tribes, descendants of the ancient Scythians. It traces the penetration of the word “Asaul” to the national culture and the army of Zaporozhye, and the creation Ukrainian surname on the basis of the word “Asaul”. Nowadays, this is the name of an ancient monument of national history, as well as a living witness to the interaction of cultures, peoples who inhabited the south-east of Europe, their former unity and historical identity.
Keywords: ethnonym Alan, experts, Asaul, Kievan Rus’, Army of Zaporozhye.
Tishunin E.G. (Saint Petersburg). The English king and Britain in the diary of Edward VI………………………………39
EVGENIY GENNAD’EVICH TISHUNIN — Student of the 1st year of Master degree, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University, Librarian of the Foreign collection National Library of Russia.
193318, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, John Reed st., 8, apt. 213.
The article presents the analysis of the first Royal diary in Western Europe by Edward VI of England (1547–1553). The article describes the content of the source, it’s genre features. Features of the author’s style are also analyzed. The article also has the analysis of the groups of notes on different social, political and religious aspects of the life on British Isles that were important during the lifetime of the author. Events that are described by Edward VI are analyzed on the basis of historical and ideological context of the era. The article describes the features of manifestation of the author’s personality on the pages of the diary. Source base for the article is the Royal diary, epistolary heritage of the contemporaries, materials of the commissions and acts of the Parliament.
Keywords: diary of Edward VI, Edward VI, Tudors, XVI century, Early Modern England.
Khotko S.H. (Maicop ,Republic of Adygea). Campaigns of Sahib Gerey I to Circassia in 1539–1551 on information of Remmal Khoja…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48
SAMIR HAMIDOVICH KHOTKO — PhD in History, Leading Researcher, Ethnology Department, Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after Kerashev.
385000, Republic of Adygea, Maicop city, ul. Krasnooktjabrskaya, 13.
The article’s author considers the aggressive politics of the Crimean Khan Sahib Gerey against Circassia. During the 1539–1551 that khan organized four large-scale campaigns against the principalities of Circassia. The main source about those campaigns is the work of the Ottoman chronicler Kaysuni-zade Mehmet Nidai, better known as Remmal Khoja, who was the court geomancer of Sahib Gerey. The work of Remmal Khoja “Tārih-i Ṣāḥib Giray Hān” or “The History of Khan Sahib Geray” is one of the most valuable sources about the history of not only the Crimean-Circassian relations but also the history of Circassia during the late Middle Ages and the early modern times in general. That source gives the opportunity to imagine in detail the nature and the scales of the military and the political pressure of the Ottoman Empire and the Crimean Khanate onto the Circassian principalities. In addition, the source allows taking a look at the internal political situation of Circassia, the relationship of its constituent principalities, as well as shedding some light on the history of the princely houses and formation of the sub-ethnic groups of Adygeyan ethnos.
For his expeditions into Circassia Sahib Gerey organized if not general then in any case mass mobilizations among the Crimean Tatar population of the Khanate: units and levies of the chief Tartar Beys participated, too. Sahib Gerey possessed the clear advantage in the form of firearms, which in that period Circassian principalities had not. The staff of his army included special units tüfenkci, armed with arquebuses. Sahib Gerey also possessed the advanced field artillery provided by the Ottomans. The khan’s army was reinforced with squads of Janissaries armed with arquebuses. Beylerbey of Kefe provided him with numerous fleets to ferry his troops across the Kerch Strait. Sahib Gerey made a series of cruel defeats among Circassians, executed many Circassian mirzas, captured a lot of people and, in fact, put a huge tribute for slaves onto the subordinate principalities. For the first time in the history of the Crimean Khanate Sahib Gerey organized his personal guard from among slaves — according to the model of the Ottoman kapikulu. The khan’s «Janissaries» or «Mamluks» were recruited from among Circassians, Abazians and other slaves, and those campaigns became a source of refilling the new units in their turn.
The expeditions of Sahib Gerey became the cruelest historical (military and political) challenge or a stimulus shock, according to the terminology of Arnold J. Toynbee what forced the Circassian elite to seek an ally in the Russian state. The work of Remmal Khoja has also some value in terms of the historical ethnography of Circassians: it reveals some details of their national lifestyle related to the national life-support system, housing and settlement complex and the armament.
Keywords: Remmal Khoja, Sahib Gerey, Circassians, Qansavuq, Elbozdu, Hantuk, Elyoq, Antavuq, Zhaney, Qabartay, Bujaduk.
Eylbart N.V. (Saint Petersburg). The manuscript of “Martin Stadnitskii dairy” as a source of the history of Time of Troubles……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………59
NATALIYA VLADIMIROVNA EYLBART — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian history, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.
191186, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Moika River emb., 48.
Polish archival sources are extremely important for multifaceted reconstruction of the events of the time of Troubles in Russia. However, before a document will be included in the source database, it is necessary to determine its authenticity, and also to compare its data with the facts known from other monuments of the era. “The diary of Martin Stadnickii” for over a hundred years causes controversial among historians about the time of writing and authorship, and authenticity of disclosed information. To date, the analysis included only the version of the manuscript stored in the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow. We have introduced into the scientific circulation and analyzed different list of document held by the Silesian library and different from “the Cracow version” containing a large number of colorful illustrations. We have found that its creation can be dated to the middle of the XVIII century, it was probably written by order of one of the aristocratic families of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and was to become the basis for a novel or Novella dedicated to the “adventure” of Marina Mnishek and the Impostors, wearing a moral and didactic character. Despite the pronounced character of the compilation of the manuscript we fully admit that some of the fragments and phrases could be taken from the “real” Diary of the court of Queen Marina Mnishek Martin Stadnicki, which has yet to discover. The manuscript of the Silesian library, with due critical approach can be used as the source and worthy of a separate full translation and publication in Russian.
Keywords: Time of Troubles, Muscovite State, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Martin Stadnitskii, The False Dmitri I, The False Dmitri II, Marina Mnishek, Silesian Library.
Klimova J.A. (London, United Kingdom). Image of internal enemy in publications of Siberian Socialist-Revolutionaries during Russo-Japanese war (1904–1905)………………………………………………………………………………………..67
JULIA ALEKSANDROVNA KLIMOVA — Postgraduate student, Department of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College, University of London.
United Kingdom, London, 26 Russell Square.
This article assesses propagandistic work of Siberian socialist-revolutionaries during the Russo-Japanese war. It analyzes leaflets, published by the SRs in Siberia. The analysis will focus on the image of the internal enemy, that the SRs created in their propaganda. The article demonstrates that socialist-revolutionaries used Russia’s military defeat in the war with Japan, economic crisis, as well as cruel suppression of popular uprisings during the First Revolution in an attempt to persuade the people to rise against the tsar and the autocratic regime. The leaflets will be divided into two consecutive periods: before and after the breakout of the Russian Revolution of 1905 to demonstrate the way the language of the leaflets changed as a result of this event. Lastly, the article assesses the effectiveness of the propaganda and the influence it made on the formation of the public opinion in the region. The main aim of this article is to show the image of the enemy in the SR’s print material and to analyze the targeted audience and the effectiveness of the socialist-revolutionary propaganda.
Keywords: Socialist-revolutionaries, enemy image, Russo-Japanese war, Revolution of 1905, propaganda, constructivism, history of Siberia, public opinion construction.
Brovina A.A. (Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar). M.B. Yedemsky’s diary about the USSR Academy of Sciences Polar Commission to the North Region (1933)…………………………………………………………………………………………74
ALEXANDRA ALEXANDROVNA BROVINA — Ph.D. in History, the Head of the Department of Humanities Interdisciplinary Research of Federal State Budget Establishment of Science Komi Scientific Centre of the
Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
167982, Russian Federation, Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Kommunisticheskaya str., 24.
The article deals with a unique event in the history of academic science — the USSR Academy of Sciences Polar Commission complex academic expedition to the North Region (1933). The results of the expedition had a significant impact on the development of the circumpolar territories and inextricably linked scientific research with a long-term planning of the whole country’s economy. The main attention is paid to the expedition diary of the Pechora Brigade member M.B. Yedemsky, the content and emphasis of which became much wider than the defined scientific tasks. M.B. Yedemsky’s diary covers all aspects of the life and work of research scientists of the Polar Commission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the members of the expedition, and has a general information about living, hard work forced the Gulag in the North.
Keywords: Pechora Brigade, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Polar Commission, the European North of Russia, development of academic research, the documentary heritage of science, M.B. Yedemsky’s expedition diary.
Variash I.I. (Moscow). The Interaction of the Islamic and Crown Law in the Legal Space of the Crown of Aragon in XIV century…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..82
IRINA IGOREVNA VARIASH — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of History of Middle Age,
History faculty, Moscow State University.
119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosov pr. 27/4.
The article is devoted to the history of medieval law. Special attention is paid to the history of the Sharia in a Christian political power. The article studies peculiarities of existence of Islamic law during the period of the Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula (Crown of Aragon in XIV cent.). The author raises questions about the transformation of law in the new political and social circumstances, about adaptive abilities of Islamic law in the Middle Ages, about degree of deformation of the legal system and culture of the Saracens under the pressure of the Christian authorities and everyday influence of Christian society. History of Sharia is inscribed in the context of the legal space of the Christian kingdom. The author also proposes a new method of studying the royal documents of the XIV century and bases the study of Islamic law on the sources of Christian origin. This requires a special approach and provides additional research optics. It also allows raising questions about how the customary law used to exist in the classical Middle Ages. The author reveals characteristic features of Islamic law, obeying Christian political order, its high adaptive abilities and security, focus on internal communal life, increasing of private and personal rights. The Aragonese materials show that during the XIV century Islamic law of the Saracens preserved its authenticity in internal affairs. Transformation of Sharia touched an area where the right to the vanquished intersected with the right of the winners and was forced to recognize the Crown Law as the source of the law. Existence of Sharia in Muslim communities within the Christian Kingdom was possible because it was treated by the European legal paradigm as customary law. The article is purely theoretical and general character.
Keywords: history, Sharia law, the Crown of Aragon, the Saracens, the Islamic tradition, social adaptation, identity, common law, Crown law.
Grinёv A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Social protest in Russian America………………………………………………………89
ANDREI VAL’TEROVICH GRINEV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
195251, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29.
The article is devoted to the analysis of events of social protest in the Russian colonies in Alaska and Northern California. The main reasons for protests were the actions of the colonial administration or abuse by its representatives, as well as dissatisfaction with the financial situation, rules, conditions and remuneration for labor, shortages of commodities and food for a considerable part of the population of the Russian colonies. Nevertheless, protest activity in Russian America was relatively small, and its basic forms were complaints, insignificant economic sabotage, and desertion. Protests never had massive character and occurred with a maximum of a few dozen people. The greatest number of protest acts belongs to 1790–1800s, when the colonial system was formed, and exploitation of dependent natives and Russian industrialists attained its apogee. Later, after naval officers (1818–1867) came to power in the colonies, the situation began to get notably better: a management and accounting became much better organized, bringing down the number of office abuses; policies regarding the dependent natives trended towards beneficently expressed paternalism, and the natives from the population center acquired the possibility of making claims in accordance with the bureaucratic order accepted in the empire or through direct complaints to representatives of the higher administration of the colonies. The representatives of the Russian-American company, that controlled Alaska from 1799, tried in every way to block protest activity and not allow open displays of dissatisfaction, since the result could hinder trade, business, and finally profits and its image in the eyes of the tsar’s authorities.
Keywords: social protest, protest practice, Russian America, colonization of Alaska, Russian-American Company.
Valerov V.A., Valerov A.V. (Saint Petersburg). No feudal patrimony of Novgorod (to the question about the nature of the ownership of land in the north-western village in XIII–XV centuries)……………………………………………………105
VALENTIN ALEKSEEVICH VALEROV — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History From Ancient Times to the XX century, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University.
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5.
ALEXEI VALENTINOVICH VALEROV — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory of Credit and Financial Management, St. Petersburg State University.
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5.
The article deals with the question about means of the formation and economic content of the peasant land ownership in the Russian North-West, in the XIV–XV centuries. Describing the structure of the productive forces, the authors identify leading ways to connect employees with the basic means of production — land, as well as determine the corresponding pre-capitalist forms of private-owner exploitation: country land rent, dept bondage and waged labor used in the private domain. The proximity of these forms to each other led to the conclusion about the existence in the period under review a number of transitional and mixed forms of pre-capitalist exploitation, an integral part of which are heterogeneous in their legal status of workers. At the same time there was a land rent under the lease and the complex contractual relationships based on not hierarchical ownership of the land, not on the individual direct producers. The equilibrium between the different groups in the socio-professional structure of the rural population was achieved both through natural processes of crushing and growth of the peasant households, and by the impact of rental law, which protects the right of a conditional land holding and prohibits arbitrary eviction of tenants from the earth.
Keywords: land ownership, patrimony, land use, Novgorod, rent, exploitation, debt bondage, community.
Barabanova K.S. (Saint Petersburg). Works of mercy under emergency (The first cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg in 1831)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….116
KSENIYA SERGEEVNA BARABANOVA — Master of history, Postgraduate student of the Department of the Modern history of Russia, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
198332, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Kuznetsova 21/178.
The paper is focused on charity actions during first cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg in 1831. Analyzing these actions we will turn to the problem of authorities-citizens relations it is important to define what the charity actions during the mentioned period were and what was the pole played by both citizens’ initiative and the authorities in them. Also it is necessary to understand what ways were used to attract the charity givers. In the summer of 1831 the authorities used a set of incentives to attract donors. The cholera epidemic as an emergency time became the period when the different actors involved in charity. The most active were the merchants of St. Petersburg. The main source is materials from the newspapers of 1831, such as “Northern bee” (Severnaya pchela) and “Saint Petersburg journal” (Sankt Peterburgskie vedomosti). The records from the Central State archive of Saint Petersburg and the Central Historical archive of Moscow were also used.
Keywords: сholera, epidemic, St. Petersburg, 1831, charity, merchants.
Izbassarova G.B. (Moscow). Kazakh Chinggizids are in the service of the Russian Empire. The sultans-rulers of the Western part of the Junior Horde (1824–1867)………………………………………………………………………………121
GULBANU BOLATOVNA IZBASSAROVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1.
The 1820s were a period of the beginning of a deep reform of all institutions of nomadic society, the involvement of the Kazakh society in the process of state-building and development of administrative-territorial management. After the reforms of 1824, the territory of Junior and part of the lands of the Middle Horde, subject to the Orenburg office, was divided into three parts.
The service of the representatives “white bone” — Kazakh Chinggizids for Russian Empire is studies based on the new archival sources and published materials. New data and biographical information of five sultans-rulers are introduced, the role of the investiture signs of power is defined. Analyzed the activity of all the sultans-the rulers of the Western part of the Junior Horde in the implementation of regional policy of the Imperial administration. Offers a hypothesis that the first Sultan Karatai Nuraliev identified the position of the Sultan-ruler with the power of the Khan, but changed to the current historical situation.
Keywords: Chinggizids, Western part of the Junior Horde, the reform of 1824, the Orenburg military governors, symbols of power, the Foreign Ministry, the Russian Empire, Karatay Nuraliev, Shingaly Ormanov, Baymuhammed Ayshuakov, Mohamed-Galiy Tyaukin.
Hajiyev A.N. (Arkhangelsk). Problem of Kars in the context of the policy world powers in the First and Second World Wars………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………130
AYDIN NAZIMOVITCH HAJIYEV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Vice-rector of the Arkhangelsk North enterprise Institute (CIP, Arkhangelsk).
163001, Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, Suvorov street 2.
Tel.: 8 (911) 683-76-08.
The problem of the Kars region is a complex knot of territorial and ethno-religious entanglements from the moment of its entry into the Russian Empire. The final periods of both the First and the Second World War were in this respect an exception, and after the previous phases of the struggle for the mastery of it. Ambiguous dynamics of military-political events of 1918, expressed in a hard uncompromising struggle between the Entente and the Triple Alliance for mastery of the Kars region, produced a proclamation of 1 December 1918 in Kars, the South West Caucasian Democratic Republic (USCGR). The next step in the definition of state-territorial status of the Kars region was Moscow (March 1921) and Kars (October 1921) of the Treaty. In the first and second articles of the Kars Treaty three Transcaucasian republics that formed later (13 December 1922) Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic — Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — took certain obligations in respect of Turkey. G.V. Chicherin at the first plenary meeting of the conference stressed that Russia forever abandons the age-old tsarist claims on Turkish territory. The Treaty determined the integrity of the North-Eastern border of Turkey. However, the last phase of World War II brought again this issue to the surface in international politics. At the Potsdam conference suddenly sounded the demands of the Soviet Union about the return of Kars and Ardagan districts, which can be considered as an attempt of political maneuvering by the Soviet leaders in the fight for the inclusion of Turkey in its sphere of influence and preventing its Alliance with the West. However, the parties have agreed on the matter, to any particular agreement.
Keywords: Kars problem, South-Western Caucasian Democratic Republic, Kars conference (1921), Moscow conference of foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and great Britain (1943), Potsdam conference (1945).
Dobronravina S.N. (Saint Petersburg). Extra-regional actors and maritime disputes in Latin America…………………139
SOFIA NIKOLAEVNA DOBRONRAVINA — Postgraduate student of the Saint Petersburg State University, Specialist of the Educational and Methodological Department, The North-Western Institute of Management of the Russian Federation Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
194017, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Gavrskaya st., 8–20.
In the process of the formation of the multipolar world the problems of international law become very actual, in particular, the territorial disputes. International conflicts are constant political background to the work of international and regional organizations. The processes of globalization and regional integration are losing pace by territorial disputes. Author thinks that in recent years problem of maritime disputes has importance. Based on the existing publications, the author shows the typology of maritime disputes, as well as features of maritime disputes in Latin America, noting the historical stages of the law of the sea. The author shows the evolution of the signs of possessing territories and their legal consolidation. Of course, in Latin America are active not only the actors of Western Hemisphere, but also external actors, both governmental and supranational. The article shows the role of some countries in the resolution of maritime disputes in Latin America. In particular, the author shows the role of the UK in the settlement of territorial and maritime conflicts in the region. Particular importance is given to the issue of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). The author also shows the activity of France and Netherlands in resolving maritime disputes in Latin America focusing on the historical aspect. Also particular importance is given to international legal institutions, such as the UN International Court and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Using the available documents of international courts, the documents of foreign ministries of Latin America countries, the author shows the problem of the participation of non-regional actors in the maritime disputes in Latin America.
Keywords: extra-regional actors, maritime dispute, maritime limits, United Kingdom, Clipperton, Patos, Falkland (Malvinas) islands.
Moiseev I.E. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk). Baltic Transit today and tomorrow………………………………………………………146
IGOR EVGENYEVICH MOISEEV — Postgraduate student, Department of Philosophy and Ideology, Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
220007, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Moskovskaya ulitsa 17.
The article views the main factors which influence on the development of “Baltic transport transit node”. Geographical and historical role of Baltic region for the provision of trade and economic relations between Russia and other countries of the region with world trade market is marked. On the basis of the wide statistic data the significance of the transit sphere for the economies of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is reflected. Increasing influence of federal programs for the development of Russian port infrastructure on the Baltic Sea on achievement of independence in import-export flows is traced. The conclusion about the fact that the year 2015 became crucial when a long-term decline in the share of Baltic countries ports happened towards Russian harbor becomes argumentative. An increase of competition for Belarusian cargo between ports of Lithuania and Latvia on the background of “Russian departure” gets grounding. Attempts of replacement of Russian direction by North–South cargo transportation from central Asia and China are analyzed. To the efforts of interested parties in the inclusion in prospective project of a new Silk Road evaluation is given. Due to the fact that the subject is highly politicized and is frequently speculated as a result of competitive struggle where issue price is millions and milliards of dollars, the given research is an attempt to show an objective view of the happening situation.
Keywords: transit cargo, ports of Baltic countries, Russian ports on the Baltic Sea, transit policy of Belarus, transit policy of Kazakhstan, trucking industry, freight turnover, rail transit, container shipping, intermodal transport, trans-Eurasian transport, transit corridors competition.
Chaykovsky A.E., Rodina N.A. (Nizhny Novgorod). The specifics of the magazine “Krokodil” in the years of the Great Patriotic War……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..159
ALEXANDER EVGEN’EVICH CHAYKOVSKY — Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor, Senior lecturer of the Department of “Culture and psychology of entrepreneurship”, Lobachevski state university of Nizhni Novgorod,
National Research University.
603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st., 9-26.
NATALIA ALEKSANDROVNA RODINA — Ph. D. in History, Associate Professor, Senior lecturer of the Department of “Culture and psychology of entrepreneurship”, Lobachevski state university of Nizhni Novgorod, National Research University.
603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin st., 3a-18.
During the ordeal endured by our country in the years of the Great Patriotic War, the media were the weapons, which even in the first days and months of the invasion had not dried up faith in our victory over the enemy. The most common and affordable means on the population was the periodical press exposure. First of all, it concerned the satirical and humorous nonfiction books, because funny ceases to be scary.
This is especially true now, when the worsening situation of foreign policy requires strengthening of information resources, and the presence of armed conflict raises questions about the specifics of their media coverage.
The article is devoted to the activities of the Soviet press to mobilize the population of the Soviet Union to repel the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War; it focuses on the forms and methods of work of the satirical magazine “Krokodil” (Russian: “Crocodile”).
That experience of the media of that period is especially important today, as in the foreign media unleashed a large-scale campaign to discredit our country, its leadership efforts to stabilize the situation in the world and the fight against global terrorism. An ideological war against Russia is almost waged. The authors first introduced into scientific circulation the publishing material of the magazine in the analyzed period.
The article also highlights the work of the journal to strengthen communication with readers, emphasizes the effectiveness of mass agitation and propaganda of the Soviet period, the high prestige, which was used by newspapers and magazines in the population. Soviet and Party organs listened to the opinion of periodicals.
Experience of “Krokodil” magazine during the war can be extremely useful for researchers of that period in the country’s history, workers of mass media, educators and psychologists.
Keywords: agitation, propaganda, seal, the Great Patriotic War, the media, journals, fiction, satire, humor.
Kovaleva D.N., Bystrova Y.M. (Saratov). The story of one invitation………………………………………………………163
DARYA NIKOLAEVNA KOVALEVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
410010, Russian Federation, Saratov, Navashina st. 6А, bldg. 2, apt. 2.
YULIA MIHAILOVNA BYSTROVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
410031, Russian Federation, Saratov, Chernyshevskogo st. 190/198, apt. 91.
The article discusses an interesting phenomenon in the cultural life of Saint Petersburg, i.e. a private artistic salon. The owner of the salon was a well-known St. Petersburg lawyer, Nikolai Platonovich Karabchevsky (1851–1925), who was also a theatre-goer, writer, and music lover. The invitation, found in the archive, addressed to the princess Maria Konstantinovna Golitsyna opens the whole scope of this “private event”. Almost all the famous lawyers were not only great professionals, however also all-round men: from the one hand, the legal profession which requires logic, pragmatic mind and equanimity; and from the other hand, art which touches the gentle, tender soul of a man. Karabchevsky tried his hand on the amateur stage, and the famous actors were his partners. He also loved to visit the theatre, knew a lot about good performances, and was considered a theatre-goer. Over time, Karabchevsky’s passion and fascination with the theatre led to the creation of the home theatre, which was a huge success with spectators, and good connections in the acting world made the program of artistic evenings bright and intense.
Keywords: N.P. Karabchevsky, advocacy, M. Kschessinskaya, private artistic salons, V.G. Korolenko, A.P. Chekhov.
Sokirkin D.N. (Saint Petersburg). Anglo-French military partnership in the Mediterranean in early twenties century……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………168
DMITRII NIKOLAEVICH SOKIRKIN — Senior lecturer, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
197348, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Bogatirskiy pr., 6, 77.
The article is dedicated to one of the most important aspects of the international situation at the beginning of the XX century — Anglo-French relations. These relations are analyzed by the example of the Mediterranean. Political, military strategic and economic importance Mediterranean communications for Great Britain is exposed. In the beginning of the XX century transformation of Anglo-French confrontation into cooperation is viewed. Two countries relations are presented against a background of great European powers contradiction as well as forming two confronting coalitions — the Triple Alliance and the Entente. Navies development is researched as well as general political situation. Stages of British naval strategic planning evolution are described. Anglo-German antagonism, Italian and Austro-Hungarian shipbuilding programs influence to Anglo-French relations are analyzed as well as Anglo-French Entente transformation from colonial agreement to political and military cooperation mechanism. Influence to the Mediterranean situation of Spain and First Moroccan crisis is described. Views of the Royal Navy commanders are research separately. Anglo-French naval strategic cooperation plans are presented. Memoirs, diplomatic correspondence, materials of early Twentieth century periodicals and press are used as British and Russian sources. Presented facts are supplemented with data. The above problems are researches for the first time within the home historiography.
Keywords: Mediterranean, Great Britain, France, the Entente, naval strategy, admiralty, navy, dreadnought.
Кonorev V.V., Sherba A.N. (Saint Petersburg). Leningrad front in defensive battles (August-September 1941 g.)….174
VICTOR VICTOROVICH KONOREV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History and philosophy, Mozhaisky Military Space Academy.
197198, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Zhdanovskaya st., 13.
ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH SHERBA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Researcher of Research Department (military history of North-western region of Russian Federation), Research institute (of military history), Military Academy of the General Staff.
191055, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nevskiy boulevard 10.
The article analyzes the character, some of the features and the main results of the battle actions of the Leningrad front troops in the period of the most persistent and bloody defensive battles with the German and Finnish troops in the near approaches to the city on the Neva River in August-September 1941. Reasons of failures of our troops are examined in persistent and sanguinary defensive fights with an enemy. Battle composition of soviet troops and forces of hostile groupment, features of planning, organization and conduct of battle actions are analyzed in this article. Activity of command, field management and staff of Leningrad front are lighted up on organization of defensive and battle providing of troops with a purpose to the reflection of hostile offensive. These battles became most difficult and intense for our troops. On the basis of analysis of considerable actual material, the authors summarize the totals of the Leningrad strategic defensive operation of Leningrad front troops, which became the first stage of battle for the city.
Keywords: The Leningrad Front, defense, rifle division, fierce fights, order, German troops, the near approaches to Leningrad, armored vehicles, protection lane.
Kovaleva D.N., Bulatov I.A. (Saratov). Universal Soldier……………………………………………………………………182
DARYA NIKOLAEVNA KOVALEVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
410010, Russian Federation, Saratov, Navashina st. 6А, bldg. 2, apt. 2.
IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH BULATOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
410056, Russian Federation, Saratov, Ul’janovskaja st., 27/35, apt. 70.
Today, professional specialty becomes the trend in all spheres of human activity, especially among lawyers. Modern lawyer specializes either on criminal, or civil, or administrative infractions. Advocacy in the Russian Empire, emerged as a result of liberal reforms of Alexander II, demonstrated a higher professional level, which gave the opportunity to equally defend the accused of murders, thefts, and racial crimes. When selecting a case, lawyers were not often guided by the financial side of the business, but by the professional interest. Celebrated cases, that made the name of the lawyer, were often poorly reflected on his financial welfare. Barristers viewed every case, every defense as an opportunity to improve their professional skills, to protect an innocent person in a “fight”, to disclose the reasons which have begotten the crime and to give the opportunity to show the point of view of the accused to the court.
Keywords: advocacy, racial crimes, N.P. Karabchevsky, judicial reform of Alexander II.
Bordovskikh A.N. (Moscow). Political Risk Theory: a Historical Perspective………………………………………………188
ANASTASIA NIKOLAEVNA BORDOVSKIKH — Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosov prospect 27, building 4.
The theory of political risk has evolved from unsystematic management of losses caused by political risk events to development of a comprehensive system of od assessment and forecast. The nature of political risks and their influence on international business activity gradually changed during the course of history, as did the scientific substantiation of this phenomenon and approaches to its evaluation. This article presents a detailed overview of political risk theory evolution through the lens of historical analysis of its most significant manifestations. The research methodology consists in review and generalization of MNC’s experience and the consequent identification of the correlation between historical events and accepted scientific conclusions. The author demonstrates that the theoretical grounds for political risks analysis and forecast were established in the period between 1960 and 1980, and were complying with the epoch’s contiguous context. The system of factors and sources of political risk which was developed afterwards still constitutes the basis of current applied models of political risk analysis despite the changes in world politics and the evolution of the relationship between state and business.
Keywords: political risk, expropriation, nationalization, international business, oil industry, geopolitical context, political regime change, political risk factors, Cuban Revolution, oil crisis.
Vorobieva T.V. (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). Back to Russian America (Review on Andrei V. Grinëv monograph «Alaska Under the Wing of the Double-Headed Eagle (Russian colonization of the New World in the context of the Russian and the World History)»)………………………………………………………………………………….200
TATIANA VLADLENOVNA VOROBIEVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Head of economical and socio-humanitarian chair of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
683038, Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, V. Nikolayevoy-Tereshkovoy str., 1/313.
Many questions on the historical past of Russian America, in spite of a great number of researchers, remain inadequately investigated, and even caused several myths. Dr. Andrei V. Grinëv has written a complex monograph in which managed to show the history of the former transoceanic colonies in the new light. His attention has been devoted to the internal logic of the process of colonization through all the Russian history in comparison with the same in the Western Europe and the New World. This book is unique in the author’s own position based on substantial range of archival sources and representative list of all available works both in Russian and in English. One of the leading authorities in ethnography and history of the Russian-American Company, Dr. Andrei V. Grinëv has written the book in the easy polemics manner, which makes reading interesting and grip reader’s attention by filling nearly all the gaps of the history of Russian America.
Keywords: colonization, Russian-American Company, historiography politarizm, peculiarities, stereotypes, state policy.
Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg). About the political and military activities of the USA in the 1980s (Review of the monograph of D.T. Yazov and A.I. Merenkov “Peace and war in the era of the Soviet perestroika”)……………….203
SERGEYI NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of journal «Klio», Professor of Department of History and Regional Studies, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.
195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskiyj pr.,11.
The review analyzes the content of the monograph prepared by the last Soviet Defense Minister, Marshal of the Soviet Union D.T. Yazov and famous military analyst, General A.I. Merenkov. It notes the depth of judgment and knowledge of the authors, who have studied the tendencies of development of the world economy in the years of Soviet perestroika. Based on the study of a number of publications of the largest American and European magazines and newspapers, the authors express their understanding of the reasons for strengthening the US military policy in the 1980s. Particular attention is paid to the authors’ assessment of the creation process and attempt to project the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Of particular interest is the interaction of American politicians, the military and businessmen with colleagues from other countries, including Japan and Israel. The review assesses the authors’ conclusions on the issue of US military policy and its allies at the end of the twentieth century.
Keywords: USA, Japan, Israel, military policy, perestroika, the global economy, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
Rostovtsev E.A., Sosnitsky D.A. (Saint Petersburg). “The War of Textbooks”: Medieval topics in post-Soviet educational space…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….207
EUGENII ANATOLIEVICH ROSTOVTSEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University.
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleev l., 5.
DMITRY ALEKSANDROVICH SOSNITSKY — Ph.D. in History, engineer, Museum complex, Saint Petersburg State University.
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya amb., 7/9.
Teaching materials devoted to Russian history and their impact on forming historical notions about past is one of the most demanded subject in modern native historiography. The researchers tried to monitor the main changes in interpretation of medieval past in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Kazakhstan soviet and contemporary history books. The authors characterized Methodological and conceptual modifications in interpretation of Medieval history, tracked principal differences between various versions of history in post-Soviet educational space. The researchers showed the influence of social and political request on the forming historical notions about past and importance of textbooks as a source of the collective memory about the past.
Keywords: historical memory, Textbooks, middle ages, historical consciousness.
Lapina I.Y., Kargapoltsev S.Y. (Saint Petersburg). The Cheshire Cat’s smile or sad impressions of pseudoreference in Moscow and St. Petersburg (metaphysics of PR and hypocrisy)…………………………………………………………216
IRINA YURJEVNA LAPINA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History and Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
190005, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyjskaya ul., 4.
SERGEYI YURJEVICH KARGAPOLTSEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of History and Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
190005, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 2-ya Krasnoarmeyjskaya ul., 4.
The authors analyze the current understanding of the scientific and research activities in the humanitarian sphere as an example of two “scientific and practical” conferences held in September-October 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The critical foreshortening findings indicates systemic problems of administration and bureaucracy, dominant in modern science.
Keywords: science, conference, compilation, plagiarism, profanation, PR.
Soldier, teacher, scholar, humanist — Alexander Zavelevich Vakser…………………………………………………..220
The article is devoted to 95-anniversary of birthday of a prominent Russian scholar, doctor of historical sciences, Professor A. Z. Vakser. The article reflects the main stages of his scholar and teaching activities, contribution to the development of Russian scholarship and education.