Gessen V.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Daniil Yulievich Gessen: a journalist with a tragic fate (Part 2).........................................................................................................................13
Ph.D. in Economics
Home ad dress: Russian Federaion,
196233 Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya 11/ 2, 140
Tel.: 382-6370; e-mail:
The article provides information about the origin of D.Yu. Gessen, about his studies at the Tenishevsky School, studying at the Polytechnic Institute, where he was imbued with the ideas of revolutionary struggle, which had a significant impact on his life. His participation in the Bolshevik coup and the Civil War, then in the internal party factional struggle, was noted. He was a consistent supporter of Leon Trotsky. Perhaps not all of his ideas were close to him and generally interested. But, until the end of his life, he was captured by the very appearance of this man, as a thinker and fighter, did not abandon him until his very tragic death. It is shown with what persistence D.Yu. Gessen for freedom of exchange of opinions in the party, for their open publication in the press. For all this, he was arrested, convicted, and spent six years in the Solovetsky concentration camp. But this was not enough for the authorities. And on the second day of The Great Patriotic War, he was arrested again, in 1943 he was shot in Chelyabinsk. Shows his love for sports, especially football and chess. Also his enthusiasm for journalistic activities on the pages of “Krasnaya Gazeta”, which, often, caused accusations of unsubstantiated criticism of local Soviet bodies and party leaders. As far as possible, the article provides information on several other Trotskyists who were also repressed.
Keywords: October Revolution, VKP (b), Trotskyism, Krasnaya Gazeta, chess, Stalinist repressions.
Maiatskii D.I., Kharitonova А.М. (St. Petersburg). Peter the Great and evaluation of his achievements in the Literary Works of Chinese and Vietnamese Authors of the early 20th Century..................................................................................................26
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese philology
Faculty of Asian and African Studies,
Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia)
199034, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,
Universitetskaya emb., 11.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Theory of Asian
and African Social Development,
Faculty of Asian and African Studies,
Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia)
199034, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg,
Universitetskaya emb., 11.
The novelty of the article is connected with consideration in it an issue that has not previously been separately studied by domestic and foreign scholars. This is an issue of popularizing the first Russian emperor Peter the Great in the fiction of China and Vietnam in the first decade of the 20th century. The authors found two poetic works and a novel in Chinese, as well as two poems in Vietnamese, that were published during this period and were dedicated to Peter I. Data on three of the five works are made public for the first time. Full and partial translations of these compositions into Russian are presented by the authors. Their texts are analyzed, the circumstances and purposes of their creation are found out, the issue of their authorship is considered. The specificity of perception and attitude of Chinese and Vietnamese writers to Peter I at the beginning of the XX century are determined. It was found that the compositions were created by national patriotic educators who were familiar with the history of Russia through third languages (“intermediaries”). These people were delighted with the reformatory deeds of the Tsar, sought not only to acquaint compatriots with them, to infect their national monarchs with a positive example of successful ruling, but also to express their respect for Peter I.
The article is relevant in connection with the rapid growth of imagological research on problems of intercultural communication. It can attract the attention of specialists interested in the history of the evolution of the image of Russia in China and Vietnam.
Keywords: Image of Peter the Great, imagology, Peter I in China, Peter I in Vietnam, Enlightenment in China, Enlightenment in Vietnam.
Tribunsky S.A. (Samara). Cultural and educational work in the Red Army during the front-line Civil War in Russia (1918-1920): conceptual foundations and their reflection in Soviet historiographic sources of the 1920s - first half of the 1930s...... 32
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History, Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Queen “, 443086, Volga Federal District, Samara region, Samara, Moscow highway, 34, tel. 8-937-100-15-55, E-mail:
The current level of accumulation of historical knowledge testifies: the main military content of the front-line Civil War in Russia (1918–1920) is intensive military operations. It was during these intense hostilities that such a unique historical phenomenon as party-political work in the Armed Forces of the young Soviet state was born and then strengthened. One of its constituent parts was while retaining some relative independence, cultural and educational work with the soldiers and commanders of the Workers ‘and Peasants’ Red Army (RKKA). Some of its aspects fell into the sphere of research interests of the author of this article, submitted to the scientific community, namely: first, the conceptual foundations of cultural and educational work in the Red Army during the front-line Civil War; secondly, the process of their coverage in historiographic sources that were published in the Soviet state in the 1920s – the first half of the 1930s. At the same time, we emphasize that there is a close dialectical unity between the aspects indicated above. Therefore, the opportunity opened up to disclose the problem of this article, based on the requirements of an integrated approach to scientific research, in the key of problem historiography. Considering that the researcher chose the lapidary style of covering the aspects of cultural and educational work in the Red Army, indicated above, the material of this article is systematized in the format of a historiographic review.
Keywords: front-line Civil War in Russia, cultural and educational work in the Red Army, party-political work in the Armed Forces of the Soviet state, problem historiography, V.I. Lenin, L.D. Trotsky M.V. Frunze, S.I. Gusev.
Lyaskina N.V. (Khabarovsk). The activities of the police of the Primorsky territory in the fight against homelessness and juvenile delinquency during the great Patriotic war: historiographic aspect.........................................................................................42
Associate of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, per.15 Kazarmenny street,
The article provides an analysis of scientific research examining the activities of the police of the Primorsky Territory in the fight against homelessness and juvenile delinquency during the Great Patriotic War. The author draws attention to the fact that the experience gained during the war years can be useful in modern conditions characterized by a tense international situation, crisis phenomena in the economy, a reduction in the number of employees of internal affairs bodies, and a high level of crime. The article highlights the main directions of the study of the problem, carried out their periodization and characteristics, both of an all-Russian scale and regional coverage. The author comes to the conclusion that along with the appearance of modern scientific works, a deep understanding of the historical experience of the police in the fight against child crime and homelessness in 1941-1945, scientific analysis and a critical approach to evaluating existing research, and the search for new sources are required.
Keywords: scientific research, research prospects, historiography, police, homelessness, Primorsky Krai, Far East, Great Patriotic war, Russia.
Boode М.А. (St. Petersburg). Harpers Ferry and the American Civil War............................ 50
3rd year student of Baccalaureate, Chair of Medieval History,
Institute of History of Saint-Petersburg State University.
192029, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Olgi Berggoltz, 17.
The article explores history of the town of Harpers Ferry located in the Jefferson County, West Virginia, during the Civil War when it was a part of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The author follows history of the settlement from its foundation in the first half of the 18th century until the end of the 1860s when a decline started in the town. History of Harpers Ferry is remarkable in the context of American Civil War studies because this town during the conflict has changed control several times being a significant hub on the Baltimor and Ohio Railroad that connected theatres of war in eastern and western parts of Virginia. Besides, the local armory and production facility of small arms contributed to the town’s importance. The article outlines the key milestones of their development since formation until closedown following the land resale to private owners in 1869. The author concludes that in spite of great importance of Harpers Ferry as a supply depot, it was almost impossible to be effectively defended due to inconvenient geographical location. For this reason, alternate supply routes were established during the war and the railroad through Harpers Ferry has lost its value. This, combined with wartime desolation, made it impossible for Harpers Ferry to ever regain its antebellum prosperity.
Keywords: American Civil War, Harpers Ferry, Battle of Harpers Ferry, History of West Virginia, Shenandoah Valley
Gogun A.S. (Berlin). Against the “Glass Ceiling”: The Strength and Defeats of Ukrainian Radical Nationalism....................................................................................58
Candidate of Historical Sciences, doctoral student at the Free University of Berlin, Friedrich Meneke Institute, Germany
14195, Germany, Berlin, the Free University of Berlin, Koserstrasse, 20, A 313,
Not (only) Polish, but German nationalism (protoracism), the discriminatory practices of the Habsburg empire were the source of Ukrainian totalitarian nationalism. The Germans in the Danube monarchy impinged upon the Ukrainians twice: indirectly through the Poles, and again directly themselves.
Although the activity of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) has been covered by a number of books, authors do not try to answer the question of where the phenomenal strength of this party is coming from.
The phenomenon of OUN can be explained by the factors not present in any other East Slavic region from 1848-1939: 1) the presence of developing free market relations, accompanied by political freedom and, from 1867, by democratic institutions especially at the local and regional level; 2) a solid “glass ceiling” that limited the career advancement of Ukrainians, especially at the level of the capital. Discrimination did not prepare people for the idea of the equality and interethnic solidarity. Freedom allowed for self-organization and initiative, mainly among fellow tribesmen and neighbors. It should be noted that in the Austrian part of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1867 1918 there was an excellent system of self-government in place, which was perhaps the best in the world.
In general, the source of Ukrainian totalitarianism (both Bolshevism and the OUN) was hard serfdom before 1848.
Keywords: German nationalism, closeness, inertia, oppression, protoracism, discrimination, mistrust, arrogance, Austria-Hungary, the prison of nations, contempt, haughtiness, OUN.
Melnik M.N. (Moscow). “Peninsula Shield Forces” as the first experience of military integration of the GCC................................................................................................67
PhD student of the Department of the Near and Middle Eastern History, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 125009, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya st., 11-1.
The article focuses on the history of the military integration between the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council on the example of the “Peninsula Shield Forces” project, which was the first such experience for the Arab monarchies. An analysis is based on the various stages of the history of the “Peninsula Shield Forces”, the degree of its use in different operations and military campaigns in the Gulf. It also examines the typology of ways of building relations between the monarchies, the positions of the GCC member countries in relation to further initiatives to unify armed structures, and their reactions to emerging challenges. This article aims to highlight the problems that the countries of the “Arabian Six” had to deal with during the main stages of the history of the Cooperation Council, the degree of its influence on the “Shield of the Peninsula” project, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of the Joint Armed Forces in combat operations in which they took part.
Keywords: GCC, Peninsula Shield Forces, military integration, Persian Gulf, Shared Security.
Ryzhov I.V., Borodina M.Yu. (Nizhny Novgorod). Russian-Israeli relations 1991-2000: main trends..................................................................................................................74
Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History and Politics of Russia, Institute of International Relations and World History Nizhniy Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky
(Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulianov St., 2),
Senior researcher at the International Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory “Study of World and Regional socio-political processes” of the Niz hny Novgorod State Linguistic University N.A. Dobrolyubov
(Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Minina St., 31A)
E-mail: Tel. +7(906) 578-46-05
Assistant at the Department of History and Politics of Russia, Institute of International Relations and World History, Nizhniy Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky
(Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulianov St., 2)
E-mail: Tel. +7(910) 103-34-81
Russia’s foreign policy in the 90-ies of the XX century began to focus on rapprochement with the West, and the Middle East region was on the periphery of the foreign policy aspirations of the Russian Federation. However, in this region there has been quite a serious adjustment in the search for new partners, one of which is the state of Israel. In the 1990s, the two countries ‘ bilateral relations were characterized by a surge in cultural and diplomatic contacts, the resumption of large-scale Jewish emigration, and the development of economic and military-technical cooperation. The authors analyze the interstate interaction between Russia and Israel in the last decade of the XX century, and also highlight the main stages in the evolution of Russian-Israeli relations. In addition, the authors pointed out the key problems that complicated the development of Russian-Israeli relations during the study period. A significant place in the article is given to the participation of the Russian Federation in the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a co-sponsor of the Middle East settlement.
Keyword: Russia, Israel, Middle East settlement, Russian-Israeli relations, Jewish emigration.
Lukyanov S.А., Potiomkin I.А. (Moscow). Ministry of internal affairs of the Russian empire in its fight against epidemics in the first half of the XIX century..................... 84
professor of the department of state and civil- lawful disciplines of the Moscow provincial branch of Moscow University MVD of Russia named after V.YA. Kikotya,
doctor of juridical sciences
Chief, Section for Research of Problems of History,
Research Centre,
Management Academy of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of Russia.
129085, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. B. Mar’inskaya, 5, office 18.
The article covers the activities of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire in the fight against epidemics in the first half of the 19th century. The authors analyzed the measures taken by the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, the Medical Department, and the Medical Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prevent epidemics and eliminate their consequences. The role of the police in the provision of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is highlighted, and shortcomings and problems in this activity are highlighted. The authors point out that the anti-epidemic measures taken by the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire have not always contributed to the achievement of positive results. For example, the Government has gained a great deal of experience in combating the plague, which has helped to establish a system of quarantine and other measures promptly that has contributed to the effective suppression of the epidemic. However, in the fight against cholera, as shown in the article, the leadership of the Interior Ministry of the empire was not taken timely measures to prevent the spread of the disease. The authors explain this with several objective and subjective reasons. As a result of the failure to take timely measures to suppress the epidemic, in 1829-1831 cholera swept the main regions of European Russia, causing significant human casualties. Besides, amid the epidemic, there have been some social upheavals in the so-called cholera riots. The facts cited in the article show that in the first half of the 19th century, the Russian Empire still lacked a unified and effective system of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Nevertheless, according to the authors, the foundations of the system have been laid down thanks to the activities of the Ministry of the Interior to combat epidemics during the described period.
Keywords: Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Empire, Department for Medicine, Medicine Council, police, medicine police, epidemic, pandemic, sanitary-epidemic control, plague epidemic, cholera epidemic.
Rostovtsev Е.А., Sosnitsky D.А. (St. Petersburg). The Junior partner? Yuriev University of the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries in the destinies of the capital’s universalists.........................................................................................................94
Doctor of History, Professor
Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University
Leading researcher of the Faculty of historical and political Sciences
Tomsk state University.
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, University Emb., 7–9.
Ph.D. in History, senior researcher
Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University
Senior researcher of the Faculty of historical and political Sciences
Tomsk state University
199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7/9.
This article focuses on the trajectories of academic careers and the fate of students, graduates and employees of the Metropolitan University who taught at the Dorpat / Yuriev University in the XIX-early XX centuries. Among them are leading scientists, specialists in various fields of knowledge-astronomers A. N. Savich, N. V. Levitsky, K. D.Pokrovsky, geologists E. K. Hoffman, N. I. Andrusov, F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing, V. V. Bogachev, historians M. A. Diakonov, E. F. shmurlo, I. I. Lappo, E. V. Tarle, lawyers D. D. Grimm, B. V. Nikolsky and many others. Based on published and archived sources, as well as reference publications, the stages of academic career of teachers were reconstructed, and various data related to their collective portrait were analyzed. It was determined representatives of which “generations” of Saint-Petersburg University graduates were most often in the ranks of Dorpat/Yuriev University. The fate of some representatives of the faculty after emigration was traced. It is noted that the imperial legislation governing the teaching service facilitated the outflow of scientific personnel from the capital to the University of Dorpat/Yuriev University and served to Russify it. Argumentative suggestions about the nature of mutual migration of researchers within different spheres of knowledge are presented in this article. There is an evidentiary opinion that Dorpat / Yuriev Universityserved as a kind of “staff reserve” for St. Petersburg/Petrograd University at the turn of XIX – XX centuries and it was a good start of academic career for many St. Petersburg scholars who later returned to the capital of the empire.
Keywords: Dorpat University, Yuriev University, Saint Petersburg University, Petrograd University, biographics, professors, teachers, collective portrait, history of science, history of universities.
Milashus Zh.V., Soloviev D.N. (St. Petersburg). Military Attaché Service Principles......... 109
senior teacher of English at the Foreign Languages department.
Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy
195009, St. Petersburg, st. Komsomol, 22.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
St. Petersburg Law Academy
195009, St. Petersburg, st. Komsomol, 22.
The article is devoted to the General Staff officers, whose activity is related to the preparation of operations, the development of plans for combat operations conducting, and the military units supply with all types of weapons. This activity requires intelligence and ingenuity. Those officers’ activity and their names do not have to be disclosed at any time.
For many centuries, the service of military attachés, even if they acted under other positions – a sales agent, a sales representative, a diplomat, an accredited journalist, correspondents of the military department, etc., he performed the unspoken function of a military attaché (translated from French attaché – “attached”) Related to intelligence activities, diplomatic or otherwise.
The article examines specific historical characters whose activities began at the beginning of the 19th century.
Important milestones in the activities of the military attaché are reflected in the structure of the department. All the periods preceding the wars waged by the Russian Empire throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries are reflected in the activities of the attaché. The article is intended for a wide range of readers and all those interested in military history.
Keywords: General Headquarters, military attaché, military department, operations, army.
Anshakova Yu.Yu. (Samara). Political and humanitarian aspects of British relief aid to Russia during the famine of 1921-1923.................................................................... 114
Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, History and Archeology Department, Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Samara, Studenchesky Per., 3A, work phone (846) 340-06-14,
During the famine of 1921-1923 Russia was aided by several philanthropic organizations which represented various countries, including Britain. British humanitarian missions provided population of the Volga Region, the epicenter of the famine, with food and medicine. Most notable among them were Save the Children Fund and Society of Friends (Quakers) missions. The article deals with some political, humanitarian and organizational aspects of the British relief, including official attitude of the government, press, parliamentary debates, which made an impact on the work of the British relief organizations. The author pays attention to Britain’s participation in the attempts to provide relief aid to the starving Russian population, undertaken by some international organizations such as the League of Nations etc., and her independent actions in this field. The paper is based on the proceedings of the debates in the House of Commons and House of Lords, as well as Soviet and British press materials.
Keywords: Volga region, Britain, famine of 1921-1923, Save the Children Fund, Quakers, international relief.
Olympieva I.V. (St. Petersburg). Princes of Oldenburg and Imperial school of law (1835 - 1917)............................................................................................................. 123
Applicant of the St. Petersburg Institute of History
(N.P. Lihachov mansion) of Russian Academy of Sciences
197110, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya str., 7
Тел + 7-911-254-0944
The Imperial school of law is inextricably linked with the name of the princes of Oldenburg – the great benefactors of Russia. Peter Georgievich Oldenburgsky headed about five hundred educational and charitable institutions, for the creation of five of them, he donated significant funds. Among these five, the Imperial school of law, of which the Prince was a Trustee for 45 years, stood out.According to the Charter of the educational institution, the Trustee was the highest official of the School. In the absence of a Trustee, his functions were performed by the Director in strict accordance with the instructions given to him. The main task of the Trustee was “… that the success of this institution [School of law] meet the expectations of the Government” (§ 73). Indeed, the efforts of Pyotr Georgievich, and then his son Alexander Petrovich, were aimed at training personnel for the judicial system. In School not only trained, but also brought up. In the educational institution a lot of attention was paid to the versatile development of personal qualities of future statesmen. Highly moral man – Peter Georgievich Oldenburg developed in lawyers the qualities that he possessed himself. Lawyers had to serve as a model of attitude to their work, to be honest and decent people. Most of the students carried the spirit of the School through life.
Keywords: princes of Oldenburg, Imperial school of law, Trustees, legal education, lawyers, charity.
Kashevarov A.N. (St. Petersburg). Metropolitan Gregory (Chukov) and partial return of orthodox saints in the 1940s and 1950s............................................................... 129
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation,
Professor Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Russia, 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya Str., 29.
The main purpose of the article is to highlight the contribution of one of the most active and energetic hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Soviet era, Metropolitan Grigory (Chukov), to the process of returning Holy relics to the Church in the context of state-Church relations in the second half of the 1940s-1950s. The post-war course of the Soviet government to normalize these relations raised hopes among the faithful and the clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate for the return of the Holy relics that survived the anti-religious campaigns and were kept in various museums in the country. The results of Bishop Gregory’s initiative to return the relics of Saint Theodosius of Chernigov, Saint James of Borovichi, and Saint Nikita of Novgorod are considered. In contrast to the confiscation of the Holy relics in 1918-1920, which was accompanied by a” revealing “ propaganda campaign, the partial return of the relics in the second half of the 1940s took place as if in secret from society, becoming mainly the property of regular parishioners of Orthodox churches. The atheist authorities did not want to draw public attention to individual cases of the return of Holy relics to the Russian Orthodox Church, since all this once again testified to a partial revision of the previous religious policy carried out in the 1920s and contributed to the influx of pilgrims and worshippers to the returned shrines, and, consequently, to the strengthening of the Church’s position in Soviet society.
Keywords: Russian Russian Orthodox Church, Holy relics, Patriarch Alexy I, Metropolitan Grigory (Chukov), Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, G. G. Karpov.
Skurlov V.V. (St. Petersburg), Krivoshey D.Y. (Moscow), Yarovaya E.A. (St. Petersburg). Vasiliy Grachev – Returning of the Legend (review to the Elena El’kova’s “Sculptor Vasiliy Grachev and the Russian cabinet bronze”).................................. 136
independent researcher,
Candidate of Sciences degree seeking applicant,
Lomonosov MSU (Moscow).
117279, Russia, Moscow, Generala Antonova street, 4-1-172.
doctor of art history,
expert of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation,
scientific secretary of the Memorial Fund Faberge (Saint-Petersburg).
199406, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Nalichnaya street, 37-3-47.
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Senior curator of the Numismatic Department
of the State Hermitage Museum (Saint-Petersburg)
190000, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya embankment, 34.
The presented edition shows us a completely new era of collecting in Russia. If in 1991-2015 there was an accumulation of collections, when Russian collectors became buyers at Russian sales in 90% cases of the largest antique auctions in the world, replacing foreigners. But the last five years there are outstanding descriptions of collections in their documentary approach, made at a high scientific and artistic level. It’s especially important that the biographies of Russian masters are being studied, whose biographies have been until unknown. The latter is especially valuable in the publication about the creative activity of Vasily Grachev [1].
Keywords: Russian art, applied art, cabinet bronze, Russian little plastic, Carl Woerffel, Vasiliy Grachev, Evgeniy Lansere, Nikolay Liberich.
Poltorak S.N. (St. Petersburg). Shabelnikova N.А. ( Vladivostok), “The world is illuminated by the sun, and man-by knowledge”: historian, archeographer, teacher Professor A. A. Chernobaev is 80 years old!............................................... 143
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker
of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation,
Employee of the Center for Historical Research and Analysis
“Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin”.
196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor, honored employee
of the internal Affairs bodie of the Russian Federation,
Department of Humanitarian Disciplines
Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern
Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation
690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova st., 21,
The article is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the prominent Russian scientist and organizer of science Anatoly Chernobaev. The authors note the significant contribution of A. A. Chernobaev to the political and social history of Russia in the XIX-XX centuries, historiography, Archeography, bibliography, and historical biography. Author of more than 400 books, pamphlets, articles, and documentaries, including in English, German, Czech, Polish, and Bulgarian, he teaches at higher educational institutions, is active, creative and organizational and scientific activities. A. A. Chernobaev (since 1993) editor – in-chief of the magazine “Historical archive”, member of the editorial boards of the journals “Herald of an archivist” and “Vestnik MEI”, of the editorial Board of the journal “Clio”, academic councils and RGASPI archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the dissertation Council of the Institute of history of science and technology. Among the largest publications, the monographs “Professor with a peak”,”Three lives of the historian M. N. Pokrovsky”,”the Historian and the world of history”, and textbooks attract considerable interest.
Keywords: A. A. Chernobaev, science, history, education, archeography, historiography, bibliography, historical biography.