Berezhnov A.I. (Moscow). Image of Africa in Russian Geography Textbooks of the 18th Century
Junior Researcher of the Centre for Global and Strategic Studies,
Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
123001, Russia, Moscow, st. Spiridonovka, 30/1,
Abstract. In the era of the Enlightenment, there was a growing demand for education among Russia’s noble class. It became increasingly challenging for uneducated people to advance in their careers, and from 1714, they were even barred from marriage. The lack of qualified personnel for civil service positions led to the establishment of a network of educational institutions, where students were exposed to a wide range of disciplines from arithmetic and grammar to navigation and fortification.
Geography emerged as a subject of study and provided an overview of all known regions of the world at that time, including Africa. The educated part of Russian society began to form perceptions of this continent during schooling. Only a few members of the service class ventured to Africa, so the image of Africa for most nobles was shaped by information obtained from translated European literature and geography textbooks.
The article uses geography textbooks from 1670, 1710, 1739, 1745, 1771, 1791 and 1798 to analyze the image of the African continent. The author traces the process of accumulating geographical knowledge about Africa on the basis of these sources, as well as identifies the characteristic features of describing the inhabitants and nature of the continent. Furthermore, estimations of the spread of geographical knowledge in the Russian Empire during the XVIII century are provided, and the educational programs of various educational institutions are examined.
Keywords: African countries, XVIII century, Russian Empire, public perception, geography textbooks, educational institutions, education reforms
Ancha N.D. (Vladivostok). Economic Cooperation of the Republic of Korea with the Variable Arabian Peninsula in 1990-2024: Investment Aspect
Postgraduate student of the
Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography,
Far Eastern Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Pushkinskaya st., 89,
Abstract. The economic cooperation between South Korea and the Arabian Peninsula nations historically takes place in energy industry. According to the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Korea, the oil import from the Middle Eastern countries is the main subject of economic exchange between countries. As of 2021, raw oil and petroleum products contributed up to 85 percent of the total import from the Middle Eastern nations. However, the structure of the economic cooperation has been changing seriously in recent years. The Persian Gulf Economic area growth as an important investment center. Nowadays, Doha, Abu-Dhabi and other cities constitute a main showcase of the region, attracting millions of tourists and solidified themselves as business centers. The economic relations between South Korea, the UAE and Oman fully reflects these developments.
Keywords: Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates, Sultanate of Oman, economy, investment, free trade agreement, petroleum products trade, human capital
Demin D.V. (Moscow). The Role of the “Cassette Scandal” in the Growing Socio-political Crisis in Ukraine at the Beginning of the XXI Century
Postgraduate student of the Department of International Organizations and Global Governance Problems, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University.
119992, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, building 4
Abstract. The “cassette scandal” or Kuchmagate has become one of the most acute crises in the history of Ukraine. Although opposition rallies under the slogan “Ukraine without Kuchma” did not lead to the resignation of the president, and, in general, the crisis ended relatively quickly, some researchers believe that it contributed to the transformation of political processes in the country and even led to the success of the “Orange Revolution”. Despite the fact that more than 23 years have passed since its completion, there are certain “white spots” and inconsistencies in the history of its origin, which give some reason to raise the question of the naturalness of its origin. In this article, the author characterizes the political situation in Ukraine before the start of the “cassette scandal”, examines the causes of its occurrence, the reaction of the authorities of Ukraine and other countries, and also examines the consequences of the crisis, including its impact on electoral processes in Ukraine. The author concludes that Kuchmagate demonstrated the weakness of the national democratic opposition, and its influence on Ukrainian society was almost completely leveled by 2003. At the same time, Kuchma’s actions to overcome the crisis led to a significant deterioration in relations between the Ukrainian authorities and the West, thereby effectively determining the beginning of preparations for an operation to change the political regime in Ukraine.
Keywords: “Cassette scandal”, Kuchmagate, “Ukraine without Kuchma”, “Оrange revolution”, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Gongadze, Melnichenko
Fogel A.S., Makarov A.V. (Samara). Some Features of Contemporaries’ Perception of International Trade on the Volga-Baltic Route in the IX-XI Centuries. (Based on the Materials of Arab Medieval Sources)
Candidate of History, Samara State University of Economics, Department of Philosophy and History, Associate Professor, 141 Sovetskaya Armiya str., Samara, 443090, Russian Federation, e-mail:
3rd year postgraduate student, Samara State University of Economics, Department of Philosophy and History, 141 Sovetskaya Armiya str., Samara, 443090, Russian Federation,
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of the development of international contacts on the Great Volga Route in the early Middle Ages. The authors analyze the situation that contributed to the formation of not just separate trade routes and relations, but a whole system of interrelated and long-term interactions. Moreover, it turns out that it was international trade that significantly influenced and even often determined the policy of the states and tribal associations of the Volga region and adjacent regions, as well as contributed to the processes of integration and state formation. The article provides an analysis of the main trade routes of the region and goods in demand and quoted within the framework of Eastern Europe of the Middle Ages. The authors reveal the specifics of the main interactions of various medieval peoples actively involved in the relationship on trade routes, their specialization and the status of the main participants in international trade. The article gives not only the economic aspect of interactions proper, but also touches on the mental, psychological and religious-mystical reasons that significantly influenced the development of the trade business on the Volga-Baltic route: the comparative status of a trader in the main countries that took the most active part in trade, the possibility of the existence of trade associations of foreigners in the cities of the Volga region, the emerging infrastructure of trade routes, the ability to comply with their own laws and customs in a foreign country. The basis of the work was the analysis, first of all, of Oriental and Arabic sources related to the specifics and peculiarities of trade in the Volga region. The work is based on modern achievements of both source sciences and archaeological data.
Keywords: Ancient Russia, Volga Bulgaria, Khazar Khaganate, Arab Caliphate, international trade, trade routes, medieval mentality
Karimov T.T. (Kazan). Formation of the Class Structure of the Population of Tatar Land Volosts in the 17th – mid-19th Centuries (Using the Example of the Village of Bavly)
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Institute of History. Sh. Marjani of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic Tatarstan
420111, Kazan, st. Baturina, 7A
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of forming the class structure of the population of tatar land volosts using the example of the village of Bavly. It is shown how the formation of the bashkir class of tatars took place, which began after the fall of Kazan and the formation of the Ufa district, in connection with the intensive economic development of the region by the tatars of the Kazan district. In many ways, this was facilitated by a single tatar ethnocultural space that had developed here since the time of the tatar khanates. Votchinnikis of the village of Bavly are closely associated with several villages that were part of the Baylyar land volost, as representatives of the ancient Shaekhdirbesh family. The initial information about them dates back to the first half of the 17th century, and in 1658 they received a charter from tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, legitimizing their patrimonial rights and making them “bashkirs”. This date can be taken as the date of the birth of the village of Bavly, which is also associated with the Kyr-Elan land volost. Votchinnikis of the latter had rights to the lands near the village of Bavly, and in 1755, having carried out the admission of service tatars, they contributed to the emergence of a second village of the same name, which later became an integral part of one village of Bavly. Knowledge of these circumstances of the emergence and development of the village is important, since in the literature one can find an erroneous assertion that the village of Bavly was founded in 1755.
Keywords: Baylyar volost, single tatar ethnocultural space, tatars of the bashkir class, tatar land volost, Shedzhere Shaehdirbesh, Kyr-Elan volost
Pankina A.I., Rostyazhenko T.E., Lbova L.V. (St. Petersburg). The Ancient Anthropomorphic Images of the Far East (Electronic Map as a Way of Spatial Data Organization)
Research Engineer at the Higher School of International Relations of the Humanitarian Institute, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
195251, St. Petersburg, Russia, Polytechnic, 29,
Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Anthropology of the Northern Pacific,
Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS, 690001, Vladivostok, Russia, Pushkinskaya, 89,
Research Engineer at the Higher School of International Relations of the Humanitarian Institute, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
195251, St. Petersburg, Russia, Polytechnic, 29,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of International Relations of the Humanitarian Institute, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
195251, St. Petersburg, Russia, Polytechnic, 29,
Abstract. The spatial approach in humanitarian studies, used as a way of visualization using thematic maps, has in recent years offered new versions of geospatial analytics and has great potential. In the proposed article, the focus of the research is focused on the representation of the ancient anthropomorphic sculptures in the format of an interactive map created using the Interacty service. Materials from collections of stratified archaeological sites of the Russian Far East dating from the Final Paleolithic to the Paleometallic epoch (from 13 to 1.5 thousand years ago) were used to test the technology of constructing the map. The considered products are planar and three-dimensional images of whole and partial figures made of stone and ceramics. The proposed virtual map of the distribution of anthropomorphic images contains brief scientific descriptions and illustrations of objects, as well as electronic links to specialized information systems, which contain additional information about the available artifacts (descriptions, storage location, dimensions, additional photographs and 3D models). The spatial reference of the products corresponds to the geographical location of the sites, where these sculptures were discovered. In the future, it is planned to build a common electronic cartographic content of the ancient art of Northern Eurasia.
Keywords: mobile art, anthropomorphic sculpture, Stone Age, spatial organization of artifacts, museum collections, Far East
Vladimirov O.O. (Kazan). The Return of Baptized Tatars to Mohammedanism on the Example of the Villages of Mamadysh-Saltyganovo and Tatarskoye Azeleevo in Sviyazhsky District
Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
420100, Russian Federation, Kazan, Baturina st., 7
Abstract. This article is devoted to the analysis of the religious state of the baptized tatars of the Mountainous side on the example of such villages as Mamadysh-Saltyganovo and Tatarskoye Azeleevo of the Sviyazhsky district of the Kazan province. The source base of the research was materials from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (landrat censuses and audit tales) and the State archive of the Republic of Tatarstan (orthodox and Mohammedan metric books, confessional sheets, family lists of baptized tatars, lists of housewives of Azeleevsky parish), which allowed us to consider the migration of baptized tatars of Sviyazhsky district to various settlements, determine the number of the two villages under consideration, study the marital and family ties of their inhabitants, as well as establish an approximate model of the location of the baptized tatars of Sviyazhsky district in the orthodox faith in the 1740s – early XX century and based on this, trace the complex and long process of their return to mohammedanism.
Keywords: Sviyazhsky district, Gornaya side, Mamadysh – Saltyganovo, Tatarskoye Azeleevo, Novokreschenskaya office, baptized tatars, conversion to mohammedanism
Shevyrev A.P. (Moscow), Yudin S.S. (Tula). Military Reforms and Modernization of the Russian Army: Achievements and Failures
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of History
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 27, building 4,
Ph.D., Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy
300026, Lenin Avenue, 125, Tula, Tula region, Russian Federation
Abstract. This article examines the military reforms undertaken during the reign of Alexander II, providing a systematic overview of military transformations from 1856 to 1876. The authors explore the roots of these reforms, linking their initiation to the Russian Empire’s defeat in the Crimean War (1853–1856). They evaluate the initial six-year delay in reform implementation, attributed to financial limitations, an absence of a clear reform strategy, and the lack of an accepted leader until D.A. Milyutin’s appointment as Minister of War. The article details the restructuring efforts across several military sectors, including training, administration, jurisprudence, logistics, and armament. Furthermore, it discusses resistance to Milyutin’s policies and the underlying causes of such opposition. The authors analyze the motivations and conditions that led to the introduction of universal military service in 1874. Finally, they consider the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 as a critical test of the “Milyutin” reforms, which demonstrated both the strengths and persistent weaknesses of the modernized Russian army. The study concludes that these reforms, though partially successful, clashed with the foundational traditions of the Romanov Empire, notably the emperor’s role as a military leader and the nobility’s exclusive hold on officer ranks.
Keywords: reforms of Alexander II; military reforms; Milyutin, D.A.; universal military conscription; military ministry; military legislation
Acknowledgements. The article was written within the framework of the project of the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences on writing a multi-volume academic series «History of Russia». It is published for testing.
Benda V.N., Kozlov N.D. (St. Petersburg). Features of State Financing of the Activities of the Artillery and Engineering Corps in the Second Third of the XVIII Century
doctor of historical sciences, Associate professor,
professor of the department of history,
Leningrad state university names after A.S.Pushkin,
196605, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10;
doctor of historical sciences, professor,
professor of the department of Russian history,
Leningrad state university names after A.S.Pushkin,
196605, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10;
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to reveal the specifics of state financing of expenditures spent on the maintenance of the Russian army in general and its artillery and engineering corps in particular. The article considers certain issues related to determining the sources of formation of monetary amounts allocated for the maintenance of artillery units and subunits. It is shown that during the period under review, there was a tendency for insufficient allocation of funds from the state budget allocated for the maintenance of the army and financing of the army, which in turn negatively affected its combat readiness and combat capability. The article shows that during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the number of the national army gradually and significantly increased, which in turn led to an increase in spending on the army. The authors emphasize that after 1756, military expenditures increased even more as an observation corps was formed and a new organizational structure for the artillery and engineering corps was determined. It is noted that during the period under review, with an increase in the number of personnel of the army and its artillery and engineering corps, the amount of expenses for their maintenance did not always increase in proportion to the increase in numbers, which, in turn, led to a deterioration in its logistical support. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the interdisciplinary consideration of the issue involving the works of domestic researchers and the introduction into scientific circulation of previously unpublished archival and little-studied sources. It is concluded that the equalization in the amount of annual salaries of Russian artillery officers in comparison with foreign ones occurred only in 1739.
Keywords: XVIII century, Russian army, artillery and engineering corps, maintenance, state financing, features
Nadtochiy Yu.B. (Moscow). Innovations for the Development of Agriculture in Russia (Using the Example of Agricultural Implements and Machines of the 1860s – 1880s)
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and Innovative Development, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
49 Leningradsky Ave., Moscow, 125167, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article provides a historiographical analysis of various works on the development of domestic agricultural machinery in the period 1860 – 1880s.
It has been established that a variety of innovations (innovations) contribute to the development of any branch of the national economy. Agriculture is no exception. As history shows, any development is a continuous process of numerous innovations, both from the most minor improvements and to large–scale changes that have received their recognition (sometimes worldwide). The article selects various examples of innovations proposed by Russian developers of agricultural machines and implements and, based on them, examines the features of the considered agricultural innovations and their impact on the evolution of agricultural machines and implements both worldwide and in Russia.
The emphasis is placed on the opinions of contemporaries (including expert opinions) and, accordingly, eyewitnesses of the practical application of the proposed inventions and their users. In this regard, the author’s attention is focused on how the developments were presented by the inventors, how the innovations were perceived by future users, how the results of their tests were described and what development these innovative proposals received in the future. The materials obtained as a result of the conducted research demonstrate certain results affecting a small but significant period in the development of agricultural machines and implements developed/created and used in Russia.
Keywords: innovations, inventions, the Russian Empire, agriculture, tools, machines, historiography of technics
Oskin N.N. (Moscow). Features of the use of telecommunications in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878
candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher at the military institute (national defense administration) Military academy of the General staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
100 Vernadsky Street, Moscow, 119571
Abstract. The article examines the activities of the state and military leadership of the Russian Empire aimed at preparing communications for the war with Turkey (1877-1878) and its organization during military operations. The analysis of solutions aimed at the deployment of telegraph highways and lines, their effective use in the interests of military command and control is carried out. It is noted that telecommunication was used quite widely and quite effectively in the war of 1877-1878. During the campaign, the command of the Russian army adapted to the possibilities provided by new technical means of communication, which provided incomparable advantages in planning and conducting operations. The telegraphers themselves found new solutions for organizing communications, which were later called classic. Fundamental to telecommunications was the principle of consistency of its development with the improvement of methods of command and control of troops.
Keywords: Military-campaign telegraph parks, information exchange, troop control, theater of war, telecommunications, electromagnetic telegraph
Bystrova Yu.M., Kovaleva D.N. (Saratov). Patriotic Education and the Formation of National Identity in the Context of the Development of Physical Education in the Russian Empire in the late 19th – early 20th Centuries
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science
77 Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410054
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science
77 Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, Russia, 410054
Abstract. The article examines the features of the development of patriotic education and the formation of national identity through the history of physical education, inextricably linked with the emergence of the first children’s organizations. In the late 19th – early 20th centuries, a number of prerequisites were formed that forced the authorities to think about the education of the younger generation. The military reform of 1874 radically changed the order of recruitment of the army. The main issues became physical health, the degree of preparation for military service, and literacy of recruits. The increase in the number of urban residents led to an increase in the number of schools and students who could systematically engage in physical education and study the basics of military training. In the Russian Empire, children’s movements were formed that responded to the demands of the time. Since the beginning of the 20th century, “Sokol gymnastics” has been actively distributed, around the same time the “poteshnih” movement appeared, and since 1912, schoolchildren en masse became scouts. And if the ” sokolstvo” and “scouts” were movements borrowed from other countries, then the “poteshnie” were a unique, original Russian phenomenon. Children’s movements focused not only on physical education, but were actively involved in the formation of national identity, the development of patriotism, and the awakening of interest in Russian history and culture. In the difficult, revolutionary situation of the early 20th century, national-patriotic education of the younger generation was to become an alternative to the growing influence of radical revolutionary ideology. The main problems of these movements were the low level of training of mentors and the weak level of funding from the authorities.
Keywords: Russian Empire, national identity, patriotic education, physical education, national education, sokolstvo, sokola, poteshnie
Mulevaya M.S. (Saratov). Organization of Jewish Educational institutions in the Volga Region in the Second Half of the XIX-early XX Centuries
Postgraduate student. Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia, Astrakhanskaya st. 83, 410004,
Abstract. The article refers to the organization of Jewish educational institutions in the second half of the XIX-early XX centuries on the example of a number of provinces of the Volga region, in particular, Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Saratov, Samara and Kazan. The author highlights the features of the educational policy of the Russian government in relation to Jews during this period. Despite the limited opportunity to study in general education institutions, Jews sought to organize their own educational institutions, such as heders and Talmud torahs. However, local administrations saw them as pockets of isolation and often rejected petitions. Gradually, due to the spiritual quest within Jewry and the need to adapt to changing living conditions, the approach to the organization and teaching methods in Jewish schools began to change. A special role was played by the “Society for the Dissemination of Education among Jews in Russia”, whose branches functioned in Samara and Kazan. It is concluded that Jews, penetrating into a new socio-cultural environment, sought to preserve their national identity, language, culture and traditions.
Keywords: educational policy, heder, Talmud Torah, Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Saratov, Samara, Kazan
Danilov A.G. (Rostov-on-Don). On the Issue of the Personnel Policy of Emperor Nicholas II. Minister of Internal Affairs A. D. Protopopov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor
Professor Department of theory and history of law and state,
South-Russia Institute of Management – branch of Russian Presidential Academy
of National Economy and Public Administration,
70/54 Pushkinskaya str., Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344002
Abstract. Traditionally, it is customary to study the experience of the “winners”: statesmen, political parties or secret societies that came to power. No less important is to study the experience of the “defeated side”. For example, if Emperor Nicholas II did everything to preserve the monarchy, or whether President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev did likewise for the preservation of the USSR? Among many mistakes made by Nicholas II, which led to a crisis in all spheres of society, and then to the collapse of the autocracy, there were mistakes in the personnel sphere. The key role in the Russian government at the beginning of the 20th century was played by the Minister of Internal Affairs. For five months on the eve of the February Revolution and in the decisive days of February 1917, this post was held by A. D. Protopopov. The article analyzes Protopopov’s personal and professional qualities, the Emperor and Empress’s attitude to him, as well as the managerial, political and military elite of Russia. The author concludes that the idea of Nicholas II to put A. D. Protopopov at the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for several months was crucial for the collapse of the monarchy.
Keywords: Nicholas II, personnel policy, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, A. D. Protopopov, Ministry of Internal Affairs, February Revolution, P. G. Kurlov
Litvinenko T.V. (Moscow). The Tragedy of the Losers: Images of White Guards in Soviet Feature Films about the Civil War
Student of the 11th grade “A” of School No. 1034
named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.V.Markin.
115408, Russia, Moscow, Brateevskaya str., 18.
Abstract. The research is devoted to the reconstruction of images of participants in the White Movement in Soviet feature films about the Civil War of 1918-1922, the study of their evolution and influence on the audience in different periods of the development of Soviet society. The author has identified an array of feature films about the Civil War in Russia, created in 1923-1991, where images of the White Guards are displayed, the main types of images and their changes in different periods of Soviet history are considered. The techniques and methods of cinematography are defined, with the help of which the artistic expressiveness of images and their emotional impact on the viewer were achieved. The role of feature cinema in changing the attitude of Soviet society towards the participants of the Civil War on the part of the “whites” and “reds”, in the formation and evolution of historical memory of this event is revealed.
The work became a prize-winner of the All-Russian competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics” in the direction of “History” (St. Petersburg, 2024) and a prize-winner of the final stage of the open city scientific and practical conference “Science for Life” in the direction of “Diversity of science” in the section “Socio-scientific subjects” (Moscow, 2024).
Keywords: Soviet game cinema, Civil War, White Movement, “image of the enemy”, images of the White Guards, methods of artistic expression, historical memory
Pavlov O.D. (Moscow). Educational and Political Reparation of Extraterritorial Minorities of the West in the USSR. The Experience of the Communist University of National Minorities of the West: (1925–1930). Part 2
postgraduate, Department of
Russian History of the 20th-21st centuries,
History Faculty, Moscow State University.
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, Building 4
Abstract. This article continues a series of publications by the author in the Klio Journal, which are devoted to the history of the Communist University of National Minorities of the West (KUNMZ). In the modern historiography of interethnic relations in the USSR, special attention is paid to the policy of indigenization and issues of the formation of national education. Based on unpublished archival sources, the events associated with the development of the University of National Minorities of the West under the establishment of Stalin’s dictatorship are analyzed. The chronological framework of the study is limited to 1925-1930, when the second rector of KUNMZ was an outstanding Yiddishist, Jewish educator and teacher M. Frumkina. Relying on the methods of experimental pedagogy (the Dalton method, bilingualism of the educational process, etc.), M. Frumkina managed to create an educational institution of a new type, where teaching was conducted in 17 European languages. In the second half of the 1920s. In KUNMZ new national departments were opened: Italian, Moldavian, Greek, Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian; an active struggle was waged to transfer the university to the jurisdiction of the Committee for the Management of Scientists and Educational Institutions of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, and the Scientific Association for the Study of the Peoples of the West was organized. The article traces the trends in the development of party education preceding the curtailment of the network of “national” communist universities in the 1930s.
Keywords: KUNMZ, M. Frumkina, Comintern, History of the USSR, national minorities, J. Marchlewski
Piankevich V.L. (St. Petersburg). Tobacco Substitutes in Blockaded Leningrad
Doctor of historical sciences,
professor at the St. Petersburg State University
199034, Russian Federation,
199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab. 7–9.
Abstract. The article examines the issue of compensating for the acute shortage of tobacco with surrogates in besieged Leningrad. There were many smokers among Leningraders before the war, but with its onset and during the blockade, the number of tobacco users among residents and defenders of Leningrad increased. The trials and unimaginable hardships of the siege generated severe stress, which many tried to resist with the help of a means that caused smokers to feel an influx of strength and calm. After the encirclement of the city, Leningrad was in dire need of imported raw materials for the production of tobacco and cigarettes. The output of tobacco factories also decreased sharply. The article focuses on the measures taken to solve the problem by the city authorities, management, specialists of tobacco factories and scientific institutions, primarily through the use of surrogates. The opinions of the city administration, manufacturers on the one hand, and the feelings of consumers on the other about tobacco surrogates differed. The latter’s reviews of the quality of tobacco surrogates were unflattering. But there were no alternatives to tobacco substitutes.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, siege of Leningrad, shortage, tobacco, tobacco substitutes
Rakhmanova T.D. (St. Petersburg). Queues of besieged Leningrad in the photographs of photojournalists
Research fellow at the St. Petersburg State University
199034, Russian Federation,
199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab. 7–9.
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of recording queues in photo documents of the Siege of Leningrad. While in written sources of personal origin queues occupy a huge place, being an integral, most important part of the siege everyday life, in photo documents the image of queues is presented insignificantly. In rare pictures one can see queues of the time of the “deadly winter”: for bread, for water, for evacuation. The number of photo images of queues grows from the spring of 1942, when plots reminiscent of peacetime appear in the pictures: queues for tickets to the cinema and theater, to the Philharmonic, queues to the bootblack are recorded. Probably, visual recording of queues at the beginning of the war could designate and (as a consequence) cause unwanted anxiety. This, apparently, became the reason for such a small number of photographic images of queues in the first siege autumn and winter. Moreover, judging by the large array of diary entries of the blockade survivors, standing in line was an everyday practice, a habitual phenomenon, and as a result, an unworthy subject for capturing – photojournalists were interested in finding the event of the image, the blockade photography inherited the didacticism and functionality of the poster. The photographs of queues that appeared in the spring and autumn of 1942 were intended, apparently, to capture the relative normalization of the siege everyday life. For example, the image of a queue for tickets to a play after a terrible, deadly winter could have had a “military-applied” meaning – to inspire optimism and hope in readers, to give strength.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Siege of Leningrad, queues, photography, photojournalist, visual sources
Pilishvili G.D. (Kursk). Organization, Recruitment, Operational and Combat Activities of NKVD Fighter Battalions in the Voronezh Region in 1942
Candidate of historical science
Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration
Kursk State University
305000, Kursk, st. Radishcheva, 33
e-mail: pilishvili.georg @
Abstract. The article analyzes the organization of NKVD fighter battalions on the territory of the Voronezh Region in 1942 using archival material. During their creation, the first months of 1941, fighter battalions from the local population played an important role in the fight against enemy paratroopers, saboteurs, criminal elements, deserters, as well as in maintaining strict order on the territory of the frontline regions, along with the troops protecting the rear of the Red Army and internal affairs agencies. NKVD fighter battalions were created mainly from party and Soviet assets, volunteers who were physically strong and militarily trained, but not subject to conscription into the active army. The initiators of the creation of fighter battalions were party organizations. To lead the fighter battalions in the departments and departments of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of districts, regions, and territories of the republics, special headquarters were created (later transformed into the 4th departments).
The author notes that in 1942, the main activities of fighter battalions during the period of hostilities in the Voronezh Region, as in 1941, remained the fight against paratroopers and enemy saboteurs and were determined by the directives of the Regional Committee of the CPSU(b) and the NKVD Directorate No. 11/ss dated July 25, 1942. In addition to the usual tasks for fighter battalions in these areas The documents provided for their involvement in the defense of a number of regional centers of the region: Lipetsk, Mud, Usmani, Buturlinovka, Novokhopersk and Borisoglebsk. Since August 1, 38 fighter battalions have been transferred to the barracks position. However, most of the Voronezh Region’s fighter battalions did not have to take part in combat operations with the enemy in the summer of 1942, with the exception of the Voronezh battalion, which defended the city together with regular units and the people’s militia.
The article examines in detail the operational and service activities of the NKVD fighter battalions that remained free from the occupation of the regions of the region. Examples of courage and resourcefulness of fighters of fighter battalions in the fight against deserters from the Red Army, labor front evaders, bandits, criminals and speculators are given. The positive contribution of these volunteer formations to the protection and stabilization of the rear of the Voronezh region in 1942 was noted.
Keywords: NKVD fighter battalions, the Great Patriotic War, People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR, combat activities, official activities, Voronezh region, 1942
Lavrenov S.Ya., Polyansky M.S. (Moscow). Features of the Petsamo-Kirkenes Offensive Operation (7 October – 8 November 1944)
Zdanovich A.A. (Moscow). Ukrainian Headquarters of the Partisan Movement in the Slovak Direction. Was Everything Productive for our Victory?
Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University
full member of the Academy of Military Sciences.
119435, Moscow, M. Pirogovskaya st., 1, building 1
Abstract. The article analyzes the activities of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement in the Slovak direction, the general management of which was carried out by N.S. Khrushchev. The activities of the chief of staff of that movement, Lieutenant General T.A. Strokach, employees of the Central Office of the NKGB of the USSR, the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR and the military counterintelligence agencies “SMERSH” are revealed. The activities of the head of the Comintern, G. Dimitrov, and representatives of the Communist Parties of Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the final stage of the Great Patriotic War are assessed. The role of graduates of the special school of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, who were sent to carry out sabotage activities on the territory of Slovakia, is noted. It is claimed that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, K. Gottwald, deliberately distanced Slovak leaders from the leadership of the partisan movement in Slovakia, effectively transferring it to the Soviet side. It is emphasized that the subordination of partisan forces on the territory of Slovakia to representatives of emigrant circles who arrived from London had a negative impact on the implementation of subsequent military operations and entailed major losses on the part of the Red Army.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, 1944-1945, Slovak direction, Victory
Nikolaev D.A. (Yakutsk). The Role of the Lena River Shipping Company in Supplying the Lower Kolyma and the Village of Pokhodsk During the Soviet Period
Laboratory assistant at the
Institute of Humanitarian Research
and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North,
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
677027, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
Yakutsk, st. Petrovsky, 1,
Abstract. The article examines the history of the development of sea and river supplies of the lower Kolyma and the village of Pokhodsk in the Soviet period. An important role in this was played by the creation of the Lena United River Shipping Company (LORP), which established direct rail and water communication from the Lena station in the city of Ust-Kut to the Kolyma River. Kolymtorg played a major role in this system of northern delivery, coordinating its work with LORP and transporting a significant amount of cargo from Yakutsk to the village of Chersky, and then to Pokhodsk. With the advent of LORP, river-sea vessels capable of carrying out non-transshipment coastal transportation became widespread in the Kolyma region. With their introduction, cargo deliveries became significantly easier, since there was no need to reload them in intermediate ports and at the mouth of the Kolyma. With the Lena River Shipping Company, the range of goods supplied to the population has significantly expanded. With his arrival, water passenger transport became widespread, establishing communication between settlements and connecting them with the regional center of Chersky.
Keywords: Pokhodsk, supply, shipping, Kolymtorg, shipping, sea transport, river transport, coastal shipping, Russian old-timers.
Semenov V.N. (Vladovostok). Changes in the Submarine Forces Structure of the USSR Pacific Fleet (1946-1991)
PhD in Engineering, Far Eastern Federal University,
690922, Vladivostok, Russky Island, Ayaks settlement, 10
Abstract. In the works of historians devoted to the construction of the Pacific Fleet, the issues of changing the structure of the Pacific Fleet, the tasks solved by the fleet, the development of the fleet infrastructure are mainly considered, and the topic of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet remains practically unexplored. In his article, the author considered the issue of changing the structure of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet, which took place in the fleet in accordance with organizational and staff measures. During the period under review, the submarine forces were re-equipped: nuclear submarines, submarines with ballistic and cruise missiles on board, and multi-purpose submarines appeared. During the change in combat personnel, the combat capabilities of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet increased, they became the main striking force of the fleet, solved the tasks of nuclear deterrence of a likely enemy and the fight against aircraft carrier strike groups of a likely enemy, which ultimately solved the issue of ensuring the military security of the USSR in the Asia-Pacific region. Due to the qualitative changes and quantitative growth of the submarine forces, the structure also changed. Formations and associations of submarines were based along the entire coast of the Far East and in order to guide their combat and daily activities, maintain technical and combat readiness, it was necessary to create such a structure that could promptly resolve these issues. In his work, the author studied and analyzed a number of archival documents of the Pacific Fleet (until recently closed), as well as materials contained in the books of Soviet historians, which allowed him to conclude about the dynamic development of the structure of the submarine forces of the Pacific Fleet.
Keywords: The Pacific Fleet of the USSR, submarine forces, a change in structure, military personnel, submarine forces management
Sarvanyan A.G. (Moscow). Peculiarities of the Election of the President of the USSR
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119992, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, Bldg. 4, Moscow
Abstract. The article is an in-depth study of the history of the emergence and establishment of the institution of presidential power in the political system of the USSR. The author conducts an in-depth historical study of the development of the concept of the presidential institution over several decades, tracing the evolution of this idea against the background of dynamic political changes and changes in the country’s leadership, starting from the era of Stalin and up to M.C. Gorbachev. It traces the evolution of this concept in the context of various stages of Soviet history, when it was repeatedly raised and rejected before it was realized at the decline of the Soviet Union. Special attention is paid to the period of the late 1980s, when the USSR faced the deepest crisis of federalism, which led to the need for fundamental reforms in the political system. During this period there was an active debate on the expediency of introducing the office of the President, with Western experience of presidential power having a significant influence on the discussion. The arguments of supporters and opponents of this innovation are analyzed, as well as possible models of the presidential system for the Soviet political system. It describes the complex and multilayered process of institutionalization of the office of the President of the USSR, during which heated debates about the powers and functions of the new body of power erupted. It examines the procedure for electing the first and only President of the USSR, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, and assesses the impact of this step on the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Soviet political system.
Keywords: post of the President of the USSR, Soviet political system, reform of the USSR Constitution, Mikhail Gorbachev, separation of powers, popular election of the President, Stalinist system, reforms of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, crisis of federalism, legitimacy of power
Logvenkov I.S. (Moscow). Personnel and Structural Evolution of the Russian Government on the Eve of Radical Market Reform
Associate Professor, Department of History and Cultural Studies,
Humanitarian and Applied Institute,
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st., 14, building 1
Abstract. The paper analyzes the evolution of the composition, structure and provision of the Russian government in the executive branch in October-December 1991. It is shown that the influence of the team of market economists in the highest body of state administration was initially set strict limits by differentiating the functions of the vice-premiers. The inclusion of his trusted persons in the government board by B. N. Yeltsin led to the actual re-creation of the liquidated State Council of the RSFSR with the strengthening of its role in the management of socio-economic processes. Competition and ideological differences between elite groups in the entourage of the Russian president were reflected in the struggle for control over the work of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in structural and apparatus aspects. E. T. Gaidar’s desire to achieve autonomy in the work of the socio-economic block was sabotaged by B. N. Yeltsin, who sought to maintain direct control over government policy.
Keywords: “Shock therapy”, public administration, economic reforms, Yeltsin, Gaidar, economic crisis, market reforms, government, executive power, presidential administration
Kolesnikov A.A. (St. Petersburg). “There are Strange Rapprochements…” (on the Importance of Personality in Russian Science)
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of
International Humanitarian Relations,
Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies at St. Petersburg State University
191060, St. Petersburg, Smolny St., 1/3
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding researcher and active figure of science Oleg Ivanovich Karpukhin. Being an effective organizer who held responsible state positions, he amazingly combined his official work with the talent of being a great cross-disciplinary scientist who, like a persistent archaeologist, in the depths of intertwined destinies, eras and affairs, managed to find unique things that subsequently replenished the treasury of scientific and cultural heritage. The author comes to the conclusion that the creative legacy of Oleg Ivanovich Karpushin is of great value for Russian history and requires further study and understanding by historians, sociologists, literary scholars, philosophers and other specialists.
Keywords: Pushkin studies, philology, sociology, Raevsky, Karpukhin
Turley E.V. (Moscow). The Imperative of Unitotality as Grounds for Ethnographic Narratives on the Heart of Asia
Cand. Sc. in Physics and Mathematics,
National (Russian) Roerich Committee,
115093, Russian Federation, Moscow, Korovy Val, 3/5
Abstract. Nicholas Roerich made a special contribution to the study of Oriental cultures through his literary and artistic activities. His interest in Oriental myths and legends was formed under the influence of the writings of travelers, orientalists, as well as personal communication with them and original Russian thinkers. He was drawn to the ideas of the metaphysics of unitotality and circulating theories about the great migration of peoples.
While studying the cultural unity of the peoples of Eurasia and humanity as a whole, Nicholas Roerich went beyond the traditional academic approach, creating a unique reality. Unlike him, his son George Roerich tried to adhere to scientific standards and supplemented his research with conclusions in a world-system perspective. This contrast in the approaches of the father and the son highlights the main motivation of Nicholas Roerich, whose subtle ethnographic observations were closely interwoven with the realm of the mythical. Following his humanistic mission, he deliberately departed from the academic canons of ethnographic description, while striving to affirm the ideals of the unity of mankind.
Keywords: cultural unity, migration of peoples, mythology, N. Roerich, G. Roeirch, Central Asia, Tibet
Nikonova S.I. (Kazan). The Military Dynasty of Grote de Buko in the Service of the Fatherland (Based on the Reconstruction of the Biographies of E.A. and V.E. Grote de Buko)
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of History and Philosophy
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
420043, Kazan, Zelenaya St., 1
Abstract. The article attempts to reconstruct the biographies of Evgeny Alexandrovich and Vladimir Evgenievich Grote de Bouko, representatives of an officer dynasty and participants in the world wars. In the biographies of E.A. and V.E. Grote de Bouko, common traits can be noted: a good military education, many years of service, and the military years during which the best qualities of officers were manifested: selflessness, kind treatment towards subordinates, and the value of officer “brotherhood.” Both fought heroically, sustained wounds and concussions, and were awarded military honors. The year 1917, filled with significant events, witnessed by and involuntarily involving the father and son, forever divided their shared (family) fate. The father found himself in exile, where he became one of the founders and leaders of the “Union of Russian Military Invalids – Emigrants in Poland,” and died in Warsaw in 1944. The son served in the Red Army from 1919, participated in the Great Patriotic War, and died in February 1943 from a serious illness in a military hospital in Kostroma. The author conveys the idea that, under the conditions of severed family ties, the Grote de Bouko family maintained a spiritual connection and passed on spiritual values to the next generations of their family.The author utilizes materials from domestic state archives (RGVIA, GARF), foreign archives (the Lithuanian State Archive and the Lithuanian Historical Archive, the Belarusian State Archive for the Grodno Region), as well as documents from family and personal archives.
Keywords: biographical reconstruction, First World War, Great Russian Revolution, military dynasty, emigration, Red Army, Great Patriotic War
Belousov L.S., Baibakova L.V. (Moscow). W. Whitman’ Poetry as a Source of Popularization of Socialist Thought in the USA and Great Britain (Late XIX- Early XX Centuries)
Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Acting Dean of the Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, E-404
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of
Modern and Contemporary History
119192, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospect, 27, bldg. 4, G-444
Abstract. The article examines unexplored in Russian historiography one of the most effective ways of spreading socialist thought in Anglo-Saxon countries with the help of poetic heritage of the American poet Walt Whitman. For the first time the author’s works are evaluated as an original source used as a communication channel in promoting the basic values of a socially just society. And although Whitman did not consider himself a convinced socialist, it was his poetry, which reacted sensitively to socio-economic and moral upheavals in the life of society, became a kind of ideological banner of the socialist movement in Anglo-Saxon countries at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Unlike numerous Marxist works, Whitman’s poetic word, which relied on radical appeals and emotional perception, acted more convincingly on participants in mass democratic movements. The poet’s talent for expressing his thoughts intelligibly and speaking in an accessible language contributed to the popularization of the ideals of socialism among the masses.
Keywords: intellectual history, doctrine of socialism, Walt Whitman, democracy, world brotherhood of working people, The Industrial Workers of the World
Hippolitov G.M., Filatov T.V. (Samara). Once Again about History as a Science. Reflections – an Invitation to Discussion
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the department of philosophy
of the Povolzhskiy State University
of Telecommunications and Informatics
443010, Samara, st. L. Tolstoy, 23.
Doctor of Philosophical Science, Professor,
Head of the Department of philosophy
of the Povolzhskiy State University
of Telecommunications and Informatics
443010, Samara, st. L. Tolstoy, 23.
Abstract. Is history a science or not? Paradoxically, even at the beginning of the 21st century there are various, even diametrically opposed points of view, judgments, even of an axiological nature. There are also outright speculations that have nothing to do with science as a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and substantiated knowledge about the world. Naturally, the question posed above is based on a certain historiography. But it is unlikely that all the answers to it have been finally found, so it cannot be considered closed. That is why the authors of this article used the speech construction “once again …” in its title. In our small study, we expressed an exclusively personal point of view on the problem being revealed. It seems that a number of our theses can cause a discussion (polemics, however, are undesirable). Of course, we relied on the historiographical developments of our predecessors, providing them with a careful, correct attitude, on the one hand, and a critical attitude, on the other hand (please: do not confuse this with criticism). Given the lapidary style of covering the subject of this article, the authors do not make any claims to the completeness of the coverage of the problem under consideration.
Keywords: history, historiography, science, historicism, falsifications, technology, myth-making, D. Diderot, J. d’Alembert, M. Heidegger
Lapina I.Yu., Kargapoltsev S.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Civilization Challenges and Systemic Problems of Domestic Sociogenesis. Part 9
Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya stree t, 4, St. Petersburg
Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of SPbGASU,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Ingineering (SPbGASU),
190005, 2nd Krasnoarmeyskaya street, 4, St. Petersburg
Abstract. The article continues a series of publications by the authors in the journal “Klio”, dedicated to understanding the process of Russia’s confrontation with civilizational challenges based on an analysis of the historical experience of our state’s development. The authors reflect on the relationship between space and time from the point of view of the development of the historical process. Phenomena of a general physical nature – the Big Bang theory, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox – have become important milestones in the reflections of researchers on the state and development of the modern information field, in which the awareness of history plays a cementing role. The dynamics of human ideas about democracy and the “ideal state” are considered. An opinion is expressed about the connection between the historical process and the drift of such moral categories as order and happiness. Based on modern knowledge, the authors note the positive influence of L. N. Gumelev’s theory on the development of ideas about the course of history. An assessment is given of a number of new social phenomena, among which a notable role is played by such a concept as “social autism”.
Keywords: “Big Bang”, L.N. Gumeleva’s theory of passionarity, information field, space and time, “social autism”