Klyuev A.I., Metel O.V. (Omsk). The problems of the institutional construction of the Soviet history in the 1920s: the Leningrad Institute of Marxism…………………………………………………………………………………………………….13
ARTEM IGOREVICH KLYUEV — Lecturer of the Department of World History, Dostoevsky Omsk State University. 644077, Russian Federation, Omsk, Mira ave., 55-A. E-mail:
OLGA VADIMOVNA METEL — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of World History, Dostoevsky Omsk State University. 644077, Russian Federation, Omsk, Mira ave., 55-A. E-mail:
This article is devoted to the reconstruction of the historical section of the Leningrad Institute of Marxism (LIM), in 1927–1929 claimed the status of the main Marxist historical center of Leningrad. The source base of the research is presented by the documentary documentation of the Institute, which is stored in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Based on the analysis of these texts, the authors reconstructed the organizational structure of the historical section of the LIM, its staff and the main lines of activity. They concluded that the section was not able to solve the research tasks assigned to it, not ensuring the organization of systematic scholarly work. The reasons for this situation, in the opinion of the authors, are related to miscalculations in the organization of the work of the LIM, which did not have the necessary material and technical base and did not ensure the involvement of staff in the implementation of research tasks.
Keywords: Leningrad Scholarly and Research Institute of Marxism, Communist Academy, Soviet scholarship, Soviet historiography, Marxism.
Bitelev I.A. (Moscow). The Russian-German customs war of 1893-1894 through the eyes of the newspaper Novoye Vremya………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20
IVAN ALEXANDROVICH BITELEV — Postgraduate student, Department of Russian History of the XIX — early XX centuries, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Leninsky Hills, 1, building B, com. B-913. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the reflection of the customs war between Russia and Germany in 1893–1894 in one of the leading periodicals in Russia at the end of the 19th century — in the newspaper «The New Time». The object of research is the newspaper Novoye Vremya. The subject of the study is the reaction of this periodical to the Russian-German trade conflict of 1893-1894. The urgency of addressing this issue is explained by the need for studying the prehistory of the First World War, caused in large part by trade and economic rivalry and nationalism, in the formation of which the press played a big role. Based on the analysis of the newspaper’s materials, it is possible to judge the gradual change in the position of the newspaper during the customs confrontation with the radical one to a more moderate and loyal one in relation to the trade agreement, which correlated with the course of international negotiations and the position of the Russian leadership. “The new time” did not express negative judgments about Germany and the German people, separating the Prussian agrarians into a separate self-serving group and separately in a positive way mentioned Emperor Wilhelm II, using various reasons for positively presenting the institution of monarchy, important for the publication of the conservative directions.
Keywords: The New time newspaper, press history, economic relations, customs war, international relations, Russian-German relations, protectionism, free-trade, Alexei Sergeevich Suvorin, Sergei Vitte.
Zotova A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Soviet Jews in the struggle against Nazism during the Great Patriotic war (historiography of the problem)………………………………………………………………………………………27
ANASTASIYA VALERYEVNA ZOTOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations in the Post-Soviet Area, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9. E-mail:;
The article is aimed at researching the modern historiography of the Jewish contribution to the victory over nazism during the Great Patriotic War. The author has studied historiography over 1941–2016. By using the method of analysis, as well as the method of comparison, the author traces the dynamics of development of historiography and identifies the main its directions. To obtain a more complete understanding of the contribution of researchers to the development of historiography, the author analyzes published sources, particularly memoirs. In the result, the author concludes that despite the abundance of publications, this problem almost has not been studied from the scientific point of view. The weak link in exploring the role of Jews in the struggle against nazism is a small number of publications written by professional historians. Another major disadvantage of historiography is the rare use of archival documents and published sources. The research materials can be used when writing monographic dissertations and scientific articles on the history of struggle of the Jews against nazism.
Keywords: The Jews, the struggle against nazism, Great Patriotic war, 1941–1945, historiography.
Darvin A.L. (Petrozavodsk). About the education of Spartan kings……………………………………………………………33
ALEXEY LEONIDOVICH DARVIN — Researcher, research teacher, Saint Petersburg State University. 185034, Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk, ul. Onego Flotilla, 12, cab. 3. E-mail:
The article illuminates the issue of the education given to the heirs to the royal title in Sparta. The fact that future kings were released from the system of the compulsory state education called ‘agoge’ is the reason that the Spartan royal education of heirs has not been taken seriously by most researchers whose surveys are devoted to the Spartan upbringing problem. The ancient tradition on the issue is represented by the works of the Greek paideia theoreticians — Plato, Aristotle and the connoisseur of Sparta – Xenophon. These authors depicted ‘the ideal image’ of the famous Spartan agoge. Their arguments were persuasive and had a great influence on Plutarch especially when he was writing the biography of Lycurgus considered to be the main source on the issue of Spartan training. The surviving latest classical and Hellenistic sources practically do not say anything about upbringing of future kings except the description of Agesilaus’ life principles and virtues written by Xenophon. However, if we consider that the education of Spartan royal heirs was connected with forming their abilities to perform certain royal duties in future, for instance in the military, diplomatic and religious spheres, we can form a definite opinion about ‘the educational system’ providing to adolescents in Sparta. The most important thing for the Spartan “princes” was to have a desire to achieve the personal valor (arete) like Homer’s heroes. Moreover, the Dioscuri (the divine twins) were considered to be the best example of virtue. The main goal of the training process was to bring up future kings developing their military leadership skills using the practical approach in their study and sharing personal experience. Sources represent us the process of the empowerment from a father to a son, describing the relationship between Agesilaos II, who is the father, and his son Archidamus III. To sum up, the high quality of the Spartan royal heirs education was proved by the numerous successes of many young kings in different spheres at the beginning of their political career what was evidenced and reflected by the ancient authors in their works.
Keywords: education, Spartan kings, agoge, paideia, Plato, Xenophon, arete, Homer, Dioscuri, Agesilaus II, Archidamus III.
Weber D.I. (Saint Petersburg). To the question on the organization of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads in Livonia………………….45
DMITRIY IVANOVICH WEBER — Ph.D. in History, Assistant, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7–9. E-mail:
The article describes the specifics of the organization of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, which was an association of merchants in the medieval Livonia. The main attention is paid to the internal arrangement as a self-organizing structure. The accent was shifted from economic history to a reflection of some aspects of the inner life and management of the Blackheads’ brotherhood. A branch of this corporation in Reval (modern Tallinn) was chosen as an example. Attention to the functioning of the internal structure within the association allows establishing general models for the development of social mobility, which in turn allows the addition of an understanding of the system of social hierarchies in the medieval city and a guilds’ role in the urban community. In the process of research, not only the latest research on this topic was involved, but also the materials of the Tallinn City archive.
Keywords: Livonia, the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, Reval, the Middle Ages, Early Modern Times, corporation, St. Mauritius, the Great Guild, Riga.
Mikheev D.V. (Pskov). The life of English sailors by the evidences about Drake’s Circumnavigation……………………50
DMITRY VLADIMIROVICH MIKHEEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of World History and Area Studies, Pskov State University. 180020, Russian Federation, Pskov, Izhorskogo Battalyona ul., 11–101. E-mail:
The article discusses the image of peculiar properties of the life of English sailors at the Elizabethan era on the example of the evidences of the Drake’s Circumnavigation (1577–1580), along with the expeditions of Magellan-Elcano and Cavendish became one of the most impressive achievements of Europeans in the exploration of the World Ocean in the XVI century. Numerous evidences left by members of the expedition F. Fletcher, J. Cook, E. Cliff, F. Pretty and foreign witness who were on board the «Golden Hind» and followed the course of the English expedition, contain important details about the course of the enterprise, the way of thinking, the level of geographical knowledge, the peculiarities of the daily life of sailors of the Age of Discovery. The author pays attention to the preparation of the expedition, manning the crew, supplying ships with all necessary during the voyage. Special attention was paid to the regulation of life on the ship, functional duties of seamen, rest and entertainment, which were available to the crew, influence of the religious factor on the life of Protestant mariners.
Keywords: Elizabethan England, New World, Francis Drake, Age of Discovery, circumnavigation, English sailors, everyday life, life on a ship.
Akanov K.G. (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan). Celebrations and holidays as the meaningful components in ceremonies of legitimation of Kazakstan’s capitals in the XXth century (comparative analysis on example of Orenburg and Astana)………………………………………………………………………………59
KUANYSH GAZIZOVICH AKANOV — Ph.D. student of Department of Eurasian Researches, Faculty of History, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 010009, Abylai Khana, Avenue 33, flat 71. E-mail:
In the article the history of conducting the ceremonial legitimation of Kazakhstan’s capitals as an example of two capitals: Orenburg and Astana are considered. In this work the process of holding festivals in both cities, elected as a center of the state during Soviet period and in period of Independent Kazakhstan, is analyzed. The component parts of ceremonial are examined which in the author’s opinion could play a decisive role in process of legitimizing of the city as a new center of the state, and also carry a determining semantic load. In addition, the common features and differences of held ceremonies are revealed. In a result of conducting of research it turns out that despite a fairly long time period between conduction of holidays in Soviet and modern periods in ceremonials we can fix the many general details. This allows us to judge about the continued impact of the Soviet model of conduction of ceremonials in Independent Kazakhstan. However, the observed features of difference make it possible to judge about gradual departure from the declared model with the replacement it of new model – international combining with elements of Kazakh people traditions.
Keywords: Orenburg, Astana, Akmola, transfer of the capital, legitimization of the capital, the Kazakh statehood, Soviet heritage, Kyrgyz (Kazakh) ASSR, the History of Kazakhstan.
Koroteeva N.N., Simonyan R.Z. (Kursk). Specificity of formation of the legal framework of pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Empire in the 18th ― early 20th centuries………………………………………………………………………..66
NATALIA NIKOLAEVNA KOROTEEVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Socio-cultural Service, South-West State University. 305004, Russian Federation, Kursk, Lenin st., 65–12. E-mail:
RIMMA ZORIKOVNA SIMONYAN — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Care, Kursk state medical university. 305029, Russian Federation, Kursk, Karl Marx st., 63a–30. E-mail:,
The article is devoted to research of formation process of the legal framework of pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Empire in the 18th ― early 20th centuries, the specifics of which were directly linked to the special nature of the production activity of pharmacies. Pharmacies, on the one hand, performed trading functions and on the other ― curative. Therefore, the question of the sale of drugs without causing harm to the patient was the most important in the beginning of 18th century, after numerous cases of poisoning of people by “potion”. From that time the formation of the pharmaceutical legislation was begun, it was aimed at ensuring strict state control over the activities of pharmaceutical institutions. Based on analysis of normative legal acts set forth in Full Assembly of laws of Russian Empire (collection 1–3) and the Collection of legalizations and orders of the government, revealed the evolution of the legal framework of the pharmaceutical activity. The beginning of the formation of the legal framework was initiated by decree of Peter I in 1702: «On the prohibition within the city of Moscow trafficking in drugs in the green and moscatelli rows», «On the establishment in Moscow again eight pharmacy order any of the wines were not sold, on the conduct of these Ambassadorial order and the destruction of potion shops» whose purpose was to streamline the trade of drugs within pharmacies. The process of improving the normative legal basis ended in 1917, relating to the change of the political system of Russia.
The article concludes that there was complete control over all aspects of the activity of pharmaceutical products of state authorities.
Keywords: decrees of Peter I, the Russian Empire, pharmacies, drugs selling, evolution of the legal framework, legal basis of pharmaceutical activity.
Semenov A.M. (Saint Petersburg). The role of the Commission of Petitions in the coronation of Alexander II…………73
ALEKSEY MICHAILOVICH SEMENOV — Postgraduate student, History department, Pushkin Leningrad State University. Russia, St.-Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe sh., 10. E-mail:
This article is devoted to the activity of the Commission of Petitions in the period of the coronation of Alexander II. Petitions and complaints of citizens, which came in period from August till September 1856, were analyzed according to the archive documents of the Fund 1412 of the Russian State Historical Archives and the complete Set of Laws of the Russian Empire. The article gives answers to the following questions: what role the Commission of Petitions played in Moscow; how the activity of the Agency was organized at the new place; how rational it was; what results were achieved. The author comes to the conclusion, that the Committee of Petitions played an important role during the coronation, because it formed a positive public opinion of the Emperor by solving such problems as.: the material, administrative, criminal
Keywords: the Committee of Petitions, Alexander II, coronation, Moscow, petitions and complaints, officialdom, state apparatus.
Kostrigina E.V. (Saint Petersburg). The new methods of analizing the changes in the structure of payments of peasants during the process of realization of the reform of 1861………………………………………………………………………….77
EKATERINA VASILIEVNA KOSTRIGINA — Assistant of Department of Source Studies of Russian History, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7/9. E-mail:
In the article the economical consequences of the reform of 1861 in the Vologodskaya province are studied with the help of computer technologies. It is well known that at the same time with the change of structure of the peasants’ plots of arable land, the essential change of money payments of peasants also occured as a result of the reform. In the present article the statistic research of the change of structure of payments of peasants in the Gryazovetsky district of the Vologodskaya province is offered. It was made upon the analysis of the charter deeds and ransom statements presented on the site of the presidential library. Upon the materials of the Vologodskaya province the duties of peasants before and after the reform are examined, the computer technologies and quantitive methods are used. In spite of the traditional character of the present theme in the native historical science the study of economical consequences of the peasant reform of 1861 still keep its topicality up to nowadays. The conducting of analogous calculations upon the materials of other regions and combing the situation turned out in separate districts of various provinces of the Russian empire also appears to be very perspective.
Keywords: peasant land reform of 1861, the obligations of the peasants, payment structure, computer technology, quantitative methods.
Yanchenko D.G., Andreev A.A., Shorohov V.A. (Saint Petersburg). Elections of deputies – “inorodtsy” from Central Asia to the First and the Second Duma……………………………………………………………………………………………83
DENIS GENNADIEVICH YANCHENKO — (corresponding author), Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya linia 5. E-mail:
ARTYOM ALEKSEEVICH ANDREEV — Ph.D. in History, associate professor of the Faculty of Political science, Saint Petersburg State University. 191060, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Smol’nogo, 1–3. E-mail:
VLADIMIR ANDREEVICH SHOROHOV — Ph.D. in History, assistant of the Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya linia 5. E-mail:
Implementation of the democratic institutions into the culturally diverse periphery of Russia has been always keeping a status of a very complicated process. That’s why investigation of historical legacy in the area of making participatory mechanisms still preserves its applicability. The paper examines the election process among the “Inorodtsy” of Turkestan Governor-Generalship and Governor-Generalship of the Steppes in 1906-1907. Why «aborigines» were granted a parliamentary franchise despite the contentious debate in high spheres? How was this privilege implemented? What were the features of the election procedures in the particular districts of the Governor-Generalships during the elections to the First and the Second Duma? What levers of influence over the stump were used by the Imperial administration? All these matters are highlighted in the paper basing on the documents from the Russian State Historical archive.
Keywords: The Imperial Duma of the first and the second call, election process, Turkestan Governor-Generalship, Governor-Generalship of the Steppes, “Inorodtsy”.
Mamaev A.V. (Moscow). The Bolsheviks and the construction of a new system of city government in Soviet Russia in 1918……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………96
ANDREY VLADIMIROVICH MAMAEV — Ph.D. in history, researcher, Institute of Russian history of RAS. Moscow, 117036, Dmitriya Ul’yanova str. 19.
This article examines the construction of a new system of city government in Russia in 1918after the Bolshevik’s coming to power, on the basis of archival data, materials of periodics, published documents. The study showed that the decision to transfer the city economy to the jurisdiction of the city Soviets was largely compelled. The Left socialist-revolutionaries advocated the preservation of the organizational autonomy of municipalities in the city Soviets, but the Bolsheviks proposed to completely merge the communal organization with the city Soviets, distributing various branches of city economy between the Soviet departments. The variant of the Left socialists was implemented until March 1918, but after the collapse of the coalition, the separate municipal departments were to be liquidated and dispersed. However, it was not so easy to break the unity of the closely interrelated fields of urban management that was historically established and was justified practically. The author states the increasing tendency of the transfer municipal economy to the management of the Sovnarhoz in summer of 1918. In addition, vertical subordination was growing between the branches of the municipal economy and higher-level departments. The competence of municipal economic bodies was gradually eroded. In July 1918, head of the department of city economy in NKVD B.M. Eltsin began the policy of preserving the organizational unity of the municipal economy as one department inside the city Soviets. But he faced the powerful opposition inside NKVD and in the Sovnarhoz. The study shows that by the end of 1918 the Bolshevik’s attempt to unify policy in constructing of management of municipal economy failed. Territorial urban governance in the Soviet form was in a crisis.
Keywords: Russia, Bolsheviks, city self-government, city Soviets, municipal economy, 1918, administration, reorganization.
Bogomazova A.A. (Moscow). The use of large marine vessels in the economy of saltworks of the Solovetsky Monastery in the late 16th — first quarter of the 17th c……………………………………………………………………………………105
ANASTASYA ALEKSANDROVNA BOGOMAZOVA — Senior specialist, Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. 119435, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bol. Pirogovskaya st., 17. E-mail:
The work is devoted to the study of the use of lodyas, large cargo vessels, in the economy of the salt production places (usolye) of one of the largest northern monasteries — Solovetsky. Based on the documents of the monastery economic archive, two groups of issues are considered: first, equipment of the usolyes by lodyas; secondly, the role of usolye, monastery and hired vessels in the transportation of salt from the places of production to Kholmogory. The article gives a classification of usolyes by geography. It is shown that in the late 16th — early 17th c. almost all the sea usolyes had one lodya. When assessing the total number of the Solovetsky monastery fleet in different periods, it is necessary to take into account not only the monastery vessels noted in its inventories and census books, but also the vessels that were in its continental usolyes. The article concludes that in the early 17th c. more than a half of the monastery lodyas were in the usolyes, but it was the monastery lodyas that carried most of the freight traffic and constituted the transport basis of the economic life of the monastery.
Keywords: White Sea, the Solovetsky monastery, Kholmogory, usolye, lodya, income-expenditure books, the monastery economy.
Gessen V.Y. (Saint Petersburg). The requisition of property of the religious institutions in the vicinity of Petrograd-Leningrad and in the Northern region by the Soviet authorities in 1918–1929………………………………………………115
VALERII YUL’EVICH GESSEN — Ph.D. in Economics. 196233, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya st., 11–2–140. E-mail:
This article is a continuation of our publications in the journal “Klio” on the theme of destruction of St. Petersburg culture by the bolsheviks after the October revolution of 1917. This was done by requisition of valuables, which had artistic and historical value. Moreover there was a confiscation of ecclesiastical items from various religious institutions, primarily the Orthodox. Based on unpublished archival materials the article discusses the anti-religious actions of the authorities in Petrograd and in the provinces that were part of the Northern region. The removal of the property produced mainly by the staff of the institutions that were part of the People’s Commissariat of education, and also by local and Moscow authorities and bodies of the CheKa. Confiscated Church property was transferred to the Central and local museums, or sold in Russia and abroad. Metal objects often were melted down, paper items were grinded. Some types of assets were destroyed, as having, in the opinion of the authorities, particularly ideologically harmful nature.
Keywords: Northern region, Petrograd, the Commissariat, exemption, Church property, Bolshevik, requisition of valuables.
Tropov I.A. (Vyborg, Leningrad region), Konkin A.A. (Saint Petersburg). Extraordinary revolutionary authorities of Petrograd governorate province in 1919…………………………………………………………………………………………130
IGOR ANATOLEVICH TROPOV — Ph.D. in History, Professor of the department of humanities education, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Vyborg branch). 188811, Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Vyborg, Parkovaya st., 2. E-mail:
ANDREI ALEKSEEVICH KONKIN — Teacher of history in secondary school № 238, Saint Petersburg. 190000, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Galernaya st., 36–38. E-mail:
The article examines the reasons of the formation of emergency revolutionary authorities in the Petrograd province in spring-autumn of 1919, under the conditions of the offensive of the White Guard troops of N.N. Yudenich to Petrograd. The paper characterized various aspects of activities of the revolutionary committees in the escalation of the Civil War in the north-western region. The article discovers the significant role of revolutionary committees in the process of mobilization of human and material resources for the rebuff of the White Army, as well as the significance of the activities of the revolutionary committees during the restoration of Soviet power and public facilities in the territories liberated from the White Guards. The paper shows the peculiarities of the relationship between the emergency authorities with the Petrograd governorate Executive Committee and local authorities of Soviet power in the province. It was noted that the revolutionary committees of the Petrograd governorate were generally under the control of governorate and local Soviet authorities, acting, as a rule, in agreement with them. At the same time, it was shown that such a situation did not exclude the contradictions between the Soviet and emergency authorities. These contradictions were based on the reluctance of the revolutionary committees to comply with such orders of higher authorities that could not be realized in connection with the difficult social and economic situation at the local level.
Keywords: Civil war, Petrograd province, emergency revolutionary authorities (revolutionary committees), soviets, white guardists.
Norkina E.S. (Saint Petersburg). Jewish Student World in the Psychoneural Institute in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………135
EKATERINA SERGEEVNA NORKINA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Jewish Culture, St. Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya line, 5. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the research of Jewish student subculture at the Psychoneural Institute at the beginning of the 20th century. The institute was creation of scientist V.M. Bekhterev and became a “window” to the capital of the Russian Empire for the Jewish students who had come from traditional families of the Pale of settlement. The institute did not apply percent norm of attending of Jewish entrants, therefore it became attractive for Jewish youth. Despite that the process of adaptation was one of the steps on their way to success. Motives of choice of the Jewish students to enter the Psychoneural institute are the special interest for the research: many students by the moment of entering the institute have had already diploma on the higher education or the right to live beyond the Pale. Activity of hobby groups, touched “Jewish” topics in the science and social life, witnessed about active inner life of the Jewish students of the institute. Split inside of Jewish student environment on some problems of social life let discover mood of the Jewish youth of the capital. The base for the research are materials of the institute ― student personal records. They represent birth, motives of the entering the institute, level of education; Russian and Jewish periodicals which shed light on inner life of the students and memoirs of professors and graduates of the institute.
Keywords: Psychoneural institute, St. Petersburg, Petrograd, First World War, V.M. Bekhterev, Jewish students, Zionism, percent norms.
Kokorkhoeva D.S. (Nazran’, Republic of Ingushetia). Transformation of the status of the autonomies in the North Caucasus (1920–1936) as the manifestation of the choice of the model of nation-building in the USSR……………….146
DUGURHAN SULTANGIRIEVNA KOKORKHOEVA — Ph.D. in History, professor of the Department of History, Ingush State University (Russia, Magas’ sity). 386102, Republic of Ingushetia, Nazran’, ul. Parchiev, 76. E-mail:
The article reveals the transformation of North Caucasus autonomies’ status (1920–1936) as one of the manifestations of the choice of the model of nation-building in the USSR. The author’s interpretation of the nation-building and the soviet federalism model is given, similarities and differences in the criteria for regionalization and resource support for the autonomies of the multinational North Caucasus are established at various stages of their development. Model of the Soviet Federation of 1920–1930-s is characterized as ethnoterritorial, asymmetric, expressing a mobile balance of centralization and decentralization, constitutional and contractual principles. The stages of transformation of the status of autonomies in the North Caucasus are defined: 1920 – early 1924 (the creation of the Dagestan and Gorskaya ASSR, the largest decentralization of powers and territorial concessions in favor of autonomies); 1924–1928 (disaggregation of autonomies and their ranking by status, subordination to the North Caucasus region); 1929–1936 (stabilization of the status and territory of autonomies, the renewal of power and the emasculation of federalism).
Keywords: autonomies, status, USSR, the North Caucasus, transformations, nation building, model, choice.
Babayan M.V. (Moscow). The policy of the leadership of the USSR on the settlement of the Abkhaz and South Ossetian issues in 1989–1991……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….153
MAMIKON VIKTOROVICH BABAYAN — Postgraduate student of the Faculty of History, Department of History of the New Independent States, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskiye Gory, 1, building B, room 963. E-mail:
The article is about the politics of the Supreme Council of the USSR in the period of the ethno-political tensions in the Georgian SSR in 1989–1991. The sources of the research are the acts of the leadership of the USSR, statistical sources, and also sources of a personal origin. The emphasis is on the study of the situation, without touching on the issues of the Abkhazian and Ossetian wars, more traditional topics in historiography. The author of the article pursued the aim to study the driving forces of decisions made by the Soviet leadership against the Republican government of the Georgian SSR, Abkhazian ASSR and the South Ossetian autonomous region. The author concluded that the lack of experience of democratic solution of the issues of ethno-political by the Soviet government nature greatly complicated the process of settlement of the tense situation in the Transcaucasia in the late 1980s. An analysis of the ethno-political problem in Georgia will provide an impetus for further research in the field of international relations, in particular in the post-Soviet space.
Keywords: Supreme Council, the South Ossetian issue, the Abkhazian issue, autonomous republic, ethno-politics, USSR, national issue, ethno-cultural policy.
Markelov N.A. (Moscow). Belostok region after the Second World War: Soviet-Polish border and the ethnic problem……………………………………………………………………………………………………………159
NIKITA ALEKSEEVICH MARKELOV — Ph.D. Applicant, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119192, Russia, Moscow, ul. Lomonosovskii Prospekt, 27, korp.4, aud. E-438. E-mail:
The article covers the features of interethnic interaction of Byelorussians and Poles in the Belostok region (polish – Bialystok) during the first years after the Second World War. The subject of the analysis is formed by peculiarities of the approach of the authorities of post-war Poland to the solution of interethnic conflicts and the influence of population exchange, the formation of the administrative apparatus by the communist authorities on the social situation of the main national communities of the region – the Byelorussians and the Poles. The narration concentrates on the main strategies of preserving the Byelorussian national identity while confronting a trend of building a mono-ethnic society typical for Polish statehood in the 20th century.
The source base of the materials mentioned in the article consists of archive reports both from Byelorussian, Polish and Russian academic institutions as well as of the recently published papers on the specific fields of the Byelorussian-polish interaction in 1944-1956.
Conducted analysis demonstrates that between the ethnic groups of the Poles and Byelorussians throughout 1944-1956. in fact, there was no cultural dialogue, what contributed to the consolidation and reproduction of negative images and, consequently, led to aggravation of interethnic confrontation.
As shown, one of the goals of Poland’s national policy was the “solution” of the Byelorusian issue by suppressing national self-consciousness among ethnic minorities. Unlike the discourse of the pre-war „sanation” authorities, in communist Poland the “Belarusian issue” would be considered as solved in the patterns of the exchange of the population with the USSR. However, the reluctance to recognize the very existence of the problem of a national minority has minimized the effect of discriminatory policies, as opposed to encouraging those who, without being formally abused, voluntarily tried to “polonize” for personal gains.
Keywords: Byelorussia, Poland, Polish-Soviet relations, interethnic relations, border, identity, assimilation, regional studies.
Pravdiuk D.A., Dobronravina S.N. (Saint Petersburg). Water diplomacy in Latin America: international law mechanisms of struggle for resources and international cooperation………………………………………………………………………165
DARIA ANTONOVNA PRAVDIUK — Postgraduate student, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191124, St. Petersburg, ul. Smolnogo, 1/3. E-mail:
SOFIA NIKOLAEVNA DOBRONRAVINA — Postgraduate student, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191124, St. Petersburg, ul. Smolnogo, 1/3. E-mail:
The article is dedicated to water diplomacy of Latin American countries, aiming to solve key problems in the sphere of water usage and water security. South America is believed to possess considerable volume of water resources, but a significant amount of cross-border watercourses in addition to population’s uneven access to pure water explain the need of region’s countries to exercise water diplomacy on a constant basis. Authors of the article study the main vectors of water diplomacy in Latin American region – water disputes regulation and development of cooperation in integrated water management. Both these components ultimately lead to normalizing of interstate relations, since water disputes encourage states to differentiate their rights to resources, while effective interaction on water issues creates a regulatory framework for the rational and equitable use of water.
Keywords: Latin America, water diplomacy, hydrodiplomacy, resources, cooperative management, water security, international watercourse
Borisov M.M. (Saint Petersburg). Cuba — Asia at the beginning of the 21st century: the evolution of relations in a multipolar world……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………173
MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH BORISOV — Postgraduate student, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191124, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Smolnogo st., 1/3, ent. VII. E-mail:
Relations between the Republic of Cuba and the countries of the Asian region have a long history. Over the past 17 years, crucial changes occurred in both the island state of the Caribbean and in the countries of the Asian region, which affected the nature of their relations in the 21st century. The economic and political ties of «the Island of Freedom» with the Asian countries began to increase. The article describes the current state of relations between Cuba and its key partners among Asian countries in the framework of expanding the political and trade-economic partnership. The author shows that the extension of Cuban contacts with the People’s Republic of China is caused as by economic significance of this country, as also by the fact that China has turned into one of key pillars of the emerging multipolar world. While investigating the relations with the countries of the Corean peninsula, the author shows evolution of Cuba’s role of Cuba in approaches to “the Corean problem”. The article also contains the explication of the character of evolution of the Cuban-Indian economic relations and of the political component of these relations as a part of Havana’s strategy of search of Cuba’s place in the multipolar world.
Keywords: Cuba, Asia, China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, political, economic relations.
Kolpashnikova D.D. (Moscow). Patron of a miracle. History of Ludovica Bertini and the Miracle of Our Lady of the Snows……………………………………………………………………………………………………………180
DARIA DMITRIEVNA KOLPASHNIKOVA — Postgraduate student, General Art History Department, Faculty of History, Moscow State University (MSU). 119192, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovskii Prospekt, 27, korp. 4. E-mail:
Private art commissions have gained great importance during the Renaissance. Women donators were a special category of art patrons, and widows often had specific rights and opportunities in the formation of the art commission.
The article discusses the altarpiece of Madonna della Neve (Our Lady of the Snow), created by a Sienese master of the 15th century, Stefano di Giovanni da Cortona (Sassetta) at the expence of a widow Ludovica Bertini. Basing on latest surveys, the author refers both to documentary sources and iconographic analysis to demonstrate the distinctiveness of the particular commission and its deep individuality.
Donna Bertini ordered the creation of the altar for a private chapel in the Duomo in memory of her late spouse Turino di Matteo, operaio (superintendent) of the Sienese Cathedral. Very likely, in the program of paintings, through the story of the Miracle of Our Lady of the Snow and the construction of the Roman Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, the personal family history of the customer and her husband is told. In the article there are made assumptions about the portrait features of individual characters depicted on the predella of the altarpiece, which confirms the author’s conclusions about the exceptional importance of such artistic decision which was innovative for the conservative art of Siena.
Keywords: Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni, Renaissance, altarpiece, private commission, Sienese art.
Panichkin A.P. (Saint-Petersburg). Saint Petersburg Eparchy in the First Half of the 18th Century. Introduction of Staffing Plans and Statistical Data. To Mark the 275th Anniversary of the Opening of the Saint-Petersburg Eparchy…….189
ALEXANDER PHILIPPOVICH PANICHKIN — Candidate of Theology, Archpriest, Assistant Chief of Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Navy «The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov», Senior priest of the St. Paul the Confessor and St. Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov Church in the Peter the Great Naval Corps (St. Petersburg). 192023, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, prospect Elizarova, 10, apt. 282. E-mail:
This article marking the anniversary of the creation of the St. Petersburg Eparchy describes the difficult internal political situation in the country at the time of Peter I and his closest successors, the empresses Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna. It tells about the attitude of the clergy to Peter’s reforms that addressed the Church; the creation of the Holy Synod; the struggle of various groups of hierarchs for power and influence during the era of the Biron regime when active interference of public authorities in this conflict led to the dethronement of many bishops and their exile to remote monasteries mainly due to the intrigues of Archbishop Theofan Prokopovich who had a strong hold over Anna Ioannovna; the establishment of the episcopal chair in the new capital; the change of the situation with the accession to the throne of Elizaveta Petrovna driven by her favorable attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church.Further, the article tells about the initiators of the opening of the new episcopal see and about the attempt to return to the old pre-Petrine church order and the restoration of the patriarchate, describes the situation of the new bishop and his significance in the capital and the church circles; as well as gives information about the size of the eparchy.
Keywords: St. Petersburg Eparchy, Empress Anna Ioannovna, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Archbishop Theophan Prokopovich, Archbishop Ambrose Yushkevich, Metropolitan Arseny Matseevich, Bishop Nikodim Srebnitsky.
Deligioz G.G. (Saint Petersburg). The history of the formation of professional musical education in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century…………………………………………………………………………………………195
GALINA GEORGIEVNA DELIGIOZ — Postgraduate student of the Department of History, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 196605, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburgskoe shosse, 10. E-mail:
In the article the author investigates the stages of formation of the professional musical education, describes an active musical and public activities of the founders of the Russian musical society, Anton G. Rubinstein, count Matvey Y. Vielgorsky, Vasily A. Kologrivov, Dmitry V. Cantina, Dmitry V. Stasov and the support from the Royal Family done by the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna. The article raised the question of the payment of the fee to the native musicians; the author explores the reasons for the failure of implementing a number of changes relating to Russian Opera. Briefly describes the activities of the Choral Academy and the subsequent fate of its members were part of the lovers of choral singing; defines the functions of the Russian musical society; analyses the problems associated with the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Russian musical society and assesses the value of Companies for further development of professional education in the field of musical art.
Keywords: music, art, Singing Academy, Symphonic Society, Russian musical education, musical education, conservatory.
Krivoshey D.Y. (Moscow), Skurlov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). To the history of certain orders of the Russian Military Institutions of the Fabergé firm, 1909–1916…………………………………………………………………………………….201
DMITRY YUR’EVICH KRIVOSHEY — Independent researcher (Moscow). 117279, Russian Federation, Moscow, Generala Antonova st., 4–1–172. E-mail:
VALENTIN VASILIEVICH SKURLOV — Ph.D. in Art History, Expert of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Scientific Secretary of the Memorial Fund Faberge (Saint Petersburg). 199406, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya st., 37–3–47. E-mail:
In the article, we have a task to introduce into scientific circulation the new data about a range and an amount of Fabergé firm art items, which were acquired by Russian Military Institution in 1909–1916. During the data analysis process of the Russian Imperial Army purchases, were marked some prominent commissions and clarified the attribution of some known items, which were made by Fabergé firm. The main source of the report is well-known to many researches “Fabergé’s accounting book, 1909-1916”, a unique document on the firm, which is kept in the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The new data will be especially interesting for museum workers, collectors and auctions houses employees.
Keywords: Fabergé, Russian imperial family, house of Romanov, monarchic houses, gifts, Russian military history, Imperial Russian army, Imperial Russian Navy, Russian regiments, militaria, phaleristics, applied arts, badges, jettons.
Kovalevsky D.G. (Saint Petersburg).Shipbuilding plants in Germany: legal status, organization of production, material and technical capabilities, working conditions and workers’ wages………………………………………………………….209
DENIS GEORGIEVICH KOVALEVSKY — Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Researcher of the Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Navy «The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov». 197045, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Ushakovskaya emb., 17/1. Е-mail:
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of armored shipbuilding in Germany and Russia in the late 19th century. The review of the most important laws of the German Empire in the field of commercial and military shipbuilding was made. It is proved that the legal base of German iron shipbuilding at that time was of the nature of state protectionism. The largest state and private shipbuilding and mechanical plants in Germany, in particular, their technical capabilities, are considered. The greatest attention is paid to the organization of production, the daily routine, working conditions and issues of labor remuneration. The topic of property rights, management is touched upon. The technology of processing sheets from shipbuilding steel, which was used in Germany, is described. Some problems of military shipbuilding in Russia, in particular the Baltic plant, were noted. For the comparative evaluation of German and Russian shipbuilding, the rowing port of Galernaya harbor, the Admiralty and Izhorsk plants in St. Petersburg are taken. The quality of shipbuilding works in Germany and Russia is analyzed. It is recognized that in Germany, it was not very high, and in some cases even lower than in Russia. The conclusion is drawn: despite the excessive theoretical nature of German shipbuilding, it was experience in the legal and regulatory sphere that tried to apply in Russia on the eve of World War I.
Keywords: bronze shipbuilding in Germany, private and state-owned shipbuilding and mechanical plants and shipyards, working conditions and payment of artisans at the end of the 19th century — early 20th century.
Zagrebin S.S. (Chelyabinsk). “A. A.Tarkovsky’s Archive, Yurievets: experience of scientific and project presentation” in the format of historical and cultural background review………………………………………………………………………..216
SERGEY SERGEEVICH ZAGREBIN — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the rubric of the culture of the scientific journal “Social life and power”, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Culturology, South-Ural State Humanities and Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. 454091, Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Lenin’s ave., 69. E-mail:
This article includes a critical review of a collection of documents from “Tarkovsky’s Archive”. The review provides an analysis of the informative component of text and audio-visual materials included in the collection. The author of this review makes comments on accompanying texts made by collectors, ponders on specific nature of the artist’s creative work, and defines the scientific value and cultural significance of the “Archive” for researchers.
Keywords: archive, cinema, culture, cultural history, intelligentsia, Andrey Tarkovsky.
Yagya V.S. (Saint-Petersburg). Solid work on China in the Arctic (Review of the monograph S.N. Pogodin and Van Juntao «China’s international activities in the Arctic», Saint-Petersburg: SPbPU Publishing, 2017)…………………….222
YAGYA VATANYAR SAIDOVICH — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World Policy, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7.E-mail:
In the review, the activity of the People’s Republic of China in the Arctic region is analyzed, implemented in the monograph of S.N. Pogodin and Van Juntao «China’s International Action in the Arctic» (St. Petersburg, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Publ., 2017, 157 p.). The Arctic strategy of China regarding the Arctic in all its diversity is considered, an assessment of the policy of observer states is conducted, an extensive analysis of the strategies of the Arctic states — Russia, Canada, the United States — is being conducted. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the possible consequences of Chinese policy in the Arctic region and their assessment.
Keywords: People’s Republic of China, Arctic, Arctic region, international policy, Russian foreign policy, Chinese foreign policy.
Meshcheryakov K.Y. (Saint Petersburg). Our Hero: 70th Anniversary of Vladimir Germanovich Burkov……………226
KONSTANTIN YEVGENIEVICH MESHCHERYAKOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of the Post-Soviet Studies, School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191060, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Smolnogo st., 1/3, ent. 8. E-mail:
The article describes the main stages of biography of an outstanding historian, great expert in auxiliary historical disciplines, founder of the Petersburg school of post-Soviet studies, the first Head of Chair of Post-Soviet Studies, Department of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Professor Vladimir G. Burkov. It examines his contribution to the development of Russian historiography and the modern history.
Keywords: Auxiliary historical disciplines, faleristics, heraldry, vexillology, post-Soviet space, international relations, Eurasian studies, the history of St. Petersburg University, Vladimir G. Burkov.
Alphabetical list of authors of articles published in the journal Klio in 2017………………………………………………..…231