Zolotarev V.A. (Moscow). Complex security problems and academic science……………………………………………13
VLADIMIR ANTONOVICH ZOLOTAREV — State Councilor of Russian Federation of the 1st class, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, The Military University of the Ministry of Defence. 125047, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 14. E-mail:
In this article, the author argues that Russia is a constraining factor against the global aggressive forces seeking to use advances in technology for military purposes. There is an urgent need for a system protection against modern threats, scientific understanding of new challenges. There is a need to reform the academic processes. The question of the role of Russian Academy of Sciences in the strategy of development of Russia is raised. It is noted that there is no direction in the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences that would deal with the problems of ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation. The creation of a branch of the military strategic modeling and defense problems in the RAS is justified. A specific personnel basis is proposed for the formation of such a branch within the framework of the RAS.
Keywords: RAS, Russia’s security, reforms, current challenges, defensibility of the Russian Federation.
Filatov T.V. (Samara). The critic historicism in the works of Karl Popper and the meaning of historical knowledge……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16
TIMUR VALENTINOVICH FILATOV — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications & Informatics. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L’va Tolstogo St., 23. E-mail:
The article discusses the understanding of the meaning of history in the works of Karl Popper on criticism of the concepts, which he defined as historicism. The author notes that consistent rejection of historicism Popper leads to the denial of the meaning of history. The latter transforms the history into a simple collecting of historiographical facts, followed by a discussion of their authenticity, which deprives the history of any practical value, and actually eliminates it from the sciences. A critical review of the concept of “open society” allows revealing the ideological foundation of the rejection of historicism, destroying the liberal democratic mythology of the “open society” and corresponding to that society a form of coercion, the meaning of which is to create the illusion of complete freedom for proprietary men.
Keywords: historicism, the open society, the meaning of history, totalitarianism, social engineering, theoretical history, Plato’s utopia, the liberal democratic mythology.
Ustinova Y.N. (Bryansk). Politics of memory and commemorative practices in German and Austro-Hungarian empires in the years of the First World War…………………………………………………………………………………21
YULIYA NIKOLAEVNA USTINOVA — Ph.D. in History, The Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky. 241036, Russian Federation, Bryansk, Bezhitskaya St., 14. E-mail:
The article reveals the ideological sense of maintenance of commemoration in the years of the First World War on the territory of Germany and Austro-Hungary. Aims and tasks of the state at forming of politics of memory are certain in the conditions of war-time when the problem of reconciliation of nation became actual with the heritage. Classification of commemorative practices is presented depending on the level of memory. The ritual and ceremonial constituents of a process of burial places and cultural-aesthetic function of places of memory are shown when in search of artistic facilities of expression of political ideas aimed to avoid monotony. The conclusion based on the analysis of periodicals is that at an examined period there was a variety of forms of war representation. Commemorative practices, initiated by the state, glorified war and justified human losses in the name of higher aims.
Keywords: First World War, politics of memory, commemorative practices, the cult of the fallen soldier, form of visualization of places of memory, the memorialization, funeral traditions and rituals, the monument of military architecture.
Roberts Geoffrey (Cork, Ireland). A League of their own: The Soviet origins of the United Nations…………………26
GEOFFREY ROBERTS — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of History, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, University College Cork, National University of Ireland. Ireland, College Road, Cork T12 YN60. E-mail:
In article on the basis of archival documents, extensive foreign and Russian historiography examines the role of the Soviet Union in the origin of the United Nations. The author notes that during the Second World War, the Soviet Union, feeling a great power, never wavered in its commitment to peace. It is noted that the impetus for the negotiations and transaction of the Soviet Union with Hitler was slippage in the negotiations with the Soviet Union, France and Britain. It is concluded that although the UN has not met the expectations of Moscow to the peace of the great powers, the veto not only acted but also served as a guarantee of maintaining the Soviet interests and long-term future of the United Nations.
Keywords: the United Nations, Soviet Union, League of Nations, Security Council, antihitlerite coalition, Litvinov, Pact Kellogg — Briand, collective security, Stalin, European Council, Dumbarton Oaks, Harry Truman.
Sergeev A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Princely surnames of the Moscow state XVI–XVII centuries: number, time of existence, social status………………………………………………………………………………………………………39
ANTON VADIMOVICH SERGEEV — Ph.D. in History, Assistant of Head of the Department, Institute of Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Social Partnership, 190098, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Konnogvardejskij bul’var, 19. E-mail:
In article on the basis of information different sources the assessment of total number, quantitative structure, the social status, time of existence of princely surnames of the Moscow state becomes clear. It is established that as the general assessment, it is possible to accept number of orthodox princely surnames during the considered chronological period 155. Time of existence of the majority of princely surnames was of the second third of the 16th century. During the subsequent period under the influence of various socio-political factors their number was reduced four times and by the end of the 17th century has made about 40.
Keywords: princes, surname, social status, pedigree.
Kashevarov A.N. (Saint Petersburg). The formation and features of the religious policy of the Soviet state in the years 1917–1918……………………………………………………………………………………………………50
ANATOLII NIKOLAEVICH KASHEVAROV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Professor of Department of History of Journalism, Saint Petersburg State University. 195251, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Politechnicheskaya St., 29. E-mail:
This article analyzes the characteristics of the religious policy of the Soviet state in 1917–1918 years, to determine its development for years to come. During this period of revolutionary upheavals it has developed a common strategy for the religious policy of the Soviet authorities aimed at the full replacement of the Orthodox Church from all spheres of society with a view to its complete elimination. The Soviet state from the very first months of its existence, proclaimed the separation of church state, depriving the church of ownership and legal entity, actually let her charitable, religious and educational activities. The main outcome of the first events of the Soviet state in the religious sphere had begun deepening the split of society into believers and non-believers with their opposition to each other, as well as the translation of the atheistic power of the ideological confrontation with the Orthodox Church to the political struggle with repression.
Keywords: the Soviet state, religious policy, the Council of People’s Commissars, VIII People’s Commissariat of Justice Department, a decree on the separation of church and state, P.A. Krasikov, the Orthodox Church, the faithful.
Grigoriev A.A. (Moscow). Officials-defectors and the fight against corruption in the apparatus of Soviet overseas missions in the 1920s and early 1930s……………………………………………………………………………………..55
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH GRIGORIEV — Intern of the Chair of Contemporary Russian History, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 121614, Russian Federation, Moscow, Krylatsky hills St., 35, building 3, apt. 561. E-mail:
In the 1920s the leadership of USSR took a raft of measures to combat with corruption in Soviet missions abroad, foremost in trade missions. The effort of government to establish order in these missions caused an appearance of officials-defectors tried to shirk responsibility for participation in machinations of various kinds. The main problem resided that a considerable part of Soviet administrative apparatus of NEP-era was corrupt. In 1929 the leadership of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks opened a wide-scale purge of Soviet and party apparatus from corrupt officials and other “socio-alien elements”. This purge was be conditioned not only by political and ideological considerations, but also by necessity to remove impediments for speedy industrialization of the country. The article based on record-keeping documents of People’s commissariat of workers’-peasants’ inspectorate of USSR and Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
Keywords: NEP, industrialization, bureaucracy, corruption, defectors, Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, B.A. Roizenman, People’s Commissariat of Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection, Central Control Commission of the CPSU(b).
Pilishvili G.D. (Kursk). The history and the development of people’s emergency volunteer corps on the territory of Tambov region during the period from 1941 till 1942 years……………………………………………………………..61
GEORGE DZHUNGLOVICH PILISHVILI — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Sociology and politology chair, Kursk State University. 305000, Russian Federation, Kursk, 5 Kirova Street, ap. 59-b. E-mail: pilishvili.georg @
In this very article the researcher, referring to the vast content of archival materials taken from both Tambov region and the Russian State archival bases on social and political history and some other military reviews, analyzed the establishment process of people’s emergency volunteer corps on the territory of Tambov region, clarifying the position of the Red Army at the beginning of 1941.
The researcher considers people’s emergency volunteer corps to be not constant but temporary organization created only for the achievement of assigned goals, primarily for the defense of cities and populated localities from the enemy.
In the main content of the article the activity of the party and the Soviet bodies was revealed during the period from June to September of 1941 being oriented to the development of people’s emergency volunteer corps both in the regional centre and its districts.
The statistical data on the formation of people’s emergency volunteer corps was represented being oriented to the period from 1941 to 1942 years. The main difficulties and issues of the afore-mentioned process were revealed and the conclusion was made about its positive influence not just how combat reserve of the Red Army but its role as a framework organization, lending support to the Soviet and party bodies with the goal of order-preserving in the rear.
Keywords: Tambov region, people’s emergency volunteer corps, the Great Patriotic War, the Central Black Soil zone, party bodies, Soviet bodies.
Plotkin K.M. (Saint Petersburg). Following the crimes of the German occupiers in Pavlovsk near Leningrad………70
KONSTANTIN MOISEEVICH PLOTKIN — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. 194156, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 2 Murinsky pr., 7–6. E-mail:
The article uses the materials of the Leningrad Regional Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the atrocities of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices and documents from the German military archives, analyzed by J. Rutherford (USA). By the arrival of the 121st Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht in Pavlovsk, out of 31 thousand there were about 15 thousand inhabitants. The occupation lasted 861 days, from September 17, 1941 to January 24, 1944. Living conditions of citizens fit into the overall picture of suffering in the occupied territories. The Wehrmacht and the special services acted hand in hand. Over 2.5 years of occupation in Pavlovsk, over 6742 people were killed (46 were hanged, 227 were shot, the rest died of starvation). Of the 6,200 people sent to forced labor, about 3,500 people have not returned. The total loss of civilians exceeds 10 thousand people, prisoners of war – a thousand soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. Victims are caused by the Nazi policy of hunger and forced labor, cruel security measures, the murder of Jews, the deportation of residents to labor camps, the Baltic states and Germany. According to the research results, the Pavlovsk museum-reserve started to memorialize the places of genocide. In October 2017, in the park a memorial sign was erected on the place of execution of 41 civilians of Jewish nationality.
Keywords: war, Nazism, hunger, poverty, genocide, deportation, forced labor, security measures, cruelty.
Gushchin A.A. (Penza). The housing issue in 1950 — early 1980 (based on materials from the Penza region)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………79
ALEKSANDR ANATOL’EVICH GUSHCHIN — Director of the Museum of Teacher Training History, Penza State University. 440067, Russian Federation, Penza, Chapaeva ul.109–6. E-mail:
Despite the intensive development of our country’s cities in the 20th century, the housing and communal services sector was constantly experiencing considerable difficulties. The problem with the improvement of housing is still quite acute. Therefore, the study of historical experience in the formation and development of housing and communal services, the existing problems in the industry and ways to solve them are of undoubted scientific interest. In the article, on the basis of archival materials, the author analyzed the solution of the housing problem, provision of residential buildings with various kinds of improvement in the Penza region in 1950 — early 1980. Particular attention is paid to the problem of resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing during the period under review. The author comes to the conclusion that in the period under review significant work was done to provide the population with housing and its improvement, but until the final solution of the housing problem was still far away. There were problems with the quality of new housing, provision of available housing with water supply, sewerage, central heating, gas. In addition, the issue of resettlement from dilapidated and emergency houses remained unresolved.
Keywords: housing conditions, housing construction, housing and communal services, improvement, urbanization, complaints, living standards, Penza region.
Khasanov Azat (Saint Petersburg ). Relations between Switzerland and Chile during A. Pinochet’s 1973–1990 regime…………………………………………………………………………………………………………86
AZAT KHASANOV — Postgraduate student, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 199155, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Kapitanskaya St., 3, 301. E-mail:
Based on the official Swiss diplomatic documents the author explores the reaction of the Swiss Government and society to the Chilean military coup of 1973. This article surveys the various divisions among the Swiss; this was dependent on being a neutral observer, the bipolar views of the people towards the conflict, and argument for severance of ties against those for maintaining them. The present author focused on the dynamic of trade turnover with respect to countries in the 1970th during the Chilean regime change. Another examination for Bern involved concern for Swiss citizens and individuals originating in Switzerland (Chilean citizens) within Chile. The article provides an analysis of the political emigration from Chile to Switzerland, and the action of the Swiss authorities receiving Chilean refugees. Finally, the article illuminates how the “good offices” of Switzerland benefited their relations with Chile and nations with in the Warsaw Pact from 1973 to 1990.The present article is first attempt in Russian historiography to examine Swiss-Chilean relation during A. Pinochet’s 1973–1990 regime.
Keywords: Switzerland, Chile, Swiss foreign policy, Chilean foreign policy, Switzerland-Chile relations, the military dictatorship of Chile (1973–1990), Switzerland’s good offices.
Pivovarova E.O. (Saratov). The main directions of Egyptian policy of the first B. Clinton’s administration (1993–1996)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………96
ELENA OLEGOVNA PIVOVAROVA — Postgraduate student, Department of International Relations and Russian Foreign Policy, Institute of History and International Relations, Saratov State University. 410012, Russian Federation, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya St., 83. E-mail:
The article examines the main goals and directions of the US policy toward Egypt during B. Clinton’s first presidential term. The author considers Democratic approach to prioritizing of US Middle East policy purposes and emphasizes its pro-Israeli bias. At the same time, it is noted the key role of Egypt within the new Middle East plans of Democrats, which are, in particular, the “double deterrence” strategy, and concept of the Middle East peace through economic integration of the region. It is analyzed instruments of American influence on Egyptian politics and revealed such factors of evolution of US Egyptian policy as the state of bilateral American-Egyptian relations, the state of Egyptian-Israeli relations, the Egyptian regional policy, the internal political and economic situation in Egypt, and the disagreements between the President and the US Congress that appeared after the Republicans won the intermediate parliamentary elections. As a result, the conclusion is drawn that the pro-Israel Middle East course of the B. Clinton’s democratic administration has led to degradation of US-Egyptian relations and failure of the Egyptian policy of the United States.
Keywords: USA, Egyptian policy of the United States, Bill Clinton, the US Congress, Middle East, Egypt, Hosni Mubarak.
Golovanov D.I. (Saint Petersburg). Some Reflections on the prospects for the development of integration processes in Latin America……………………………………………………………………………………103
DANIIL IGOREVICH GOLOVANOV — Master of the Department of Theory of International Relations, School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 191060, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Smolny St., 1/3. E-mail:
Currently, the term “integration” has already firmly entrenched itself in international scholarly, political, and economic discourse. Latin America is historically the first region of the developing world which has embarked on the path of integration. For more than half a century of development of integration processes in the region, a considerable experience of interaction, including in the sphere of politics and security, has been accumulated. The ongoing transformations in Latin America have already led to significant changes in the landscape of regional integration. The politicization of multilateral interaction in the region has led to a subregionalization where each subregional integration group proposes its own development model, often based on competing principles. Amid current changes of international influence centers, countries of Latin America and the Caribbean have to face an integration crisis. Existing projects reveal a low efficiency and degree of integration. In the course of the work, it was revealed that Latin American integration is in the state of stagnation due to the number of problems that objectively hinder the process region’s integration that will be discussed further.
Keywords: Latin America, integration, crisis, political influence, system of international relations.
Kirillova A.N. (Saint Petersburg). The Ostpolitik of Gerhard Schröder and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine…………………………………………………..109
ALEXANDRA NIKOLAEVNA KIRILLOVA — Postgraduate student of the chair of modern and contemporary history of the Institute of history of Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5. E-mail:
The East European direction was always one of the main directions of foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany: It is connected with the necessity for the consolidation of the country and importance of the conducting stable relations with countries of Eastern Europe. Historical events in the late 1980s – early 1990s (Velvet revolutions, the German reunification, the Dissolution of the Soviet Union) changed the purposes of foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. But value of the East European region didn’t decreased: the chancellor Gerhard Schröder (1998-2005) announced development of the «New eastern policy» (Ostpolitik) as one of the leading purposes of government’s foreign policy of the «red-green» coalition. The elaboration of a policy line for the CIS countries was a difficult task. On the one hand, the coalition wanted to ensure the stability of the region and set the goal of strengthening it: After the enlargement of the EU in May 2004, the CIS states were the immediate neighbors of the organization. On the other hand, the government could not fully realize the goal because of the opinion of Russia, which considered this region its «sphere of influence». The political crisis of November 2004 exposed this contradiction and forced the Chancellor to make adjustments to his strategy. The article deals with the problem of the Orange Revolution’s influence on Gerhard Schröder’s «new eastern policy». Sources of article are materials of the German mass media, the speech and statement of officials of Germany. Based on these sources the author researches opinions of politicians of the Federal Republic of Germany (special attention is paid to the Schroeder-Putin line), analyzes the origins and causes of points of view.
Keywords: Germany, Ukraine, Ostpolitik, foreign policy, Gerhard Schröder, Viktor Yushchenko, Orange Revolution, German-Ukrainian relations.
Trunov P.O. (Moscow). Securing development of Mali: German contribution…………………………………………112
PHILIPP OLEGOVICH TRUNOV — Ph.D. (Political Science), Ph.D. (Geschichte), Researcher, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1. E-mail:
The paper illustrates the impact of growing instability in Mali and Sahel region on security of Germany and its EU partners. In this regard it explores the German contribution to strengthening of statehood in Mali since 2012. Special attention is paid to Germany’s role in the UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSMA) and the participation of German military in the security sector reform mission in Mali, aimed at achieving success in the struggle against terrorist organizations. The paper examines the specifics of Germany’s usage of political and economic (mainly, official development assistance) tools for ensuring stable development of Mali. It concludes with an assessment of the German contribution to the regional security and the prospects for the German participation in ensuring peace and security in the Sahel region as a whole.
Keywords: Germany, Mali, Sahel, security, stability, official development assistance, terrorism.
Kolesnikov R.A. (Moscow). Iran’s nuclear program, Russia and Israel………………………………………119
ROMAN ALEKSANDROVICH KOLESNIKOV — Postgraduate student of Historical faculty, Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovskij pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to pressing and little studied issue: the peculiarities of Russian-Israeli relations against the background development of the Iranian nuclear program, which has become one of the main world problems of the last decade. Since 2008, Russia and Israel began to build a mutually beneficial partnership. Besides all the diplomacy, Moscow and Tel Aviv took absolutely opposite positions and opinions concerning the Iranian issue: one side looked towards a dialogue, the other looked for conducting the strictest sanctions. In July 2015, a “nuclear deal” with Iran was signed in Vienna as a comprehensive plan, which supposes a gradual removal of restrictive measures from the Islamic Republic. Russia was one of the first signatories of this document, which caused a significant reaction of Israel. Despite the contradictions, the relation between two countries – Russia and Israel didn’t deteriorate, but had become even stronger. The purpose of this article is to elucidate the essence of this relationship.
Keywords: Russia, Israel, Iran, Iran’s nuclear program, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
Sirota N.M., Mokhorov G.A. (Saint Petersburg). The Cold War: a retrospective and new realities of Russian-American relations……………………………………………………………………………………………………….124
NAUM MIHAYLOVICH SIROTA — Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of history and philosophy department of Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. 190000, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya ul., 67A. E-mail:
GENNADIY ANATOLIEVICH MOKHOROV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines department of S. M. Budjonny Military Academy of the Signal Corps. 194064, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Tihoreckiy pr., 3. E-mail:
The article analyzes the phenomena of the cold war and the “new Cold War”. It explains the essence of the Cold War as a specific form of international conflict of mixed type and its interpretation in international political science, expresses the author’s position on the issue of results of competition of social systems and the relevance of its lessons for the modern world. In the context of global conflicts the features of the “new Cold War” as a modern form of confrontation between Russia and the West, primarily the United States; opportunities and ways to reduce the intensity of the negative trend in world politics, the normalization of relations between the rival parties are examined. Authors pay special attention to the need of cooperation with all responsible actors for prevention of nuclear weapons proliferation, large-scale conflicts that can cause the degradation of the international environment.
Keywords: The Cold War, “the new Cold War”, international conflict, balance of power, “smart force”, the new world order.
Zarubina E.D. (Moscow). Decoration patterns in the manuscript of Maggid davar divination book……………………135
EVGENIYA DMITRIEVNA ZARUBINA — Postgraduate student of Jewish Studies Department, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, Mokhovaya St., 11. E-mail:
The present paper deals with the decoration patterns of the Maggid davar divination book manuscript. The manuscript comes from the Ancona Jewish community and is dated 1550 according to the colophon. The complex structure of the community shaped by numerous migrations and strong Italian illustrative tradition determined the influence of several types of artistic cultures on the manuscript. The analysis of the miniatures was carried out to evaluate the traces of each illustrative tradition. Also, the decoration of the manuscript was compared with such of the printed books and manuscripts of Italian and Jewish origin. The examination showed that the decoration of the divination book manuscript bears distinguishable traces of Christian Italian artistic culture. It becomes evident both from the arrangement of the miniatures and symbolics that is not connected exclusively to the Jewish Bible. The title page decoration pattern will become common for both printed Hebrew books and manuscripts. All in all, the document analysed stays in between Jewish and Christian Italian manuscript traditions and offers further possibilities to analyse their interrelations.
Keywords: Italy, Ancona, Jewish community, 16th century, manuscript, divination book, miniatures.
Barkova O.N. (Moscow). Anthropology of Fashion of the Russian Abroad in the 20th century: Lady O.N. Edgerton and the Fashion Industry of the United Kingdom in the 1920s…………………………………………………………..141
OL’GA NIKOLAEVNA BARKOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Legal Disciplines Department, Supreme State Audit School (Faculty) of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1, str. 13–14. E-mail:
The article focuses on the history of the creation of the Fashion House “Paul Kare”, opened in 1919 in the United Kingdom by a Russian woman, a British subject, Lady Olga Nikolaevna Edgerton, nee Princess Lobanova-Rostovskaya. A special emphasis in the article is placed on the personal contribution of the Lady O.N. Edgerton — the owner and designer of the Fashion House “Paul Kare” in the matter of personifying the anthropology of fashion of the Russian abroad of the 20th century. The article provides information on other enterprises in fashion industry, opened by Russian women immigrants in the United Kingdom in the 1920–1930s. The article analyses style features, colour palette and various silhouette solutions used in the design of fashion collections of clothing and individual products of the Fashion House “Paul Kare”; also individual elements, fashionable and actual trends in the tailoring of women’s clothing of the 1920s.
Keywords: anthropology of the fashion of the Russian abroad of the twentieth century, Great Britain, Fashion House “Paul Kare”, O.N. Edgerton, Fashion House “Elmis”, Gali Bazhenova.
Mikheyeva G.V. (Saint Petersburg). The branch offices system in the Imperial Public Library (historical essay)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………147
GALINA VASILYEVNA MIKHEYEVA — Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of Library History Department, National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. 191023, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Sadovaya ul., 18. E-mail:
The state of the library business and libraries at any time is closely connected with the general situation in the country. The National Library of Russia is not on the sidelines of all these processes. One of the most important transformations in this Library occurred in the mid 1850s. The general “thirst for knowledge” that embraced Russian society led to a different look at the mission of the Imperial Public Library. The flow of readers to the Library, the change in their composition and their requests, the influx of students that had never before existed in the mid-1850s no less than a third of the total number of readers, inevitably forced the Library to look for new forms of its activities, facilitating readers access to the rapidly updated collections and catalogs. The time for changes in the Imperial Public Library began with the arrival on the post of its director M. A. Korf, rightly called by his contemporaries ‘the organizer of reforms’. Korf came to the conclusion about the need to change the structure of the Library. By an order of April 14, 1850, a decentralized fractional structure was determined — by branch offices. The creation of offices did not take place from scratch. By this time, the Library has already begun to form a branch structure, the main elements of which appeared almost from the very beginning of the existence of the Imperial Public Library.
In the article, for the first time, the formation and functioning of the branch of the Imperial Public Library from the end of the 19th to the 1930th was recreated on a large scale including archival material.
Keywords: Imperial Public Library, National Library of Russia, library history, library structure, branch offices, organization of collections, M.A. Korf, A.N. Olenin.
Kulinich A.A. (Bryansk). To the question of the reasons of the Russian’s army defeat in the Prut Campaign 1711…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..155
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH KULINICH — Postgraduate student, Bryansk State University. 241036, Russian Federation, Bryansk, Bezhitskaya st., 14. E-mail:
The paper considers the formation process of the commodity shortage being one of the causes of the Russian army defeat in the Prut campaign in 1711. The army was headed by Peter the Great. The comparison of a number of dendroclimatological reconstructions of the climate of Southeast Europe revealed a temperature anomaly of the year 1710. The anomaly was observed in Moldavia and never appeared on the remaining European part of the Ottoman Empire.
The analysis of the impact of summer temperature anomaly on the yields of wheat concluded that the full-fledged subsistence support of the Russian army in Moldavia in June, 1711 was impossible. The accusation of hospodar Dimitrie Cantemir that existed in the years since Voltaire was declared indefensible. Peter the Great’s neglect of climatic and commodity factors before entering Moldavia had disastrous effect on the further course of the Prut campaign.
Keywords: dendroclimatology, army provisioning, Prut campaign, Peter I, Cantemir D. K., the Russo-Ottoman War 1710–1713.
Kislitsyn A.V. (Saint Petersburg). The acquisition by the Russian government of foreign rapid-fire cannons and its importance to the rearmament of the Russian Navy in the 1890s……………………………………………………..163
ALEXANDER VLADIMIROVICH KISLITSYN — Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 197110, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya St., 7. E-mail:
The article deals with the process of adopting the Russian Navy the Canet’s rapid-fire cannons at the beginning of the 1890s. At that time there was a qualitative leap in the development of domestic naval artillery. On the basis of new archival sources have been analyzed large-scale activities that were realized by the Ministry of Navy. These measures included the organization of a special commission and the ordering it abroad for the search for the best rapid artillery system, the conclusion of the contract with the engineer Canet, and the creation of the shell case production at the Izhora Admiralty Factories. Activities of the Ministry of Navy allowed the modernization all of the Russian naval artillery materiel. The author detects that the above-noted activity of the Ministry of Navy was a single complex of measures aimed at technical improvement of naval artillery. The author concludes that the main obstruction to modernization of a materiel equipment of the Russian naval artillery in the late 19th century was the technology backwardness of the national military industry. The Ministry of Navy in the early of 1890s found a way to quickly eliminate the backwardness, and domestic ships received weapons which were not inferior naval armament of the leading European powers. However, the result had been possible only temporary because the method of achieving it was limited by purchasing of foreign technologies.
Keywords: the Russian Imperial Navy history, the Ministry of Navy of the Russian Empire, the naval artillery engineer Gustave Canet, technology, military production.
Koroteeva N.N., Simonyan R.Z. (Kursk), Kunizin A.I. (Moscow). Difficulties after the period of occupation, the restoration of the health system (on materials of Kursk region)………………………………169
NATALIA NIKOLAEVNA KOROTEEVA — Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of history and socio-cultural service, South-West state University. 305004, Russian Federation, Kursk, Lenin’s street, d. 65, kv. 12. E-mail:
RIMMA ZORIKOVNA SIMONYAN — Ph.D. in History, Associate professor of public health and health care, Kursk state medical university. 305029, Russian Federation, Kursk, Karl Marx St., 63 a, kv. 30. E-mail:,
ANDREI IVANOVIZ KUNIZIN — Deputy Director of the Directorate of information of JSC «TV company NTV». 109457, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul Zelenodolskaya, 36-2-62 sq. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of the process of reconstruction of destroyed in the period of occupation of the health care system of the country on example of Kursk region. The restoration of the health system in the Kursk region is carried out similarly to other areas, also under the yoke of occupation. The first priority was the restoration of the destroyed hospitals, saturation of their medical staff, necessary for therapeutic maintenance tools, equipment and medicines. Recovery of healthcare was carried out under the total control of party and Soviet bodies. In conditions of the ongoing war, lack of material, financial and human resources medical personnel region by superhuman effort restoring destroyed buildings hospitals, his forces have carried out their repairs. After duty worked on the farms, collected pharmacy utensils and medicinal herbs, since the area was experiencing a shortage of medicines.
The article concluded that the greatest difficulties of the recovery period was short supply of medicines and medical equipment, as a result, patients have less medicinal and therapeutic help.
Keywords: post-occupation period, Kursk region, health care, medicines, Great Patriotic War.
Voronina M.M., Soldatov A.V. (Saint Petersburg). Transport Engineer (Engineer of means of communication) N.F. Yastrzhembsky — scientific, teaching, engineering and literary activities. The formation of applied mechanics as a science…………………………………………………………………………………176
MARGARITA MIHAILOVNA VORONINA — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Higher Mathematics Department at Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University. 190031, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, 9. E-mail:
ALEKSANDR VASILEVICH SOLDATOV — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, the Chief of Philosophy and Sociology Department, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University. 190008, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Lotsmanskay St., 3. E-mail:
This article is devoted to engineer of means of communication N.F. Yastrzhembsky (1808–1874), who was at the beginning of the establishment of applied mechanics as a science in Russia.
N. Yastrzhembsky graduated from Vilnius University and then the Institute of Engineers of Means of Communication in St. Petersburg. He participated in the construction of Kiev’s highway as well as bridges, he taught at the Institute courses of construction and applied mechanics. In 1839 his “Course of Practical Mechanics”, in two volumes, received Demidov award of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
N. Yastrzhembsky was one of the founders for the creation of Russian first Mechanical laboratory for testing building materials and structures.
The article describes his scientific work, courses of General and Applied Mechanics, his Album of drawings of domestic and foreign engineering constructions, which includes unique historical material. Engineering and teaching activities of Yastrzhembsky in educational institutions of St. Petersburg are covered in this article and also his literary work – the first Chapter of the second volume of N.V. Gogol’s “Dead souls”.
Keywords: The Institute of means of communication, an applied mechanics, “The dead souls” by N.V. Gogol.
Kuptsova I.V. (Moscow). Formation of the creative class in modern Russia………………………………………….183
IRINA VALENTINOVNA KUPTSOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Regional and Municipal Administration, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 127055, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novoslobodskaya St., 11–96. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the problem of forming a creative class in modern Russia. The concept of the “creative class” in the interpretation of R. Florida is considered, its characteristic features and structure are determined. There is an ambiguous application of this term to Russian practice. There are several groups of identification of the creative class: as part of the middle class, as an intelligentsia and as an independent group. Within the framework of the sociological, moral and ethical and political approaches, the general and special features of the creative class and the intelligentsia are singled out. The process of formation of the creative class is dependent on its identification. Most of the scholars consider the prerequisites of the formation of the Russian creative class in the 1990s, and the process of formation in the 2000s. The process of forming a creative class in Russia was influenced by the contradictory nature of the privatization process, educational reforms, low level of wages. The process of formation greatly influenced on the specific features of the Russian creative class.
Keywords: creative class, intelligentsia, creativity.
Gorlova N.I. (Moscow). The current content of the concept of “volunteer”: organizational and legal aspect………………………………………….188
NATALYA IVANOVNA GORLOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Sports Industry, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, Stremyanniy l., 36. E-mail:
The article presents a structural and functional analysis of the numerous and diverse variants of the content of the concept of “volunteer” in the modern history of the development of the domestic volunteer institute. The practical base of the research was the organizational and legal documentation of volunteer organizations and associations (volunteer centers, detachments, etc.) on the basis of institutions of higher professional education, secondary vocational schools providing direct training of volunteers in the framework of participation in socially significant events and sports projects of various levels. Particular attention is given to the source base of rulemaking of volunteer centers at religious institutions and social security institutions. The ambiguity of modern understanding and interpretation of “volunteering” is due to a wide range of activities that cover this concept. In addition, the variability of modern interpretations of the concept of “volunteer” convincingly demonstrates the availability of various methodological approaches in understanding the essence of volunteerism and, accordingly, the activity of the key subject of volunteer labor in Russian conditions.
Keywords: volunteer, volunteer center, volunteer squad, volunteer activity, regulations, institutions of higher professional education, secondary vocational schools, social protection institutions.
Losik A.V., Devyatova M.E. (Saint Petersburg). Leningrad — the city-front……………………………………………193
ALEXANDER VITALIAVICH LOSIK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Baltic State Technical University “Voenmech” named after D.F. Ustinov, Deputy Editor of the journal “Кlio”. 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskii Ave., 11. E-mail:
MARINA ERASTOVNA DEVYATOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University. 190121, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Lotsmanskaya St., 3. E-mail:
We learn from the monograph of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Ph.D. in Jurisprudence, Professor B.P. Belozerov “Leningrad battling. 1941” (Saint Petersburg, “Obshchestvo «Znanie»”, 2016, 456 p.) about one of the many definitions of the glorious city of Petr. The book, which became the subject of a review in this article, is devoted to the historical experience of the multifaceted activities of the party, Soviet and economic bodies of Leningrad during the fascist blockade of the city during the Great Patriotic War in mobilizing and uniting all segments of the population of the megalopolis to contain the offensive actions of the German troops in the north-west direction with the aim of preventing them from coming to Leningrad and preventing its capture and destruction.
Basically, as the author of the monograph proves, the transformation of Leningrad into a city-front was carried out already in the first military year — 1941, or rather, in its first military half-year.
Keywords: Operation Barbarossa, defense of the city, L.A. Govorov, security agencies, saboteur-subversive work, rear, struggle with the enemy, Leningrad workers, students, resistance, defense enterprises, science, intelligentsia, partisans, people’s protection.
Korshenko S.V. (Saint Petersburg). Soviet-Japanese War (August-September 1945) through the eyes of Soviet soldiers………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..199
SERGEY VADIMOVICH KORSHENKO — Postgraduate student of 3rd year, History Department, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 196605, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10. E-mail:
World practice has proved that during the Second World War, as part of the agitational and propaganda policy, it became the norm to introduce into the public consciousness official estimates of the military and political leadership about opponents and allies that sometimes differed from the individual perceptions of the inhabitants of a particular country. This article examines the problem of everyday consciousness of Soviet servicemen during the Far Eastern campaign in August-September 1945. In particular, the author focuses on the processes of perception by Soviet soldiers of Japan and the Japanese during direct contact with the enemy, stereotyped ideas about the island neighbor before and after the military campaign, reaction to the beginning of the Soviet-Japanese war. The memories of the participants in the Manchurian strategic offensive operation, landing operations on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, including: front-line soldiers who arrived from the Soviet-German front, the so-called “Far East-Siders”, as well as military correspondents and the Soviet command in the Far East are explored.
Keywords: the Soviet Union, Japan, Manchuria, the Soviet-Japanese war, the “enemy image”, the phenomenon of “kamikaze”, stereotypes, the mood of the population.
Volobuev O.Vl., Chernobaev A.A. (Moscow). International Scientific Conference “The Great Russian Revolution of 1917: a hundred years of study”…………………………………………………………………209
OLEG VLADIMIROVICH VOLOBUEV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Region State University. 105005, Russian Federation, Moscow, Radio St., 10A. E-mail:
ANATOLY ALEXANDROVICH CHERNOBAEV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Historical Archive”. 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskii Ave., 11. E-mail:
The review publishes information about the International Scientific Conference “The Great Russian Revolution of 1917: a hundred years of study”, held in Moscow in October 2017. It is noted that historians from Russia, Finland, Japan, the USA, Great Britain, Serbia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Poland, China, South Korea and other countries took part in it. The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Historical Society S.E. Naryshkin. On behalf of the international organization “History without Borders”, E. Tuomiya (Finland) spoke. At the plenary and sectional meetings, historians expressed their opinion on the state of the historiography of the problem and on the prospects for its further investigation.
Keywords: February Revolution, October Revolution, 1917, Great Russian Revolution, Petrograd, Bolsheviks, parties.
Ippolitov G.M., Repinetskiy A.I. (Samara). 70 years of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Y.P. Anshakov…………………………………………………213
GEORGII MIKHAILOVICH IPPOLITOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading researcher of Institute of Russian History RAS (Samara). 443101, Russian Federation, Samara, Novomolodezhnihyi St., 21–58. E-mail: pfiri@;
ALEKSANDR IVANOVICH REPINETSKIY — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading researcher of Institute of Russian History RAS (Samara). 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskii Ave., 11. E-mail: pfiri@
In the publication, devoted to the 70 anniversary of the birth of the well-known Russian historian Y.P. Anshakov, discusses the career of the celebrant, his contribution to the development of Russian scholarship.
Kuromiya Hiroaki (Bloomington, USA). Letter to the editorial board of “Klio”……………………………….…………215
HIROAKI KUROMIYA — Professor of History Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, Member of the editorial board of the journal “Klio”. E-mail: