Ageev A.I., Zolotarev V.A., Makhutov N.A., (Moscow), Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg), Trunov P.O. (Moscow). Academic science and the complex problems of security……………………………………………………………………13
ALEXANDER IVANOVICH AGEEV — Doctor of Economics, Director General, International Research Institute for Advanced Systems, Institute for Economic Strategies of the Social Sciences Division of the RAS. 117312, Russian Federation, Moscow, 60-letiya Octyabrya St., 9. E-mail:
VLADIMIR ANTONOVICH ZOLOTAREV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor, Vice President of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, State Councilor of Russian Federation of the 1st class. 117312, Russian Federation, Moscow, 60-letiya Octyabrya St., 9. E-mail:
NIKOLAY ANDREEVICH MAKHUTOV — Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of RAS working group on risks problems. 117312, Russian Federation, Moscow, 60-letiya Octyabrya St., 9. E-mail:
SERGEY NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal «Klio». 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskii Pr., 11. E-mail:
PHILIP OLEGOVICH TRUNOV — Ph.D. in Political Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Branch of Historical-Philological Sciences Division of the RAS. 117312, Russian Federation, Moscow, 60-letiya Octyabrya St., 9. E-mail:
The main tendencies of the sphere of international security at the present stage are considered. The return of the importance of the military factor in international relations requires the qualitative growth of prognostic studies in the military-political, scientific-technological, economic and socio-cultural spheres. The article made the conclusion about the need to strengthen these developments in the RAS and proposed measures for the practical implementation of this idea. The more effective use of knowledge about the history of military and political potential of Russia is substantiated. Attention is paid to the importance of non-contact influence on the potential enemy, on the use of non-military methods of influence on him. The importance of work ahead of schedule in the activities of RAS to ensure the security of the country is emphasized.
Keywords: security, defense capability, military-strategic modeling, Russian Academy of Sciences, conflictology, modern challenges.
Minyar-Beloruchev K.V. (Moscow). Spatial approach to studying history (Case of North America at the 19th Century)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21
KONSTANTIN VALERIEVICH MINYAR-BELORUCHEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Lomonosovsky Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
Spatial approach expands the repertoire of research methods of history through bringing into use а suite of tools of historical and political geography as well as geopolitics. Spatial approach is used for studying the history of North America throughout the long nineteenth century, when the North American subsystem of International Relations was formed, with spatial aspect playing a key role in the process. Three types of territorial communions were present in North America in the nineteenth century: independent states; colonial possessions and dependent territories; no man’s lands (undeveloped lands with undefined international status). The article deals with the issues of international legal status of territories and status change (territorial transfer, annexation of no man’s lands), creation of new states (including decolonization), setting boundaries, physiographic and economic development of territories (including exploration and settler colonialism).
Keywords: territory, expansion, spatial aspect — history, historical geography, political geography, geopolitics – North America, United States, Canada, Mexico — “long nineteenth century”.
Manokhin А.А. (Moscow). Synoptic redaction of Kormchaia Book: relations between copies……………………………27
ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDROVICH MANOKHIN — Postgraduate student, Department of Russian History to the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
Scholar’s interest to Canon Law and to the heritage of Metropolitan of all Russia Daniel grows instantly. The author researches all copies of Synoptic Nomocanon (Svodnaya Kormchaia Book) created by Metropolitan Daniel under this circumstances. He focuses on the relations between them to identify versions of Synoptic Redaction and concludes that there are two versions: Egorov-Museum and Archival. First version exists in two copies: Research Department of Manuscripts of Russian State Library, f. 98 (Egorov), no. 893 and Department of Manuscript of State Historical Museum, Museum collection, no. 3456. Second version includes other four: Research Department of Manuscripts of Russian State Library, f. 310 (Undolskiy), no. 27; Russian State Archive of Early Acts, f. 181 (Manuscript Department of Moscow Main Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs), inv. 17, no. 1598; Science Library of Saint Petersburg State University, MS E.IV.67 and Institute of Manuscripts of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, f. 312 (Kiev cathedral of Saint Sophia), no. 54.
Keywords: Canon Law, 16th century, Kormchaia Book (Nomocanon), Synoptic Nomocanon, Metropolitan of all Russia Daniel, Index in XIV titles, filigrees.
Il’in E.V., Sokhor T.E. (Saint Petersburg). Cadet traditions in the memoirs of the graduates of the Polotsk Corps (second half of the 19th century)………………………………………………………………………………33
EVGENII VASIL’EVICH IL’IN — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Director of the Center for the Study of Military History, St. Petersburg State University, 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab. 7–9, E-mail:
TATYANA EVGEN’EVNA SOKHOR — Engineer, St. Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab. 7–9, E-mail:
In the article, unknown materials on the history of the Polotsk Cadet Corps, such as the memoirs of K.D. Pelissky (1891) and N.N. Luknitsky (2014) are presented. There is detailed description about illegal cadet’s traditions sush as walking through the lofts underground communications of the building of the Jusuit Academy. In contrast to the memories of other cadets who mention these “excursions” in passing, Pelissky and Luknitsky narrate about the subjects in question in great detail. Insolated corp’s location left traces on the style life and games of the grown ups cadets. Forbidden and romantic trips from one generation to another connected vestless cadet’s brotherhood. Forbidden trips to the underground and lofts rooms were the symbol of independence, will and real opportunity to test themselves.
Keywords: Polotsk, Cadet Corps, Pelissky, Luknitsky, military education, dungeons of the Jesuit Academy, Cadet traditions, memories.
Khomenko S.V. (Moscow). The history of elections to the First State Duma of the Taurida region in the perception of contemporaries……………………………………………………………………………………………39
SERGEI VASILEVICH KHOMENKO — Postgraduate student, Source study Department of Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The article focuses on analysis of recollections of knyaz V.A. Obolenskiy, who was a prominent political and public figure, participant of elections to the First State Duma, chairman of the Tauric branch of the Constitutional Democratic Party, and the creator of the newspaper “Life of Crimea”. Other materials used are local periodicals and newspapers. The main aim was to recreate various aspects of society politicization and elections in Taurida region in the beginning of XXth century. However, while analysing, it was also important to understand the evaluations and characteristics assigned to various political parties and their activities by their coevals and opinions of election participants about the distinguished features and outcomes of the election process in the Taurida region. The study is based on a combination of memoirs and periodicals which allows to fully reconstruct the history of elections to the State Duma in Taurida region, examine the individuals who created the past, understand influential societal trends, identify distinct historical details and features of the election process, which could not be spotted otherwise.
Keywords: elections, State Duma, election process, source study, The Crimea, memoirs, methodology, press, reconstruction, The Taurida Governorate.
Kutergin V.А. (Moscow). The political ideals of the Irish radical nationalists of the second half of the 19th century……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….46
VASILLY ALEKSEEVICH KUTERGIN — Researcher, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Postgraduate student of the Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
The article deals with the political edifice and ideals of the Irish radical nationalists. In order to achieve the goal the author analyzes the meaning of the key words in the discourse of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, examines the views of the IRB on the Independent Irish state. The author points out that the relationships between the representatives of the Irish radical brotherhood and Catholic Church were complex. At the end of the article the author comes to the conclusion that the system of the views of the Irish radical nationalists allowed the latter to construct a special narrative of resistance, which became dominant in the Irish national movement in the early 20th century.
Keywords: Ireland, Irish nationalism, Patrick Pearse, James Stephens, identity, Irish Republican brotherhood.
Kovalevsky D.G. (Saint Petersburg). Iron shipbuilding in Germany: equity capital, smelting dynamics of sheet and high-grade steel………………………………………………………………………………………………………54
DENIS GEORGIEVICH KOVALEVSKY — Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Researcher of the Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Navy “The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov”. 197045, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Ushakovskaya emb., 17/1. Е-mail:
This article is about armored shipbuilding in Germany (the late 19th — early 20th centuries). The review of the regulatory and legal framework in this industry is made. It is proved that the state policy in the field of German steel shipbuilding had a clearly expressed protectionist character. The article considers the largest shipbuilding and mechanical plants in Germany, in particular, their technical capabilities, share capital, working conditions and payment.
Considering that the picture of the armored shipbuilding of any country will not be complete without an analysis of its steel industry, the results of smelting of sheet and high-grade steel are analyzed. A number of problems of military shipbuilding in Russia will be touched upon. For the comparative evaluation of the German and Russian shipbuilding, the Grebnoy Port of Galernaya harbor, the Admiralty and Izhorsk plants in St. Petersburg are taken. The analysis of the quality of shipbuilding works in Germany and Russia is given. The paper outlines some of the main points of the report of the Russian ship engineer K.A. Tennyson “Activities necessary for the development of Russian private shipbuilding”.
Keywords: armored shipbuilding in Germany, end of the 19th century — the beginning of the 20th century, the legal and regulatory framework in industry, shipbuilding and mechanical plants.
Tsintsadze N.S. (Tambov). Environmental aspects of agrarian policy of the Russian Empire in 1861–1917s…………60
NINA SERGEEVNA TSINTSADZE — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Institute of Law and National Security of the Derzhavin Tambov State University. 392018, Russian Federation, Tambov, Michurinskaya St., 110, apt. 114. E-mail:
In the article on the basis of a wide range of archival and published sources, the ecological aspects of the agrarian policy of the Russian Empire are considered during the post-reform period. The research was based on materials about the activities of the central agricultural department of the country, which in different years was called the Ministry of State Property, the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property, the General Directorate for Land Management and Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture. The purpose of the study is to find out the level of awareness of the socio-natural problems of agriculture by the governance and stuff of this department, to determine their priority in the practice of this management body, to study concrete measures to minimize and eliminate the consequences of socio-natural disasters.
The revealed sources allowed to draw a conclusion about completely independent ecological aspects of the activity of the agrarian department of the empire on the eve of the 1917 revolution. The agricultural department of the country in the late post-reform period was engaged in land reclamation, forest management, regulation of water use. Much had been done in the field of agro-education of the population. Attention to rational nature management increased as the agrarian and environmental crisis deepened and aggravated in the country. Last gaining momentum along with the growing number of peasant population. Agricultural policy has evolved in the direction of detection of the crisis to their active consideration, elimination and prevention. The drawbacks of the ministry’ agrarian and environmental policy are also noted: a lack of administrative attention to the socio-natural problems of the village and financing of agricultural and agricultural measures. The drawn conclusions will help to understand the peculiarities of state nature management in the sphere of agriculture, not only in the late imperial, but also in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and besides will help to understand the historical roots of contemporary environmental problems.
Keywords: agricultural policy, population, overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, the Russian Empire, ecological crisis, environmental history, ecomentality.
Anfertiev I.A. (Moscow). ‘… Prof. Lomonosov needs publicity, and he does not shrink from getting the Sovnarkom involved in the matter.’ Activities of the ruling RCP (b) in the sphere of economy: Conflict between the Politburo of the Central Committee and the Sovnarkom over purchasing of ‘golden’ Swedish locomotives………………………………70
IVAN ANATOL’EVICH ANFERTIEV — Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor, professor, Russian State University for Humanities, of the department of contemporary history. 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miusskaja ploshhad’, d. 6. E-mail:
In the sphere of economic governance in the first years of Soviet power, among the leaders of the ruling RCP(b) there prevailed a trend designate party members with pre-revolutionary experience for key posts, and even most experienced specialists had to work under their direct supervision. However, there were exceptions; thus, non-Party, liberal-minded professor Yu. V. Lomonosov was employed by the Soviets. Before 1917 he was a successful railway engineer who provided services to the Bolsheviks. Stormy 1917 and the Civil War, the Russian engineer preferred to spend abroad, where he worked within his specialty teaching engineering to future railway workers and pursuing science. On September 19, 1919, already well-known in Russia as a supporter of Soviet power abroad, he came back in a personal car given to him by the Soviet authorities. He thus traveled through the ravaged country and arrived in Moscow, where People’s Commissar of Communications L. B. Krasin introduced him to V. I. Lenin; his erudition and knowledge in engineering and economics made a favourable impression on the leader of the Party and the Soviet state. The impression was strong enough that professor Lomonosov was mentioned at the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) discussing draft appeal to the Russian intellectuals abroad (January 23, 1920). At a later stage, he was involved in prolonged conflict between the chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars V.I. Lenin and his closest associates in the Politburo, when amid interdepartmental power struggles for control over the ‘gold reserve’ of the Russian Empire a fierce race for power in Soviet Russia began.
Keywords: Ruling RCP(b), People’s Commissariat of Railways, Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b), Sovnarkom, V. I. Lenin, J. V. Stalin, Yu. V. Lomonosov, economic sphere of the RCP(b).
Grigoriev A.A. (Moscow). The political activity of Soviet defectors in emigration in the 1920–1930s……………………84
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH GRIGORIEV — Intern of the Chair of Contemporary Russian History, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 121614, Russian Federation, Moscow, Krylatsky hills St., 35, building 3, apt. 561. E-mail:
In the 1920s and 1930s, several Soviet defectors declared oneself political refugees. Some spoke about their disdain for Bolshevism, other criticized only I. Stalin. Several materials published by Soviet defectors in foreign countries were the sources of numerous anti-Soviet fictions, many of which survived to nowadays. Between the new-made political refugees existed not only right anti-communists but also supporters of L.D. Trotsky. Besides, all this did not hinder to cooperate them actively with intelligence organizations of foreign countries, including with Nazi Germany. The article based on publications in emigre press and documents of Prague collection of the State Archive of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: non-returnees, defectors, Stalin’s repressions, the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Cold War, V.L. Burtsev, L.D. Trotsky, white emigration.
Podrepny E.I., Seryi V.V. (Nizhny Novgorod). Housing construction and maintenance of housing stock in the aircraft factories of the USSR in the first post-war five-year plan (1946–1951)………………………………………………………91
EVGENY ILYICH PODREPNY — Associate Professor of the Department of History and Politics of the Institute of International Relations and World History, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky. 603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Ulyanova, 2. E-mail podrepnyy @ yandex. ru
VIKTOR VALERIEVICH SERYI — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of JSC “Veresk”. 603005, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Nesterova, 10. E-mail: vvs-dao @ mail .ru
After the end of the World War II the housing problem in the USSR was extremely acute. A significant part of the housing stock contained temporary houses (barracks). At aviation plants of the country, it was aggravated also by the fact that part of the housing stock was transferred to them by other organizations and was subject to return after the War. In addition, due to dilapidation the barracks were permanently decommissioned. The production capacity of the aviation plants’ building organizations did not ensure simultaneous construction, modernization and expansion of capital facilities and housing construction. Those problems were typical both for plants that were not affected by military operations and for enterprises evacuated to a new location, such as factories N. 84 and 95. A difficult problem was the renovation of housing stock, especially hostels. Construction of medical facilities, kindergartens, clubs during the War was practically not conducted.
After the war ended, a gradual solution of those problems began. The article shows the main directions and methods of solving the housing problem on the basis of archival documents. First of all we are talking about the content of hostels and the existing housing stock of aviation enterprises. The leadership of the industry assigned a big role to the construction of housing by economic means, with the involvement of the employees of enterprises themselves. To solve the issue, public organizations, primarily trade unions, were involved. Individual construction of residential houses began with the help of the administration of aircraft plants. This experience can be creatively used in modern conditions.
Keywords: improvement, housing, repair, construction, aviation enterprises, residential houses.
Volgin E.I. (Moscow). Formation of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in the context of the political crisis of the CPSU (1990–1991)……………………………………………………………………………………………………97
EVGENY IGOREVICH VOLGIN — Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of the History of Social Movements and Political Parties, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 107061, Russian Federation, Moscow, B. Cherkizovskaya, 2–3–43. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the Communist Party of the RSFSR (CP RSFSR). The appearance of this party organization is considered in the general context of Russia’s gain of state sovereignty. The Russian Federation, gradually emerging from the shadow of the USSR, acquired its own political institutions. The author considers the fact that the emergence of the CP RSFSR was associated with the beginning of Russian partogenesis, which was accompanied by a crisis and the disintegration of the former one-party system. The article considers the preparatory stage, which preceded the constituent congress of the Russian Communist Party. The article discusses the main political factors that have influenced the institutionalization of this political structure. Alternative strategies for the establishment of the republican Communist Party, which were proposed by various factions in the CPSU, are considered. The main attention is paid to the constituent congress of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, as well as to the election of its governing structures. However, considering several circumstances accompanying the process of formation and subsequent activities of the Communist Party of Russia, the author calls into question the political expediency of creating this organization in the form in which it was established in 1990.
Keywords: the CPSU, Communist Party of the RSFSR, Gorbachev, Polozkov, Yeltsin, Kuptsov, Congress of People’s Deputies, political party, perestroika.
Pavlova O.K. (Saint Petersburg). Foreigners in Saint Petersburg: Swedish-Finnish Diaspora in the 18th — 19th centuries………………………………………………………………………………………………………107
OLGA KONSTANTINOVNA PAVLOVA — Doctor of Historical sciences, Professor, International Relations Department, Institute of Humanities, Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University after Peter the Great. 195251, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya St., 29. E-mail:
The article considers the historical aspects of the foreigners’ residence in Saint-Petersburg by showing the example of the Swedish-Finnish community in the city. The history of settlements and diversified activity of the Swedes and Finns in Petersburg is investigated. The life story and activity of the most famous representatives of the Swedish and Finnish Diasporas in Saint-Petersburg as well as their contribution to the construction, development of the crafts and industry is studied. The examples of the Swedish and Finnish Diasporas participation in the development of national and Russian culture and charity are given.
Keywords: Petersburg, history, foreigners, the Swedes, the finns, occupation, traditions, business, charity, eighteen century, nineteen century.
Izbassarova G.B. (Moscow). «Provision how to manage the Orenburg kyrgyz» of the year 1844: contents and innovations……………………………………………………………………………………………………115
GULBANU BOLATOVNA IZBASSAROVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Historical department, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1. E-mail:
The purpose of this article is to study the reasons to introduce the «Provision how to manage the Orenburg Kyrgyz (Kazakhs – G.I.)» of the year 1844 as well we its main topics. In spite of the fact that this reform was one of the most important acts of management of Kazakhs of the Orenburg department, it hasn’t received the proper attention both in Kazakhstan, and in the Russian historical science. The author uses the new archival sources found in GAOO, RGIA, TsGA RK funds and introduces them to scientific world. The methods of a research such as micro and macro-approaches in the history are used in this work. Special attention is paid to study the institute of sultans-governors as the first link of private (local) management of nomads. The author comes to a conclusion that the imperial administration in the first half of the 19th century was guided by the principle not to change former social and political system at Kazakhs, by providing the management of the Kazakh Steppe to nomads, but having leaved the control to the Orenburg Boundary commission.
Keywords: Kazakh Steppe of the Orenburg department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asian Department, Orenburg military governor, Orenburg Boundary commission, sultans-governors, distancey chiefs, reform, national court, management.
Tregubenko A.V. (Saint-Petersburg). Tactical aspects of the Soviet Union struggle for peace treaty with Japan: plan of withdrawal from Allied Occupation bodies (1948)……………………………………………122
ANNA VITALIEVNA TREGUBENKO — External Ph.D. student, Department of Theory and History of IR, School of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University. 191060, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Smolny St., 1/3, entrance 8. E-mail:
Based on materials of the Russian Federation Foreign Policy Archive, the author studies a plan ‑ not printed before ‑ of the USSR unilateral withdrawal from the Far Eastern Commission and Allied Council for Japan, elaborated by the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to step up preparation of peace treaty with Japan in quadripartite format. In addition the author describes other efforts of the soviet party to bring the occupation of Japan to an end in 1948. Comparing tactical objectives of the USSR and the USA in regard to Japan and ways of their achievement, the author comes to a conclusion that they determined deterioration of Soviet-American confrontation in the country as well as the shift of the great powers to “cold war” policy in Asia and impacted the decision of the USSR to support Chinese communists.
Keywords: USSR, USA, occupation of Japan, Far East Commission (FEC), Allied Council for Japan, peace treaty for Japan, cold war.
Pestich S.S. (Moscow). Policy of the USSR on the settlement of the Middle East conflict after the Six-Day War in 1967…………………………………………………………………………………………………………130
SERGEY SERGEEVICH PESTICH — Postgraduate student, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovskii Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to pressing and little studied issue: analysis of the Soviet policy on the settlement of the Arab-Israeli confrontation after the Six-Day War until the adaptation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242. Over the years the Arab-Israeli conflict has been a major factor of the instability of the Middle East region. Russia as a successor of the USSR is participating in the settlement of this conflict. The Six-Day war has become a milestone in the development of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the issue of just solution for all parties became more relevantfor the intraregional processes as well as for the policy of other countries, in particular USSR and USA. That was when the key challenges to be resolved were identified and the compromise principles were elaborated that should have led to the resolution of the conflict. Soviet Union strong influenced on the processes in the Middle East, however, the Soviet authority had a complicated relationship both with allies – Egypt and Syria, and with Israel, the strategic partner of the United States.
Keywords: Arab-Israeli conflict, the USSR, the Middle East, the Six-Day war, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, settlement, foreign policy, Syria, Egypt, Israel.
Liu Fangfei (Saint Petersburg). Chinese public diplomacy in Central Asia…………………………………………………135
LIU FANGFEI — Postgraduate student of the Department of International Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation, School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 199397, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Beringa St., 27–2. E-mail:
Image of China was cognitive different among Central Asia and lead to the development of the relationship. It becomes clear that Central Asia is of great importance to Chinese foreign policy and public diplomacy in these years. Since 2009, when the first Confucius Institute was built up at Tajikistan, China began to consciously pursue diplomatic action in Central Asia. However, due to historical reasons, the competition between the great powers and the lack of strategy of public diplomacy, combined with complex ethnic and religious environment of the Central Asia, the achievement of public diplomacy of China in Central Asia is not always satisfactory. Recent years in China there is growing public diplomacy. After the 18th Congress of the CPC, China has put public diplomacy to a strategic height the first time. Public diplomacy in the Central Asia region is becoming an increasingly important factor to China in the coming decades and is of great importance for carrying out the concept of “One belt, one road”.
Keywords: Central Asia, public diplomacy, cultural co-operation, Public Relations, Media diplomacy, Cultural diplomacy, “One belt, one road”.
Chernykh А.А. (Moscow). Russia, the Great Powers and international regional conflicts…………………………………142
ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDROVICH CHERNYKH — Postgraduate student, Department of the History of Russia of the 20th–21st centuries, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the problem of great powers engagement in the international regional conflicts and their consequences. In the research the author refers to the examples of two recent conflicts: the participation of NATO countries in the Libyan civil war (2011) and the Russian military operation in Syria (2015–2016). The author considers the great powers capability to take part in the regional conflicts on these examples with involving data on other conflicts. The researcher comes to the conclusion that the enormous military and political potential of the great powers could not be applied to the conflict fully. Exerted forces inevitably fades away due to different factors: from geographical features to our internal policy. As a result, the great power remains the only one of the existing forces directly at the scene of the conflict.
Keywords: Russia, Great Powers, Libya, Syria, Middle East, international regional conflict, foreign policy.
Kolpashnikova D.D. (Moscow). Holy countryman. Towards the question of the Saint Bernardin`s iconography formation in the Sienese visual arts of the middle of the XV century……………………………………………………………………149
DARIA DMITRIEVNA KOLPASHNIKOVA — Postgraduate student, General Art History Department, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). 119192, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The problem of the origin of portraiture during the Italian Renaissance is considered in this article as a consequence of new saints` emergence in 13th–15th centuries. Both donators and the laity could have known them in person. Thus, artists could not fail to give individual recognizable traits to the images of these newly canonized saints. Saint Bernardino of Siena is a characteristic example. He was a talented preacher, who quickly earned love of his fellow citizens and was canonized soon after his death. The author of the article, relying on latest research in the field of iconography of saints and on classic studies of Renaissance culture, proves the importance of the phenomenon of “new saints”, and also demonstrates stages of formation of Saint Bernardin`s image in the painting of the 15th century, highlighting artists that participated in this process, and, first of all, Stefano di Giovanni da Cortona (Sassetta) — a painter, who could be considered a creator of the iconography of this saint.
Keywords: Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni, Renaissance, Sienese art, Saint Bernardin.
Gorbilyov A.M. (Moscow). To the problem of the transformation of the functional design of the kata in the classical budo of the Meiji era (1868–1912)……………………………………………………………………………157
ALEXEI MIKHAILOVICH GORBILYOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of History and Culture of Japan, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 125009, Russian Federation, Moscow, Mokhovaya St., 11, building 1. E-mail:
The liquidation of the samurai class at the beginning of the Meiji period (1868–1912) meant that martial arts schools lost their social base. On the basis of the old samurai fencing embodied in hundreds of schools, gradually formed a unified Japanese «way of the sword» — kendo. The first to unify techniques and develop uniform standard kata, not associated with the traditions of old schools, were teachers of kenjutsu — sword fencing of the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo.
In 1879, kenjutsu was introduced into the police training program. To organize the classes as instructors, the leading masters of that time were invited to the police service, and the Police Training School with fencing hall established. The special commission, which included five leading fencing instructors of the Metropolitan Police Department, gradually developed a standard kata of kenjutsu for introduction to the police. As a result, there appeared a complex named “Ten standard kata of fencing of the Metropolitan Police Department”.
The introduction of this complex into the police training program facilitated the unification of training, the overcoming of the contradictions characteristic of the numerous schools of fencing of the feudal era, the formation of a single nationwide style of Japanese fencing and at the same time was an important tool for the formation of the Japanese nation, the improvement of the special training and moral of the Japanese police.
Keywords: martial arts, kata, kenjutsu, fencing with sword, kendo, budo, Meiji.
Skurlov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). Gifts-awards from His Majesty’s Cabinet in the antique market (by the example of cigarette cases)………………………………………………………………………………………………163
VALENTIN VASILIEVICH SKURLOV — Ph.D. in Art History, Independent Researcher. 199406, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya St., 37–3–47. E-mail:
Gifts-awards from the office of his Majesty – the unexplored field of artistic objects of jewelry. In the state museums of Russia practically there are no such objects. For the first time, the issue of the volume and structure of the assortment of cigarette cases realized through the Cabinet of His Majesty during the last two reigns (1881–1917) was considered. These products bore the state emblem of the Russian Empire double – headed eagle or Imperial crown, and the most valuable items – monogram or a portrait of the Emperor or empresses. Archival materials are considered in the context of previous scientific research results, and, apart of gnoseological interest, will be in demand for practical use by antique dealers, collectors and museum staff engaged in the subject of Fabergé.
Keywords: Fabergé, gifts, the Office of his Majesty, the Imperial family, archive attribution, cigarette case, antique market, auctions.
Vinogradov P.V. (Vladivostok). Activity of the Vladivostok carload workshops on maintenance of transportations of military technical cargoes during the First World War………………………………………………………………………169
PAVEL VALENTINOVICH VINOGRADOV — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Special Subjects, Far Eastern Fire and Rescue Academy – a branch of the St. Petersburg State University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. 690922 Vladivostok. Russian Island, Ajax village, 27. E-mail:
In the article, based on previously unpublished archival sources of central and regional archives, the question of the functioning and activities of the Vladivostok temporary car-building workshops is little studied. The First World War demonstrated the extremely important role of railways, both in providing military operations, and in the stable functioning of the economy transferred to military rails. However, the domestic industry was not able to ensure the proper production of rolling stock. Therefore, during the war, the tsarist government began resorting to the purchase of railway property abroad mainly in the United States. With the purpose of prompt commissioning of foreign rolling stock in Vladivostok, where the main deliveries of railroad equipment were involved, carload workshops were created. Thanks to the rapid deployment of production, the rational organization of labor, the workshops contributed to a qualitative increase in the country’s car fleet. No less important role carload workshops played in the timely transportation of foreign goods and strategic raw materials. Vladivostok has become one of the key ports in the acceptance of cargoes going through military and technical cooperation, and the wagons collected in the workshops were the main element increasing the speed and timeliness of the transportation of goods to European Russia.
Keywords: First World War, military – technical cooperation, foreign deliveries, rolling stock, carload workshops, freight car, production cycle, Vladivostok.
Galkina Y.M. (Yekaterinburg). The French trace in the “Lockhart’s plot”: who is Henri Verthamon?………………………….176
YULIYA MIKHAILOVNA GALKINA — Postgraduate student, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Ural Federal University. 620000, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Lenin Ave., 51. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the French intelligence officer Henri de Verthamon, the participant of the “Lockhart’s plot”, who was condemned to death by the Soviet Revolutionary Tribunal because of anti-Soviet activity. Nowadays, the person of de Verthamon was not fixedly considered either in Russian or foreign historiography, therefore the French secret-service agent continued to be a shadow of the “Lockhart’s plot”. The research is based on the sources of archives of the French Ministry of Defense and of the French Foreign Ministry. The author reconstructs the professional career of Henri de Verthamon, the activity of his mission in Soviet Russia in 1918 and his communications with the anti-Soviet underground. So, it is not quite correct to connect the operations of Henri de Verthamon with the so-called “Lockhart’s plot”, also the failure both of his mission and the French special services during the confrontation with the Cheka was one of the reasons to block their activities in Russia in the next decade.
Keywords: the Lockhart’s plot, French Military Mission, the anti-Soviet underground, Henri de Verthamon, Russian-French relations.
Solovyov K.A. (Moscow). The work of K.A. Solovyov and N.A. Elizarova in the Museum of the Dmitrovsky Edge in 1921–1933. (Based on the materials of the family archive and documents of the Dmitrov city archive)………………187
KIRILL ALEXEEVICH SOLOVYOV — Ph.D. in Culturology, Associate Professor of the National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Associate Professor of the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. 129337, Russian Federation, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe sh., 26, office 508. E-mail:
The article of the candidate of cultural studies of Kirill Alekseyevich Solovyov is devoted to the history of the establishment of the Dmitrov museum of local lore, the history of work in this museum of its first director Kirill Alekseyevich Solovyov and his wife Nadezhda Alekseevna Elizarova (grandpapa and grandmother of the author of the article) in the 1920-1933 years of the twentieth century. The article was written on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Historical and Art Museum-Reserve Dmitrovsky Kremlin and was once again reminded to historians; art historians and museum experts of the hard way Russian and Soviet museology had passed in the first years of Soviet power. The article cites information from the family archive of the Solovievs – Elizarovs, documents of the Dmitrovsky district archive. Also, materials from the Bulletin of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region on museums, their affairs and plans, No. 2 of which for 2003 was fully devoted to the history of the establishment and development of the Dmitrov Museum. In the article, the author traces the history of the development of the Dmitrov Museum and tries to disclose little-known pages of the history of the formation of his collections. Some of the photographs used by the author are unique photographs of the family archive and have never been introduced into scientific circulation before.
Keywords: Museum of the Dmitrovsky Krai, Kirill Alekseyevich Soloviev, Nadezhda Alekseevna Elizarova, Peter Alekseevich Kropotkin, Anna Dmitrievna Shakhovskaya, Natalia Dmitrievna Shahovskaya, Vladimir Mikhailovich Golitsyn, Dmitrovsky Borisoglebsky Monastery, Dmitrlag OGPU USSR.
Zdanovich А.А. (Moscow). For the study of the history of the Cheka-NKVD at the present stage: polemical notes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………196
ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH ZDANOVICH — Doctor of History, Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya St., 1/1. E-mail:
In connection with the 100th anniversary of VCHK-FSB of Russia was published an interview of the Director of the Federal security service A.V. Bortnikov, which caused both positive and critical reviews. In the controversy about some of the statements of heads of important government agencies, relating to the period of mass repressions, rose and a more General question about the degree of scrutiny of the Soviet period of history of national security agencies. The article argues that some researchers deliberately pedaled the theme of repression, while the fight against real external and internal threats to our state remains in the background. New and new historical sources on the subject of repressions are introduced into scientific circulation, and materials on specific operations against foreign intelligence agencies and subversive centers and extremist elements inside the country remain in secret storage and inaccessible to historians. This creates a distorted picture of the events that took place in the 1920-1930s in the sphere of ensuring the country’s security.
Keywords: Interview of the Director of FSB of Russia, the controversy, the history of the security organs, repression, counter-intelligence operations of the Cheka-NKVD.
Salmin A.K. (Saint Petersburg). Review of the official opponent on the dissertation of A.A. Badmayev «Traditional life support culture of the Buryats: genesis, evolution, transformation»………………………………………………………206
ANTON KIRILLOVICH SALMIN — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Univerrsitetskaia nab., 3. E-mail:
The publication is a report of the official opponent of A.A. Badmayev’s doctoral thesis on the traditional life support culture of the Buryats. It is noted in the report that the author includes the culture genesis adaptation mechanisms, the settlement system, houses and household outbuildings, the meal system, and the costumes complex into the discussed topic. The development of life support structure centers around nomadism. When analyzing the nutritional complex of the Buryats, Andrey Andreevich refers to the sources. He refers to the Hun material for comparison, because Mongoloid Huns known as western Hus occupied the same areas as the Buryats’ ancestors for many centuries. It is also true that panic grass was the main crop in the steppe belt of ancient and medieval Europe. In the official opponent’s opinion, the thesis research of A.A. Badmayev “Traditional life support culture of the Buryats: genesis, evolution, transformation” deserves high estimate, meets the requirements for doctoral theses in ethnography, and the author himself deserves award of the doctor’s degree in historical sciences in the specialty 07.00.07: ethnography, ethnology, anthropology.
Keywords: Buryats, traditional culture, ethnogenesis, housing, food, clothing.
Salmin A.K. (Saint Petersburg). Review of the official opponent on the dissertation of D.V. Puzanov «Natural phenomena in the sacral world view of peoples of Eastern Europe in 9th – 18th centuries (following the written sources)»………………………………………………………………………………………………211
ANTON KIRILLOVICH SALMIN — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Univerrsitetskaia nab., 3. E-mail:
The publication is a report of the official opponent of D.V. Puzanov’s MPhil thesis on natural phenomena in the sacral world view of Eastern Europe peoples in 9th – 18th centuries. It is noted in the report that the research is of inter-disciplinary nature and integrates elements of ethnography, medieval studies, source studies, sociology, and ethnopsychology. The candidate was the first to perform a comprehensive analysis of concepts of natural phenomena of the peoples of the whole Eastern European region of pre-Mongolian times. The idea of research of concepts of natural phenomena as a single phenomenon is new. At the same time, Daniil Viktorovich studies the Eastern European region as a whole. In the official opponent’s opinion, the thesis research of D.V. Puzanov “Natural phenomena in the sacral world view of peoples of Eastern Europe in 9th – 18th centuries (following the written sources)” deserves high estimate, meets the requirements for MPhil theses in ethnography, and the author himself deserves award of the candidate’s degree in historical sciences in the specialty 07.00.07: ethnography, ethnology, anthropology.
Keywords: natural phenomena, sacral, Eastern Europe, IX-XIII centuries, published sources.
Makhlina S.T. (Saint Petersburg). Review of the collection of articles “The city and townspeople in Soviet Russia 1920–1930s: the world of emotions and everyday practices” (Krasnodar, Traditsiya Publ., 2017)……………………………216
SVETLANA TEVELIEVNA MAKHLINA — Honored worker of higher education of Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Theory and History of Culture, Saint Petersburg State University of Culture. 191186, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 2. E-mail:
The review analyzes the content of the collection of articles by different authors devoted to the history of emotions. The reviewer notes that this scientific problem is not only interesting and relevant, but also almost not studied by researchers. It is noted that the articles are written by historians. But the authors studied the history of emotions from the point of view of not only historical science, but also from the point of view of culturology and psychology. Attention is drawn to the geography of participants: the book includes articles by historians from Krasnodar, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Chicago. The reviewer believes that the author’s team has prepared an innovative work, which has become an important stage in the study of the history of emotions.
Keywords: emotions, city, megapolis, citizens, communication, interaction, feelings.