Zotov S.O. (Berlin, Germany), Morosow W.N. (St. Petersburg). Paracelsus in the Culture of the USSR and of the Russia Abroad: Historiography of Paracelsiana in the Oeuvre of Scholars, Ideologists and Intellectuals of the 20th Century ……………………………………………………………………..13
MA in Cultural Studies, Fellow at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117, Berlin, Germany
PhD in Philosophy, Postdoc-Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, State University of St. Petersburg, Mendeleyevskaya line 5, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia
The article presents for the first time the historiography of Paracelsian thought in Russian 20th century culture. The authors detail the reception of Paracelsiana in the works of scholars, ideologists, fiction authors, philosophers and occultists. Based on the works of authors from the USSR and the Russia abroad, the paper demonstrates how Paracelsus’ image and ways of theming his heritage in Russian culture transformed at different stages of history. For the first time oeuvre of Nikolai Morozov, Vladimir Proskuryakov, Basilio de Telepnef and Sergius Golowin are considered through the prism of Paracelsianism’s reception. Based on extensive material, the authors of the article highlight the key features of Paracelsus’ reception, typical for thinkers who lived in the USSR, on the one hand, and who lived in exile, on the other.
Keywords: Paracelsus, Russian culture, Russian history, Swiss history, history of alchemy and medicine
Kashevarov A.N. (St. Petersburg). Pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia in the research of N. S. Timashev ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation,
Professor Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Professor Saint Petersburg State University,
Russia, 195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya Str., 29.
The article is devoted to the thoughts of the outstanding scientist N.S. Timashev on pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia. N.S. Timashev was not a historian or philosopher. However, the systematic nature of his analysis of the social processes of Russian and Soviet society, his predictions about the prospects for the development of post-communist Russia allow him to be considered one of the founders of “Russian studies” and “Soviet science” in the West. According to Professor Timashev, after 1905-1907 Russia changed dramatically and, ultimately, could become a democratic country if World War I and the October Revolution of 1917 did not happen. «Timashev considered the “communist revolution” a “great retreat”, a historical accident that gave a signal to a series of the destruction of pre-revolutionary liberal Russian society. However, unlike many Russian emigrants who were sharply negative about the experience of building socialism in Russia, N.S. Timashev recognized the merits of the Soviet government in the industrialization of the country, which turned it into an industrial superpower, and hoped that the USSR would become less repressive and more democratic. At the same time, having carried out a detailed analysis of population growth dynamics, industrial production indicators, and illiteracy rates in Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1939, Timashev showed that these positive indicators could be achieved without revolution. After 1949, the main topic of analysis of the Soviet political system was the problem of ideology. One of his optimistic predictions of a new, free Russia is due to the fact that along with the existence in the USSR of formally only one official communist ideology (Marxist-Leninist, Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist) there was an “underground (free)” ideology. According to the forecast of N.S. Timashev, with democratic shifts in the country, this clandestine ideology “will come to the surface” and may undermine “Soviet communism”, which will serve as the foundation for the establishment of a new socio-economic and cultural order.
Keywords: pre-revolutionary Russia, the communist revolution, the “ascending and descending” periods in the history of Soviet society, Soviet industrialization, religiosity in the USSR, “underground (free) ideology”.
Beknazarov R.А. (Aktobe, Kazakhstan). Mausoleum Almat-Tamy …………………………………………… 30
doctor of historical sciences,
Professor of K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University.
030000, Aktobe, A.Moldagulova Ave, 34, Kazakhstan.
The article discusses the activities of Almat Tobabergenov, a large patron of the Shomekites, whose main goal was to educate the local population about the innovations introduced by the Russian administration, the most painless transition of Kazakhs to semi-nomadism, the distribution and tightening of lands to clan units, streamlining the system of migrations, etc. It is also said about attracting his Tsarist administration as an intermediary in resolving “complex diplomatic issues” in relation to the “steppe”. The article describes the mausoleum of Almaty, which refers to multi-chamber structures and is one of the unique structures of the memorial and religious architecture in Western Kazakhstan.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Islam, Almat Tobabergenov, Kazakhs, mausoleum, religious figure.
Zhdanova E. S. (Moscow). The Holy See and communism during the pontificate of Pius XII…….. 33
Graduate student, Department of Church History, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov,
119243, Russia, Moscow, Lenin Hills, 1.
This article is devoted to the problem of the position of the Holy See in relation to communist ideology and communist regimes during the Second World War and the first years of the post-war period. The article discusses issues related to the reasons for the formation of a sharply negative assessment of the communist idea by the Roman pontiff Pius XII and the curia. Based on the study, it was concluded that the personal views of Pope Pius XII on the question of communism, if they changed, it was only towards their tightening. It was also concluded that this attitude was due to the very opposite of the two teachings, the fear of the Catholic Church to lose its influence among the Catholics of the world, as well as with the personal position of the former allies in World War II – Great Britain and the USA.
Keywords: Pius XII, Vatican, Holy See. Catholicism, World War II, USSR, communism, Luigi Maglione.
Zaytseva S.V. (St. Petersburg). International congresses on the protection and care of infants in the late XIX – early XX centuries……………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Russian History,
Junior Researcher at the Scientific and Educational Center for historical research and analysis, Pushkin Leningrad State University
St. Petersburg sh., d. 10., Pushkin, St. Petersburg, 196605, Russian Federation
International congresses on care and charity in the late XIX – early XX centuries raised problematic issues that existed in many leading countries of Europe and America, including the protection of motherhood and infancy, child mortality, care and nutrition of newborn children. The activities of the “Drop of milk” and “Consultations for mothers” institutions played a key role in the discussions. The work of these institutions began to be considered by the public as an effective way to combat child mortality. Despite the fact that the decisions of the congresses were advisory, their distribution not only in the scientific and medical community, but also in intellectual circles was of practical importance. Institutions “Drop of milk” and “Consultations for mothers” began to appear in many cities of the Russian Empire, both with the involvement of private and public funds.
Keywords: international congresses, child mortality, “Drop of milk”, “consultations for mothers”, child protection, International Union for the Protection of Children, Brussels Congress of 1907, O.K. Adercas, children’s charity.
Zhilina E.V. (Moscow). The Impact of Urbanization in the United States on the Face of New York at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries …………………………………………………………………………….. 43
the 3-d year Ph.D. student of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation,
117628, Moscow, Starobitcevskaya at, 11-543
Contacts: 8(915)078-76-72
The article focuses on the transformation of the landscape of America’s largest metropolis under the influence of accelerated urbanization at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. New York architecture changed rapidly, new architectural styles appeared and technological development made it possible to build high-rise houses with different design and utility. The high population growth caused by the huge flow of immigration from South-Eastern Europe posed new challenges to the city authorities, forcing them to adapt the space of the metropolis to new realities. It led to the adoption new laws in 1901 and 1916 founded on the basis of a new concept of urban development. The changes affected most buildings in New York City including a residential area for citizens of different social groups and also commercial real estate due to the increasing number of skyscrapers and office buildings. All these innovations gave rise to more extensive changes that took place in New York City in the twentieth century.
Keywords. USA, urbanization, New York City, immigration, urban architecture, progressivism, social reform, housing legislation, L.Veiller.
Vinogradov A.A. (St. Petersburg). The situation of Russian prisoners in Polish concentration camps (during the period of the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1921) ……………………………………………… 48
Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy.
Russia, St.Petersburg, 197101, st. Kronverkckaya, h.14, apt.14.
telephone number: +7-981-946-1782.
The subject of this article was the question of the fate of captured Red Army soldiers, as well as interned warriors of the Russian Imperial Army, by the will of fate, captured by the newly formed state – Poland. After the end of the Polish-Soviet war, the parties had to repatriate prisoners of war to their homeland. Poland did not return even half of the number of captured Red Army soldiers. The fate of prisoners of warfighters of Soviet Russia in the “bourgeois-landowner” Poland in 1919-1922 is increasingly recognized as a crime against humanity and the genocide of representatives of the Russian people. The relevance of the issue of the death of captured Red Army soldiers is fueled by the inadequate actions of the modern Polish government. What are the likelihood that the Red Army soldiers who died in captivity were killed and how much their deaths were planned and cynical destruction? Consider the fate of Soviet prisoners of war in Poland should be in the context of the era of the investigated events. Disagreements among researchers of the Polish-Soviet war are caused by data on the number of dead captives.
Keywords: fate of captured Red Army soldiers, Polish-Soviet war, Poland, death of Red Army soldiers.
Fedorov N.S. (Moscow). Discussions on the way of development of Egypt during the interwar period (1919–1939): arguments of the “westernizers” (basing on works of Taha Hussein and Salama Musa)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 55
postgraduate student, department of Middle and Near East History, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 125009, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya st., 11-1. Tel.: +79030042518, e-mail:
The article is based on the works of two prominent representatives of the Egyptian intelligentsia – Taha Hussein (1889–1973) and Salama Musa (1880–1958). It examines the issue of the cultural and civilizational identity of Egypt, which was in the focus of public attention in the interwar period (1919–1939). The author describes one of the most remarkable trends in public thought of the period – some frequent attempts to prove the “Europeanism” of Egypt. The article provides an analysis of the main reasons for the appeal of representatives of intellectual circles to this theme. The article analyzes in detail the views of each of the philosophers, provides a comparative analysis of their points of view, identifies intersections and fundamentally different points in their systems of arguments. Special attention is paid to the methods by which Taha Hussein and Salama Musa proposed to achieve the closest rapprochement with Europe. In conclusion, the author gives a critical assessment of their concepts, identifies the main omission made by them during the construction of the evidence base.
Keywords: Egyptian intelligentsia, “europeanism” of Egypt, Taha Hussein, Salama Musa, pharaonism, cultural ties, civilization group, East and West.
Vezbickyte V. (St. Petersburg), Vezbickiene L. (Vilnius, Lithuania). A new format of Russian-Lithuanian relations in the context of the Ukrainian crisis ……………………………………………………….. 59
Saint Petersburg State University, International Relations in the Post-Soviet Space, 2nd master’s class.
Russian Federation, 191060, St. Petersburg, Smolny street 1/3, Entrance VIII
Master of the Russian language philology,
teacher methodologist in Russian.
Foreign Languages school “Kalba”;
Vilnius, Lithuania. Lvovo st. – 25, LT- 09320.
This article is devoted to the problem of Russian-Lithuanian relations in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. Some tension in interstate relations arose much earlier due to certain historical events, however, its peak occurred in 2014, subsequently only overgrown with new unresolved issues. It must be said that the current situation in relations between Lithuania and Russia is not a dead end, in many areas there are obvious positive changes. Such areas are tourism, economics, culture, humanitarian ties. Along with this, one can cite as an example the field of interstate relations in which at present the dialogue between Lithuania and Russia is impossible due to foreign policy discourse, different views on universal values and geopolitical interests. The Ukrainian crisis, which began in 2013, became a catalyst in the termination of political relations between Lithuania and Russia. Until 2013, the politicians of these states made attempts to establish a dialogue, albeit not striving for friendly relations, a priori impossible due to historical narrative, but at least rational and mutually beneficial, then after the annexation of Crimea all efforts were completely stopped. Moreover, information confrontation intensified. The article discusses in detail the positions of states on the events of the Ukrainian crisis and the specific reasons that caused such a rapidly growing mutual hostility.
Keywords: Lithuania; Russia; information warfare; Ukrainian crisis; Lithuanian -Russian relations.
Khasanova M.S. (St. Petersburg). Culture in the interstate interaction of Russia and Belarus in the post-Soviet space……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69
Post-graduate student, the department of History, Pushkin Leningrad State University.
196605, Russia, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse 10, office 238, +7-931-265-89-86,
The article is devoted to the study of cultural aspects in the interstate interaction of Russia and Belarus in the post-Soviet space from 1991 to the present. Culture is the basis of interstate dialogue, understanding and compromise. For this reason, it is important to determine how much culture is involved in cooperation between states in the post-Soviet space, to recognize cultural differences. The purpose of the study is to find out what programs, institutions and projects exist in the field of cultural interaction between Russia and Belarus, since it is the Union State that is considered as the most successful integration formation in the post-Soviet space. The relevance of the study of culture in the interstate interaction between Russia and Belarus is caused by the rapidly developing sociocultural and political situation in modern Europe and the world, in the context of today’s globalization. The article discusses the different possibilities and prospects of interstate cooperation in the field of culture of Russia and Belarus. Culture is understood very widely, it includes various kinds of humanitarian cooperation and education. Culture is the main thing that the state should do. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for intercultural communication, social and cultural interaction and the continued development of educational systems in Russia and Belarus. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the programs of cultural cooperation between Russia and Belarus are considered comprehensively, that is, taking into account other programs operating in the post-Soviet space and in historical dynamics.
The scientific problem of this article can be formulated as follows: culture in the framework of the Union State is one of the most important factors in the successful interaction of Russia and Belarus in all areas. The study of this phenomenon is important for the formation of social projects, economic cooperation, the formation of a common position in the outside world.
To achieve the goal, a comparative historical method was used, which consists in the fact that the article compares different cultural programs, allowing to identify both the general characteristics of the Belarusian and Russian peoples (common cultural and mental attitudes), and some differences related to the fact that the format for the development of culture in Belarus is rather aimed at the development of local culture (the concept of “small homeland”), while in Russia, the development of culture is more likely connected with the national format. These positions are investigated in historical dynamics.
The study relies on the integrated use of various sources, their critical analysis, comparison and comparison of results. The article is based on the latest documents relating to Russian-Belarusian relations from 1991 to the present time. Of course, in the article it is impossible to analyze in detail all the documents and cultural events; therefore, the author analyzed the most basic joint cultural events.
Keywords: culture, traditions, state, interaction, national identity, integration, globalization, post-Soviet space, Commonwealth, Union State.
Soldatenko V.F. (Kiev, Ukraine). The problem of Western Ukrainian lands and their population on the eve of Great Patriotic War…………………………………………………………………………………………… 75
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chief Researcher at the I. F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethno-National Studies of NAS of Ukraine
This article is devoted to coverage of very complex pages in history of Ukraine – the collection (collegiality) of its ethnic lands and parts of Ukrainian people living on them in 1938 – 1939. Historically by the beginning of this period Ukrainians were divided and lived in four neighboring states: the Ukrainian SSR, which was part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania. All previous attempts to unite territories and their population into a holistic entity did not lead to positive results. Events developed in such a way that it was preparations for the Second World War, the maneuvers of the Western countries, which sought at all costs to direct the edge of Nazi aggression to the East, against the Soviet Union that created an environment in which favorable prerequisites for phased implementation of urgent problem arose. Thanks to the efforts of the Soviet leadership and diplomacy, it was possible to disrupt numerous tricks of USSR enemies to use the “Ukrainian card” in a tense geopolitical struggle, to give liberation actions a definitely humanistic orientation, and to ensure the triumph of historical justice.
Collected and analyzed materials testify to how dangerous and anti-Ukrainian in their orientation and essence were the provocative actions of Nazi Germany, involving Hungary, Romania and Poland in the most dangerous processes of fueling the war, what an unforgivable betrayal of the peoples of Europe in this context turned out to be real efforts of Great Britain, France and United States. Ukrainian collegiality was determined by objective life logic, deep historical regularity.
Article draws attention to the fact that many important aspects of the problem under study in recent years have led to exacerbation of scientific and political discussions, in connection with which the author’s position is substantiated.
Keywords: World War II, Great Patriotic War, Ukraine, Carpathian Ukraine, Eastern Galicia, Western Volhynia, Northern Bukovina, Bessarabia, Danube lands, Munich agreement, Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.
Mikheyeva G.V. (St. Petersburg). Evacuation of the funds of the Russian National Library during the Great Patriotic War…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 92
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Leading Researcher of Library History Department,
National Library of Russia
191069, St. Petersburg, Sadovaya st., 18,
tel.: (812) 718-86-12, e-mail:
During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the most valuable old-printed and manuscript funds of the Russian National Library (then the M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library) were evacuated to Melekess, Ulyanovsk Region. Keeping funds in unsuitable premises, struggling to save the lives of departing employees, whose existence was akin to living in the frontline, anxiety for the fate of relatives and colleagues who remained in the besieged Leningrad, all these difficult tests fell on the lot of librarians of the Public Library, worthy of intellectuals, inscribed their names in the annals of the feat of the Leningraders. On the basis of archival materials, memoirs of library staff accompanying the exported funds, the full history of the struggle to preserve the library’s unique funds was first recreated, the participation of library staff in the life of the Volga city in wartime was noted.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, World War II, Russian National Library, evacuation of library funds, Leningrad intelligentsia, life in evacuation, blockade of Leningrad, Victory anniversary.
Tam Hok Chiu (Macao SAR, China). Preparation for the Heroic Defence of Sevastopol: the projects and reinforced construction of the Sevastopol’s Defensive area (June–October 1941) …….. 99
Postgraduate student,
Department of History of Russia of the 20th–21st centuries.
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
China, Macao SAR, Sinn Sing Hoi Street.
The battle of Sevastopol played a significant strategic role in the general southern flank of the Soviet-German front during the first phase of the Soviet Great Patriotic War. On the eve of the war, the Soviet political and military headquarters had realized the necessity of establishing reinforced defensive system around Sevastopol. However, the engineering works only started from June and ended till the middle of November 1941, while the war with Nazi Germany had been out-broken. Due to the shortage of time and resources the Soviet forces failed to build up a strong firing system before the siege of Sevastopol. Defects and the other problems, such as the insufficiency of the artillery and machine-gun bulwarks which covering the frontier defensive zone, the unequal distribution of the location of these defensive works around Sevastopol, in general stimulated unsatisfactory results during the battles between the Primorskaya army and the German-Rumanian forces in 1941–1942.
Keywords: Great Patriotic war, defense of Sevastopol, defensive reinforced area, defensive zone, defensive sector, military plan, bay battery, firing facility, bulwark.
Nefedov V.A. (Moscow). Academy of sciences of the USSR and a party-state apparatus interaction during a period of the Khrushchev «thaw»………………………………………………………………….. 105
Candidate for the faculty of history
Moscow state university 119192 Russia, Moscow,
Lomonosovki prospect, 24, 4
In the article a matter of interaction between Academy of Sciences of the USSR and a party-state apparatus is considered ranging a period of the Khrushchev thaw (1953-1964). In spite of apparent liberalization and science deideologization, in fact, any big shifts were stopped out. Of course, soviet sciences were in progress, soviet scientist’s potential was high, however, some prospective directions had been destroyed by will of science officials who were in favor of power representatives. The state followed utterly conservative and ideologically tough position against any directions of sciences that were out of ideological paradigm. The Khrushchev thaw can be described as a period of opposition between progressive science and a conservative state apparatus. Since 1950-s lots of discussions concerning Academy of sciences structure reforms were carried out. The aims of the reform were a higher efficiency attainment and self-dependence unit increase. From this point of view, occurred reforms of Academy of sciences were drastic and unnecessary, primary goals were not achieved. These reforms were a result of science and state opposition. In the end, it caused a resignation of Academy of sciences president Nesmeyanov and applied science institutes transition to jurisdiction of industry ministries. Academy of sciences of the Soviet Union remained functions of fundamental science supervision and methodical background developing.
Keywords: Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, A. Nesmeyanov, N. Khrushchev, T. Lysenko, reform, liberalization, the Khrushchev Thaw, a party-state apparatus.
Danilova А.М. (Moscow). Problems of housing construction in the USSR in postwar period (1955 – 1969)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………111
graduate student, Department of History of State and Municipal Administration, school of public administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse 16 k. 2, 117105.
8 965 254 41 14
This article focuses on the problems of implementing housing policy in the period from 1955 to 1969 in the USSR. Despite the fact that during the chronological period of this article the housing policy was a part of state policy, in this area there were problems and shortcomings that significantly slowed down the implementation of housing. The author in this article attempts to identify the main groups of problems in housing policy. The article illustrates the measures taken by the state to solve them, assesses state measures to overcome shortcomings in the field of housing policy. In addition, the article presents the dynamics and statistics of housing construction in the USSR in the chronological period. This article is based on materials from archives, published sources, and research papers.
Keywords: USSR, housing construction, N.S. Khrushchev, “Khrushchevka”, a separate apartment.
Solovev К.А. (Moscow). Pokrovsky monastery in Moscow – the history of the foundation, promising proposals for the regeneration of the monastery necropolis ………………………………………….115
Research University – Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU-MGSU). 129337: Moscow, Yaroslavl Highway 26, office 508., FSBEI HE Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganova. 125080, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, house 9, office 408., Russian Federation,
The article of the candidate of cultural studies Soloviev Kirill Alekseyevich is devoted to the history of one of the most little-known Moscow monasteries – Moscow Pokrovsky Monastery. This abode is now commonly known as the seat of the Holy Relics of St. Blage. Matrona of Moscow. However, in the early period of its existence it was a monastery, which was founded on Moscow in the late period in the first quarter of the XVII century. However, in the XIX century this monastery became known not only for its memorial necropolis, which was compared to similar necropolis of Moscow Novodevichy, Donskoy, and Andronicus and Simonov monasteries. In addition, Pokrovsky Monastery became known as a significant center of missionary movement in the Greco-Russian Orthodox Church. The aims and objectives of the proposed study are the historical study on the historical history of the existence of the Monastery in Moscow, as well as a historical study on the monastery necropolis of the new Moscow Pokrovsky Monastery, founded by the command of Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich in 1635. The article attempts to explore the more ancient history of the existence in Moscow of the Pokrovsky Monastery in the Gardens, moved later to Zayauzje to Luitsikov Mountain, and presented some proposals for the historical regeneration of the former monastery necropolis destroyed after 1929. Procedure and methods of research: The work on the article used the method of historical research, shows how the development of the newly founded Pokrovsky Monastery took place in the 17th and early 20th centuries. The method of “cultural inheritance” was also used, which is characterized by the interrelationship of national, ethnic and religious traditions. Results of the study: In the proposed article, the author tried to show not only the historical path of development of the Pokrovsky Monastery in Moscow, but also to offer some options for regeneration (historical reconstruction) of the monastery necropolis. The practical significance of this article is that it is the first scientific study about the Moscow Pokrovsky Monastery since no serious monographs have been written about this monastery, both before the revolution and at present.
Keywords: Pokrovsky Monastery in the Gardens, Pokrovsky Monastery on Lyshchikova Hill, Stefan Vonifatiev, Pokrovsky Monastery on Wretched Houses, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Patriarch Filaret, Metropolitan Makariy (Nevsky), Metropolitan Dionysius (Hitrov).
Stolbova N.P. (St. Petersburg). Okhta estates: authorship problem ………………………………………. 126
regional history researcher, historian.
DYUT “On Lenskaya”, a methodologist of regional history, a teacher.
195423. St. Petersburg, Lenskaya St., 2, bldg. 2
Tel. 526-43-85, 8-921-334-25-10,
The article addresses the problems of authorship of objects of cultural heritage, the original documents of which were not found. There are many such objects, which usually belonged to private individuals, and they are located not only in the capital but also in other Russian regions. In this case, we are talking about suburban noble estates of Okhta, a historically old area of St. Petersburg. Here we have Zhernovka, which was constructed in the mid-1790s and Utkina dacha, built in the late 1780s. By the time of construction, both of them belonged to the outland adviser Gavril Gerasimovich Donaurov. The authors of both buildings are not known for certain: there were no contemporary drawings made in the late 18 century. Based on archival documents and literature, we consider a few versions of authorship. As a conclusion, we may say that there were no design drawings in full, and the court architect D. Quarenghi was involved in the outline design of both estates.
Keywords: authorship problem, noble estates, Quarenghi, Lviv, Felten, Cameron, Donaurov, Poltoratskaya, Shakhovskaya.
Aminov R.R. (Kazan). Demographic processes in the Muslim community of Orsk in the 1850-1870 years ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 131
PhD in History,
Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation, Kazan, 420100
The article is devoted to the study of demographic processes that took place in the community of Muslims of the Orsk fortress (since 1865, the city of Orsk). Using the data from the reference books of the Orenburg province for 1868 and 1870, in which the census materials for 1867 and 1868 are concentrated, the author provides comparative information on the ratio of the population of the given settlement according to faiths over the years, as well as for other time periods. The main conclusions are based on the analysis of the metric books of two mosques in Orsk for 1851, 1873, 1875, 1879. In particular, the average age of the bride and groom in the indicated years, the period of mating was established, the places of origin of the brides were determined, the reasons for divorces and their ratio to the number of marriages were identified. Particular attention in the study of marriage unions is given to the features of mahr, namely the cost and payment of the bridegroom to the bride and her parents. Based on the analysis of the metric books of the Orsk the number and causes of death of local Muslims were established and calculated. Among others, cases of the rubella (1879) and smallpox (1875, 1879) epidemics, which directly affected the ratio of the growth and decline of the Muslim population, have been identified. Counting the data of deaths by age made it possible to establish a high percentage of child mortality and to track the dynamics of its change in the years under review.
Keywords: Muslim community, Orsk, marriage unions, mahr, fertility, mortality, tatars-cossacks, bashkirs.
Frolov D.I. (Moscow). Congress of Spiritual Christians Molokans on Vorontsovka village in 1905
Postgraduate Student, Department of Church History, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119243, Russia, Moscow, Lenin Hills, 1. Phone: +7 (916) 954-61-35, E-mail:
The article presents an analysis of the events associated with the congress of spiritual Christians of the Molokans in the village of Vorontsovka in the Tiflis province in 1905, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the granting of religious freedom to Molokans by Alexander I. The Vorontsovka’s congress was the first public event to bring together a wide representation of Molokans communities from all over the Russian Empire. The congress was made possible thanks to the granting of religious rights and freedoms to sectarians by decree of April 17, 1905. The Molokans leaders expressed the loyalty of the royal power. Despite the consolidating role of the congress, crisis tendencies in the Molokans community were manifested. They found expression in the confrontation between reformist-minded youth and conservative elders, as well as in recognition of the strengthening of Baptism. Nevertheless, the Vorontsovka’s congress became the starting point for a short Molokans “revival” at the beginning of the 20th century – the time when prayer houses and theological schools were openly built, religious magazines and theological works of Molokans authors were published. The author for the first time gave a detailed analysis of the Vorontsovka’s congress, its premises and consequences for the Molokans community. When writing the article, the following methods were used: ideographic, historical-typological, historical-genetic.
Keywords: Molokans, spiritual Christians, Russian sectarianism, sectarianism and power, religious freedoms in the Russian Empire, Protestantism in the Russian Empire, Russians in the Caucasus.
Zlobin A.N., Cherenkov R.А. (Voronezh). Educational and cultural work in the Voronezh province on the eve of the NEP…………………………………………………………………………………………………….147
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. Russia, Voronezh, Revolution Ave., 19.
candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and History of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. Russia, Voronezh, Revolution Ave., 19.
The article deals with the state and problems of the public education and enlightenment system in the Voronezh province on the eve of the NEP. The authors attempted to analyze the main problems facing schools and institutions of cultural and educational work on the example of the Voronezh, Bogucharsky, Nizhnedevitsky and Ostrogozh districts in the early 1920s. It is concluded that the material and technical state of the public education system was extremely unsatisfactory, since during the years of wars and revolutions in the country the main educational problems were not solved – the problem of economic ruin is added to the problem of illiteracy of the majority of the population. At the same time, the main directions of reform were outlined at that time: improvement of the material base, development of the rural educational network, organization of work to eliminate illiteracy.
Keywords: history of education, Voronezh province, new economic policy, cultural and educational work, provincial school, new Soviet school, teachers, students.
Stabrovskaya L.G. (Kursk). The role and importance of nature reserves in the implementation of environmental education of the population of the Kursk region in the late XX – early XXI centuries …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………152
PhD student, Department of Russian History, Kursk State University, 305048, Kursk , 33/52 Literaturnay Street
Tel.: +7906 692 72 27
E-mail: pilishvili.georg @
In his scientific article, the author, using extensive statistical material and material from the media, analyzed the situation with environmental education in the Kursk region. Time frame is from 1992 to 2015. This is the time of formation and development of not only the new economic, political model of the state system of Russia, but also the time of ideological transformation. Many of the earlier banned topics are now freely discussed by citizens. The state began to understand and turn its attention to the environment, the ecological situation both in the regions and in the whole country. In addition to economic and legal mechanisms to correct the environmental situation, much attention has been paid to environmental education. Therefore, the author chose the role and importance of nature reserves in the field of environmental education of the population of the Kursk region as the topic of a scientific article. The article clearly shows the main activities of the Central Black Earth Biosphere State Nature Reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhine in the work with the adult population, and with youth. The processes that negatively affect the productive activity of the reserve, as well as ways to solve the problems that have arisen, are analyzed.
Keywords: ecology, environmental education, environmental education, environmental education, Kursk region, nature reserve.
Sosna N.А. (Moscow). Reluctant diplomat: P.N. Perovsky’s activities in China in 1858 – 1859….159
post-graduate of third year, chair of Russian history of the XIX century and the beginning of XX century,
Department of History,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Moscow, Varshavskoe shosse 16 k. 2, 117105
Based on unpublished documents from the Russian archives and available academic publications, the author presents the first attempt to comprehensively consider the P.N. Perovsky’s activity in China in 1858 – 1859. Perovsky was sent to China with purpose of ratification of the Tientsing treaty concluded by E.V. Putiatin and conclusion of additional agreements for the Aigun treaty, that he has signed himself. Most of purposes of this mission was not achieved. According to the results of research, the author comes to conclusion, that failures of Perovsky, a typical cabinet official, were due both to his lack of experience of diplomatic negotiations, and to the additional resistance of obstinate Chinese dignitaries.
Keywords: Russian Empire, China, the Aigun treaty, the Tientsing treaty, Perovsky, Murav’ev-Amurskii, Ignat’ev.
Kobchikov V.S., Kobchikov E.Yu., Fersman N.G., Shcherbinina O.V. (St. Petersburg). Academician
Pyotr Kapitsa and his classmates in the historical aspect……………………………………………..167
PhD in Military science, associated professor in Military history, Captain (Captain 1st Rank) Retired, Head of Sector, Museum of the History of Kronstadt.
197762 Saint-Petersburg, Kronstadt, Yakornaya Ploschad (Anchor square), 2a, lit.A.
Director of the Museum of history of the Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technological University)
190013 Saint-Petersburg, Moskovsky prospect, 26.
PhD in engineering, associated professor in Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
195251, Saint-Petersburg, Politechnicheskaya str., 29, bl.2, apt.24
PhD in pedagogics, associated professor in Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 18, apt.26
Academician Pyotr Kapitsa and his classmates in the historical aspect
Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (1894-1984), a native of Kronstadt, Nobel Prize winner and twice Hero of socialist labour, began his education and science climb with a setback when he was expelled from the third class of the Kronstadt men’s gymnasium for failed tests examinations in ancient languages. As a result, he graduated from Kronstadt public school. Here the love for exact sciences was fostered to the future academician by the teacher of cosmography, drawing, algebra and geometry, the collegiate assessor Vasily Yevgrafovich Kalinin. In the last year of his study at public school, Pyotr Kapitsa was in charge of the physics department, which gave him the opportunity to conduct independent laboratory experiments. However, he was not listed in the best students and graduated from the school “like everyone else”, not even with a silver medal. In 1912, along with Peter Kapitsa, 18 people graduated from the 7th class of the Kronstadt public school: Boris Abramov, Nikolai Anderson, George Viren, Nikolai Voronin, Ernst-Wilhelm Drezin, Pavel Erofeev, Peter Yershov, Leonid Kavtyrev, Vladimir Kozlovsky, Rudolf Kuldver, Joseph Markelov, George Matveev, Ivan Popov, Vasily Smirnov, Leonhard Udverg, Dmitry Shadkovsky and Konstantin Shlyapnikov.
Keywords: public school, schoolmates, Nobel Prize winner, twice Hero of socialist labour.
Poltorak S.N. (St. Petersburg). The first experience of a biographical study about Dzhokhar Dudaev ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..170
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Associate at the Center for Historical Research and Analysis of Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, 196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10, Russian Federation.
The author in his review analyzes the contents of the first book on the life and work of Dzhokhar Dudayev, who was the President of Chechnya. The genre in which the book is written is defined by its author – this is an attempt to write a legendary biography. The difficulty of writing the book was that despite numerous fragmentary information about D. Dudaev, there are few sources about him. According to the reviewer, the merit of the author, professional historian and writer E.V. Lukin, is that he was able to collect, systematize and analyze numerous disparate information about Dzhokhar Dudaev, combining them into a biographical study. The book tells about the childhood and youth of D. Dudaev, his military service and his return to Chechnya, where he attempted to create an independent Republic of Ichkeria. One of the main advantages of the work is the author’s attempt to reconstruct an objective portrait of Dzhokhar Dudaev. As sources, the author used the recollections of eyewitnesses, periodicals and a few scientific publications on the life and work of the first President of the Chechen Republic.
Keywords: Dzhokhar Dudaev, Chechnya, the war in Chechnya, President of the Chechen Republic, Russia in the 1990s.
Milovidov B.P. (St. Petersburg). Professor B. D. Galperina is 90 years old! ……………………………..175
editor-in-chief of the publishing house “KRIGA”
195220, St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 11
The article is dedicated to the 90th birthday of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Bella (Berta) Davydovna Galperina, a well-known and respected Russian scientist, Russian history researcher of the XIX – early XX centuries, and one of the best experts in the field of publication of documents. The article traces the scientist’s life, shows the leading role of B. D. Galperina in the implementation of multi-volume documentary publications, such as “District Councils of Petrograd in 1917”, “Petrograd Soviet of Workers ‘and Soldiers’ Deputies in 1917”, “Special Journals of the Russian Council of Ministers Empire ”, as well as numerous publications of sources of personal origin. Particular attention is paid to her contribution to the methodology of publishing documents of state institutions of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In her theoretical works and in traditional practice, she advocates fund-based publications, which, in contrast to the thematic topics that dominated in Soviet historical science, exclude subjectivity in the selection of documents. The special merit of B. D. Halperina consists in the development of a methodology for the publication of documents of higher state institutions that have a journal form of office work.
Keywords: B. D. Galperina, source study, archeography, collections of documents, archives.