Solovei T.D. (Moscow). Critics of retrospective teleology……………… ……………………………………………13
TATIANA DMITRIEVNA SOLOVEI — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ethnology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27–4. E-mail:
Retrospective teleology is a method of the historical reconstruction, which is based on the presumption of the knowledge of the result, the end of the event or the process. The usual type of the historical explanations, based on this method, is rather dubious, since it reminds matching the solution to the known result. In the author’s hypothesis, large-scaled historical events are the result of the unique constellations, where along with the structural factors there are important variant factors. Scholars traditionally focus on structural factors, ignoring or underestimating variables. The author demonstrates it on the example of the Great Discoveries with the accent on the discovery of the New World by Spain. By themselves structural conditions of the Great Discoveries, such as geopolitics, economics, socio-demographic changes, scientific and technical achievements did not lead inevitably to a predetermined result. They formed only a framework for many possible strategies to be implemented. The variables such as human’s activities, volitional qualities and luck became crucial in the volatile situation.
Keywords: retrospective teleology, objective laws of history, cyclical versions of history, the discovery of the New World, colonialism, Christopher Columbus.
Shimbireva O.A. (Moscow). Problems of Source Studies in discovering the Conservative-Monarchist Sentiments of Civil Servants in the Russian Empire of the Early 20th Century (based on the Archival Fund of the Union of Russian People)……………………………………………………………………………………………22
OLGA ALEXANDROVNA SHIMBIREVA — Assistant of the Source Studies department, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119192, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27, building 4. E-mail:
This article covers the source studies of the corpuses of clerical correspondence “Letters of the Black Hundreds and other persons” accumulated in the archival fund of the Union of Russian People (URP), with a view to identifying their informative value for studying public sentiments of civil servants in the Russian Empire of the early 20th century.
The documents of the URP archival fund have been repeatedly resorted to by researchers, yet they fall short of being part of a full-fledged scientific circulation. Thus, the “Letters of the Black Hundreds and other persons” present a little-studied source, which renders special relevance to its study.
Summarizing the outcomes of the source study, one can say that this clerical correspondence is a valuable source which possesses sufficient informative potential for addressing specific historical objectives pertaining to the history of the right-wing monarchist movement in the Russian Empire of the early 20th century, such as the study of the social mainstay of the movement, getting an insight into the motives of civil servants for applying to the URP and understanding which of the Union’s fundamental ideas found an echo in the minds of this social group. In addition, this set of sources generally allows supplementing research on the social history of the early 20th century.
Keywords: right-wing parties, clerical correspondence, the Union of Russian people, archival materials, monarchist sentiments, nationalist sentiments, conservatism, civil servants.
Katamadze N.Sh. (Moscow). Images of peasants in the national historiography……………………………28
NADEZHDA SHAKROVNA KATAMADZE — Postgraduate student of the Department of Source studies, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, sector Б, room no. 913. E-mail:
In this article, the author draws his attention to the growing interest of contemporaries in the history of his peasant ancestors. The author believes that people are trying to restore their ancestral memory. Currently genealogical research, family chronicles, memories are published. A large number of similar works were published in recent decades.
The author analyzes books in which it is told about Russian storytellers and masters. The appearance of modern works of interesting content testifies to the fact that interest in folk art remains in our days. All this gives grounds to consider the problem of the prospects of studying the history of the native peasantry.
Keywords: the peasant’s culture, historiography, masters, storytellers.
Portsel A.K. (Murmansk). European and American coal companies on Spitsbergen in the first quarter of the 20th century……………………………………………………………………………………………………………31
ALEXANDR KONSTANTINOVICH PORTSEL — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Law, Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. 183010, Russian Federation, Murmansk, ul. Sportivnaya, 13. E-mail:
The paper briefly describes the history of the formation, development and termination of activity of the European (except for Norwegian and Russian) and American coal companies in Svalbard in the twentieth century.
The status of “terra nullius”, which Spitsbergen had to 1920, allowed industrial representatives of any country to carry out freely activities on the archipelago. In the early 20th century industrialists of several countries started coal mining in Svalbard in the hope of a high profit. But without financial support from the state, none of these companies could survive.
Government provided support to their businesses for political reasons: the active industrial activities have tried to justify their claim to the possession of the archipelago. Norway had sovereignty over Svalbard according to the Paris agreement in 1920, and other governments lost interest in the local coal mining. The entrepreneur, deprived of state support in condition of the economic recession of the early 1920s, quickly curtailed their activities on the archipelago.
Keywords: Spitsbergen, coal companies, D.M. Longyear, Advent-City.
Corti Mario (Artegna, Italia). Razmysl of Ivan the Terrible………………………………………………………38
MARIO CORTI — Journalist, formerly Russian Service director of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Italy), author of historical essays mainly on Russian-Italian relations published in Russian and Italian. Italia, 33011 Artegna (UD), Via Villa 165. Теl.: (39) 0432 987886, e-mail:;
The author presents a survey of the disparate hypotheses concerning the name and the origin of a military engineer at the service of Ivan IV during the siege and conquest of Kazan in 1552. Known in Russian chronicles as “razmysl’” or “rozmysl’”, he has been variously identified in Russian historiography, in foreign travellers’ accounts, and other non-fiction writing as Razmysl’ Petrov, Butler, Herr Asmus, Erasmus, Rasmussen, Peter Marin, and as being of “Lithuanian”, English, German, Dutch, Danish or Italian origin. The article also contains a brief discussion of some theories concerning the meaning and derivation of the term “razmysl’” and on whether it is a noun proper or common.
Keywords: Ivan IV, foreigners in Russian armies, Military Engineers, Razmysl’, Military History, 1552 Fall of Kazan.
Pereverzeva E.V. (Nizhnevartovsk). Azov campaign of False Dmitry I…………………………………………46
EKATERINA VYACHESLAVOVNA PEREVERZEVA — Postgraduate student, Department of history of Russia, Nizhnevartovsk state University. 628600, Russian Federation, Nizhnevartovsk, ul. Mira 3b. E-mail:
For several centuries, Russia has maintained a more or less intensive contacts with political entities that emerged on the ruins of the Golden Horde. Perhaps the most lasting was the relationship of the state with the Crimean khanate. The special stage of their relationship is the reign of False Dmitry I. 20 June, 1605, false Dmitry I solemnly entered the capital, and dwelt in the Royal chambers. On the question of relations between the Moscow state to the Crimea in the reign of False Dmitry I in the national historiography dominated by the view of the intention of the Pretender to enter the war with Khan. In Russian historiography are contradictory conclusions about the intent of the false Dmitry I to fight with these countries, undertaken by the new king of military maneuvers, on the concentration of food reserves and artillery in Yelets. In the article based on multiple sources and research considered the question of the reality of the training “Azov campaign” 1606
Keywords: Muscovy, the Crimean khanate, False Dmitry I, diplomatic contacts, “Azov campaign”.
Poroshkova T.M. (Moscow). The pre-election campaign of the RSDLP and the Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries for the elections to the I-II State Duma (on materials of the Moscow province)……………………………………………….51
TAMARA MALHAZIEVNA POROSHKOVA — Teacher of history, Moscow GAPOU “Moscow educational center named after V. Talalikhin”. 109235, Russian Federation, Moscow, 1-st Kuryanovskyi proezd, 14. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the agitation campaigns of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party and the Parties of Socialists-Revolutionaries on elections to the First and Second State Duma held in the Moscow province in accordance with the legislative acts of December 11, 1905 and April 23, 1906. With the recollection of contemporaries and journalistic materials, information on the organization and functioning of the left Parties in the territory of Moscow province is examined. The methods and means of pre-election propaganda used to attract potential voters from among workers and peasants in 1906–1907 are considered. A conclusion is drawn on the effectiveness of agitation tactics of each party and the degree of their influence on the course and results of election campaigns in the province as a whole.
Keywords: pre-election campaigning, boycott of elections, RSDLP, social revolutionaries empowered by the workers’ curia, party committees, election campaign.
Volgin E.I. (Moscow). The problem of multi-party system in the constitutional and political process of the Russian Federation (1990–1993)………………………………………………………………………………………58
EVGENY IGOREVICH VOLGIN — Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of the History of Social Movements and Political Parties, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 107061, Russian Federation, Moscow, B. Cherkizovskaya, 2–3–43. E-mail:
The history of the drafting and adoption of a Constitution of Russia 1993 is a great research task where historical, political and legal approaches unite. The aim of this article is to highlight in this turbulent and dramatic process of the early 1990s only one aspect that had concerned the right of citizens to unite in political parties. In the specialized literature, this topic was practically not distinguished as an independent research plot. In addition, considering very ambiguous approaches to understanding such a seemingly elementary constitutional guarantee as the right to multi-party nature, one can draw conclusions about how different politicians (including the leaders of the new Russian parties) understood the very idea of political pluralism.
Keywords: Political parties, Constitution, Constitutional Commission, Constitutional meeting, right of association, Congress of People’s Deputies, Supreme Council, B.N. Yeltsin, A.A. Sobchak, V.L. Sheinis, S.S. Alekseev, S.M. Shahrai.
Gureeva O.A. (Saint Petersburg). Historical and legal analysis of the prosecutor’s participation in civil proceedings……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….68
OLGA ANDREEVNA GUREEVA — Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines, St. Petersburg’s Law Institute (branch) of the Academy of the R.F. Prosecutor General’s Office. 191104, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Liteiny pr., 44. E-mail:
Judicial protection is the most effective way of restoring the violated rights, freedoms, legitimate interests of a person, society and the state. In turn, the human rights function of the prosecutor’s office basically reduces to participation in civil legal proceedings, the meaning and essence of which varied depending on the legal attitudes in society, on the particular public interest in a certain historical period the state and society attached to public significance, directing the efforts of the state apparatus On the protection of the latter, including the judicial system. The conclusions drawn in the article are based on the analysis of various periods of development of legislation regulating the participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings, the study of which required the author to study the normative acts of various historical eras of the functioning of the prosecutor’s office.
Keywords: historical analysis, civil legal proceedings, prosecutor, human rights activity, Peter I.
Gergilev D.N. (Krasnoyarsk). The problem of administrative and territorial reformation in Siberia in the 19th century………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………74
DENIS NIKOLAEVICH GERGILEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Director of the Institute for the Humanities, Siberian Federal University. 660041, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnyi st. 82a, room 460. E-mail:
This article analyzes the features of management in Siberia in the first quarter of the 19th century. The author proves that the Russian Empire had the unique experience of managing huge territories with complicated ethnic and religious composition. This article discusses specific examples of administrative and territorial reforms in the history of Russia. Management experience of Siberia is largely unique because it is based on a complex religious and national composition. However, administrative and territorial reforms, which took place in Siberia in the 19th century, contain universal elements that can be used in various regions of Russia. According to the author, such management experience may be demanded in today’s global world.
Keywords: province, governor general, region, management system, industrial principle, territorial organization, county.
Burlutskaya (Bannikova) E.V. (Orenburg). Child mortality in merchant families of Orenburg in the second half of the 19th century……………………………………………………………………………………………………80
ELENA VADIMOVNA BURLUTSKAYA (BANNIKOVA) — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-rector on scientific work, Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 460014, Russian Federation, Orenburg, Sovietskaya st., 19.
The article focuses on one of the family aspects of the daily life of provincial merchant class women in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century. A retrospective look at this problem through the history of the Russian province is very important nowadays when the history of motherhood is one of the most relevant topics of historical studies throughout the world. With the data from parish registers of Orenburg churches, the author analyzes the statistics for child mortality in local merchant families, describes probable causes of death and examines parents’ reaction to that kind of family tragedy. In addition to the historical documents, the author used published statistics and the latest works of historians studying similar problems. In the course of the study the author convincingly shows that child mortality rate in Orenburg region during the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century was significantly higher than the national average. These tragic events happened in the merchant families as often as in the families from other estates. Therefore, child mortality rate wasn’t affected by the parents’ way of life. The leading causes of death of children included epidemics, frailty of the child’s mother and low awareness among the parents about the correct methods of quality newborn care. Since there was no research focused on the topic described in the name of this article and based on the data about the South Urals region, the author’s conclusions will help to get a better understanding of a daily family life of provincial Orenburg merchants.
Keywords: Russian province, daily life, family, merchantry, woman, child mortality.
Potemkin I.A. (Moscow). The struggle of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with militant Pan-Islamism in Turkestan during the First World War…………………………………………………………………86
IGOR ANATOL’EVICH POTEMKIN — Chief, Section for Research of Problems of History, Research Centre, Management Academy of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of Russia. 129085, Russian Federation, Moscow, Alexandra and Zoe Kosmodemyanskys, 8. Е-mail:
The paper investigates the fighting of police forces, gendarmerie, Turkistan District Security Section with the assistance of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Ministry for Internal Affairs against Pan-Islamism in the Russian Turkistan during the First World War. The 1915 year became a turning-point in the propagation of the ideology of the above doctrine in the Russian Empire. Pan-Islamism became militaristic. Turkistan and Khanate of Bukhara became so-called «litmus paper». The aggressive essence of the above doctrine manifested in the calls for violent unrests against the state authorities of Russia, separation from Russia. The authors provide some examples. The activity of agents of Turkey, of German and Afghanistan intelligence services and glowering mules practicing Pan-Islamism was suppressed successively thanks to the units of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire.
The author uses the date of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, Russian State Historical Archive and Russian State War-Historical Archive.
Keywords: Pan-Islamism, Turkestan, the police, the Gendarmerie, Turkestan the District Security Branch, Turkey (the Ottoman Empire), Persia (Iran), Afghanistan, Islam, the local population.
Pertsev V.A. (Voronezh). Trends in the organization of production activities of personnel industrial enterprises in the areas of the Central Chernozem region in the 1950–1980s…………………………………95
VLADIMIR ALEXANDROVICH PERTSEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Contemporary Russian History, Historiography and Document Management, Voronezh State University. 394018, Russian Federation, Voronezh, University Square, 1. E-mail:
Based on archival materials, the features of the socio-economic development of the Central Chernozem Region (CCHR) during the 1950–1980s are explored. The factors influencing the stability of the functioning of the leading branches of the national economy of the region, and the dynamics of changes in the social sphere are analyzed. The interrelation between the growth of the number of industrial and production personnel and the change in the demographic situation in the largest cities of the CCHR is traced. Objective and subjective reasons for the discrepancy between the increase in wages and the growth rates of labor productivity are elucidated. It was concluded that substantial material and labor resources were directed at solving problems that were not related to the direct production and financial activities of plants and factories. The article establishes the circumstances that influenced the formation and social development of the labor potential of the region. Taking into account the generalization of personal data, the reasons for the dismissal of workers from industrial enterprises at their own establishes in this article.
Keywords: Central Chernozem Region, labor productivity, wages, employee turnover, supervision assistance, misuse of employees, violation of labor discipline.
Demicheva T.M. (Saint Petersburg). Legal problems of the relationship between the metropolis and the colonies during the French Revolution……………………………………………………………………………………103
TAISIIA MAXIMOVNA DEMICHEVA — Postgraduate student of the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199304, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7/9. E-mail:
The article aims to show how the legal issues raised by the Enlightenment had been changed during the Revolution and how they were embodies in the colonies. This is done via the use of the articles, letters, proclamations, debates in the National Constituent Assembly and the comparison of these materials with the principles of the Enlightenment. We show that the metropolis policy was ambiguous and inconsistent towards the colonies. There were contradictions among the colonialists themselves and within the metropolis and these contradictions concerned mainly human rights and management issues. We conclude that the French Revolution principles had to fight against themselves. The colonists opposed against the implementation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen principles towards mulattoes and negroes. The colonists denied them the natural right to freedom and the equal rights with the white population. In turn, the metropolis regarded mulattos as a barrier that could be used to oppose the colonists. At the same time, the colonists demanded the right to represent the colony in the National Constituent Assembly as it was stated in the Declaration.
Keywords: the French Revolution, San Domingo, Empire, colonial policy, slavery, anti-slavery discourse, voting right, legal status of the colonies.
Klimovskiy S.D. (Saint Petersburg). Russian-American cooperation in shipbuilding during the creation of an armored fleet (the 60s of the XIX century)…………………………………………………………………………112
SERGEY DANILOVICH KLIMOVSKIY — Scientific secretary of the Central Naval Museum. 190000, Saint Petersburg, Bolshaya Morskaya ul., 69A. E-mail:
In the early 1860s the creation of the armored fleet had started in Russia. In 1862 in the United States was sent a group of naval experts to collect information on armored vessels, acquisition of design documentation and elaboration of recommendations for the construction of ironclads in Russia. The article discusses Russian-American cooperation in this area. It was recognized that the monitors of the American type were the most suitable for organizations in Russia coastal defense. In March 1863 the Emperor Alexander II approved the so-called monitor program, which included the construction of 10 armored turret boats (monitors). They came into operation in 1865 and were quite adequate to the task of defense of Kronstadt and the coasts of the Gulf of Finland. In general, the American experience was implemented in Russia very successfully.
Keywords: Russian Navy, Naval Ministry, United States, shipbuilding, armored fleet, monitors, armored turret boats.
Manukhin A.A. (Moscow). The Impact of American Liberals and Right-Wing Socialists on U.S. Russian Policy: the Cases of Arthur Bullard and John Spargo, 1917–1920……………………………………120
ALEXEY ANATOLIEVICH MANUKHIN — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. 121108, Russian Federation, Moscow, Gerasima Kurina st., 14–3–32. E-mail:
The article examines the participation of prominent American social activists and publicists Arthur Bullard and John Spargo in the formulation and pursuance of U.S. policy toward revolutionary Russia. The research is based on the journalistic works, media articles, published diplomatic documents and the collection of the Papers of Woodrow Wilson. While in foreign historiography there are published works on Spargo, in Russia both these figures have not yet become the object of special studies. The author compares their views as regards the significance of Russia for the interests of the United States, methods of economic, political and cultural influence on Russian society, struggle against the Bolsheviks and support of their rivals. The conclusion is drawn that the approaches of Bullard and Spargo played a crucial role in the long-range development of U.S. strategy.
Keywords: Arthur Bullard, John Spargo, Russia, the United States, revolution, Civil War, Bolshevism, foreign policy.
Korshenko S.V. Formation of ideas about Japan and the Japanese during the Soviet-Japanese war (August 1945) by means of visual agitation………………………………………………………………………………129
SERGEY VADIMOVICH KORSHENKO — Postgraduate student of 3rd year, History Department, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10. E-mail:
Agitational propaganda policy in the USSR during the war played an important role in mobilizing Soviet society, as well as in forming ideas about the enemies and allies of the Soviet Union. A special role in the implementation of this policy was taken by visual agitation, in its specific features, which had a number of advantages in comparison with other propagandistic genres: mass audience coverage, brevity and intelligibility of slogan appeals, use of hyperbolism and grotesqueness in the image. Problems of propaganda and agitation during the war, Russian researchers became interested in the Soviet period, and with the development of historical imagology, which was already developing in the post-Soviet years, it was possible to analyze the system of representations of “other”, “foreign” images through visual agitation. Based on the central and regional press, the author examines the features of visual agitation during the Soviet-Japanese War in August 1945, and also examines its influence on Soviet public consciousness.
Keywords: Soviet Union, Japan, agitation and propaganda policy, visual agitation, Soviet poster, caricature, slogan, Soviet-Japanese War.
Pestich S.S. (Moscow). Policy of the USSR on the eve of the Six-Day War in 1967…………………………………136
SERGEY SERGEEVICH PESTICH — Postgraduate student, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27/4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to pressing and little studied issue: analysis of the Soviet policy on the settlement of the Arab-Israeli confrontation on the eve of the Six-Day War. Over the years the Arab-Israeli conflict has been a major factor of the instability of the Middle East region. Russia as a successor of the USSR is participating in the settlement of this conflict. The Six-Day war has become a milestone in the development of the confrontation between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and has also influenced the dynamics of the Cold War. This war paved the way for Camp David separate Egypt-Israel Accords of 1978, and this war was the cause of the erosion of the Soviet positions in the Middle East. Soviet Union strong influenced on the processes in the Middle East, however, the Soviet authority had a complicated relationship both with allies – Egypt and Syria, and with Israel, the strategic partner of the United States. The aim of this article is to distill the essence of the complexity of such relationship.
Keywords: Arab-Israeli conflict, the USSR, the Middle East, the Six-Day war, settlement, foreign policy, Syria, Egypt, Israel.
Rudnik S.M. (Moscow). Strategy of «soft power» at the external action of the Generalitat of Catalonia at the beginning of XXI century………………………………………………………………………………………………141
SVETLANA MIKHAILOVNA RUDNIK — Postgraduate student, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27–4. E–mail:
The article is devoted to the development of the concept called “soft power” and its role in the Catalan paradiplomacy. The case of Catalonia is very interesting for investigating it because according to the text of Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia approved in 2006 the powers of Generalitat of Catalonia were increased and at the same time new ways of the Catalan collaboration with other regions and countries were striving to develop more and more. In other words, the Generalitat of Catalonia chose the way of representing interests of the Autonomy apart from the Spanish ones through the official Catalan regional organizations. The author examines the key organizations that pursue this policy, its effectiveness and the position of the Generalitat of Catalonia in respect of “soft power” in the contest of preparing for Catalan independence and its conversion into the strategical political resource of the autonomous government.
Keywords: Spain, Catalonia, paradiplomacy, soft power, autonomy, 2006 Statute Autonomy of Catalonia, Artur Mas, independence.
Barkova O.N. (Moscow). Features of the Formation of the Communicative Space of the Russian Diaspora in 1917—1939: Female Literary Journalism in Emigration. To the issue of Conservation of the National and Cultural Identity…………………………………………………………………………………………………146
OL’GA NIKOLAEVNA BARKOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Legal Disciplines Department, Supreme State Audit School (Faculty) of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1, str. 13–14. E-mail:
The article focuses on the contribution of emigre women 1917–1939 V.A. Alexandrova, N.N. Berberova, Z.A. Vengerova, Z.N. Gippius, O.L. Dyakova, V.I. Lurie, N.I. Petrovskaya, A.V. Tyrkova-Williams, N.A. Teffi, M.I. Tsvetaeva and others to the development of the communicative space and the conservation of the national traditions of literary journalism in emigration. The article contains information about various publishing houses and printed editions of the Russian diaspora of 1917–1939 — newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, almanac, books, etc., which reflected the interests of the emigrant society and the scope of its literary and reader needs; considers the typology of emigrant printed publications; analyses separate publications of women-journalists of the “first post-revolutionary wave” and other. Particular emphasis is placed on the problem of the personification of emigrant literary journalism, its gender component and in matters of careful attitude to the national and cultural heritage of Russia in the formation of the communicative space of the Russian diaspora of “the first post-revolutionary wave” in Germany, France and Czechoslovakia.
Keywords: communicative space of the Russian emigration 1917–1939, female literary journalism in exile.
Budaeva L.A. (Moscow). The reflection of the holiday culture and national traditions of Sweden in the features of the diplomatic protocol of 1930-1945 in the perception of the Soviet Ambassador A.M. Kollontay: anthropological aspect…………………………………………………………………………………………………156
LINA ANDREEVNA BUDAEVA — Postgraduate student of the Department of the History of Social Movements and Political Parties of Russia, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27–4. E-mail:
The focus of the article is the memoirs «Diplomatic Diaries. 1922–1940» of the first female ambassador in the world A.M. Kollontai, who headed the embassy of the Soviet Union in Sweden for 15 years. Personal impressions of various diplomatic receptions, celebrations, numerous meetings with representatives of the political elite and cultural figures of Sweden and other events that played an important role in the diplomatic protocol of this country in 1930–1940s sufficiently reproduce the peculiarities of the holiday culture of the Swedish people, their national traditions and customs, and are reproduced in the memoirs of A.M. Kollontai. This article is written on the basis of sources of personal origin — diary entries, correspondence and memoirs of the Soviet ambassador A.M. Kollontai and the memoirs of the press-secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Sweden Z.I. Voskresenskaya.
Keywords: Alexandra Kollontai, celebrations, diplomatic receptions, Sweden in 1930–1940s, diplomatic protocol, anthropology of international relations.
Kozlov V.O. (Moscow). The Role of J.P. Morgan in settlement of the stock market panic of 1907 in the United States……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………162
VADIM OLEGOVICH KOZLOV — Postgraduate student of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosovsky pr., 27/4. E-mail:
Based on analyze of the materials of the Morgan archive in New York and the Library of Congress in Washington, the article examines issues related to the role of the influential banking tycoon J.P. Morgan in the origin and settlement of the financial panic that erupted on the US stock exchanges in 1907. In the existing amount of work has paid much attention to the negative side of the influence of the big business on the life of the North American Republic at the turn 20th century. Particular attention is paid to identifying the main mechanisms of the financier’s influence on the development of the financial crisis, the issue of public reaction to the possibility of settling the “panic” on the exchange by the efforts of a small group of monopolists is touched upon. Attention is focused on the consideration of the crisis and the great role of J.P. Morgan in it crisis as one of the most important reasons for the formation of the Federal Reserve System, the third “Central Bank” in US history. The relevance of this topic is connected with the debating of questions about the role of big capital in the modern economy, as well as the author’s identification of new archival sources that allowed a new look at the history of the largest stock market panic of the beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords: financial panic, financial aristocracy, monopolistic capitalism, “voting trusts”, corporate business elite, investment bank, financial stabilization committee, J.P. Morgan, monetary commission, trust.
Barkova O.N. (Moscow). «Medicine was their vocation in emigration …». Professional, scientific and educational activities of women-doctors of the Russian Diaspora in 1917–1939………………………………167
OL’GA NIKOLAEVNA BARKOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Legal Disciplines Department, Supreme State Audit School (Faculty) of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1, str. 13–14. E-mail:
The article focuses on the contribution of women doctors of Russian Diaspora in 1917–1939 in the formation of a professional emigrant community in the first half of the 20th century — N.K. Abramova, A.M. Gelen, Т.В. Dembo, N.A. Dobrovolskaya-Zavadskaya, E.N. Telegina and others, who were engaged in medical and scientific activities in the field of medicine. The article attempts to personify female medical abroad from 1917–1939; considers the problem of social and professional adaptation of women doctors and nurses in emigration in the context of «personal history». Particular attention is paid to the disputable issue of the size of the Russian emigrant medical community and its gender component; educational activity of women-physicians of the Russian diaspora in 1917–1939 and etc.
Keywords: women-physicians of the Russian diaspora in 1917–1939, doctors and nurses of mercy, strength, problem of personification, professional adaptation, medical activity.
Losik A.V., Sherba A.N. (Saint Petersburg). War and life in the Smolensk region during the great Patriotic war (1941–1945) (Review on the monograph of Komarov D.E. “Smolensk region in the fire of the Great Patriotic war: war, nation, victory”. Smolensk, Svitok Publ., 2015)…………………………………175
ALEXANDER VITALIAVICH LOSIK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Baltic state technical university “Voenmech” D.F. Ustinov, Deputy editor of the journal “KLIO”. 197374, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Shkoljnaya ul., 88-2-81. E-mail:
ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH SHERBA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Researcher of Research Department (military history of North-western region of Russian Federation), Research institute (of military history), Military Academy of the General Staff. 191055, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nevskiy boulevard 10. E-mail:
The armed struggle and the life of the population on the territory of the Smolensk region during the war years are described in the fundamental work of Smolensk historian, doctor of historical sciences D.E. Komarov “Smolensk region in the fire of the Great Patriotic War: the people, the victory” (Monograph, Svitok Publ., 2015, 368 p.), the analysis is the subject of this review. It emphasizes that the author of the monograph on the basis of a large number of domestic and foreign sources (primarily archival ones) examines various aspects of military reality: the fighting of regular units of the Red Army and partisans, the lives of people under occupation and restoration after occupation, the fight against the enemy on occupied territory and others. Generalized and analyzed material in the monograph allows presenting more clearly and voluminously the role and place of the Smolensk region during that cruel and terrible war.
Keywords: Smolensk oblast, defensive and offensive battles and operations, occupants, the environment, prisoners of war, stage, guerrillas, radical change, renewal, food, victory.
Benda V.N. (Saint Petersburg). About the monograph of professors A.V. Losik and A.N. Szczerba “The means of armed struggle as one of the attributes of human civilization (some regularities of the evolution and prospects of development)”…………………………………………………………………………………………………182
VLADIMIR NIKOLAYEVICH BENDA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the interfaculty department of history, Leningrad state university named after A.S. Pushkin. 196605, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe schosse, d. 10. E-mail:
The review analyzed the results of military-historical research of the Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Alexander Vitalievich Losika and Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Szczerba “The means of armed struggle as one of the attributes of human civilization (some regularities of the evolution and prospects of development)”. It is noted that the role of violence in the world civilization has always been and remains exceptionally high. This is due to the underlying factors inherent in human nature that have yet to be fully explored. Understanding of the totality of many of the facts stated in this work, enables to identify more clearly patterns of evolution of the means of armed struggle. In their work the authors showed an objective relationship of this process with the level of scientific and technological progress and other elements of human civilization.
Keywords: global history, civilization, means of warfare, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, transport, personal protection, influence factors, analysis of the development of scientific and technological progress.
Ippolitov G.M., Repinetskaya J.S., Shchelkov A.B. (Samara). About the results of the regional scientific and practical conference “1917. The Great Russian revolution and the beginning of the Civil War”……………………..186
GEORGIY MIKHAILOVICH IPPOLITOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Volga branch of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Samara), Professor of the Department of National History and Archeology, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, Leo Tolstoy st., 47. E-mail:;
JULIA SOLOMONOVNA REPINETSKAYA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of World History, Law and Methods of Teaching Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, Leo Tolstoy st., 47. E-mail:
ALEXEY BORISOVICH SHCHELKOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of National History and Archeology Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. 443010, Russian Federation, Samara, Leo Tolstoy st., 47. E-mail:
The report highlights the work of the regional scientific and practical conference “1917. The Great Russian Revolution and the beginning of the Civil War”. The conference was prepared by scientists of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (SSUSSE) and was held on March, 30, 2017. Its main participants were history and social science teachers working at schools of Samara and Samara region. Some teachers of colleges (secondary vocational education) also took part. 4–5 year students of the Faculty of History of the SSUSSE were also invited to the conference. A number of them took an active part in its work through questions to the speakers, some of which were really rather problematic. The conference was predominantly of scientific and practical nature. This was reflected in the fact that many urgent problems of teaching in secondary school of such a complicated subject as “The Great Russian Revolution of 1917” were raised in. Meanwhile, the conference touched the questions of theory and methodology related to the discussed historical phenomena. A particularly lively discussion was caused by the problem of the periodization of the revolutionary process in 1917, as well as the role and place of the army in the events of the revolutionary year 1917.
Keywords: Revolutionary 1917, historiographic and source studies aspects, Provisional Government, leaders of the revolutionary period, active methods of studying, methodological problems, Samara, V.I. Lenin.
Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg). Prominent Russian historian Anatoly I. Avrus……………………………………..191
SERGEYI NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Klio”, Head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies, St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law. 191014, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Liteinyi pr., 42. E-mail:
The article is dedicated to the memory of an outstanding Russian historian Anatoly Ilyich Avrus who has made a significant contribution to the development of national historical scholarship. A graduate from the Saratov state University in 1952, disciple of L.A. Derbov, V.B. Ostrovsky and Y.A. Elfand, he created his own school of historians, who successfully work in higher educational institutions in many cities of our country. The scholarly interests of A.I. Avrus were very wide: a political history, the history of the personalities, the history of Russian universities, history of sport, historical psychology and a number of other areas. He made a notable contribution to the activities of the scholarly journal “Klio”, working for many years in the Editorial Board. We must not forget that for a number of years he created analytical notes, which gave a detailed assessment of publications of each issue. This effectively contributed to the development of the journal.
Keywords: Anatoly I. Avrus, political history of Russia, history of personalities, V.M. Chernov, intelligentsia studies, history of Russian universities.