Klio # 9 (117) 2016







Shadrova V.M. (Saint Petersburg). Nomadic military service as a motivator writing communication of the family (continuation, the beginning in “Klio” № 6,7 (2016)………………………………………………..………………………..13


VALERIA MIHAILOVNA SHADROVA — Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Public Relations, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI».

198152, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Primakova, 4, 35.

E-mail: valeriashadrova@gmail.com


The letters cover the period from May 1944 through February 1945. In the summer of 1944 Leningrad F. Engels Military School — both teaching staff and students — was transferred from the town of Shuya (Ivanovo Region) where it operated since the beginning of the war in 1941, back to Leningrad. The families continued to stay in Shuya because during the wartime no civilians could move in to Leningrad without getting first an official permission from the authorities. Military topographer/instructor M. Shadrov’s family, like many times before, got split again. As before, letters remained the only means of communication. Facts, events and observations mentioned or described in them give a characteristic — with a bigger or lesser degree of subjectivity — of economical, social and psychological conditions under which the family lived during the war, with scarce resources, and verging, sometimes, on the edge of survival.

Keywords: M.A. Shadrov, military service, evacuation, letters, Leningrad, F. Engels Military School.






Procenko A.S. (Ufa). Funerary complex of Kara-abyzskoy culture (outline of the history of accumulation source base)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43


ANTON SERGEEVICH PROCENKO — Postgraduate student, Department of General History and Cultural Heritage,

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla.

450000, Russian Federation, Ufa, October Revolution st., d. 55.

E-mail: anton.procenko@mail.ru


The work deals with the history of accumulation and the study of funerary monuments Kara-abyzskoy culture since their discovery to date. The author dwells on each repository and source study summarizes the overall material accumulated more than a hundred years. Considering the fact that much of the material has not been published, it creates certain difficulties for a better understanding of not only Kara-abyzskoy culture, but also the progress of ethno cultural processes in the region at the turn of the eras, so the introduction into scientific circulation and ordering of the source base is today the moment one of the most urgent tasks of archaeologists in the region.

Keywords: forest-steppe anteurals, White river, kara-abyzskaya culture, funerary monuments, Early Iron Age, source base.



Ilyin A.A. (Moscow). On the History of Concept “Revolution”: Reaction to the European Revolutions of 1848 (Basing on Russian Press and Legislation)……………………………………………………………………………………………..48


ANDREI ALEKSANDROVICH ILYIN — Postgraduate student, Graduate School of History, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

101000, Russia, Moscow, Myasnitskaya str., 20.

E-mail: andrew.a.ilyin@gmail.com


The following article offers an analysis of negative reaction to the European revolutions of 1848 in Russian newspapers and magazines. The additional sources used in the work are the Russian laws regarding revolts. Concept “revolution” is shown to be essential part of this reaction in the press. In the Russian periodicals of that period revolutions conceptualized as illegal and illegitimate infringements on monarch’s power. Various authors appealed to divine right and opposed it to revolutionary ideology since they were influenced by the European events. Citizen’s right of revolution and also idea of possible progressiveness of some revolutions were criticized or elided in the materials appeared in the press.

Keywords: revolution, revolutions of 1848, revolt, monarchial ideology, Nicolas I, divine right, conceptual history, history of press.






Volkoff A.A. (Moscow). The Founding of the Byzantine Empire in Nicaea (1204–1261) in Modern Historiography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….57


ANGELINA ANNE VOLKOFF — Postgraduate student, Department of Medieval History, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosov Prospect, 27, building 4.

E-mail: angelina.volkoff@gmail.com


The question of the Nicaean Empire’s (1204–1261) foundation remains a relatively little-studied subject. This is primarily explained by the fact that in 1204 the Byzantine Empire in Nicaea was not a new state, but rather was the continuation of the previous government, which, essentially, moved from Constantinople to a different city under the influence of external factors. Secondly, historical sources do not talk about any kind of creation of a new empire, but on the contrary present the new government as merely the next stage of the previous government’s existence. Nevertheless, modern historiography has cemented the concept of the “Nicaean Empire” to designate a separate political entity. This concept contributed to the formation of the view that the Nicaean Empire was fundamentally different from the empire in Constantinople before 1204 and after 1261. Despite this contradiction between the sources and the established historiographical concept, the subject of the “foundation” and first years of the Byzantine Empire in Nicaean deserves separate examination as the period linking the previous and the proceeding Byzantine history. In this article the author focuses on an analysis of the historiography of the early Nicaean Empire and in particular of its central figure and first emperor — Theodore I Laskaris (1204–1221).

Keywords: Byzantine Empire, Nicaean Empire, Theodore I Laskaris, historiography, A. Meliarikis, A. Gardner, M. Angold, P.I. Zhavoronkov, I. Giarenis.






Danilov I.A. (Saint Petersburg ). The tradition of naming in the knightly families of the Margravate of Meissen in the Confessional era. Phenomenon kinship of Byunau………………………………………………………………………….61


IGOR ALEKSEEVICH DANILOV — Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of History, Chair of medieval history, Junior researcher at the Department of Rare Books Library of the Academy of Sciences.

199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mendeleev line, block 5;

199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Birzhevaja line, blok 1.

E-mail: igordanilov1990@gmail.com


The article is devoted to the traditions of naming in Saxony in the XVI–XVII centuries on the material onomasticon knightly family Byunau. In an era called the representatives of this noble family held a high position at the Elector of Saxony and participated in the most significant political events and military conflicts, affecting the interests of the ruling elite in the region. The practice of naming the male members of the kinship Byunau is an extraordinary case, since for many centuries, including in the confessional era, they used only three male names: Rudolf, Heinrich and Günther. Even fashion in the early modern double names have not touched the traditional list of names this kinship. In addition, the article provides also the list of names for women, which is very different from the male variety of names repertoire. Unlike men, women onomasticon was affected by common nominative trends of his time, so starting with the confessional era a large number of double names will appear in it. In general, here there is special, different from the male order of naming, which significantly affects nominal fund is not only his father but his mother’s side. Thus, onomasticon Byunau kinship is a shining example of the uniqueness in its male and following trends in women’s age.

Keywords: history of Germany, Saxony, knightly nobility, onomastics, statistics, kinship of Byunau, family, wedding parties, naming.



Tsverianashvili I.A. (Saint Petersburg). From the history of The Swedish scientifical experience in the solution of environmental problems in 1930–1990s…………………………………………………………………………………….71


IVAN ALEXEEVICH TSVERIANASHVILI — Senior lecturer, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History and Regional Studies, The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.

193232, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Prospekt Bolshevikov 22–1.


The article deals with the experience of scientists and researchers in Sweden in the solution of environmental problems and conflicts between nature and humanity. The paper analyses achievements of ecologists, biologists, country’s public characters (B. Gillberg, H. Palmstierna, E. Vagner), who contributed significantly to the solution of environmental problems on different stages of the Swedish history ― from the 1930s, the era of the first environmental schools of science to the 1990s. It’s emphasized that the Swedish researchers always tried to make a connection between them and society and would present their scientific results in different forms. Throughout this chronological period, they were mostly involved in subjects of using harmful chemicals (and effects of its using), concerns about the health of the nation, level of the nation’s environmental responsibility, what manifested, for example, in ecologization of school education in the last quarter of the XX century. In most cases, their results got a great interest among the society, initiated public environmental debates, and were noticed at a high political level, that realized later in the legislative acts. Some investigations, for example, by S. Oden (1924–1986) in the field of research of acid rain and improving air quality became the first in the world. Research experience of Sweden in solving environmental problems is very valuable for other EU countries, and Russia, especially in the context of today’s global environmental debates and concerns about the future of the planet.

Keywords: environmental problems, Swedish scientists, environmental responsibility, national environmental policy, ecologization.






Shipilov A.V. (Voronezh). Russian overland and water transportation in the first half of the XVIII century…………..77


ANDREI VASILYEVICH SHIPILOV — Doctor of Culturology, Associate professor, professor of the Department of philosophy, economics and social and humanitarian studies of Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

394043, Russian Federation, Voronezh, Lenin street, 86, room 413.

E-mail: skriptor@icmail.ru


The history of Russia due to its vast territory not least was the history of the ways and means of transportation. Transport has always been one of the most important economic institutions, the structure and specificity which can both promote and inhibit the development of the country. In particular, during the reforms of Peter I and his immediate successors system of passenger and freight traffic retain its traditional character, resisted the attempts of state regulation and had no rational organization, the cause of which was and landscape-climatic and socio-economic conditions of its operation. Passenger transportations been implemented mainly coachman service, which was a way of irregular posts, and the prices for its services have been quite high. Cargo overland transport assured by peasant carting, while the value of distances, poor road network and primitive vehicles considerably slowed and increased the cost of transit of goods. Much larger and cheaper carriage were on river transport, but they are due to hydrographic features of the river network, shipbuilding traditions and specific labor market characterized by low speed and reliability of delivery. At the same time, the available means and methods of water transport were the most adapted to the conditions of time and place, as evidenced by the failure of government attempts to implement the production and operation of river vessels European types. And water, and land vehicles have been adapted to the natural features of the river and the road network, and it was impossible to improve the first without improving the latter, and it is in the XVIII century Russia was still a matter of the distant future.

Keywords: crafts transport, cargo, goods, ship, wagon train, caravan, coachman.



Davydov A.Y. (Saint Petersburg). From the myth of the “drunken Russia” in the tsar’s time to the reality of mass drunkenness of “socialist reconstruction”…………………………………………………………………………………….87


ALEXANDR YURIEVICH DAVYDOV — Doctor of Historical Science, Professor of the Department of Russian history, Herzen State Pedagogical University.

191186, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg,

Moika River Embankment, 48, bld. 20.

E-mail: davydov.au@mail.ru


The article examines major tendencies of the evolution of alcoholization process of Russian population within the period from the First World War up to the Stalin’s “socialistic reconstruction”. The author gives reasons for the fact that at that period the factors of involvement of wider population into systematic drunkenness were entirely defined. The applicability of the article is determined by necessity to highlight the detailed reasons and mechanism of realization of such a dangerous phenomenon in our country. While doing so, the historian rests upon the investigation of modern scholars, analyses the facts, which were found in memoires and periodical press. He proves that by the beginning of the considered period Russia belonged to the countries with low level of alcoholization of the population. This was due to the fact that peasants who formed the largest group of the population were dictated by “the power of sole”, labor habits and regulations, which were not to be combined with pathologic alcohol addiction of workers. Within two decades of the Soviet regime transformation of the algorithms of rural daily live was directly connected to fluctuations of alcohol addiction scale. The academic novelty of the research firstly, centers around identifying of the stages of changes in peasant labor traditions within the period under study, secondly, extraction of the periods of alcoholization of the population, thirdly, determination of the direct connection between those stages and periods. The articles suggests the following stages of evolution of the phenomenon: years of War communism — the time of mass drinking and moonshine production, New Economic Policy — period of return to the “alcohol” stability of the beginning of XX century, “socialistic reconstruction” — the time when regular drinking became an attribute of everyday routine of more and more Russians. The author comes to a conclusion that the government, who destroyed rapidly the traditional labor roster, played a constituent role in the forced alcoholization of the Russian society.

Keywords: alcoholization, spirits, labor tradition, monopoly, moonshine production, simpractical culture, black marketeers, commodity dictatorship, defarming, socialistic reconstruction.



Shcherbakov Y.V. (Saint Petersburg). From the experience of the organization in 1923, first training fees territorial-militias………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………96


YURIY VADIMOVICH SHCHERBAKOV — Lecturer of the Department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines of the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev.

199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 8.

E-mail: vatt@mail.ru


The article based on a wide range of archival sources, including from the Archives of the President of the Russian Federation and the Central State St. Petersburg archive, as well as on the basis of published rarely printed editions 1920 reflected some aspects of military construction in Soviet Russia / USSR 1920. We consider the activities of bodies of state and military control in the center and in the field, aimed at the formation of the Red Army territorial militias, as well as the work of preparing for the 1923 autumn collections of variable composition to their military training. The author identified a range of important military-strategic objectives, which showed the need to move to a new principle of manning the formations and military units of the Red Army, as well as the need for an immediate military reform.

Keywords: armed forces, Soviet Russia, military construction, interwar period, reorganization, Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, military security of the state, territorial-militia system, military revolutionary Council, system of recruitment, military training



Krasilnikov S.A., Teplyakov A.G. (Novosibirsk). «The economic counter-revolution»: how two OGPU departments competed in 1930–1931 years………………………………………………………………………………………………103


SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH KRASILNIKOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior researcher at the Institute of History SB RAS (Novosibirsk).

630090, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Academician Nikolaev st., d. 8.

E-mail: krass49@gmail.com


ALEKSEJ GEORGIEVICH TEPLYAKOV — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.

630099, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Kamenskaya st., 56.

E-mail: teplyakov-alexey@rambler.ru


In S.A. Krasil’nikov’s and A.G. Teplyakov’s publication «”The economic counter-revolution”: how two departments of the OGPU competed in 1930–1931 years» submitted documents the office of the OGPU on the investigative action in relation to mythical organizations («Labour Peasant Party» and «Industrial Party»). Shows how the investigation has faced the interests of two OGPU departments (secret and economic), as each of them wished to implement the directives of the Stalinist leadership about getting arrested from the required readings. In practice, this internal competition has created a kind of pendulum effect when the investigation against the main suspects in «Labour Peasant Party» and «Industrial Party» passed from one Department (economic) in the hands of another (secret), and then back again to the economic department and Vice versa. The wearing down of those arrested by the staff of these two structures has yielded results in the form of «confession» testimony questioned about «sabotage».

Keywords: political repressions, agrarian and technical intelligentsia, OGPU, technology of work of the Chekists.






Khotko S.K. (Maicop). Toponym “Circassian Ban” on G. Gastaldo’s map (1551) in the context of Circassian Presence in Crimea…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….115


SAMIR KHAMIDOVICH KHOTKO — Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Ethnology Department, Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after Kerashev.

385000, Republic of Adygea, Maicop city, ul. Krasnooktjabrskaya, 13.

E-mail: inalast@mail.ru


During the XIV–XVI centuries in the European cartography they created outstanding – owing to precise and informational content — maps of the Black Sea Basin. That level reflected development of the geographical and the historical-ethnographic knowledge of the area of the Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. The article is devoted to clarification of the real historical reasons for appearance of such toponym as “Circassian ban” (“Cherkeze bano”) placed in the central part of the map of Crimea “Description of Moscovia” by Giacomo Gastaldo.

The article’s author suggests two versions of the toponym’s appearance. Firstly, that place name could reflect existence of a “Circassian fortress” (Cherkes-kermen) in the mountains of the southern Crimea. In its turn that name could appear under conditions of rather numerous presence of Circassian population in the period before the Ottoman conquest (1475). In the historiography of the history of the late medieval Crimea they repeatedly expressed the point of view that the dynasty, that ruled the principality of Theodoro (Crimean Gothia) in 1403–1475, had come from Circassia. Secondly, during the XVI-XVII centuries in the Crimean Khanate a small but very influential community of Circassian “Franks” under which ruling Sivurtash village was, close to the khan’s capital, existed.

Keywords: Circassian ban, Giacomo Gastaldo, Crimea, Mangup, Cherkes-kermen, principality of Theodoro, Sivurtash, Circassian “Franks”, Circassia.



Panichkin A.P. (Saint Petersburg). Parishes in the 18th Century St. Petersburg Eparchy. Statistics and Features of Parish Life………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………122


ALEXANDER PHILIPPOVICH PANICHKIN — Candidate of Theology, Archpriest, Assistant Chief of Military Training and Research Center of the Russian Federation Navy “Soviet Fleet Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy”, senior priest of the St. Paul the Confessor and St. Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov Church in the Peter the Great Naval Corps.

199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, emb. Leitenanta Shmidta, 17.

E-mail: alpriest13@yandex.ru


The article describes the life of the parishes in the 18th century St. Petersburg Eparchy, explains the meaning of the term “parish” in the 18th century, tells about the state of parish life, duties of parish members, provides statistics on the number of parishes in the counties and towns that were part of the St. Petersburg Eparchy, as well as the number of parishioners; relates about the participation of the parish community in the life of the parish, in particular, in the upkeep of the churches, appointing of priests, administering of the church economy; about parish almshouses, their inmates and rules of living therein; about worship in the cathedral and parish churches, religious processions, the tradition of priests visiting homes of faithful, parishioners behavior during the service.

Keywords: orthodox parishes of the St. Petersburg Eparchy, parish statistics, duties of parish members, decline of parishes, parish life, almshouses, appointment of parish priests, elders, worship service.



Oreshin S.A. (Balashikha, Moscow region). Formation of national statehood of the Adyghe people of the Northwest Caucasus. 1917–1922…………………………………………………………………………………………………………127


SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH ORESHIN — Candidate of Historical sciences, Leading expert, State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow «Moscow house of nationalities».

143922, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Balashikha, Sadovaya St., 6, quarter 108.

E-mail: Oreshin12345@yandex.ru


The article deals with a process of formation of national statehood of indigenous people of the Northwest Caucasus during the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Civil War. Leaning on the published and archival materials, attracting data of the Soviet and Russian historiography, the author investigates the national movement of the Adyghe Kuban and Black Sea Coast (Adyghes, Shapsugs, Circassians) after falling of autocracy, their relationship with Cossacks and the Russian population of the region, fight among mountain political elite concerning national self-determination and political future edge. The important place is given to disclosure of policy of the regional and central authorities in an ethnic question, to search of prerequisites of registration of the Adyghe statehood, discussion concerning the status of a mountain autonomy, to national delimitation in the Kuban area in the early twenties.

Mountaineers of the Northwest Caucasus have taken active part in events of Civil War in Kuban, trying to find the way in the conditions of revolutionary changes; nevertheless, they had no considerable means for implementation of the national plans. Creation of the Adygei (Circassian) autonomous region in the territory of the Northwest Caucasus has become possible thanks to policy of the central Russian authorities seeking to get support of the mountain national movement for strengthening of the Soviet power in Kuban.

Keywords: Northwest Caucasus, Kuban area, Black Sea province, national and state construction, Civil War in Russia, Mountain Executive committee, Adygei (Circassian) autonomous region, Karachay-Cherkess autonomous region, Kuban Rada, Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, Kuban-Black Sea revolutionary committee.



Polyakov A.I. (Nizhny Novgorod). The role of the State labor provisions in solving staff problems during the Great Patriotic War (on materials of the Gorky region)……………………………………………………………………………135


ALEKSANDR IGOREVICH POLYAKOV — Postgraduate student of the Department of History of State and Law,

Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

603057, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, 46.

E-mail: heneken-alex@yandex.ru


The article is devoted to the opportunities and challenges of the system of State labor reserves in the staffing industry of Gorky region, as one of the leading industrial centers in the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The article shows the role of the Gorky region in ensuring the needs of the front and the specifics of the governing bodies and enterprises in the region. On the basis of archival materials, we analyzed the work of Party organs of Gorky region in improving the work of handicraft and railway colleges, work schools, on the preparation and training of personnel for enterprises in the region. Presented household and organizational difficulties in providing the necessary conditions for education of labor reserves, forms and methods of their elimination. The article contains statistical data and extracts from documents, showing the nature and results of the work on preparation of workers for enterprises of Gorky region.

Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Gorky Region, personnel work of party bodies, state labor reserves, handicraft and railway colleges, work schools, training of personnel.






Mikhailov V. V. (Saint-Petersburg). “Muslim question” and Russian revolution: Turkey, Russia and Transcaucasia in february 1917 — february 1918……………………………………………………………………………………………….139


VADIM VIKTOROVICH MIKHAILOV — Ph.D. in History, Professor, State University of Aerospace instrumentation (Saint Petersburg).

196105, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Sevastyanova st., 4–102.

E-mail: batukom@mail.ru


The article examines topical issues of international relations in the Caucasus during the revolutionary events in Russia in 1917, shows the ideological background of Turkish intervention in the Transcaucasus in 1918, the activities of political movements the Transcaucasian Muslims, their contradictions in the issue of Azerbaijan’s independence and its Union with the Ottoman Empire, the influence on the Muslims of Transcaucasia and the Turkish government the Bolshevik revolution and concluded by them, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The study is based on rich material from the Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish book depositories and published documents of domestic and foreign Caucasian researches.

Keywords: Pan-Turkism, “Musavat” Party, “Ittihad-I Islam” Party, February Revolution, OZACOM, October Revolution, Transcaucasian commissariat, Erzingan Truce, Turkish Intervention in Transcaucasia, Ahmed bek Agaev.



Trunov P.O. (Moscow). Evolution of the German approach towards the “Syrian problem”………………………….147


PHILIPP OLEGOVICH TRUNOV — Ph.D. in Political Science, Lecturer, The Department of international security,

The Faculty of World Politics, Moscow State University.

119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, building 51.

E-mail: 1trunov@mail.ru


The growing instability in Syria — located in the immediate vicinity of the Euro-Atlantic community — poses a serious threat to the security of its member states. This threat affects not only small and medium-sized member states of the EU and NATO, but also the Western “great powers”, primarily France and Germany, as the migration crisis and acts of megaterror in Paris (13 November of 2015) have shown. In this regard the paper examines the direction, substance and the results of the German policies on regulating an armed conflict in Syria and ensuring the country’s stable political, social and economic development to mitigate the external threats to the German national security. Special attention is paid to the German fight against the “Islamic State”. This paper investigates the change of the Germany’s goals in Syria and the readiness of the German leadership to use various tools (diplomatic, military, and economic) to achieve these goals.

Keywords: Germany, security, development, Syria, armed conflicts, Bundeswehr, international terrorism, “Islamic State”.




history of culture


Nekhay R.S., MartynkevichSA., Volkovsky N.L. (Saint Petersburg). The new media for museums and cultural centers of the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation……………………………………………………………159


RUSLAN SHAMSUDINOVICH NEKHAY — Director of the Central Naval Museum, Ph.D. in politics, major-general, The Central Naval Museum.

190098, Russia, Saint Petersburg, pl. Truda, 5, (69A Bolshaya Morskaya st.).

E-mail: info@navalmuseum.ru


SERGEY ANTONOVICH MARTYNKEVICH — Managing editor of the newspaper “Defending the Motherland” — a structural unit of the newspaper editorial office “Krasnaya zvezda” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

190055, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Dvorcovaya pl., 10.

E-mail: otvred@mail.ru


NICHOLAY LUKYANOVICH VOLKOVSKY — Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University.

199004, Russia, St. Petersburg, 1st Line VO, 26.

E-mail: vnluk@yandex.ru


The author depicts the new channels of communication, which arose due to the development of the internet, as well as the methods of using social networks in order to popularize the military-historical heritage and to support the military-patriotic education of the new generation. In this study, the authors examine the trends of internet development in our country, experience of usage of social networks by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and by the employees of the Central Naval Museum. The article stresses the importance of coordinating the work of large and small cultural institutions, promoting their services, enlarging the circle of potential clients and improving their skills and knowledge in the modern information environment. Noting the urgency of creating new virtual expositions, the importance of integration multimedia resources into the work of libraries and museums, experts give recommendations how to minimize the costs and search for professionals able to organize the representation of cultural centers in social networks. Examples and options for promotion of cultural content in social networks are given.

Keywords: new media, historical memory, museum, the Central Naval Museum, Ministry of Defense.




military history


Golovinа J.V. (Tula). The organization of local defense of the city of Stalinogorsk (Novomoskovsk) in Tula region during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)…………………………………………………………………………………167


JULIA VLADIMIROVNA GOLOVINA — Postgraduate student, Tula state University.

300028, Russian Federation, Tula, Lenin Avenue, 92.

E-mail: golowina.djulia@yandex.ru


This article is based on archival sources and deals with the organization of local anti-aircraft defense of Stalinogorsk (one of the cities of Moscow (now Tula) region) during the Great Patriotic War. The city had important commercial value. The article shows the structure of the headquarters and special units of the city. Discusses issues related to the organization and activities of groups of self-defense, combat training of the special units of the local anti-aircraft defense, as well as combat training of command staff sections and objects. Describes the structure and activities of management services, blackout, health, emergency-rescue, veterinary services and policing and security. Detail the structure and operation of the headquarters of the local anti-aircraft defense classified sites of the city’s chemical factory, State District Power Plant No. 10 named after Stalin, Anilino-colorful factory, Stalinogorsk Railways and Moscow State Power Plant. The article shows the picture of the restored aircraft of the enemy raids on the city.

Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, Stalinogorsk, local anti-aircraft defense, special units, air raids, classified sites.



Bartenev V.I. (Moscow). Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military during the Cold War (1950–1960s)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………177


VLADIMIR IGOREVICH BARTENEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of International Organizations and World Political Processes, Director of Center for Security and Development Studies,

School of World Politics, Moscow State University.

119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Leninskiye Gory, 1-52.

E-mail: vladimir.bartenev@fmp.msu.ru


This publication constitutes a logical continuation for a series of research papers on the U.S. experience in long-term technological forecasting for military purposes (very little known to the Russian expert and academic communities) which started with a study of the legendary project ‘Toward New Horizons’). This paper contains results of an in-depth examination of some truly unique documentary sources and works by American military historians, reconstructs the history of the largest research projects aimed at forecasting long-term science and technology trends implemented by different U.S. military services. These projects are compared in terms of organization of forecasting process, methodology, accuracy of forecast assessments and their impact on the U.S. military and military-technical policies in order to identify the criteria for success of such research endeavors. The paper consists of two parts. The first part examines the projects implemented in the 1950-1960s.

Keywords: Cold War, United States, Soviet Union, military forces, forecasting, science, technology, defense, security, research and development.






Belova E.V. (Moscow). P.A. Rumyantsev’s activities to strengthen Russian positions in the Ukraine and Moldova during the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774………………………………………………………………………………..189


ELENA VLADIMIROVNA BELOVA — Candidate of Historical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Intercultural Communication, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

140206, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Voskresensk, Rabochaya st., building 103, ap. 91.

E-mail: lenalibe2009@yandex.ru


The Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774 was held on the territories, which Russia and Turkey tried to take under their influence. The military talent of P.A. Rumyantsev was revealed in that war. On the basis of archival documents and published materials of military history, this article investigates the activities of Russian military administration in the liberated territories. It is emphasized that the involvement of the inhabitants of border areas had a strategic importance in the struggle against the Turks. The author concludes that the Russian soldiers and officers acted as a guarantee of protection of Moldovans’ national interests. As a result of the war, Russia gained access to the Black Sea and included Crimea into the zone of its influence.

Keywords: Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774), military administration, Catherine II, P.A. Rumyantsev, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, volunteers, nogais.



Smirnov V.G. (Saint Petersburg). The oldest archivist of St. Petersburg (In memory of Tatyana Sergeyevna Fedorova)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….196


VALENTIN GEORGIEVICH SMIRNOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Russian State Naval Archives.

191119, Russia, Zvenigorodskaya str., 26, 31.

E-mail: sam1956@mail.ru


The article contains the autobiography of Tatyana Sergeyevna Fedorova, the oldest archivist of St. Petersburg (1931–2016). She worked for sixty years at the USSR Central State Naval Archive (USSR CSNA/CGAVMF), since 1992 the Russian State Naval Archive (RSNA/RGAVMF). In her autobiography, written a few months before her death Tatyana S. Fedorova speaks about her childhood at the siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), school years and early interest to the science of history, studding at the Leningrad State University, her outstanding mentors and classmates. Thanks to the special recommendations given by Prof. S.N. Valk Tatyana S. Fedorova was taken to the staff of the USSR SCNA/CGAVMF and all her working time their devoted to preparing compendiums of archive documents. Main subjects for publications in 1950–1970 were the October Socialist Revolution, development and enforcement of the soviet power, the Civil war. Subsequently (from 1978 to 2010) the archive prepared and published five values of compendiums of archive documents under the general title “Russian Exploring at the Pacific ocean in XVIII — first half of XIX centuries” with an active participation of Tatyana S. Fedorova. The compendiums of this series of documents first had being prepared under the auspices of the Institute of the USSR History (then the Institute of Russian History). Since 1994 to 2010, this work was preceded under the auspices of the Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS) under the editorship of Academician A. L. Narochnitsky and after his death under the editorship of Academician N. N. Bolkhovitin.

Keywords: Tatyana Sergeyevna Fedorova, the Siege of Leningrad, V.N. Bernadsky, S.N. Valk, the USSR CSNA/CGAVMF, the RSNA/RGAVMF, Russian America, the Pacific Ocean, the October Socialist Revolution, Exploring, navy sailors.






Kan A.S. (Uppsala, Sweden), Kan S.A. (Silsby, Hanover, USA). Book Review. Karen V. Hansen «Encounter on the Great Plains. Scandinavian Settlers and the Dispossession of Dakota Indians, 1890–1930»………………………..207


ALEKSANDR SERGEEVICH KAN Professor Emeritus, Institute of History, Uppsala University.

Sweden, 751 26 Uppsala, Box 628.


SERGEI ALEKSANDROVICH KAN — Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Professor of the Department of Anthropology

and the Native American Studies Program, Dartmouth College.

NH 03766, USA, Hanover, 6047 Silsby.

E-mail: Sergei.A.Kan@dartmouth.edu


In 1904, the first Scandinavian settlers moved onto the Spirit Lake Dakota Indian Reservation. Immigrants struggled against poverty, often becoming the sharecropping tenants of Dakota landowners. Yet the homesteaders’ impoverishment did not impede their quest to acquire Indian land, and by 1929 Scandinavians owned more reservation acreage than their Dakota neighbors. On the basis of 15 years of archival research and 130 interviews with the descendants of the original Swedish and Norwegian immigrants, Karen V. Hansen, an American historical sociologist, explores and brings together two dominant processes in American history: the unceasing migration of newcomers to North America, and the dispossession of indigenous peoples who inhabited the continent.

Keywords: Scandinavian immigrants in North America, North American Indians, history of the American West, late XIXth ― early XXth century history of United States, historical sociology, socioeconomic history, sociology of interethnic conflict, history of agriculture (farming).



Musayeva T.A. (Baku, Azerbaijan). Review on E.R.Vagabova’s monograph “From history of the educational development in Northern Azerbaijan (the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries)………………………………211


TAMILLA ASHUM MYSAYEVA Doctor of historical sciences, professor, Winner of the State award Azerbaijan, honored science, Chief researcher of Institute of history of A.A. Bakikhanov of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan, Baku-1143, Huseyn Javid Ave., 115


In the review is given appreciation for the monograph prepared by the doctor of philosophy on history, the leading researcher of the Institute of History named after A.A. Bakikhanov NAS of Azerbaijan E.R. Vagabova. On the basis of the revealed numerous archival materials and periodicals in the monograph the issues of national education in Northern Azerbaijan have been comprehensively researched. Significant part of archival sources has been introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The author of the monograph consistently shows that after the conquest of Northern Azerbaijan by the Russian Empire was carried out czarism’s colonial policy in the field of public education, focuses on excesses in politics of public education as in Russia itself, and in its national suburbs. Despite all the difficulties perpetrated in this area, representatives of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia and the progressive national bourgeoisie actively fought with the remnants of the past, promoted the establishment of national schools, developed their national language and struggled for the cultural rise of the Azerbaijani people. It is noted that the materials and obtained conclusions of the monograph may be used in writing generalized works concerned to Azerbaijan history, for conducting special courses, promotion of historical knowledge and the development of the press, and the monograph is an important contribution to the historiography of the history of the national education development.