Journal policy
Deposit policy
Authors have the right to use their article published in the journal Klio, at their discretion, including sending it to archives and libraries, provided that the name of the journal and publishers will be indicated as the original place of publication of their material. During the reprint, the conditions for correct citation must be observed.
Archival Policy
The archival policy of the publication is aimed at selecting, storing, and providing access to the archives of the monthly journal for scientists “Klio”.
The archive is an electronic version of information about the authors, texts of peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, keywords, and bibliographies, including transliteration, which are published in the monthly journal for scientists “Klio”. The content of the articles, information about the authors, abstracts, keywords, and bibliographies are available on the journal’s website and the platform of the eLIBRARY.RU Scientific Electronic Library.
Archiving Policy
Klio journal recognizes the right of authors to post their published articles on other sites and in other databases, indicating the name and number of Klio journal in which the article was published.
Anti-Plagiarism Policy
The monthly journal for scientists “Klio” publishes original scientific works. Submission of articles for publication suggests that they have not previously been published in other publications. In the case of quoting fragments of publications of other authors, it is necessary to refer to the used sources.
The use of plagiarism is not allowed.
Complaints Policy
Controversial issues between the editors and authors are resolved through direct communication (e-mail –, telephone – 8 (950) 0241405).
When analyzing complaints and disputes, the chief editor of the Klio journal will follow the publication ethics posted on the publication’s website. The editor-in-chief undertakes to give a written response to the author of the complaint within no more than a month from the moment of the received complaint.