The document is published for the first time
Zotova A.V. (Saint-Petersburg). On the report of the food Commission of the Military Council of the Leningrad front about the trade and public catering in Leningrad in the period from 22 June 1941 to 1 April 1943………. 3
The recently declassified document is published for the first time – the report of the food Commission of the Military Council of the Leningrad front about the trade and public catering in Leningrad in the period from 22 June 1941 to 1 April 1943.
Diaries, memoirs
Chetverikov B.D. (Saint-Petersburg). «Stezhky-dorozhky» (The pathways) (continuation)………. 19
The autobiographical novel by B.D. Chetverikov tells us about the writer’s life that can be called «the outline» of the history of our country in the 20th century.
Hudyakova N.D. (Saint-Petersburg). «And still believed in the victory» (from the diary of the besieged Leningrad 1941–1943)………. 25
The author of the article publishes it on the eve of her 100 birthday anniversary. It is devoted to the study of the problems of the national help to the besieged Leningrad. The article is based as on the big actual material, as on the personal memoirs of the author, who survived the siege of Leningrad.
Source study
Usmanov N.V. (Birsk). The documents of the archive of the Hoover on the activities of American aid in the southern Urals in 1921–1923……….. 29
This article provides an overview of the documents of the Hoover archive of war, peace and revolution at Stanford University on the work of the American administration assistance (APA) in the southern Urals in the time of famine in 1921–1923. The activity of the heads of territorial subdivisions of the APA and its other officers in the region is shown. Is analyzed as official correspondence of the Ufa and Orenburg district offices of foreign charitable organization, as well as the written sources of a personal nature.
Konev A.Yu (Tyumen). Study of the legislation of Siberian peoples in the end of XVI – XVIII centuries in the pre-Soviet historiography………. 32
In the article for the first time is investigated the process of study of the regulatory policy in respect of the aborigines of Siberia in the initial stages of the integration of these peoples in the Russian Empire. Researchers of the pre-Soviet period have been identified the most important normative legal acts, determining position of Siberian peoples prior to the reform in 1822, as well as the imperfection of the legal regulation and the related deficiencies in the control system yasachny population.
National history
Abramidze Т.Z. (Saint-Petersburg). The role of the seed Royal of Bagrationy in the history of Georgia and Russia………. 37
On the basis of the analysis of the history of an old family of Bagrationy the author reflects on the deep traditional ties between Georgia and Russia, which developed more than 300 years. The article analyzes the Russian and Georgian historiography of different years.
Sokolova V.А. (Saint-Petersburg). Organization of sisters of mercy communities of the Russian red cross society (1854–1918)………. 40
The article is devoted to the history of development of the wounded and sick soldiers before the formation of the Russian red cross society. Describes the history of creation and activity of Krestovozhdvizhensky community of sisters of mercy, preceded the formation of a wide network of institutions, communities of sisters of mercy of the red cross. The article considers one of the most important directions of activities of the Russian red cross society – the creation and operation of communities of sisters of mercy, such as the community «Assuage my Sorrow» in Moscow, the community of Saint George in St. Petersburg, Elizavetinskaya community in Warsaw and others.
Golechkova О.Yu. (Moscow). Empty Ministry, or the struggle of the appointment of Prince A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky on the post of Minister of foreign Affairs………. 50
The article tells about how A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky was given the post of Minister of foreign Affairs in 1895, analyzes the intrigue around this appointment. Explores the methods of influence of representatives of the ruling elite to the Emperor.
The past of Russian regions
Baksheev А.I. (Krasnoyarsk). The problems of Soviet power in Siberia in the first years of the NEP………. 55
The article deals with historical and social problems of the beginning of the new economic policy in Siberia. The political course set by the Bolsheviks, theoretically oriented on comprehensive democracy and the rule of the people, are in practice often prevent serious error, due to the expansion of the social content of the subjective rights of the citizens in direct democracy was of a dual nature. The main attention is paid to the analysis of people’s expectations, attitudes and the degree of their reflection in regional and managerial policy in this period.
Zelenskaya Yu.N. (Petrozavodsk). Organization of uninterrupted work of the Kirov railway in the conditions of the front of the strip in the years of the Great Patriotic war………. 58
In the years of the Great Patriotic war Kirov railway acquired a strategic importance. Transportation of
cargoes for the army of the Karelian front and the Northern fleet was under constant bombardment
by enemy aircraft. Sabotage enemy troops tried to stop the evacuation transport. In the article on the basis of archival sources and memories considers the process of organization of repair works at the Kirov railway.
Syzranov А.V. (Astrakhan). «Muslim resurgence» in the regions of the Volga region (1991–2008)………. 62
The author investigates the process of «Muslim resurgence » in the Volga region. The main aspects of the state Islamic relations on the examples of the Saratov, Samara and Astrakhan regions are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of activity of religious boards of Muslims in the field of education and charity.
Military history
Kalashnikova Е.B. (Samara). The propaganda work of the Soviet power in the armed forces of the army (1918–1920): some aspects of the problem………. 65
The article analyzes the process of organizing of agitation and propaganda work of the organs of the
Soviet power in the ranks of the red army in the period of the most intensive fighting in the years of the Civil war in Russia. The article is based mainly on the analysis of archival sources, as well as special literature.
Ippolitov G.М. (Samara), Poltorak S.N. (Saint-Petersburg). On some peculiarities of the Soviet
propaganda and agitation in the first (defensive) period of the Great Patriotic war (on June 22, 1941 – November 1942)………. 67
The theme of the Soviet propaganda and agitation in the period of the Great Patriotic war for the national historical science is not new. But it does not mean that its research potential has been exhausted to the end. The study of the problem is of particular importance in the case of the first (defensive) period of the Great Patriotic war (on June 22, 1941 – November 1942), because then was a revision of the pre-war conceptual installations of the entire system of propaganda, agitation impact on the Soviet people in General, and on the soldiers of the red army, in particular.
History of law
Gulin A.A. (Velikie Luki). Hundreds of Great Novgorod and the contrade of Siena: the main differences between the legal culture of self-government………. 80
The article analyzes the main differences between the legal culture of the government of hundreds of Great Novgorod from the legal culture of self-government of contrade of Siena during the middle Ages. This analysis can be considered necessary, as the logic of development of business in Russia in the beginning of the XXI century dictates of the urgent need for awareness of the historical experience for the disclosure of such actual problem, as the General and the specific in the history of legal regulation of the Russian business activity in comparing it with the Western European.
History of international relations
Ablizin V.А. (Saratov). The fate of Europe in the diplomacy of Moscow, Berlin, Paris and London (spring-summer of 1939)………. 82
The article is devoted to the analysis of the international situation on the eve of the Second world war. For several months before it considers the vicissitudes of “triangular” relationships: England, France and the USSR on the one hand, England and Germany on the second and the Soviet Union with Germany on the third.
Mesheryakov К.Е. (Saint-Petersburg). Russian-Kyrgyz relations in 2005-2010: achievements and miscalculations……….. 86
The article considers the main trends and problems of development of Russian-Kyrgyz relations in 2005–2010. Analyses the normative-legal base of bilateral cooperation. Examines the relationship of internal development and foreign policy of Kyrgyzstan in the years of the presidency of K.S. Bakiyev.
History of culture
Malysheva S.Yu. (Kazan). «The Soviet splint» and «a festive cake»: the power strategy of cultural adaptation of the early Soviet holidays………. 91
The article is devoted to the use of the organizers of the early Soviet celebrations of visual images and duffel subject attributes as a means of promotion in the broad masses created the Soviet historical mythology as the instruments of adaptation of these masses in the space of the Soviet holiday the Soviet culture, socialization in the new reality.
Barkova О.N. (Moscow). Literary and journalistic activities of women of the Russian Diaspora in 1917–1939………. 95
In the centre of the article is a problem of formation of communicative space and the development of the press and publishing in exile. Special emphasis is placed on the literary and journalistic activities of women of the Russian Diaspora in 1917–1939 – V.А. Aleksandrova, N.N. Berberova, Т.S. Varsher, А.F. Damanskaya, Z.N. Gippius, А.V. TyrkovaVilyams, N.А. Teffi, М.I. Cvetaeva and others.
Shafazhinskaya N.Е. (Moscow). Spiritually-educational and socio-cultural aspects of the service of the Russian Orthodox Church in the modern history………. 100
The purpose of the article is a brief coverage of some aspects of spiritually-educational and socio-cultural activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the person of its prominent representatives in the period of XX – beginning of XXI century. Crucial stage in relations between the Church and the Soviet government came 70 years ago, in the midst of the Great Patriotic war. In the crisis periods of the history, inseparable from the destiny of the country, the best representatives of the clergy demonstrated the state and the whole world of true patriotism, loyalty to their people, the samples of the Christian feat, enlightenment, scholarship, and public service.
Historical characters
Skrydlov А.Yu. (Saint-Petersburg). М.М. Speransky and А.D. Balashev: to the question about the role of the Minister of police in the intrigue against the Secretary of state………. 106
The article is devoted to the history of relations between M.M. Speransky and A.D. Balashev on the eve of the resignation of the Secretary of state in 1812. On the basis of published and archival sources, the author analyzes the facts of participation of the Minister of police in the intrigue against the Secretary of state and comes to the conclusion that the A.D. Balashev was among the conspirators at the final stage of intrigue. He was guided by the career aspirations, not the motives of ideological confrontation with M.M. Speransky.
Gessen V.Yu, Dmitriev A.L. (Saint-Petersburg). All who knew about finances Anthony I. Bukovetsky………. 109
In the article on the basis of archival and literary data, as well as the memories of the relatives and contemporaries, is described the life, scientific and educational activity of Professor A.I. Bukovetsky. Special attention is paid to the events connected with the repressions against him, the circumstances of his three arrests, stay in a concentration camp.
Buranok S.О. (Samara). The main Keeper of the secrets of heaven………. 122
The article analyses the basic trends of service activity and career of the Ministry of public security of China head – Gen Hueychan. Is shown the coverage of the activities of the Gen Hueychan in the American press.
Galickiy V.P. (Моscow). Malevolence has never led to the truth………. 124
The publication provides a well-grounded criticism of the E. Katasonova’s article «Old myths about important things», is emphasized that the author was not studied thoroughly the history of military events in the far East in the period of the Second world war. The author is biased to the review of these events in the fundamental work «The great Patriotic war 1941–1945».
Frank А.V. (Novosibirsk). Historical biography today: problems and approaches………. 128
The article is devoted to the problem of historical biographies in historiography; the features and contradictions of the genre of biography are considered, the analysis of the definition of «biography» in the historical literature was presented, the stages of historiographical researches of historical biography in Russian historical science are revealed, the problem of the relationship and compatibility of the micro-and macro analysis in microhistory is considered.
Will be history tomorrow
Asadov B.R. (Saint-Petersburg). International youth organizations and institutions in international cultural exchange………. 130
The author turns to the history of the emergence of international programs, directives for young people, aimed at expansion of the boundaries of international cultural exchange, and a new understanding of the role of the international organizations and institutions in this process. Some features of formation of the vectors of the international cultural exchange with their participation are described.
Reviews of scientific editions
Yanovsky О.А., Menkovsky V.I. (Minsk, Belarus). The interested reading of the monograph and the author’s abstract of doctoral dissertation………. 134
Belarusian historians analyze the scientific parameters of relevance, novelty, the source and historiography validity, of several works of their Russian colleagues, which deals with the various forms of civil protest movements of the population of the Central part of European Russia in the years of the NEP. Their indisputable scientific consistency and compliance with requirements applicable to the level of the doctoral thesis is noted. Attention was drawn that the theme and the solution of these problems caused a definite interest in Belarus from the point of view of prospects of development of this research is already on the Belarusian material.
Lukyanov М.N. (Perm). The Russian parliamentarism: history and modernity………. 138
The article is being reviewed collection of materials of the Taurus readings 2011 – of the international scientific conference on the history of Russian parliamentarism held 8 December 2011.
Nikolaev А.B. (Saint-Petersburg). About the professor V.I. Starcev and the Department of Russian history RGPU named by A.I. Herzen………. 140
The author of the article comments on those chapters of the I.V. Pykhalov’s book «The debt of the Russian historian. The path of life and work of V.S. Brachev», in which it is told about the Department of Russian history RGPU named by A.I. Herzen and its head – professor Vitaly Ivanovich Starcev. According to A.B. Nikolaev I.V. Pykhalov is not almost familiar with the works, which contain information about the Department of Russian history and V.I. Starcev, and practically the only source for the description of these scenes are memories of V.S. Brachev. It is noted incorrectness of characteristics, which is given to Starcev as a scientist and organizer of science.
Scientific life
Scientific conferences have passed
Zolotarev V.А. (Моscow). The Soviet military strategy in the battle of Stalingrad……….146
The results of the researchers’ activities on the study of the history of the Stalingrad battle are summarized in the report. The attention is drawn to the controversial issues in the study of this major scientific problem, the ways of their solution are proposed.
Lapina I.Yu., Bezzubova О.V. (Saint-Petersburg). V.I. Vernadsky and modern socio-humanitarian thought……………………………………………………………………………… 150
The article is about the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Man, society, nature (devoted to the 150 anniversary of V.I. Vernadsky)», organized and held by the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; highlights the various aspects of V.I. Vernadsky heritage; emphasizes the importance of his heritage for the formation of ecological consciousness; considers various problems of modern society.
Poltorak S.N. (Saint-Petersburg). On the scientific heritage of Mikhail Grigorievich (Girshevich) Shtein………. 152
In the days of the 80-year anniversary of the M.G. Shtein, the author of the article analyzes the scientific creativity, devoted to the genealogy of the noble families – Ulyanovs and Lenins.