Panasenkova M.S. (Moscow). The coverage of the Indian Mutiny 1857–1859 through “Moscovskie Vedomosti”............................................................................................13
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Century,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119192, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
The article analyzes the notes on the Indian Mutiny of 1857–1859 in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti”. It gives the exact number of notes and their origin as well as their possible classification. All publications on the uprising are divided into five groups: 1) notes on the progress of hostilities and the terms of the suppression of the uprising; 2) the reaction of the colonial authorities and the metropolis; 3) biographical reports of the British military and the rebel leaders; 4) living conditions of British troops; 5) various publications about the “heightened interest” of Russia to the English colonial possessions in the Indian subcontinent. In addition, the author makes a comparison of the reports about the Indian Mutiny in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti” and in other major Russian periodicals of 1857–1859 and reveals the features that significantly distinguished the publications in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti” from all the others. The author paid special attention to the reports about the Russian-English relations in the context of the Indian Mutiny. They acquired a special sound in view of the more than tense relations between the Russian and British Empires in the East in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries.
Keywords: Russian-English relations, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, V.F. Korsh, Robert Clive, Bahadur Shah II, “Moscovskie Vedomosti”.
Otto F.P. (Moscow). Letters from S.A. Rachinsky about the village as a factor in the ideological views of K.P. Pobedonostsev ...................................................................22
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Century,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119192, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
The article analyzes the notes on the Indian Mutiny of 1857–1859 in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti”. It gives the exact number of notes and their origin as well as their possible classification. All publications on the uprising are divided into five groups: 1) notes on the progress of hostilities and the terms of the suppression of the uprising; 2) the reaction of the colonial authorities and the metropolis; 3) biographical reports of the British military and the rebel leaders; 4) living conditions of British troops; 5) various publications about the “heightened interest” of Russia to the English colonial possessions in the Indian subcontinent. In addition, the author makes a comparison of the reports about the Indian Mutiny in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti” and in other major Russian periodicals of 1857–1859 and reveals the features that significantly distinguished the publications in the “Moscovskie Vedomosti” from all the others. The author paid special attention to the reports about the Russian-English relations in the context of the Indian Mutiny. They acquired a special sound in view of the more than tense relations between the Russian and British Empires in the East in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries.
Keywords: Russian-English relations, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, V.F. Korsh, Robert Clive, Bahadur Shah II, “Moscovskie Vedomosti”.
Hiroaki Kuromiya (Bloomington, Indiana, USA). “The Soviet Union Will Have to Fight Japan”: Two Letters of Stalin to Chiang Kaishek (1939 and 1941) ...........................28
Doctor of Philosophy,
Professor of History,
Indiana University, Ballantine Hall 844,
1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue,
Bloomington, IN 47405.
Although over the past thirty years numerous documents from Stalin’s archive have been declassified, still many have not. It should be noted, however, that some letters he sent to foreign political leaders that have not been released in Russia are available in foreign archives. Two such letters written by Stalin to China’s leader Chang Kaishek in 1939 and 1941 are reproduced here. Both come from Taiwan’s Historical Archive. His 1941 letter, written soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor, suggests that when the time came Stalin intended to fight against Japan in violation of the Soviet-Japanese Pact of Neutrality.
Keywords: I.V. Stalin, Chang Kaishi, Japan, archives, political correspondence, Sino-Japanese War, World War II, Soviet-Japanese Pact of Neutrality.
Hu Weiyang (Moscow). The influence of the Mongol government on the process of the disappearance of the veche order in Russia: historiography oh the issue.........32
Hu Weiyang
postgraduate student
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Faculty, the Department of Russian History until the early XIX century
119192, RF, Moscow, 27/4, Prospect Lomonosovskiy
The article examines the views of scientists on the role of the Mongol government in the process of the disappearance of the veche order in Russia. Veche is one of the key institutions of the ancient Russian statehood. Veche acted as a city government body and had a number of fundamental rights, among which the right to call and expel the prince stands out. After the Mongol invasion, references in sources about the activities of the veche in Russian cities are less common. Mongol rule in Russia undoubtedly had a certain impact on the development of the Russian political system. To understand the complex processes of the formation of a centralized Russian state, it is important to determine the role of the Mongolian government in the development of Russian political institutions, incl. veche orders. The purpose of this work is to present the views of scientists on the influence of the Golden Horde on the process of liquidation of the veche in Russia. The article presents the most authoritative works of pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern scientists, outlines the main concepts and formulates conclusions about the three main approaches of scientists to the role of Mongolian power in the disappearance of the veche. The study showed a lack of unity in understanding the influence of the Golden Horde on the process of liquidating the veche order in Russia.
Keywords: The Golden Horde, Russia, veche, historiography, Mongol influence
Kirpichnikov I.A. (Moscow). Ryazan service community in the historiographic conceptions of the Time of Troubles................................................................................39
PhD student, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky 27-4
The author analyzes the key explanatory moves which help to include the Ryazan service community into the social conceptions of the Time of Troubles (1605-1613). The main part of actual ideas about the Ryazan service community at the beginning of the 17th century goes back to the classic monograph by S.F. Platonov, who had a significant impact on the entire subsequent historiography. The author analyzes the change in the view on the role of the Ryazan service community in the events of the crisis during the transition from the idea of «peasant war» (I.I.Smirnov, V.I. Koretsky) to the concept of «civil war» (V.D. Nazarov, A.P. Pavlov, R.G. Skrynnikov, B.N. Florya). It is stated that the main attention is paid to the figure of the P.P. Lyapunov, while the social history of the Ryazan gentry as a community of service people needs further special study.
Keywords: Muscovy, Time of Troubles, provincial gentry, local administration, governor, Lyapunov, regionalism, local elite.
Shabelnikova N.A. (Vladivostok). The historical phenomenon of Hunkhuzism in the framework of modern historiography.........................................................................45
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor,
Department of Humanitarian Disciplines
Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern
Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation
690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova st., 21,
The article is devoted to the analysis of the historical phenomenon of hunkhuzism – a special form of ethnic gangs of Chinese origin in modern studies. In connection with the interest in the study of the Far Eastern region as a zone of transcultural contact both in historical retrospect and at the present stage, the issues of studying the genesis of ethnic forms of organized crime and the history of countering them by society and the state are of particular relevance. The article draws attention to the fact that the Hunghuz operated in the north-east of China, Korea and Mongolia, as well as adjacent territories of Russia, such as the Far East in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The largest number of gangs, according to research, was concentrated on the territory of the Amur region and Primorye. The article outlines the main directions of studying the problem and provides a brief description of them. It is concluded that there is a need for an in-depth study of the forms, methods and effectiveness of countering khunkhuznichestvo, a critical understanding of the available research, and an expansion of the source basis for the study of the problem. Attention is drawn to the fact that the study of the phenomenon of khunkhuznichestvo as a special type of crime and the specifics of the fight against it should be continued as an independent study.
Keywords: khunkhuznichestvo, historical phenomenon, historiography, scientific research, Far East, Russia.
Filatov A.A. (St. Petersburg). Jewish uprising of 351–352 AD: character, structure, problems.....................................................................................................................53
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor,
Department of Humanitarian Disciplines
Vladivostok branch of Far Eastern
Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation
690087, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova st., 21,
The article is devoted to the analysis of the historical phenomenon of hunkhuzism – a special form of ethnic gangs of Chinese origin in modern studies. In connection with the interest in the study of the Far Eastern region as a zone of transcultural contact both in historical retrospect and at the present stage, the issues of studying the genesis of ethnic forms of organized crime and the history of countering them by society and the state are of particular relevance. The article draws attention to the fact that the Hunghuz operated in the north-east of China, Korea and Mongolia, as well as adjacent territories of Russia, such as the Far East in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The largest number of gangs, according to research, was concentrated on the territory of the Amur region and Primorye. The article outlines the main directions of studying the problem and provides a brief description of them. It is concluded that there is a need for an in-depth study of the forms, methods and effectiveness of countering khunkhuznichestvo, a critical understanding of the available research, and an expansion of the source basis for the study of the problem. Attention is drawn to the fact that the study of the phenomenon of khunkhuznichestvo as a special type of crime and the specifics of the fight against it should be continued as an independent study.
Keywords: khunkhuznichestvo, historical phenomenon, historiography, scientific research, Far East, Russia.
Romanova M.I. (Khabarovsk). At the «helm of power»: a political struggle British Whigs versus Tories in 1705-1715..............................................................................59
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent
Associate Professor at the Department of National and Universal history
of Pacific National University
680021, Russian Federation, Khabarovsk, Vladivostokskaya st. 67-26
This article is devoted to the complex and controversial period of the struggle of the British Whigs with the Tories for power during the reign of Queen Anne. This conflict, on the one hand, gave impetus to the process of liberalizing the Whig grouping (appeal for support to public opinion; the “Sunderland incident”, which raised the question of who should serve ministers: the crown or the parliamentary majority; the “Office Act”, which contributed to the formation of the concept of the prerogative of parliament in matters of government appointment). On the other hand, in the struggle for power, the Whigs used anti-liberal methods (favoritism; court intrigues; bribery; the adoption of the “Property Qualification Act”, which limited the number of bourgeois parliamentarians), and after gaining power, they began to move away from the main political slogan of whigism – the demand for parliamentary prerogative in favor of personal financial and career interests. This contradiction caused the first serious disagreements in the Whig grouping and marked the beginning of the split of Whigism into “conservative” and “radical” directions.
Keywords: England of the XVIII century, Whigs, Tories, liberalism, parliament, royal prerogative, favoritism, Duke of Marlborough, Ch.Sunderland, R. Harley, G. Bolinbroke, Queen Anne.
Aydin YU.E. (Moscow). The English Railway in the Crimea ................................................67
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
Railway construction in the Crimea was first started during the Crimean War of 1853–1856. The British government and the military of the coalition army took the initiative. The need to build railway communications was associated with the poor condition of the cart roads on the Balaklava–Sevastopol line. The second reason was to deliver the food and shells in time to the combat positions of the besieged Sevastopol. The article uses the information and materials of the English historiography. The valuable facts about Turkey’s participation in the construction of the railway and the subsequent transaction for its acquisition were found in the Ottoman archives, which allow us to completely reconstruct the history of the English railway in the Crimea.
Keywords: Crimean War, Sevastopol, Russian Empire, England, railway, Ottoman archives.
Vlasov N.A. (St. Petersburg). «Logrolling»: the balance of Russian-German relations in the 19th century through the eyes of Otto von Bismarck ......................................71
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate professor, St. Petersburg State University, Chair of Theory and History of International Relations
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Luzhskaja str., 4-1-266
+7(812)532-41-81, E-mail:
The present paper considers the opinions of the German statesman Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) on mutual favors and the concept of gratitude in Russian-German Relations. The problem of gratitude became topical issue in public opinion of both countries after the Congress of Berlin (1878) and remains quite a controversial point till present days. The analysis of Bismarck beliefs is based on the examination of wide set of his texts and reports including official correspondence, parliament speeches, and private conversations. This thorough research allows us not only reconstruct Bismarck views but also place them into the broader context of his outlooks and assess the sincereness of his words. The main conclusion of the present research is that Bismarck considered Russian-Prussian and Russian-German relations of XIX century as a sequence of “reciprocal favors” from both sides. But from his point of view neither party had reasonable grounds to expect special gratitude from its partner. In mutual support both sides pursued their own interests. Bismarck thought that accusations of German diplomacy after the Congress of Berlin were unjust and unreasonable; they were result of an inadequate apprehension from the side of Russian political elite and public opinion.
Keywords: Otto von Bismarck, Russian-German Relations, Congress of Berlin, International cooperation, Gratitude
Zotova A.V., Wang Ren Zhi (St. Petersburg). The history of cooperation between the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and China in the context of global changes ..................................................................................................................... .76
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations in the Post-Soviet Area, Saint-Petersburg State University. 199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9.
Saint Petersburg State University, International Relations in the Post-Soviet Space, 1st master’s class.
Russian Federation, 191060, St. Petersburg, Smolny street 1/3
The political and, as a result, economic and diplomatic pressure of the United States and its allies against Russia and China in the “Trump” period of building international relations to a large extent accelerated the process of consolidating the efforts of the Russian Federation and China, expanding and deepening bilateral relations. A feature of that time was the active establishment of direct contacts between the subjects of the Russian Federation and various regions of the People’s Republic of China. One of the convincing examples of such bilateral cooperation was the contacts of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg with the largest industrial cities and regions of China. The St. Petersburg parliament skillfully uses legislative instruments to create a favorable investment climate in the metropolis. An example of this is the successfully developing multi-billion-dollar Baltic Pearl project, which illustrated the colossal potential of cooperation between St. Petersburg and Chinese business. Petersburg lawmakers strive to develop multilateral relations between St. Petersburg and the Chinese regions.
Keywords. St. Petersburg, China, investment climate in St. Petersburg, Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, bilateral relations between Russia and China.
Bakanov A.V., Magomedkhanov M.M. (Makhachkala). Russian-Dagestan legal relations during the period of existence of Kievan Russ and the Golden Horde (Part one, section 3)............................................................................................................86
Junior Researcher The Institute of History,
Archaeology and Ethnography of the
Daghestan Federal Research Centre of RAS
Russia, Makhachkala, M. Yaragskogo 75 st.
D.Sc. (in History), Prof., Head of Dept. of Ethnography
The Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the
Daghestan Federal Research Centre of RAS
Russia, Makhachkala, M. Yaragskogo 75 st.
If we proceed from the principles of causal analysis, then the period of the early Middle Ages, according to its internal logic of the dynamics of the general historical process, is a continuation of the era of late antiquity, and, like this, is very rich in events significant for Russian historiography. It was at this time that at first it was designated as a cultural and civilizational space, and then Kievan Russ was formed and reached its peak. At the same time, the states of the mountainous cluster of the western Caspian region become clearly visible. Together, the latter form a very intricate, mosaic-arranged cultural and civilizational world. At this stage, a multifaceted and continuous relationship is tied and progressively developed between the two designated parties. At the same time, we note that the latter begin to be traced back in the period when not Kievan Rus, but pre-Kievan Rus was present on the political map of the Central Eurasian region. However, as multiple facts indicate, these interrelationships, in a designated period of time, acted not as some completely independent, but dialectically the opposite, as a phenomenon that depended in its origin on more global historical processes. Note that a somewhat detailed review of Russian-Dagestan relations in the pre-Kiev period is possible only with the fullest possible reading of the context of international contradictions that filled both the Caspian and Central Eurasian regions at that time.
Keywords: Eurasia, Dagestan, Kievan Russ, Arab Caliphate, Byzantine Empire, Khazar Kaganate, Frankish State, Western Caspian Territory, military-political interaction
Ivanova E.E. (Moscow). The ceremony of enthronement of the Grand Duke in Russia during the Horde domination .....................................................................................99
Researcher of the Department of Manuscripts
and Old-Printed Books of the State Historical Museum
109012, Moscow, Red Square, 1, 8(495) 692-11-70
The article is devoted to the ceremony of the grand ducal enthronement in Russia during the period of dependence on the Horde. Analysis of written sources has shown its continuity in relation to the pre-Mongol ceremony. The presence of the khan’s ambassador at the enthronement was not obligatory. In order to enhance the solemnity and sacralization of what is happening, as well as to ensure greater publicity, they tried to time the date of enthronement with a church holiday. Earlier it was assumed that the prayer “Bless the king and prince” was read at the ceremony in the temple. Recent studies have shown that it could not be read at the enthronement earlier than the 90s. XIV century. The author supports the opinion that the set of objects repeated in the spiritual charters of the Grand Dukes could be used at the ceremony as coronation insignia.
Keywords: ceremony, enthronement, the great Vladimir prince, khan’s ambassador, prayer, insignia.
Grivastova A.N. (Moscow). New Forms of the Russian Private Charity in the Middle of the 19th Century: The Activities of the Society for Visiting the Poor........................108
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor that existed for nine years (1846–1855) played a prominent role in the process of private philanthropy evolution in 19th century Russia. It was the unknown but pioneering in its main aim and objectives association. The Society’ members sought to overcome mendicancy as a common vice and to eradicate it out of public consciousness through introduction of the principle of justice when helping the poor. The work of the Society can be divided into two forms of activity. Serving as an intermediary between the poor and philanthropists was its first form. The job of the Society in this mediation was to gather information on the state of the poor and to define the most rational help for him. The second form was the establishment of several charitable institutions for the poor of different state and needs. The questions of the activity, the structure of the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor were not specifically addressed in historiography. The article is based on the materials of the Imperial Philanthropic Society from the Russian State Historical Archives, the documents of the chairman of the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor Prince V.F. Odoevskii from the Russian State Archives of the Literature and Art as well as periodical press and the memoirs, develop the basic principles and working process of the Society, and reconstruct the structure of the charitable institutions established by it in Saint Petersburg. The network of facilities leads to the conclusion that the members of the Society aimed at giving help to the wide range of mendicants. They helped the elderly women unable to work, the poor families as well as the artisans who could not work in industry. The members of the Society also paid much attention to the younger generation. There were three special institutions for the children. The main aim of them was to provide decent upbringing and education to the poor children. The institutions established by the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor provided the poor people with different aid, meanwhile the main aim of them was the same – to prevent and eliminate poverty in the future.
Keywords: V.F. Odoevskii, M. Leikhtenbergskii, V.A. Sollogub, private charity, charitable institutions, mendicancy, the poor.
Kondakov Yu.E, Fedotiev D.S. (St. Petersburg). Orthodox Palestinian Society against B.P. Mansurov ...........................................................................................................115
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Russian History of the
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries,
Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russian Federation, 119234, Moscow,
Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27-4.
Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor that existed for nine years (1846–1855) played a prominent role in the process of private philanthropy evolution in 19th century Russia. It was the unknown but pioneering in its main aim and objectives association. The Society’ members sought to overcome mendicancy as a common vice and to eradicate it out of public consciousness through introduction of the principle of justice when helping the poor. The work of the Society can be divided into two forms of activity. Serving as an intermediary between the poor and philanthropists was its first form. The job of the Society in this mediation was to gather information on the state of the poor and to define the most rational help for him. The second form was the establishment of several charitable institutions for the poor of different state and needs. The questions of the activity, the structure of the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor were not specifically addressed in historiography. The article is based on the materials of the Imperial Philanthropic Society from the Russian State Historical Archives, the documents of the chairman of the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor Prince V.F. Odoevskii from the Russian State Archives of the Literature and Art as well as periodical press and the memoirs, develop the basic principles and working process of the Society, and reconstruct the structure of the charitable institutions established by it in Saint Petersburg. The network of facilities leads to the conclusion that the members of the Society aimed at giving help to the wide range of mendicants. They helped the elderly women unable to work, the poor families as well as the artisans who could not work in industry. The members of the Society also paid much attention to the younger generation. There were three special institutions for the children. The main aim of them was to provide decent upbringing and education to the poor children. The institutions established by the Saint Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor provided the poor people with different aid, meanwhile the main aim of them was the same – to prevent and eliminate poverty in the future.
Keywords: V.F. Odoevskii, M. Leikhtenbergskii, V.A. Sollogub, private charity, charitable institutions, mendicancy, the poor.
Polyansky M.S., Sakson O.V. (Moscow). From the history of the highest military administration: The Council of Workers and Peasant Defense Abstract.....................123
Chief Scientist at the Research Center
(fundamental military-historical problems)
Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry,
Doctor of Educational Sciences, Professor
125047, Moscow, 14 Great Garden Street.
Contact: 8 (916) 410-38-06
lead researcher of the research center (fundamental military-historical problems) of the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry, Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
125047, Moscow, 14 Great Garden Street
Contact: 8 (916) 900-12-13
The article, based on a large number of little-known materials and documents, attempts to give a comprehensive assessment of the process of establishing and operating the Council of Workers and Peasants’ Defense (SRSF) in the system of the highest authorities of the RFSR during the study period. The authors reveal the main tasks of the SRSO to maintain its defense capability: mobilization, provision of weapons, food supply and operational leadership of the Red Army. It also shows the main areas of its activity in the role of the main military and economic and planning center of the Republic during the war. The activities of the Revvoen Council and other military bodies were brought under the control of the Defence Council.
Keywords: Civil War, SRK, SNC, HVAC, desertion, mobilization, All-training, labor- and service.
Martyukova E.A. (Moscow). The position of the USSR in the United Nations on the «Greek» issue (1946 – beginning 1947)...................................................................131
Chief Scientist at the Research Center
(fundamental military-historical problems)
Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry,
Doctor of Educational Sciences, Professor
125047, Moscow, 14 Great Garden Street.
Contact: 8 (916) 410-38-06
lead researcher of the research center (fundamental military-historical problems) of the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry, Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
125047, Moscow, 14 Great Garden Street
Contact: 8 (916) 900-12-13
The article, based on a large number of little-known materials and documents, attempts to give a comprehensive assessment of the process of establishing and operating the Council of Workers and Peasants’ Defense (SRSF) in the system of the highest authorities of the RFSR during the study period. The authors reveal the main tasks of the SRSO to maintain its defense capability: mobilization, provision of weapons, food supply and operational leadership of the Red Army. It also shows the main areas of its activity in the role of the main military and economic and planning center of the Republic during the war. The activities of the Revvoen Council and other military bodies were brought under the control of the Defence Council.
Keywords: Civil War, SRK, SNC, HVAC, desertion, mobilization, All-training, labor- and service.
Nefedov V.A. (Moscow). The role of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the scientific and technical development of the USSR during the thaw.......................................141
Moscow state university
History department
Lomonosovskiy prospect, 27, bldg. 4, Moscow, 119192
The Academy of Sciences of the USSR is the highest scientific institution of the Soviet Union, which existed from 1925 to 1991. Under his leadership, the leading scientists of the country were united. The Academy was directly subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the USSR and since 1946-to the Council of People’s Commissars. In 1991, it was officially liquidated, and on its basis, the Russian Academy of Sciences was established, which is still active today. In Soviet times, the Academy was considered the largest center for the development of fundamental research in the field of social and natural sciences, carried out general scientific guidance in various areas, coordinating work in the development of mechanics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, the sciences of the Universe and the Earth. the conducted research has made a great contribution to the development of culture, the organization of technological progress, the strengthening of the country’s defense capability, and the development of its economy. At least, this is how the USSR Academy of Sciences positioned itself in Soviet times. The article discusses the role played by the USSR Academy of Sciences in the scientific and technical development of the USSR during the reign of N. S. Khrushchev. attempts are made to analyze the policy of N. S. Khrushchev concerning the USSR Academy of sciences, considers the causes of the conflict that arose between the head of the soviet state and the USSR academy of sciences.
Keywords. Science, Soviet power, politics, conflict.
Travkin S.N. (St. Petersburg). Coin finds and the activities of the Imperial Administration in the territory of the Bessarabia .......................................................................146
candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of history
Pushkin Leningrad State University.
196605, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10.
Coin finds are an important historical source, but coins have significant financial value. The state has always sought to control the findings of coin hoards. The article research some facts from the relationship between the Imperial Archaeological Commission and the administration of the Bessarabia.
The Imperial Archaeological Commission sent a request to Bessarabia in 1864. The Bessarabian Regional Statistical Committee handed over 34 coins to St. Petersburg. They were identified in the Imperial Hermitage.
The numismatic collection in question included coins from the I to the XVIII century. Most of them were found in the territory of Bessarabia.
The Imperial Hermitage did not see the need to purchase this numismatic collection. The coins were purchased by a private collector. The Imperial Archaeological Commission, the administration of the Bessarabian region and a private store in St. Petersburg were the intermediaries in this operation.
The history of the numismatic collection is a typical example of the relationship between the Imperial Archaeological Commission and the provincial administration.
Keywords: Bessarabia, bureaucratia, gubernia, Dniester, Danube, Imperial Archaeological Commission, collection, Moldavian Principality, coin, find, numismatics, region, Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, Russian Empire.
Usov A.V. (Moscow). Red banner Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) in the Pacific Ocean: interaction with the state security bodies (1932–1942).........152
Cand. Sc. in History,
The Centre of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines
State Academic University for Humanities (GAUGN), Associate Professor
119049, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maronovsky Lane, 26
The article considers the main areas of interaction of the Expedition Special Expedition for Underwater Works (EPRON) in the Pacific Ocean with the state security bodies of the USSR in 1932-1942. The main areas of study of the problem in modern research are outlined. A general description of the activities of state security agencies and Far Eastern EPRON’s personnel in the field of production activities, personnel support, as well as sending confidential correspondence is given. Attention is drawn to the fact that EPRON’s specialists had to operate in conditions of huge length of the maritime borders of the Pacific and North coasts of the USSR, significant demand for submarine specialists, and insufficient material and technical equipment. The author concludes that the results of the interaction of the Pacific expedition of EPRON with state security agencies significantly contributed to strengthening the strategic positions of the Soviet state, improving the safety of navigation on the Far Eastern borders of Russia, and also laid the foundations for the subsequent development of emergency rescue and ship raising in the region.
Keywords: EPRON, Pacific Fleet, Pacific, Far East Basin, sea rescue service, special service, interaction, personnel.
Ruzaev S.V. (St. Petersburg). Personnel issues in the work of the Sevastopol city committee of the CPSU (b) in 1941-1942 .......................................................................156
Department of Modern History of Russia,
Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University.
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya linia, 5.
The article is devoted to the issues of staffing the party apparatus of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. Already on the eve of the defense of the city, an acute personnel shortage arose, which was due to mobilization, as well as evacuation to the Caucasus. In November-December 1941, there was a massive promotion of new workers to leadership positions, while, first of all, the personal qualities of people, their ability to work in extreme conditions, were taken into account.
An attempt to streamline the system of replenishing party cadres was undertaken in the winter and spring of 1942, when the front was stabilized near Sevastopol. At the meetings of the bureau of the city party committee, a large group of workers were approved, appointed to positions in the fall of 1941 and having proved their competence in the conditions of the first and second storming of the city. At the same time, the apparatus of the city committee and district committees was strengthened by the old workers who had arrived from the evacuation, while they were not always appointed to their previous positions. Through the efforts of the city party committee, as well as the operational group of the Crimean regional committee of the CPSU (b), party training was organized.
By the beginning of the third assault, the backbone of the party organization of Sevastopol, with the exception of the bureau, was made up of nominees of the wartime. It was they who became direct assistants to the secretary of the city committee, B. A. Borisov, who headed the work of city organizations in the context of the third assault. At the end of June 1942, a partial evacuation of the party activists was organized, however, these measures should be considered unsuccessful. A significant number of the city’s party workers remained in Sevastopol and completely shared the fate of its defenders.
Keywords: defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942, party bodies, city committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, personnel training, evacuation.
Smagol O.S. (Moscow). The problem of symmetry in Emilia Romagna Quattrocento palaces’ facades. Bologna and Ferrara ...................................................................163
PhD student. Art history department, Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosovskii prospect, 27-4, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation.
The problem in focus is that of Renaissance symmetry in Emilia Romagna Quattrocento palaces’ facades, Bologna and Ferrara “palazzi” being chosen here as signal examples of Italian emilian secular architecture of the period in question. Taking into consideration Renaissance architectural treatises and basing on published contemporary technical investigations, the facades mentioned are interpreted in the context of Lombard and Venetian 15th century architecture, with the result that those of Bologna tend to present just a hint on symmetry, though clinging to Lombard palaces’ facades compositions, while those of Ferrara seem to have been more regular before deterioration and changes. And both are deeply rooted in local tradition.
Keywords: Renaissance architecture, Quattrocento, Ferrara, Bologna, palazzo, Addizione Erculea
Volkov A.S. (St. Petersburg). Excavations of L. K. Ivanovsky on the territory of the Izhora plateau...........................................................................................................173
2nd year postgraduate student
Pushkin Leningrad State University.
196605, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10.
Lev Konstantinovich Ivanovsky is an outstanding figure in Russian historical science. A nobleman by birth, who received a medical education in St. Petersburg, devoted himself to archaeology. In 1871, L. K. Ivanovsky, on the instructions of the Imperial Archaeological Society, conducted a trial excavation in the Novgorod province. Since 1872, until the death of the researcher in 1892, his life and activities are associated with the western part of the St. Petersburg province, the area of the Izhora upland.
The article is devoted to the archaeological excavations of the famous scientist Lev Konstantinovich Ivanovsky, conducted in the period from 1873 to 1891 on the territory of the Izhora plateau. The article deals with the entire period of archaeological research with the designation of the sites of excavations, the issue of further study of archaeological sites found by L. K. Ivanovsky is considered.
Keywords: L. K. Ivanovsky, A. A. Spitsin, N. K. Roerich, archeology, Izhora plateau, history, kurgan, excavations, Petersburg province
Galkina Yu.M. (Yekaterinburg). Memory tourism as a pedagogical technology in France (on the example of the First World war).......................................................177
Teaching Assistant,
Chair of modern and contemporary history
Ural Federal University
620000, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Lenin Ave., 51
The article discusses one of the areas of commemorative practices – memory tourism and the practice of using it as a teaching technology for modern French students. Memory tourism in recent decades became popular in many European countries. As for France, according to the Direction of the Centenary Mission of the Great War, France “had the sad privilege of becoming the main battleground of the First World War,”, therefore the 2014 anniversary stimulated the development of tourist routes associated with the sites of memory of the Great War. Despite the fact that “memory tourism” plays a significant role in the development of the local economies of France, recently its potential has been widely used in the field of education. Thus, the Directorate of Heritage, Memory and Archives, which is part of the French Ministry of Defense, initiated the development of “educational memory tourism”, creating tourist routes for pupils and students, encouraging the younger generation with educational trips and awards for their contribution to the digital equipment of tourist routes and museum expositions. The author comes to the conclusion that today an official, national-patriotic view of the events of the First World War dominates in the field of educational tourism, since there are virtually no alternative commemorations involving tourist routes.
Keywords: First World War, France, historical policy, memory tourism, commemoration, war tourism.
Soldatenko V.F. (Kiev, Ukraine). Review of the book by S. Belyakov “Spring of Nations. Russians and Ukrainians between Bulgakov and Petliura” (Moscow: AST, 2020. 749 p.).............................................................................................................182
Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chief Researcher, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies. Ivan Kuras NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kiev),
The review analyzes a monograph by the Yekaterinburg historian and literary critic S. Belyakov, devoted to a very important and urgent problem. Through the prism of studying the influences of various, often non-coinciding and opposing ideological and political influences, cultural and psychological factors, the author traces the development of the most complex relations between Russians and Ukrainians at a sharp historical break – in the revolutionary era of 1917 – 1920. Then there was a collapse of the age-old traditions of relations between two largest East Slavic ethnic groups and a joint historical step for the long term, qualitatively new principles of their coexistence were laid.
Keywords: people, nation, ethnos, interethnic relations, nationalism, revolution, Civil war, culture, literature, art.