Zingis K.A. (Moscow). Memoirs of prisoners of the Solovetsky special purpose camp: results of content analysis............................................................................................ 13
postgraduate student of chair for Historical Information Science
Lomonosov Moscow State University
119192, Russian Federation, Moscow, 27, b.4, Lomonosovskij prospekt
Tel.+ 7 910 423 51 61
This article is the first comprehensive study of the memoirs of prisoners of the Solovetsky special purpose camp as a consolidated source. The potential of these materials for studying camp reality is revealed. Particular attention is focused on several methodological features of applying network and content analysis to such heterogeneous and huge memoirs sets. Besides, interesting results of comparative work with the newspaper “Novye Solovki” are presented. The most important memory attributes of the country’s history are identified at the individual, social and national levels.
Keywords: content analysis, network analysis, Solovetsky special purpose camp, SLON, memoirs, “Novye Solovki”.
Tribunsky S.A. (Samara). Special dissertation research as a historiographic source on the problem of cultural and educational work in the Red Army during the front-line Civil War and the transfer of the Red Army to a peaceful position (based on the materials of the Ph.D. thesis by O.N. Feoktistova)....................................................... 27
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History, Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Queen “, 443086, Volga Federal District, Samara region, Samara, Moscow highway, 34, tel. 8-937-100-15-55,
Research practice says: the quality of historiographic research, which is carried out in the format of problem historiography, largely depends on careful selection for subsequent analysis of historiographic sources. In the array of historiographic sources involved in consideration, including on a topic that fell into the sphere of scientific interests of the author of this article, one can single out: first, general research; second, special research; thirdly, scientific and reference publications. In the article, which is offered to the attention of the scientific community, the manuscript of the defended candidate’s dissertation by O.N. Feoktistova. It solved a scientific problem – the study of cultural and educational work in the Red Army in 1918 – 1923. The author of this article traces the manuscript of the candidate’s dissertation by O.N. Feoktistova is the process of solving the scientific problem indicated above. At the same time, proceeding from the value approach, attention is focused on those fragments and plots of the dissertation research text that may be of increased importance for modern scientists studying borderline or related topics, if they turn to the scientific qualification work of O.N. Feoktistova as a historiographic source. This seems to be important in connection with the fact that 11 years have passed since the defense of this candidate dissertation (2009). Attention is also paid to those aspects that, judging by the analysis of the text of the manuscript of the candidate’s dissertation by O.N. Feoktistova, can cause discussion today.
Keywords: O.N. Feoktistova, Red Army, Civil War, cultural and educational work, party political work, O.N. Posvyatenko.
Kokoshina Z.A. (Moscow). On military-political cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia............................................................................ 34
Researcher at the Institute for Social and Political Research
Federal Research Sociological Center
Russian Academy of Sciences.
11933, Russian Federation, Moscow, Fotieva St., 6.
This article is devoted to the analysis of a number of issues of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia in the military-political sphere in the present circumstance. The author considers the main points of the Russian-Armenian Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, which was concluded in 1997. The relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia are analyzed taking into account a number of factors of Armenia’s position in the modern system of world politics, including its relations with Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran. The article focuses on the high level of confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which regularly escalates into armed conflicts. The article considers the particular complexity of Armenia’s geopolitical location, especially the fact that it does not have a common border with its most important ally – Russia. The author analyzes also the importance of the 102nd Russian military base in Armenia (in Gyumri). The article assesses the importance of the regional air defense system in the Caucasus region. Russia and Armenia cooperate in the framework of that system. Thus, the author concludes that military-political cooperation between Russia and Armenia is important and beneficial for both countries. The military-political cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia is developing successfully despite rather radical changes in political life in Armenia.
Keywords: military-political cooperation, military-technical cooperation, Russian-Armenian treaties and agreements, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, Armenia’s position in the system of world politics, the 102nd Russian military base in Armenia, arms supplies from Russia to Armenia.
Burak Kolot (Moscow). The Balkan policy of Turkey and the United States in the context of the crises in Bosnia and Kosovo........................................................................ 44
PhD student of the department of modern and contemporary history of European and American Countries
Faculty of History
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskiye gorı, building 1
+7 985 489 4500. e-mail:
The beginning of the break-up of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the cold war led to conflicts and instability in the Balkans. This situation had the potential for direct and indirect effects on the global interests of the United States into a new era. Delays in assisting the European States in crises caused by this instability led to the US military intervention in NATO. From Turkey’s point of view, the Balkans have always had a different meaning compared to large States under the influence of political, ethnic, geographical, historical, and religious factors. The process of foreign policy concerning the regional crises that emerged after 1990 also affected Turkey’s foreign policy due to these systemic changes. Turkey sought both to protect its interests, especially in the Bosnian and Kosovo crises, and to prove itself as a leading regional power supported by the United States. This study compares the foreign policy of Washington and Ankara with the Kosovo and Bosnian crises in the post-cold war period.
Keywords: USA, Turkey, the Balkans, foreign policy, regional crisis.
Kondakov YU.E. (St. Petersburg). Three Records of the Palestinian Committee (1859-1864).............................................................................................................................52
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Herzen, Professor,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, st. Bolshaya Pushkarskaya, 34, apt. 90
From 1859 to 1864, the Palestinian Committee oversaw the construction of buildings for Russian pilgrims in Palestine and Jerusalem. According to the plan of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, care for the pilgrims was supposed to cover up the penetration of Russia to the East. In the first years of the implementation of this “Jerusalem project,” it became clear that it would not be implemented. As a result, activities in the East were reduced only to the care of pilgrims, which was implemented by the Palestinian Committee. His activities became the arena of struggle between the organizations participating in the “Jerusalem Project”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Holy Synod fought for dominance with the Jerusalem consul V.I. Dorgobuzhinov and Secretary of the Committee B.P. Mansurov. They were agents of the Russian Society of Shipping and Trade. The conflict between Russian structures in Palestine was reflected in the reports of the Palestinian Committee. The original plan was to publish the reports annually. It was planned to describe the work carried out in them and indicate the names of the donors to the pilgrims. The first report of the Committee was published at the end of 1860. It was not written by the most active figure B.P. Mansurov, and a former member of the Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem, Hieromonk Leonid (Kavelin). Wishing to reduce the intensity of the struggle between the departments, the leaders of the failed “Jerusalem Project” handed the compilation of the first report of the Palestinian Committee into the hands of a cleric. In a slightly abbreviated form, the report was repeated in 1863. At the end of the Committee’s work, a very short report by Mansurov was published. Due to the struggle around buildings in Jerusalem, Mansurov was suspended for several years from these works. The reports in which he was directly involved were published without his name. Highlighted by Leonid, the role of the Spiritual Mission in caring for pilgrims has long been entrenched in the literature.
Keywords. Palestine, Jerusalem, “Jerusalem Project”, Spiritual Mission, Palestinian Committee, Russian Orthodox Church, clergy, pilgrims.
Nefedov D.A. (Moscow). Influence of the USSR’s foreign policy on the socio-economic development of the state and daily life of the population in the 1970s.................... 61
Applicant for the Faculty of History, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
119192 Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovskiy pr., 24, bldg. 4.
The article examines the features of the influence of the USSR’s foreign policy on the socio-economic development of the state and the daily life of the population in the 1970s. Since the second half of the XX century, historical science has shown increasing interest in considering various aspects of the relationship between foreign policy and socio-economic development of the state, but this direction is still poorly developed, so each work that reveals the specifics of the influence indicated in the article enriches the idea of the Soviet man. The author attempts to comprehend a number of historical events at the turn of the 1960s – 1970s, focusing on the social component of the events. According to the author, in the 1970s, new stratification systems emerged in the Soviet Union, testifying to the disproportionate development of some areas of the socialist economy, to the inability of the authorities to overcome the growing socio-economic crisis.
Keywords. Foreign policy, socio-economic development of the state, everyday life in the USSR, Soviet society, Soviet people.
Karpova K.A. (Moscow). Preconditions and problems of the development of the social protection system of the population in 1991-1993 in Russia....................................... 66
Postgraduate student of Department of History of State
and Municipal Administration,
of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
11999, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory St.,
building 1, housing D, room 216
Phone: +7 (495) 939-10-00; +7 (999) 928-29-09
The article is devoted to the problem of development and formation of the system of social protection of the population in the conditions of the transition period in Russia in the 1990s. The article defines the place and role of the state in creating an effective system of social protection of the population. The transformational decade of the end of the twentieth century turned out to be a test for the majority of Russian citizens who needed the help of state structures. The author attempts to trace the path of the transition from state patronage of the population to the formation of a system of social protection of the population, special attention is paid to establishing the reasons that contributed to the change in the principles of social security of the population and highlighting the problems that arose during the reform of the system. The main directions and forms of support that have been implemented in practice are also listed. Based on the studied material, it is concluded that created in the 1990s the system of social protection of the population turned out to be an ineffective mechanism against the background of unfolding events around the reform of the economic system since that system could not eliminate the root causes of the impoverishment of the population. At the same time, by trial and error, the system continues to improve today.
Keywords: transition period, social provision, social protection of the population, targeted assistance, support of the population.
Osipov I.V. (Moscow). Conflict potential of Russian federalism during the Constitution drafting and adoption in 1993....................................................................................... 73
postgraduate student, trainee researcher, of the Department of ethnic and church-state relations: management and administration of the Faculty of public administration of Moscow state University, Leninskie gory, 1D, 119234, Moscow, Russian Federation,
The article is devoted to the formation period of the Russian Federal system foundations in the early 1990s. One of the most pressing issues of this period was the powers division problems, the inequality of the Federation subjects, the deep sovereignization of the Russian republics and the emerging similar trends in other subjects. In the context of the escalating struggle between the President and the Supreme Council of Russia and the constitutional process activation, the confrontational positions of the regional authorities, which declared their intentions to develop the regional independence level, were especially strengthened and manifested. At some point, there was a situation that seemed to lead to the conflict between the subjects, but the contradictions remained at the political struggle level with the Federal center and did not result in interregional conflicts. This study uses archival materials of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, regional sources and documents describing the level of discussion that took place at that time and the contrast in the positions of the Federation subjects. Attention is drawn to the meeting of the subject’s heads with the Russian President, held on November 3, 1993, which actually defined agreements on key issues of the Federal structure, but did not completely resolve some problematic issues.
Keywords: asymmetry of federalism, Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Ural Republic, federalism.
Osipova V.V. (Moscow). Problems of non-traditional religious movements legal regulation: historical analysis...................................................................................................80
postgraduate student, trainee researcher of the Department of ethnic and church-state relations: management and administration of the Faculty of public administration of Moscow state University
Russian Federation, Moscow, 119991, Lomonosovsky ave., 27,
The research is devoted to the analysis of the state policy formation processes in relation to the non-traditional religious movements activities and the development of legal regulation of the state-confessional relations sphere. The article analyzes and compares the norms of key laws regulating the religious organizations activities since the 1990s, in particular, the law of the USSR “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations”, the law of the RSFSR “On freedom of religion” and the law “On freedom of conscience and religious associations”, adopted in 1997. The reaction of the Russian religious community representatives to certain changes related to the legal regulation of the religious organizations activities is noted. The process of Russian religious legislation transformation shows that a special legal regime is being developed for the functioning of non-traditional religious organizations in practice. The study examines the main reasons for the legislation tightening and taking a more decisive course in relation to religious organizations operating on the Russian Federation territory and known for their anti-social and anti-state actions. After adoption in 1997 legislation in the religious sphere the question of infringement and violation of the believers rights and freedoms remains open.
Keywords. Non-traditional religious movements, state-confessional relations, traditional and non-traditional religions, legislation on freedom of conscience and religious associations, freedom of religion.
Vasilev A.D. (Yakutsk). State policy of attracting and retaining officials in the Yakutsk Oblast (first half of the 19th century).............................................................................88
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North
Siberian Branch (Yakutsk)
Assistant Researcher
Russian Academy of Sciences
1, Petrovskogo str., 677027
The article analyzes the privileges of the civil service in Yakutia in the first half of the 19th century on the example of attracting and retaining officials for the main position in the Yakutsk regional administration, the head of the region. The remoteness of the northeastern outskirts from the political center, the harsh natural and climatic conditions and the strategic importance of the Yakutsk Oblast in terms of administrative subordination from the Irkutsk province gave rise to particular difficulties in the selection of worthy personnel for the post of head of region. The author notes that the candidates were attractive for the privileges in the ranks, where, as a result, many officials were appointed to the rank of state councilor (V class on the «Table of ranks»). The activities of the local administration in organizing supplies to the Pacific coast, in Okhotsk, which were due to the geographic specifics of the region, presented particular difficulties in identifying officials from the naval environment with certain business qualities. Long-term retention of officials presented some difficulties, where the Russian government often had to engage in persuading managers to remain in office. These and other personnel problems are discussed in the presented article.
Keywords: bureaucracy, civil servants, regional head, regional administration, privilege, Yakutsk region, Siberia.
Lyubeznikov O.A. (St. Petersburg). Architects-researchers and the problem of continuity in the practice of architectural restoration in Leningrad in the 1920s – 1940s. Part 2..............................................................................................................................93
Candidate of Science in History,
Saint Petersburg State University
Senior Lecturer of the Department
of Museum Studies and Protection of Monuments,
199034, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9
89215649776 ;
The emergence of the theory and method of architectural restoration in Leningrad is usually attributed to the post-war period, but the pre-revolutionary experience of the restoration of monuments is known too. The restoration in Leningrad in the 1920s–1930s and the question of the continuity of pre-war and post-war restoration in the city remain unexplored. The purpose of the article is to examine the history of restoration in Leningrad at the personal and methodological levels from pre-revolutionary to post-war times in the ideological context of the 1910s – 1940s. The main sources of the article were unpublished documents from seven Petersburg’s archives. The analysis of these sources allowed the author to recreate the history of the gradual extinction of the school of architects-researchers that existed at the Academy of Arts. They aspired to a total scientific study of the monuments of Russian national architecture during the restoration work. Cooperation of the last representatives of this school – architects A.P. Udalenkov (1887-1975) and N.P. Nikitin (1884-1971) – with the Inspectorate for the Protection of Monuments and young restorers after the war ensured the continuity of theoretical positions and practical methods of architectural restoration from the Petrograd academic school to the so-called “Leningrad school”. However, the ideological basis of the work of architects-researchers, convinced of the originality of national architecture and the need to preserve the monuments of Russian art, was forgotten after the beginning of the “Leningrad affair”.
Keywords: restoration, Leningrad, Academy of Arts, A. P. Udalenkov, N. P. Nikitin, N. N. Belehov, architect, russocentrism.
Nekryty V.V. (Vladivostok). Looking to the future (to the 50th anniversary of the training of personnel of the Ministry of internal Affairs in Primorsky Krai................................ 103
Head of the Vladivostok branch Far Eastern
law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs
690087, Russia, Vladivostok, Kotelnikova, 21,
The article discusses the activities of the Vladivostok branch of the far Eastern juridical Institute of MIA of Russia, the only branch of the Institute in the system of educational institutions of the MIA of Russia. For fifty years, the branch has been producing highly qualified specialists for the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and, first of all, for the divisions of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Primorsky territory. During this time he was actively developed from training and consultative centre of the Khabarovsk branch of correspondence education of the Omsk higher school of the USSR Ministry of internal Affairs to Vladivostok branch of the far Eastern juridical Institute of MIA of Russia. Attention is drawn to the fact that the branch trains specialists in many areas – educational programs of secondary vocational training, higher professional training in full-time and part-time training, professional training, advanced training and retraining of personnel, training of dog handlers. It is concluded that the tasks solved by the branch in the modern period acquire a new content. The Vladivostok branch of the far Eastern law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia continues to honor the traditions of the Russian police, increase scientific achievements, and actively participate in the public life of the region.
Keywords: personnel training, Ministry of internal Affairs system, Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern region, Vladivostok branch, far Eastern law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia.
Nikiforov Yu. S. (Yaroslavl). The Upward and Horizontal Movement: Career Trajectories of the Leaders of the Upper Volga Regions in the Late USSR................................... 110
Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Docent, Associate Professor
of Department of Russian history
of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
named after K. D.Ushinsky.
150000, Russia, Yaroslavl, Respublikanskaya St., 108/1.
Senior researcher of Vologda State University.
160000, Russia, Vologda, Lenina St., 15.
The article analyzes the biographies of the first secretaries of regional party committees and chairmen of regional executive committees of 5 Upper Volga regions (Vladimir, Ivanovо, Kalinin, Kostroma, Yaroslavl). To analyze the careers of regional leaders of the late Soviet era (1950-1980), the prosopographic method was applied. The focus of the study is on career shifts (horizontal and vertical mobility) of the Soviet regional elites in the Upper Volga regions. The chronological framework of the article is limited to the end of the late Stalin period and the beginning of “perestroika” of Gorbachev. The source base of the work wеre biographical reference books and databases. The article highlights 3 key trends in the careers of regional leaders in the late USSR. First, the systematic “horizontal” movements of the first secretaries of the regional party committees of the Stalin and Khrushchev era were analyzed. Secondly, periodic “vertical pulling” of regional leaders to the union-republican level of power in various departments of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU before their next appointment to the regions was revealed. Thirdly, it is concluded that after the resignation of Khrushchev during the Brezhnev era, the regional power in the USSR entered the era of “political long-livers”, which ended with the coming to power of Gorbachev.
Keywords: late USSR, regional power, center, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Upper Volga regions, prosopography, career.
Chudetckii A.N. (St. Petersburg). The cooperatives activity expansion and changes in the state policy of the USSR in the cooperative regulation in 1988-1989 (based on Leningrad’s materials) ............................................................................................... 120
Graduate student,
Saint Petersburg Institute of History
(N.P.Lihachov mansion) of Russian Academy of Science.
197110, Russia, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk St, 7.
Cooperatives were a remarkable innovation in the Soviet economy during reforms (“Perestroika”) in the USSR in the second half of 1980-s. Firstly authorities tried to concentrate cooperator’s activity in several economical spheres (primarily in the consumer goods production). But it became possible to organize cooperatives in any legal sector of economy after the publishing of the law “About the cooperation in the USSR” in May of 1988. As a result the number of cooperatives increased and such type of production became widespread in the building, construction, trading and so on. At the same time authorities hadn’t any deliberate strategy of cooperatives developing, so they inconsistently adopted restrictive and stimulative norms. These norms were the authorities’ reaction to social tension and new economic problems. Cooperation in Leningrad developed rapidly, so Leningrad became an important center of cooperative economy. It is possible to analyze the growth of cooperatives with help of documents of the city archives.
Keywords: Perestroika, Leningrad, industrial cooperation, cooperatives, reforms, consumer market.
Aksanian K.E. (Moscow). Service biography of the Prince Ivan Andreevich Shuisky based on the materials of The Books of Rank........................................................... 128
Department of source studies
Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
119991, Moscow, GSP-1, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27
The article analyzes the possibilities of using the books of ranks in the reconstruction of the careers of political-military elite of the Russian state in the XVI-XVII centuries. The analysis is based on the example of the career of Prince I. A. Shuisky who was the father of Vasily Shuisky called “boyars’ Tsar”. Special studies about the personality of I. A. Shuisky and his military activities have so far not been published. The task is to rebuild the Prince’s career based on the books of ranks. It was considered that the very beginning roles of I. A. Shuisky were not success in the voivodes’ hierarchy and Polotsk campaign much influenced on his career. The likely I.A. Shuiskys’ birth data was also proposed. The work promotes better comprehension of Prince’s activities in the Voivodeship in Velikiye Luki and his carrier progression. Analysis of the Prince’s servant showed his high demand as a voivode person during the oprichnina period and the importance of this question. Historiographical discussion on this issue was analyzed as well; the conclusion is that Prince I. A. Shuisky was not included in the oprichnina.
Keywords: The Time of Troubles, princes Shuisky, Ivan Shuisky, military history, warlord, The Book of Ranks, the officers of the Russian army, source study.
Medvedev S.V. (Moscow). New facts about Maria Vilbushevich…………………………………. 135
candidate of historical Sciences, docent of the
Department “history” Basic training Academy, address: Moscow, Novosuschevsky street, 22, Email:
The main purpose of the article is to publish and analyze unknown facts from the life of a secret employee of the Moscow security Department-Maria Vladimirovna Vilbushevich. The article provides a number of testimonies of Maria’s relatives about her incomplete legal capacity due to certain mental problems. Special attention is paid to the period of Maria’s stay in the Sushchevsky police house, in 1900, during which she studied the “school” of police agents for a total of a month. The facts found from the biography of a novice secret employee of the Moscow security Department make you think about the personnel policy of Sergey Zubatov, who ignored the reports of Vilbushevich’s relatives about her health problems and the recommendations of the Director of the police Department, S. E. Zvolyansky, to release the unfortunate prisoner. Vilbushevich’s complaints to Zwolyansky could indicate periodic conflicts between Her and her future boss, S. V. Zubatov, which, in turn, meant insubordination between the head of the political police and the young revolutionary of yesterday. In the future, the uneven relationship between Vilbushevich and Zubatov will be reflected in their partially published correspondence.
Keywords: agents, Maria Vilbushevich, Suschevsky police house, provincial gendarme Department, security Department, police Department, personnel policy.
Gessen V.Yu. (St. Petersburg). Daniil Yulievich Gessen: a journalist with a tragic fate…… 141
Ph.D. in Economics
Home ad dress: Russian Federaion,
196233 Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya 11/ 2, 140
Tel.: 382-6370; e-mail:
The article provides information about the origin of D.Yu. Gessen, about his studies at the Tenishevsky School, studying at the Polytechnic Institute, where he was imbued with the ideas of revolutionary struggle, which had a significant impact on his life. His participation in the Bolshevik coup and the Civil War, then in the internal party factional struggle, was noted. He was a consistent supporter of Leon Trotsky. Perhaps not all of his ideas were close to him and generally interested. But, until the end of his life, he was captured by the very appearance of this man, as a thinker and fighter, did not abandon him until his very tragic death. It is shown with what persistence D.Yu. Gessen for freedom of exchange of opinions in the party, for their open publication in the press. For all this, he was arrested, convicted, and spent six years in the Solovetsky concentration camp. But this was not enough for the authorities. And on the second day of The Great Patriotic War, he was arrested again, in 1943 he was shot in Chelyabinsk. Shows his love for sports, especially football and chess. Also his enthusiasm for journalistic activities on the pages of “Krasnaya Gazeta”, which, often, caused accusations of unsubstantiated criticism of local Soviet bodies and party leaders. As far as possible, the article provides information on several other Trotskyists who were also repressed.
Keywords: October Revolution, VKP (b), Trotskyism, Krasnaya Gazeta, chess, Stalinist repressions.
Hippolitov G.M., Filatov T.V. (Samara). A significant contribution to modern Russian historiography of biographical history. Reflections on the next book by S.N. Poltoraka [Poltorak S.N. Granin. Moscow: Publishing house “Kuchkovo field”, 2019. 448 p.]......................................................................................................................... 157
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Samara)
443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L. Tolstoy St., 23.
Tel.: 8-937-172-56-07; Email:
Doctor of Philosophical Science, Professor, head of the Department of philosophy of the Volga State University of telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)
443010, Russian Federation, Samara, L. Tolstoy St., 23.
Tel.: 8-937-209-84-57; Email:
The personality and fate of the outstanding Russian writer Daniil Alexandrovich Granin (Herman) (1918 – 2017) are worthy of attracting the attention of researchers from various fields of humanitarian knowledge. Sergei Nikolaevich Poltorak, a historian whose sphere of scientific interests, in terms of their versatility, cannot but admire, made the first attempt in the latest Russian historiography to comprehensively study the unique historical persona mentioned above. It materialized in a voluminous book (23, 5 printed sheets), created according to the methodological patterns of biographical history. The scientist, relying on an exceptionally massive source base, the core of which was made up of office-work materials and ego-documents deposited in numerous archives, as well as a wide range of works by D.A. Granin, traces the life of the writer, attempts to reconstruct his views on life and literary work for many decades. Moreover, Professor S.N. Poltorak pays special attention to the analysis of D.A. Granin on the development of our country, assesses the civic position of the front-line writer. About all this, and not only, the authors of this publication, performed in the genre of scientific review, reflect. At the same time, the reviewers reveal the positive aspects of the peer-reviewed scientific work. They focus on the extraordinary aspects of the book. In particular, they emphasize the harmonious combination of strictly scientific and artistic fragments in the architectonics. There are also expressed wishes for the further development of the historical personality of D.A. Granin.
Keywords: Daniil Alexandrovich Granin, Sergei Nikolaevich Poltorak, the Great Patriotic War, biographical history, inaccuracies in biographical information, perestroika, post-Soviet Russia, historical personality, historical psychology.
Poltorak S.N., Zotova A.V. (St. Petersburg). A kind book on a wise topic. (Review of the monograph: Lurie F.M., Shestakov Yu.V. “The charm of the “paper” book”. St. Petersburg: Alpharet Publ., 2015. 144 p.).................................................................. 163
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Employee of the Center for Historical Research and Analysis “Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin”.
196605, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petersburg highway, 10.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations in the Post-Soviet Area, Saint-Petersburg State University. 199034, Russia, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7-9.
The book written by F.M. Lurie and Yu.V. Shestakov, is devoted to reflections on the state and prospects of the development of the book business in St. Petersburg, in Russia and in the world as a whole. The authors focus on the analysis of the development of the book business in the pre-revolutionary years and in the first decades of Soviet power, as well as in the first post-war years. Much attention is paid to the history of second-hand books, book collections, and the activities of famous Leningrad bibliophiles. The author’s position is determined by the thought that “the electronic aggressor – the Internet – inflicted a severe blow on the printed book”. Realizing the importance of the Internet in modern life, the authors, nevertheless, are convinced that the printed book has a great future. The review provides arguments supporting the correctness of this point of view. The authors of the review draw attention to the historical and psychological component of the monograph. In particular, reflecting on the writer’s creative laboratory in the 19th century, they refer to the opinion of D.A. Granin: “Pushkin would write other poems with a fountain pen or on a computer”. The review gives a high assessment of the monograph, but points out a number of shortcomings of the work.
Keywords. Book, Internet, F.M. Lurie, Yu.V. Shestakov, history of culture.
Zolotarev V.A., Potapov V.Ya. (Moscow). To the 75th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Kokoshin, 6th Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.............................................................................. 168
Honorary Professor of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class.
195220, Russia, St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky Prospect, 11, office 1N.
Colonel General (Ret.), Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (1998-2004)
The article is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the prominent Russian scientist and statesman, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Afanasyevich Kokoshin. The authors note the colossal contribution of Academician A.A. Kokoshin in strengthening the defense capability of the Russian Federation, his varied and very effective practical activities in various government posts, including in the posts of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relations with Compatriots, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and a number of others. The diverse and very effective activities of Andrey Afanasyevich in various scientific fields are noted. Graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman, A.A. Kokoshin has the broadest scientific horizons – from deep insight into the essence of modern trends in the development of computer technology and information technology – to assessing the richest centuries-old experience in the development of military art and modern military history. Among the largest publications of A.A. Kokoshin in recent years, the interest of the scientific community was aroused by his monograph, dedicated to the outstanding military scientist A.A. Svechin, a recent breakthrough study “Questions of Applied Theory of War”. As a military historian A.A. Kokoshin took an active part in the preparation of the monograph “Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union: Planning a War”, prepared a number of profound publications on the history of the Great Patriotic War.
Keywords. A.A. Kokoshin, Security Council of the Russian Federation, security of the Russian Federation, military theory, military construction, military history.