Wrangell F.f. «Russia: a look into the past and future». Publication of V.G. Smirnov………………………………….13
VALENTIN GEORGIEVICH SMIRNOV — Director of Russian State Archive of NAVY. 191119, Saint Petersburg, Zvenigorodskaya ul., 26, 31. E-mail:
The historical and journalistic work «Russische Rückblicke und Ausblicke» («Russia: a Look into the Past and the Future») written by Ferdinand Ferdinandovich Wrangel’s (1844–1919), a retired navy sailor, the Imperial Alexander Lyceum former director, is first published in Russian. Wrangell, who was living in Switzerland during the World War I, followed closely events in Europe. He responded to the revolutionary events in Russia. He published his work in Zurich in the middle of 1917. He formulated its purpose: «to appreciate the former correctly is to be able to anticipate the future better». In his book F.F. Wrangell examined the Constituent Assembly election, evaluated the state system under the tsars, gave the characteristics of the Russian monarchs (with particular emphasis on Emperor Nicholas II reign), characterized the State Duma activities, presented a detailed analysis of P.A. Stolypin’s agrarian reform, ascertained the causes of the First World War, talked about the future of Russia and predicted the Civil War, reflected on the future decision of the land question in Russia, analyzed the land tenure system in different countries, and in conclusion expressed the idea of people’s equality and democratization. The work by F.F. Wrangel was brilliantly translated from German to Russian by the Russian Academy of Sciences Corresponding Member Viktor Kuzmich Abalakin. The text is printed with the author’s (F.F. Wrangel) and publisher’s (V.G. Smirnov) comments.
Keywords: F.F. Wrangell, Russia, Russian tsars, Constituent Assembly, State Duma, World War I, Civil War, agrarian reform, equality.
Naberezhnov G.A. (Moscow). «Pasted labels»: the organization of coverage of the State Duma’s elections in the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency’s telegrams in 1907–1912………………………………………………………………..36
GRIGORIY ALEKSANDROVICH NABEREZHNOV — Publishing editor of news Agency «Rosbizneskonsalting». 117393, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Profsouznaya 78. E-mail:
State Duma’s elections in the Russian Empire was covered by many pre-revolutionary Russia’s newspapers. Researchers have been repeatedly explored newspapers State Duma’s election police and used newspapers messages. But most newspaper reports were based on the official St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency’s (SPTA) telegrams. The Agency’s elections telegrams and organization of the Agency’s coverage of the election campaign to the Duma by a subject of a separate study not yet become.
The process of organizing election coverage we followed on the basis of SPTA telegrams, secretarial Agency’s correspondence from the Russian state historical archive, as well as newspaper articles of the time.
Pre-revolutionary newspapers had repeatedly accused SPTA in the “bias” message and the distortion of information in favor of “right-wing” parties. Faced with criticism, the Agency had established a system of election coverage and has prescribed detailed instructions for the work of the correspondents. The article examines the results of introduction of new rules of work of reporters. As can be seen from the results of the work during the elections to the IV Duma was not helped to avoid delays in the transfer of information and distortion of information.
Materials may help to supplement understanding of the information policy of the authorities of the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century.
Keywords: State Duma, elections, St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency, telegrams, telegraph, newspapers.
Makarevich M.L. (Saint Petersburg). Legal regulation of commercial activities in Russia during the reign of Catherine II……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………45
MARINA LEONIDOVNA MAKAREVICH — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Internal and External trade, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 195251, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya, 29. E-mail:
Based on an extensive study of the source base — the decree of Catherine II and other documents, the author analyzes the Russian trade legislation during the reign of Catherine II. The article examines the various regulatory areas of trading activity during this period of Russian history: the theoretical basis for regulating trade (Big Mandate provisions); guarantees of freedom of commercial activity; strengthening the social status of merchants; customs regulation of foreign trade activity; Russia’s international agreements affecting trade relations; regulation of sea and river shipping; legal responsibility for violations in the sphere of trade. At the end of the article made a full-fledged conclusion about the development of trade legislation in Catherine’s era, its importance for the legal regulation of the modern Russian trade. Having a well-thought-out theoretical framework of trade development in Russia contributed to the successful formation of the complex regulations governing commercial activity in Russia in the era of Catherine.
Keywords: legal regulation, trade, decree, Catherine II, a Large Mandate, customs tariff, customs duty, merchants, social status, the merchant class, Charter of the merchant shipping.
Shmelev S.A. (Samara). Mode of life of the NEP Era and the problem of the Class-Proletarian Party Identity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………53
SERGEY ANATOLYEVICH SHMELEV — Postgraduate Student of the Department of Russian history and archaeology, Faculty of History, Samara State Social and Pedagogical University. 443099, Russian Federation, Samara, Gorky Street, 65/67. E-mail:
The article studies the problem of proletarian class-party identity in the era of the NEP, when under pressure, the petty threatened degeneration of the party and the loss of its connection with the proletarian masses. Acting in terms of the revival of capitalist relations, the Bolshevik Party was faced with the threat of petty-bourgeois influence, penetration class-alien sentiments in the party ranks and corruption inside the party. Ultimately, all this could lead to a loss of connection with the worker-peasant masses and to the loss of power. The problem of preservation of the proletarian class-party identity in a situation of weakening external and internal stimuli support had become one of the most pressing. The behavior of many communists became so ambiguous and inconsistent with the revolutionary traditions that require the creation of a system of external monitoring to ensure that the image of the revolutionary party member. Systematic purges to release the party from the corrupt elements began to carry out. The crisis of political identity has been overcome as a result of the change of the identification system. After the death of Lenin process of bureaucratization of the ruling party finally broke the feedback from all the proletarian and non-proletarian masses. From now on, the party has identified himself not with the proletariat, and on the infallible leader.
Keywords: Party identity, petty-bourgeois elements, Party diseases, behavior in everyday life, purges of the Party.
Kopanev А.А. (Saint Petersburg). “Secret mission” of M.M. Speransky in Siberia in 1819–1821…………………….59
ANDREJ ALEKSANDROVICH KOPANEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of social Sciences and Humanities, Saint Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University). 197001, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Kronverkskiy pr., 49. E-mail:
The article is devoted to an inspection trip which was organized by Alexander I and held by M.M. Speransky in 1819–1821. The purpose of the trip was to check how officials and state institutions managed to do their job in three regions of Siberia. The result of the inspections should have been “The provision of Siberia” which M.M. Speransky was supposed to draw up. M.M. Speransky had studied economics of this wealthy region. He had met lots of locals from different social strata, travelled thousands of kilometers through Siberia and visited a lot of cities and towns. During his trip he wrote his travelling diary. In our opinion, M.M. Speransky was on a secret mission of high importance. He had to prepare Siberian regions for the arrival of the Emperor Alexander I.
Keywords: M.M. Speransky, Siberia, Alexander I, the elder Feodor Kuzmich.
Abdrakhmanov K.A. (Orenburg). Everyday business activity of Jewish merchants in Orenburg region during the post-reform period……………………………………………………………………………………………………………64
KONSTANTIN ALEKSEEVICH ABDRAKHMANOV — Postgraduate Student of the Department of Russian History, Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 460014, Russia Federation, Orenburg, ul. Sovetskaya, 19. E-mail:
The subject of this study is business activity of Jewish entrepreneurs in Orenburg Governorate in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. During this period, Jewish entrepreneurs started to play a significant part in economic development of Orenburg region despite the difficulty of integration into the market of inner regions of the Russian Empire. It is noted that ethical values of Judaism helped the Jewish businessmen in their trading activities.
The important fact is that although Orenburg Governorate wasn’t a part of the Pale of Settlement, regional authorities didn’t heavily persecute Jewish population of Orenburg region. On the contrary, regional authorities provided some patronage to Jewish merchants, whose trading activities helped strengthen economic ties and trading relations with Central Asia.
Keywords: Jewish merchants, entrepreneurship, business activity, Orenburg region, Judaism, antisemitism, Bukharan Jews.
Azhigulova A.I. (Orenburg). Family-marriage relations in the southern Urals in the 1930s……………………………73
ALBINA ISLAMOVNA AZHIGULOVA — Postgraduate Student of the Department of General history and methods of teaching history and social studies, Orenburg State Pedagogical University. 460050, Russian Federation, Orenburg, Proletarskaya st., 308, 102. E-mail:
The number of marriages affects the reproduction of the population. All demographic events either happen in families, or closely related to their composition and size. From the point of view of demographic analysis is a complex object because the life cycle of families since the founding until the inevitable collapse formed under the influence of all demographic processes at the same time — marriage, births, deaths and termination of marriages. Considering together, these processes can no longer be considered independent. Family, on the one hand, the condition, on the other — the result of reproduction of the population. Regulating it, society regulates the relations of the sexes and establishes the marital and parental rights and duties and marital relations determine the character of population reproduction. The process of formation of breeding pairs, its features largely determine the level of population reproduction. All the spheres of life are closely interrelated, political and economic processes in the Soviet Union influenced the marriage rate and the divorce rate among the population.
Keywords: family, marriage rate, divorce rate, marriageable population, rural population, urban population, ethnic composition.
Yastrebov A.O. (Venezia, Italia). The Russian Ambassador at the Sublime Porte and the Venetian Greeks…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………78
ALEXEY OLEGOVICH YASTREBOV — Candidate of Theology, Doctor of Philosophy, Archpriest, The rector of the parish of the Myrrhbearers (Venice, Italy), Administration of the parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy, Russian Orthodox Church. 30171, Italy, Venice, Via Monte Piana 40. Tel: +39 3384753739, e-mail:
The article narrates of an episode of cooperation of the first Russian ambassador to Turkey — Peter A. Tolstoy — with the Venetian Greeks, which took place in the beginning of his tenure as a head of the diplomatic mission at the Sublime Porte (1702–1714).
Tolstoy managed to find common ground with his counterparts who at different times represented the Republic of Venice and enjoyed their disposition owning to his experience in Italy and the acquaintances he made earlier. At the same time, in spite of the ban by the Turks and discontent on the part of the Venetians, Tolstoy organised successful recruitment of naval officers, subjects of the Republic of Venice (1702–1703).
The historical archives show how vigorously acted the ambassador and how dangerous for him and his staff was the fulfilment of his duties entrusted to him by Peter the Great. The published fragments of the dispatches of the Italian diplomats enrich the known facts of the cooperation between Tolstoy and the Venetian Greeks in the Ottoman Empire.
Keywords: Petr Tolstoy, Peter the Great, Ivan Bozis, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, Lorenzo Soranzo.
Buczek E. (Warszawa, Poland). Russian Customs Administration in Kingdom of Poland (1850–1868)………………88
ELZBIETA BUCZEK — Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Faculty of Law of Saint Petersburg State University. 199106, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 22-ya Liniya Vasilyevskogo ostrova, 7; 02-220, Poland, Warszawa, ul. Łopuszańska 32. Tel.: + 78 046494665, e-mail:
The article demonstrates some customs policy processes taken in dynamics typical of the state in which the attempt to combine modernization and protective measures within intraemperial economy integration. The study of the Kingdom of Poland and the Russian Empire custom systems provides new horizons for presenting general trends in Russian policy at the stage of the so called “more moderate protectionism”. The article reveals the matters of legal predispositions for the reforming processes according to the Customs Charter of the Kingdom of Poland in 1850.
The sources and literature used by the author encompass the Russian Empire Acts pertaining to the Customs policy at that time.
The scientific novelty of the research is the first detailed analysis of the Polish Kingdom Customs activity.
The study permits the author to show light upon the new land and legal customs integration policy aimed at the further political convergence of Poland and the Russian Empire. The result of the research demonstrates that Russian power not only supplied geopolitical stability, borderline protection and state unity but also enabled to keep up the policy of moderate protectionism in the economy.
Another author’s conclusion is that the Customs Code (1850) played some important part in polish provincial economy.
Keywords: protectionism, customs system, customs regulations, customs legislation, customs, custom duty, Kingdom of Poland, Russian Empire.
Vorobieva T.V. (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). The impact of the theory of the frontier on the USA foreign policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….95
TATIANA VLADLENOVNA VOROBIEVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Head of economical and socio-humanitarian department of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). 683031, Russian Federation, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Bohniyaka st., 13. E-mail:;
This article analyzes the foreign policy of the United States of America considered by the frontier theory. In 1893, Frederik J. Turner introduced his theory to the historical community. He argued that the driving force of the American colonization had become the frontier (the outer edge of moving forward colonization wave) the meeting point of savagery and civilization, where social development became a constant beginning with each new borderline. The most important, distinctive contribution of the Americans in world history Frederik J. Turner believed the ideals of democracy, developed in the process of mastering the new lands. Despite the criticism, which originally underwent views of Turner, the idea of the great mission of the Americans, the development of new frontier and the imposition of American ideals of democracy as the best examples of social existence, firmly established in the US foreign policy. All US presidents interpreted this right not only as the mission in relation to other nations, but also as a way to protect their own state from external dangers. Over time, the understanding of the frontier has expanded to include not only the development of the territory, which came to the end, but as the political, ideological, technological and other frontiers. Throughout US history, up to the present time, the ideas of the frontier are the backbone of the US foreign policy doctrine.
Keywords: the frontier theory, the United States, the foreign policy, US presidents, mission, expansion, world order.
Kolesnik A.V. (Donetsk). Chalcolithic treasures of flint products of the Seversky Donets river basin (southern part of the Russian plane)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………104
ALEXANDER VIKTOROVICH KOLESNIK — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Historiography, Source Study, Archeology and Methods of Teaching History, Donetsk State University. 83001, Donetsk, Universitetskaya ul., 24. E-mail:
The treasures of flint products are important category of archaeological sources. In the Donetsk region a great number of the Chalcolithic sites of this type have been explored. They provide a chance to reconstruct in details separate aspects of behavior of ancient people, stereotypes of their ceremonial and household behavior. These treasures are found both in the territory of ancient settlements, and beyond their borders. The treasures contain specially selected sets of flint products which possessed heightened semiotics status. It is known that when a treasure is hided and the objects go out of the household sphere to the sacral sphere, the meaning of things cardinally changed. Most treasures of flint products of the Chalcolithic are connected with a complex mortuary and memorial ritual and reflect individual behavior. Small treasures-gifts were a personal property of people and the indicator of a phenomenon of the personality during that remote era. Individual ritual treasures and “tool kits” from burials have the general nature.
Keywords: Chalcolithic, treasures of flint products, archaeology, Donbas, Seversky Donets, flint-processing workshop, rituals.
Panichkin A.P. (Saint Petersburg). Alexander Nevsky Theological Academy under Emperor Paul I. Academic subjects, teachers and students. Academy expenses……………………………………………………………………112
ALEXANDER PHILIPPOVICH PANICHKIN — Candidate of Theology, Mitred Archpriest, Assistant Chief of Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Navy “The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov”, Senior priest of the St. Paul the Confessor and St. Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov Church in the Peter the Great Naval Corps (St. Petersburg). 192023, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, prospect Elizarova, 10, apt. 282. E-mail:
Based on multiple archival documents from the Central Historical Archive of St. Petersburg and other public and church archival collections the article treats of the establishment of the Nevsky Theological Academy in St. Petersburg by a decree of the Emperor Paul I. It explains the mission and the goals assigned to the institution; names its key teachers, describes their educational background and the institutions where they had completed their studies; lists the courses that were studied at the Academy; specifies the numbers of students attending various courses; gives the information on the income of the teachers and maintenance of the students; describes the prospects of secular education for the latter; shows the Academy expenditures for various household needs, etc.
Keywords: Nevsky Theological Academy, Emperor Paul I, philosophy class, theology class, public debates, Nevsky Academy teachers, Nevsky Academy students, Nevsky Academy expenses.
Skurlov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). Imperial and Cabinet gifts……………………………………………………116
VALENTIN VASIL’EVICH SKURLOV — Ph.D. in Art History, Expert of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, Scientific Secretary of the Memorial Fund Faberge (Saint Petersburg). 199406, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Nalichnaya ul., 37–3–47. E-mail:
Gifts-awards from the Cabinet of his Majesty is the unexplored field of artistic objects of jewelry. Such objects are practically absent in the state museums of Russia, because in Soviet times for ideological reasons, even the storage of such objects was considered as counter-revolutionary activities. These products had the state emblem of the Russian Empire ― double-headed eagle or Imperial crown, and the most valuable items had a monogram or a portrait of the Emperors or Empresses. The only Russian museum, which has such items, is a Fabergé Museum of the Link of Times Foundation in St. Petersburg. The article discusses and clarifies the attribution of Cabinet gifts-awards on the example of the collection of this museum. Archival materials are considered in the context of previous scientific research results, and apart of gnoseological interest, will be in demand for practical use by antique dealers, collectors and museum staff engaged in the subject of Fabergé.
Keywords: Fabergé, diplomatic gifts, the Cabinet of his Majesty, the Imperial family, Link of Times Foundation, attribution, snuffbox and cigarette case.
Kalakhanova (Borlakova) Z.M. (Stavropol). Normal level of culture of the North Caucasus people (1920–1940)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………121
ZUHRA MUHTAROVNA KALAKHANOVA (BORLAKOVA) — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, temporary unemployed. 355012, Russian Federation, Stavropol, ul. Dobroliubova 4–3. E-mail:
The article explores the state of the spiritual culture of the Karachai people in the prewar period. It highlights the motives and mechanisms of maintenance and development of the culture of the highlanders. The system of education means the communicative impact of the reorganization of the public education system in the national regions of Russia. The article considers the formation process of a society separate contingent of professionals who are engaged in the creation and development of spiritual values. It describes the complex processes of origin, formation and development of national literature, art, music, theater art, education, etc. The article assesses the internationalized role of the Russian language and Russian Soviet literature It raises issues of the emancipation of women highlanders, influence adats, manners and etiquette in the highland cultural revolution of the historical period. The author formulates the conclusion: the standards of cultural development receive certain social assessment, they are included in the culture of mankind, and thereby becomes the property of all progressive world.
Keywords: adat and customs, folklore heritage, theatrical art, MUIs-music-music, folk music, collective farm clubs, national publishing house, cultural and political level, literacy, gold embroidery art, felt art.
Vlasov N.A. (Saint Petersburg). “Never make war against Russia”? Otto von Bismarck and the prospects of a war between Germany and Russia: apocrypha and reality………………………………………………………127
NIKOLAY ANATOLIEVICH VLASOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, School of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University. 195265, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Luzhskaya str., 4–1–266. E-Mail:
Otto von Bismarck is widely supposed to voice some statements that were emphasizing an absolute necessity to avoid a war with Russia because of Russia’s invincibility. The goal of the present paper is to ascertain the facts about such statements. Can they really be ascribed to the Iron Chancellor or present no more than modern apocrypha? And what was the actual opinion of Bismarck concerning the war between Russia and Germany? Seeing that Bismarck’s “quotations” are widely spread in Russian media today the topic seems to be of highly relevance. And the lack of appropriate studies makes it even more important. Study of a variety of sources among which are Bismarck’s texts and statements on the question let the author come to the conclusion that Iron Chancellor “quotations” about the war with Russia are a kind of modern apocrypha. Actually Bismarck suggested the war against Russia senseless for German interests but didn’t refuse it entirely.
Keywords: Otto von Bismarck, Russian-German relations, war between Russia and Germany, apocrypha, historical memory.
Ippolitov G.M. (Samara). From the history of the genesis of the Red Army (November 1917 — the first half of 1918)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………134
GEORGIYI MIKHAYJLOVICH IPPOLITOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading researcher of Institute of Russian History RAN (Povolzhsky branch, Samara), Professor of Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). 443101, Russian Federation, Samara, Novomolodezhnihyjpereulok, 21, 58. E-mail: pfiri@;
In lapidary form, this article highlights some aspects of the genesis of the Red Army (November 1917 — the first half of 1918). The author proceeds from the fact that this issue took place in the category of priority in Soviet historiography. Meanwhile, in the post-Soviet history it had left on the periphery of scholarship. In modern historiography, there has been a tendency to a certain revival, so this issue is gradually leaving the area of the scholarly periphery. It should be emphasized that the problem of the research is extremely multifaceted. Therefore, the author of the article focused mainly on the analysis of the organizational aspects of this problem. These aspects are considered as an integral part of the process of military development and construction of the armed forces of the young Soviet state. Some theses and the material in this article are debatable. The author has no claim to completeness of coverage of this topic.
Keywords: Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, genesis, Red Army, V.I. Lenin, L.D. Trotsky, N.V. Krylenko, M.D. Bonch-Bruevich, N.I. Podvoisky, military construction, Soviet state, Bolshevik Party, Quadruple Alliance, voluntary principle of manning.
Mikhailov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). The collapse of the Russian Caucasus front, and the beginning of the Turkish intervention in Transcaucasia in late 1917 — early 1918………………………………………………………………143
VADIM VIKTOROVICH MIKHAILOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of history and philosophy of the Humanities faculty of the SUAI (St. Petersburg). 1196105, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Sevastyanova str., 4, 102. E-mail:
The article examines the reasons and the preparation of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the Caucasus in February 1918, and the influence of the disintegration of the Russian Caucasus front in the course of the revolutionary events in Russia in 1917 By the end of 1917, as the condition of the Russian front, and the Turkish Caucasus army (third army) was equally deplorable. In mid-1917, Ahmed Izzet Pasha and Mustafa Kemal Pasha, held on the Third (Caucasus) Turkish army, which came to the conclusion about the impossibility of holding the Caucasus are no serious military operations. The staff of the Russian Caucasian front, even though we lost, according to Turkish military intelligence that 100,000 people, 40,000 of whom in December of 1917, still reached 250 thousand people, and under control of the front “rightful territories” were extensive territory of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish intelligence has followed the revolutionary events in Russia, the Istanbul Newspapers printed an optimistic notes about the beginning of the fermentation in the camp of the eternal enemy. After the conclusion on the initiative of the Turks Erzincan truce on December 18, 1917, the Transcaucasus Commissariat finally decided to nationalize the Caucasus army, Russian troops withdraw from front to Russia. The non-recognition by the government of the Transcaucasus Bolshevik revolution and the Bolsheviks concluded the Brest peace with the Central unit freed the hands of the Turkish leaders who first started the intervention in Transcaucasia. The Turkish leaders hoped that capturing the Caucasus, they will be able to bargain for better terms of peace in case of defeat of the German block in World War II.
Keywords: Caucasus frontline of the First World War, Turkish intervention in Transcaucasia in 1918, the Transcaucasian Commissariat, Erzincan armistice, Brest-Litovsk.
Kovalevsky D.G. (Saint Petersburg). Terms and rules for obtaining orders by the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant in the end of XIX century………………………………………………………………………………………………153
DENIS GEORGIEVICH KOVALEVSKY — Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Researcher of the Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Navy «The Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov». 197045, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Ushakov emb., 17/1. Е-mail:
This article is devoted to armored shipbuilding in Russia. In the course of the management reform at the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant in 1881–1883 years it was decided to hand the Plant over under the state management control. For more reasonable way of taking the task decision, different modes of «Russian Baltic Ironworks and Mechanical Community» stock company liquidation were proposed. For their estimation it was necessary to analyze the financial book-keeping rules, accepted at the Baltic Plant and in the Navy Department. For this purpose, the terms and rules for obtaining orders by the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant were described, in the period when its owner was «Russian Baltic Ironworks and Mechanical Community» stock company. The principles of percentage reward, offered for introduction at the Plant in the course of realization of the main points of administrative reform, were considered.
Keywords: the Baltic Shipbuilding and Mechanical Plant, financial book-keeping rules, overhead expenses, work cost registration, work force registration, charging extra income, principle of percentage reward.
Solovyov K. A. (Moscow). Five hundred years of history of Dmitrov names Elizarovy and Polyaninovy as a preliminary experience of genealogical research…………………………………………………………………………158
KIRILL ALEKSEEVICH SOLOVYOV — Ph.D. in Culturology, Associate Professor of the department of Designing of buildings and structures, National research University Moscow state University of civil engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of History and theory of decorative arts and design, Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. 129337, Russian Federation, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe sh. 26, office 508. E-mail:
The author dedicates this essay to the blessed memory of his ancestors, in particular, memory of the great-grandmother Alexandra Ivanovna Polyaninova (1875–1958), and the grandmother Nadezda Alekseevna Elizarova-Solovieva (1903–1989) that left an interesting historical and genealogical notes on the history of the family [1, c. 1–155; 2, c. 1–55].
The article is devoted to a preliminary genealogical study of two ancient Dmitrov names related to the author. The article deals with the origin of the names Elizarovy and Polyaninovy, and on the concrete material shows the historical path of their ministries in Moscow and the Moscow region since the end of XV century till the beginning of XVII century. In the last decade, the theme of the genealogy of burghers and merchants began to develop, however the most recent research, which referred to a noble family names dedicated to famous Russian noble or boyar families of Moscow. Dedicated provincial nobility historiography is very low. The author continues the tradition of prosopographic research that involves examining the biographies of historical figures belonging to a particular era or location, and with their shared political, social, or ethnic characteristics, as well as occupying certain positions. Prosopographic method, which consists in the creation of collective biographies, the identification of certain individuals, the production of a few similar questions, helps to identify certain types that allows you to make valid conclusions about the processes taking place not only within social strata, classes, but also in the social history of individual families and historical figures. Prosopography and related historical disciplines are now increasingly demanded by society because they allow reviving interest in the true history of our homeland and our small historic towns through the study of history and their own family genealogy. The author believes that this historical and genealogical research can form a special historical and social and cultural landscape of the Russian state. The article briefly describes the genealogy of two ancient Dmitrov names on the background of the historical development of the ancient Russian state.
Keywords: Elizarovy, Polyaninovy, Dmitrov, Moscow state XV–XVII centuries, genealogical research, history, Qasim khanate, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the boyar families, policemen, nobles, clerks of the Duma, the Duma nobles.
Gorokhov V.V. (Saint Petersburg). Shot flagships……………………………………………………………………170
VYACHESLAV VITALIEVICH GOROKHOV — Head of the Department of physical training, Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy. 195009, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, ul. Komsomol, 22. E-mail:
The article is devoted to issues related to political repression supreme command and commanding the fleet in 1937–1938. It reveals the causes and consequences of the repressive actions of the fleet in relation to the four fleet commanders — four flagships Naval forces of the Red Army. On the basis of the analyzed material this article contains conclusions about the importance of mass political repressions in the Navy, their impact on the readiness of the commanders of ships and fleets of the compounds, the level of readiness for combat, accident, military discipline and organization. Particular attention is paid to the systematic use of illegal methods of the NKVD authorities in relation to a suspect in the so-called military conspiracy. Describing that time, the conclusion is made that the representatives of the high command and political stuff of the fleet could not prevent the expansion of political repression among the command personnel of the NKVD and the arbitrary and harmful consequences of mass political repressions in the combat capability of naval forces.
Keywords: fleet flagship, political repression, team staff, preparation of the operational headquarters, NKVD.
Massov A.Y. (Saint Petersburg). Australian historian Thomas Poole (1936–2016) and the study of the history of Russian-Australian relations…………………………………………………………………………………………………175
ALEXANDER YAKOVLEVICH MASSOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor in History, Head of Department of History and Cultural Studies, St Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Professor of the Master’s program “Pacific Studies” at the Department of American Studies, St Petersburg State University. St Petersburg, 3 Lotsmanskaya street, St Petersburg State Marine Technical University; St Petersburg, 29 Kuznetsova street, corp. 1, apt. 102. E-mail:
The article analyzes the scientific heritage of the Australian historian Thomas Ray Poole. T. Poole was one of the pioneers in the study of the Russian-Australian relations in Australia and until his death he remained a prominent representative of this school in the Australian historiography. Main issues of his works was devoted to the activities of Russian émigrés-revolutionaries in Australia in the early twentieth century, as well as the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the Australian in 1942 and the development of cooperation between these two countries during the Second World War. Largely on the initiative and with the participation of T. Poole the first collective monographs of Russian and Australian authors on the history of Russian-Australian relations have been published in Australia. A rich collection of documentary materials from the archives of Australia and Russia on this issue which was collected by the Australian historian stored now in the library of the University of Queensland and is available for use by subsequent generations of researchers.
Keywords: Thomas Poole, the history of Russian-Australian relations, Australian historiography, documents on the history of Russian-Australian relations.
Kolonitsky B.I. (Saint Petersburg). Do you need great upheavals? We need a great library!……………………………..182
BORIS IVANOVICH KOLONITSKY — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, European University at Saint Petersburg. 191187, Saint Petersburg, Gagarinskaya ul. 3A. E-mail:
Dear readers!
Forty years ago I stepped into a Public library M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (now the National Library of Russia) for the first time. In its halls I have read hundreds of books and articles, has written a doctoral thesis, several monographs and textbooks on history. In my own experience I had the opportunity to realize, that it is the best scientific library in Russia. She is a true national treasure. It is that infrequent case when the citizen and the Russians who come here from across the country, are grateful to the state. Grateful that the Library lives.
An idea of officials to merge the two largest libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg are as stupid as its authors. There is no possibility to provide state support to this scientific center? We will survive, we are accustomed to bureaucratic indifference. But at least do not interfere to Library live! Do not cripple her with this extravagance and ineptitude.
I am very grateful to Professor B. Kolonitsky, who wrote an article about the inadmissibility of the actual destruction of National Library of Russia — one of the main symbols of Russian science and culture.
Chief editor of the journal “Klio”, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, member of the Society of friends of the national library S.N. Poltorak
Trunov P.O. (Moscow). A review on the book of A. A. Kokoshin, Ju.N. Baluevskij, V.Ja. Potapov «On the relation between the components of military art in the context of the transformation of the world political systems and technological change» М.: URSS, 2015…………………………………………………………………………………..186
PHILIPP OLEGOVICH TRUNOV — Ph.D. in Political Science, Ph.D. (Geschichte), Lecturer, The Faculty of World Politics, Moscow State University. E-mail:
The review devotes to the collective work of the RAS academician A.A. Kokoshin, Ju.N. Baluyevsky and V.Ja. Potapova, which studies the questions of the development of modern military art under the influence of technical and technological factors and also influence of military art over modern world political system.
The review singles out the main parts of the book, and gives their characteristics. It focuses on the relationship between the elaborations of three generations of Soviet military theorists and commanders (the inter-war, which participated in the Great Patriotic War and acted role during the occurrence and development of the cold war and the generation which plays active role in the 1980–1990s).
The review examines the possibility of creating a united (inter-specific and inter-departmental) military groups and their usage in modern conditions. The review pays attention to the military-technological appearance of modern armed forces, its influence on the change in the importance of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. It concludes about theoretical and practical importance of the publishing, created by a group of authors under the direction of A.A. Kokoshin.
Keywords: academician A.A. Kokoshin, world politics, military technologies, armed forces, operative military art, strategy, high strategy.
Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg). Review on the monograph of B.N. Mironov “The Russian Empire: from tradition to modern”. In 3vol. Saint Petersburg, Dmitry Bulanin publ., 2014–2015…………………………………………………192
SERGEYI NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, Editor-in-Chief of the journal «Klio». 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskiyj pr., 11. E-mail:
In the review the author analyzes the three-volume monograph of B.N. Mironov, dedicated to the study of the history of Russian Empire for the entire period of its existence. The author appreciates historiographic and source studies of the scholar in the process of investigating the problem. The review notes the original approaches of the researcher in supporting of his concept.
Keywords: B.N. Mironov, Russian Empire, Revolution of 1917, stratum, the national question, religion.
Koltsov I.A. (Saint Petersburg). Reflections on T.V. Sleptsova’s dissertation «N.K. Schilder — archaeographer and historian»………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………197
IGOR ANATOLYEVICH KOLTSOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of philosophy and history department of St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Links, Economics and Law, Honorary mental worker of Russian Federation vocational education. 191014, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Liteiniy avenue, 42. E-mail:
High evaluation of dissertation research of T.V. Sleptsova is given in the article. Special attention is paid to the fact that it is the first complex research in the national historiography devoted to the famous historian N.K. Shilder (1842–1902). The author gives not only the full picture of scientist’s creative activity (according to the limits of the dissertation), but also observes his life way, range of interests. Undoubtedly the candidate’s merit is the deep analysis of Shilder’s archeographical activity, introducing a number of historical sources into scientific practice. On the basis of species structure the author discovers Shilder preference to «record keeping documentation» which counts 53 % of total amount.
Conclusion is the following: dissertation of T.V. Sleptsova is an original research work which can be a fundamental base for the further research of creative heritage of N.K. Shilder, famous national historian of the 2nd half of the XIX — early XX century.
Keywords: Sleptsova T.V., dissertation, N.K. Shilder, Alexander I, archeographer, species of historical sources, historian, historiography.
Gapon V.K. (Moscow). To celebrate the 40th anniversary of scholar activity of professor V.A. Zolotarev…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………204
VITALY KONSTANTINOVICH GAPON — Academic Professor, Russian Academy of natural Sciences. E-mail:
In the essay, dedicated to the 40th anniversary since the beginning of scholar and pedagogical activities of an outstanding Russian historian V.A. Zolotarev, discusses his military service, from cadets to major-general and state Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class. It is emphasized that V.A. Zolotarev is a major expert on the history of Russo-Turkish wars, naval history, and the history of the First and Second World Wars. The article notes the huge work done by V.A. Zolotarev during his leadership of the Institute of Military History of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, the implementation of a number of ambitious survey projects, such as the 12-volume edition of «The Great Patriotic War 1941–1945», created and published by order of the President of the Russian Federation and recognized as «Book of the year» (2015), and the 6-volume edition «The First World War 1914–1918».
Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg). About Aleksandr Sergeevich Kan……………………………………………………209
SERGEYI NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, Editor-in-Chief of the journal «Klio». 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskiyj pr., 11. E-mail:
The publication is dedicated to the eminent historian Alexander Kan, who passed away January 22, 2017 in Stockholm. The article refers to the contribution of professor emeritus A.S. Kan to the development of the history of Russian-Scandinavian relations, history of Sweden, Norway, Finland, the history of Scandinavia. The article draws attention to the fact that A.S. Kan fruitfully worked in the Editorial Board of the journal «Klio».
Keywords: Aleksandr Sergeevich Kan, history of Sweden, history of Norway, history of Finland, Russian-Scandinavian relations, military history.