Ippolitov G.M. (Samara), Poltorak S.N. (Saint Petersburg). Soviet historiography of the Civil War in Russia during the Khrushchev thaw (the second half of the 1950s — the first half of the 1960s)……………………………………….13
GEORGIYI MIKHAYILOVICH IPPOLITOV — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading researcher of Institute of Russian History RAN (Povolzhsky branch, Samara), Professor of Department of Philosophy, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). 443101, Russian Federation, Samara, Novomolodezhnihyj pereulok, 21, 58. E-mail: pfiri@;
SERGEYI NIKOLAEVICH POLTORAK — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal «Klio». 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskiyj pr., 11. E-mail:
This article is a continuation of the authors’ works published in the journal «Klio»: Early Soviet Historiography of the Civil War in Russia. 1981–1922. 2016. No. 1 (109). January. Pp. 43–61; Historiography of the Civil War in Russia in the first post-war years (1922–1932). 2016. No. 3 (111). March. Pp. 21–38; Soviet historiography of the Civil War in Russia in the 1930s — the first half of the 1950s. 2016. No. 8 (116). August. Pp. 120–140. The authors analyze a large array of historiographical and historical sources, chronologically related to the period of the Khrushchev thaw (the second half of the 1950s — the first half of the 1960s). Then Soviet history developed after a breath of freedom, which allowed it to make the power structures of the Soviet state and the governing bodies of the CPSU. The thaw stimulated the study of the history of the Civil War in Russia (1918–1922), helped to improve the quality of research. The authors, aware of the scope of the problem, concentrated research efforts only on its individual aspects. The article is made in the format of problem-thematic historiography. The material is presented in an overview-analytical manner. The authors do not pretend to the completeness of the coverage of the problem.
Keywords: thaw, Civil War in Russia, historiography, XX Congress of the CPSU, V.I. Lenin, party political work.
Lyapin D.A. (Nizhny Novgorod). The repression of the 1930s in the shipbuilding industry of the USSR: the experience of the modern Russian historiography…………………………………………………………………29
DMITRY ALEKSANDROVICH LYAPIN — Postgraduate Student of the Department of Russian History and Politics, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. 603950, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, pr. Gagarina, 23. E-mail:
The paper attempts to analyze the state of modern historical political repression of the 1930s on the materials of the shipbuilding industry of the USSR.
Repression in the domestic shipbuilding industry were related to the contradictions within its staff. The new political leadership of the country was hostile to the old professionals who had been educated in the imperial Russia. It sought those responsible for industrial development setbacks in the 1920s ― the beginning of the 1930s, which found its expression in the «Shakhty Trial». Repression in the shipbuilding industry were associated with the contradictions among Soviet seamen. Inside the marine specialists there was a struggle between the «old school» of fleet and «young school» of the sailors that have passed the Civil War. The victory of the «young school» led to the repression in the early 1930s. They became victims of a number of senior representatives of the command of the fleet and the old shipbuilders. Mass repressions in the Navy and the shipbuilding industry of the USSR began in 1937 and lasted until 1939. They had caused great damage to the cause of building the Soviet Navy.
Keywords: sabotage, plants, historiography, staff, production, repression, shipbuilding.
Abukov S.N. (Donetsk). To the question of Simeon the Proud inheritor in the Testament of the Grand Prince………………………………………………………………..34
SERGEY NAVIL’EVICH ABUKOV — Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecture of the Department of Historiography, Source Studies, Archaeology and Methods Teaching History, Donetsk National University. 83015, Donetsk, Universitetskaya St, 24, II building, room № 21. E-mail:
The article is devoted to one of the most difficult questions of the history of the Moscow principality in XIV century — last bequests of the Grand Prince Simeon the Proud recorded in his testament, concerning the inheritance of his possessions. Due to the incomplete preservation of the document, historians discuss the problem of the presence of the sons of the Grand Prince at the time of death and inheritance of Kolomna-Mozhaisk principality. The author made the analysis of the document and the complex of available sources, and came to the conclusion that the possession the Grand Prince of Moscow, bequeathed to the widow Maria. On the basis of the proposed arguments, the article argues, that all sons of the Proud died before April 1353.
Keywords: Simeon the Proud, Maria Aleksandrovna, Moscow, Tver, Grand Prince, principality, testament.
Akhtamov E.A., Gergilev D.N. (Krasnoyarsk). Formation of Russian Diaspora policy at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………39
EVGENY ALEKSANDROVICH AKHMATOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Siberian Federal University. 660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnyi st., 82a, Room 434. E-mail:
DENIS NIKOLAEVICH GERGILEV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Russian History, Director of the Institute for the Humanities, Siberian Federal University. 660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodnyi st. 82a, Room 460. E-mail.:
The article covers the history of Russian foreign policy toward Russian-speaking community residing abroad after the Soviet Union collapse. According to the authors, the role of Russian-speaking community in foreign Russian policy determines the significance of the article theme. At present the Russian-speaking community numbers more than 30 millions of members. The stages of development of diaspora policy, legislative basis, supporting measures have been considered in the article. It has been noticed, although the diaspora policy legislative basis corresponded to the International standards, there were difficulties in implementation of the policy at the 1990s. The difficulties were aroused by the lack of financing and train specialists. At the beginning of the XXI century the Russian diaspora policy entered into a new phase — the policy took more consistent and pragmatic character.
Keywords: Russian-speaking diaspora, diaspora policy, legislative basis, the Russian world.
Samokhodkin V.N. (Saint-Petersburg). Discussion in the Central Committee of RDSLP(b) about its membership in the Zimmerwald movement during the Great Russian revolution…………………………………………………………43
VYACHESLAV NIKHOLAEVICH SAMOKHODKIN — Postgraduate Student, Department of Modern History Russia, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Saint-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya str., 5; 194044, Saint-Petersburg, Smolyachkova str., 15–17, ap. 19A. E-mail:
The Zimmerwald movement played a pivotal role in the European labor and Social Democratic movement during the First World War. Furthermore, it helped promote the Bolshevist ideas in Europe. In turn the activities of its left-wing, the leading part in which was played by V.I Lenin and G.Y. Zinoviev, had a significant influence on the development of the Zimmerwald movement which experiences a deep political crisis by 1917. This led to the Central Committee of the RDSLP(b) to raise the question about the viability of the Bolshevist Party involvement in the Zimmerwald movement. Due to the biased attitude towards the figure of G.Y Zinoviev, soviet historiography has covered this problem highly lopsided. For the first time in the post-soviet historiography the current article studies the development of this question which led to the finalization of the plan to create the Communist International. Furthermore the article explores the direct influence of the Great Russian revolution on solving the problem with the fate of the left-wing of the Zimmerwald movement. The author also elaborates on the activities of G.Y. Zinoviev in the Zimmerwald block which is underexplored in historiography. The main source used in creating this article were the materials provided by the fund of the Russian State Archive of socio-political history as well as published sources in Russian and German languages. The author attempts to retrace the reasons that caused the discussion about the involvement of RDSLP(b) in the Zimmerwald movement, the stages of this discussions development, the influence of the Great Russian revolution upon it, the evolution of the points of view of its main participants as well as its conclusion.
Keywords: The Bolsheviks, Zinoviev, Lenin, RSDLP (b), The Zimmerwalder movement, The Great Russian Revolution.
Gessen V.Y., Ignatova O.A. (Saint Petersburg). About the fate of Nabokov’s property in Soviet times (Based on archive data)……………………………………………………………………………………………………….49
VALERII YUL’EVICH GESSEN — Ph.D. in Economics. 196233, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya 11/ 2, 140. E-mail:
OLGA ANATOL’EVNA IGNATOVA — Head of General Staff building’s history sector, State Hermitage. 195279, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Entuziastov pr., 20/1, 145. E-mail:
Proposed article is a part of our publications in the journal «Klio» on issues related to the seizure of property by the Soviet authorities from individuals and organizations in Petrograd during the period 1917–1925. It considers the fate of the Nabokov family assets located in a building on Bolshaya Morskaya Street, 47 and in the estate Rozhdestveno. Their collection of paintings was gathered with knowledge and great love. This applies particularly to French painting, though not without attention to Russian artists. Location of some of these works is well known in our days. However, further examination of this question requires a lot of expertise and effort.
Keywords: Petrograd, Nabokov, the Soviet authorities, a collection of paintings, withdrawal, Department, the Museum Fund.
Izbassarova G.B. (Moscow). The sultans-rulers of the Middle part of the Junior Horde (1824–1867)………………………………………………………………………54
GULBANU BOLATOVNA IZBASSAROVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Historical department, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119234, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1. E-mail:
The 1820s were a period of the beginning of a deep reform of all institutions of nomadic society, the involvement of the Kazakh society in the process of state-building and development of administrative-territorial management. After the reforms of 1824, the territory of Junior and part of the lands of the Middle Horde, subject to the Orenburg office, was divided into three parts.
The service of the representatives Kazakh officials for Russian Empire is studies based on the new archival sources and published materials. New data and biographical information of sultans-rulers are introduced. This article, for the first time, pays attention to the position of acting as Sultan-governor and to the peculiarities of this institute. The differences between acting and appointed as Sultan-governor are studied. The article provides a clarification on Sultans such as Yusup Nuraliev, who has acted as Sultan-ruler for almost 10 years but never got it.
Keywords: Chinggizids, Middle part of the Junior Horde, the reform of 1824, the Orenburg military governors, symbols of power, the Foreign Ministry, the Russian Empire, Temir Eraliev, Medetkali Turdagaliev, Mataj Muhamedgaliev, Jusuf Nuraliev, Araslan Dzhantjurin, Muhametzhan Bajmuhamedov.
Maslovа I.V. (Elabuga, Tatarstan). The forms of charitable aid organization of the population in emergency situations in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX — beginning of the XX century (on materials of the Vyatka province)……………………………………………………………………………………………60
INGA VLADIMIROVNA MASLOVA — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of general and Russian History, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. 423602, Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, st. T. Gizzat, 16, 142. E-mail:
Despite numerous studies of charity issues, some aspects of the subject are beyond the scope of study. Large and large-scale donations and expensive charitable projects create the illusion that philanthropy in the XIX — early XX centuries was a privilege only of the wealthy Russians. The directions of charitable activity of the provincial population, different social status, size and shape of donations are investigated in the article. The research of charitable activity directions, provided in case of an emergency: crop failures, fires, floods, the conditions of war time, is based on the analysis of archival sources and periodical press materials of the XIX century. The main forms of philanthropy in the direction were becoming: the creation of ad hoc (interim) committees to collect donations for the victims; containing of free dining rooms; sale of products at fixed, low prices; construction of barracks for war invalids; private donations to the victims of the fire; the maintenance of the families of died soldiers. The research is conducted on materials of Vyatka province of the second half of XIX — early XX century.
Keywords: charity, extreme situations, military daily occurrence, province, Vyatka province, merchants.
Paraskevopulo A.P. (Krasnodar). Scientific institutions of Kuban and the Black Sea region in the years of the First World War and Civil War……………………………………………………………………………………65
ANNA PETROVNA PARASKEVOPULO — Postgraduate Student of the Department of History, Cultural studies and Museum studies, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture. 350072, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, ul. 40-lyet Pobedy, 33. E-mail:
This article is devoted to the main trends in the work of scientific institutions of Kuban and the Black Sea regions within the First World War and Civil War. The main sources for the reconstruction are the documents from regional archives and regional scientific journals of 1914–1920. The author stresses the connection of scientific researches with the everyday needs of the war time, a change in the balance between fundamental and applied works in favor of the latter. She characterizes such important components of the activities of scientific institutions as the production of medicinal plants, increasing seed fund, and providing the army with food. The period of the Civil War has shown in the context of migration of scientists to the South and the changes of political regimes. The main attention has paid to the activity of the Board of Examination and Study of the Kuban territory, the first multidisciplinary scientific enterprises in the region.
Keywords: Kuban region, Black Sea region, First World War, Civil War, scientific institutions, agricultural science, «mobilization» of science.
Sokolov O.V., Eschenko A.O. (Saint Petersburg). Russian diplomacy and Napoleonic Spain in 1808–1811……………………………………………………..70
OLEG VALERIEVITCH SOKOLOV — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9. E-mail:
ANASTASIYA OLEGOVNA ESCHENKO — Master’s degree student, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9. E-mail:
This article is based on archival documents that weren’t previously introduced in the scientific circulation, stored in the Russian state historical archive and in the Archive of foreign policy of the Russian empire. It discusses the activity of Russian ambassadors in Spain — Count Stroganov and Prince Repnin-Volkonsky. Actions of these diplomats well reflected the duality of policy of Alexander I in relation to Spain in 1808–1812. This political course fluctuated between the official alliance with France and a rapprochement with Spanish rebels that were involved in secret negotiations in St. Petersburg. The authors analyze the correspondence of these diplomats, as well as a number of interesting documents of French and Spanish statesmen. The conclusions permit to reconsider a range of established points of view on the Russian-Spanish and Russian-French relations in the period before the War of 1812.
Keywords: Napoleon, Alexander I, Joseph Bonaparte, G.A. Stroganov, N.G. Repnin-Volkonsky, La Forest, N.P. Rumyantsev, Mohrenheim, A.B. Kurakin, the Treaty of Tilsit.
Nurislamov R.R. (Moscow). Nazi Germany’s foreign policy strategy regarding the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935……………………………………………………………………………………………………………79
RUSLAN RIFOVICH NURISLAMOV — Postgraduate Student, Department of Modern, Contemporary History and Methodology, Moscow Region State University. 142803, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Stupino, Pervomaiskaya, 18A, 23. E-mail:
This article presents the features of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935 and its influence on the development of Nazi Germany’s foreign policy strategy. The concluded agreement indicated the United Kingdom’s deviation from its previous international policy and alerted its former Stresa Front allies and the USSR. Despite the enthusiastic reaction of the Nazi political elite, who recognized the significance of the agreement for the subsequent Anglo-German rapprochement, J. von Ribbentrop, who played the crucial part in its conclusion, thought otherwise. An analysis of the documents from the Ribbentrop Bureau press department collection of the German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv) reveals that this agreement was underappreciated by Ribbentrop, who sought for new allies for a further development of Nazi Germany’s foreign policy strategy.
Keywords: Anglo-German Naval Agreement, Anglo-German relations, Berlin-Tokyo-Rome Axis, Büro (Dienstelle) Ribbentrop, J. von Ribbentrop, press in Nazi Germany.
Kirillova A.N. (Saint Petersburg). «The Federation of Expellees» and German-Polish relations in the years of the «red-green» coalition government (1998–2005)…………………………………………………………85
ALEXANDRA NIKOLAEVNA KIRILLOVA — Postgraduate Student of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Institute of the History, Saint Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5. E-mail:
The article deals with the question of active influence of the socio-political organization «The Federation of Expellees» on the German-Polish relations in the years of the «red-green» coalition government, headed by Gerhard Schröder. The main sources of article are materials of the leading German and Polish media, speeches and statements Poland’s and Germany’s officials. The author researches requirements and statements of «The Federation of Expellees», analyzes the German and Polish press, researches opinions of politicians and public figures of Poland and Germany, considers main milestones of development in the conflict. The important place in the article is taken by opinion of Germany and the chancellor Schröder in this question.
Keywords: Germany, Poland, Federation of Expellees, German-Polish relations, expelled Germans, «red-green» coalition, Gerhard Schröder, Aleksander Kwasniewski.
Shapiro B.L. (Moscow). Funeral parades in XVIII century and Cavalry Russian Guards……………………………….89
BELLA LVOVNA SHAPIRO — Ph.D. in History, Senior Lecturer, Department of museology, Russian State University for the Humanities. 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miusskaja sq., 6. E-mail:
The article identifies the base role of the cavalry regiments of the Russian Imperial Guard in the funeral rite of the XVIII century. We examine regimental chronicles and periodical press in this context. It is considered as scantily explored unique sources, filled with exceptional details in importance. Funeral parades are analyzed as a vivid cultural phenomenon. In such parades Horse Guards was the most striking phenomenon, giving it a proper level. The focus of the study is on the parade, received the most extensive coverage. This is a ceremony held on the occasion of the burial of Yelisaveta Petrovna (Elizabeth of Russia) and co-burial of Peter III and Catherine II. Summing up the results, according to which the cavalry regiments of the Russian Imperial Guard were in terms of components, forming the space of the funeral State and Executive ceremony.
Keywords: funeral rite, funeral procession, ceremonial, Emperor, Russian Guard, Horse Guards, Chevalier Guard Regiment.
Fed’kin A.V. (Saint Petersburg). The participation of non-governmental organizations in the provision of leisure of the St. Petersburg’s workers in the late XIX — early XX centuries…………………………………98
ANDREW VASILIEVICH FED’KIN — Postgraduate Student of the Department of History, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 196605, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10. E-mail:
The article deals with analyzes of the forms of leisure of workers of St. Petersburg in the late XIX — early XX centuries. The research have done under the special direction of history — the history of everyday life. Relevance of the topic due to the fact that it allows us to study the circumstances of the private life of a large part of the urban population — factory workers. The leading role in the organization of leisure time of proletariat belonged to the public non-profit organizations. Their charters, estimates and reports became the basis of the sources of research. On the basis of analysis of the major non-governmental organizations late XIX — early XX centuries, operating in the industrial outskirts of the city, demonstrates the variety of forms of leisure, accessible to the working population of the capital city on Sundays and holidays.
Keywords: celebrations, leisure time, people’s reading, public organizations, workers, entertainment.
Bashirova L.V. (Saint Petersburg). Improving the defence of Kronstadt fortress in the First World War eve 1909–1914…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………105
LARISA VIKTOROVNA BASHIROVA — Postgraduate Student of the Department of National History, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 192236, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Sofiyskaya st., 48/4, 66. E-mail:
At the beginning of the 20th century Germany was a real danger for the Russian Empire. A very weak Baltic fleet, almost absolutely destroyed during the Russo-Japanese War, and old weapons of the coastal forts could not provide a good defence for the capital — St. Petersburg. So the main task during preparation for the war was enhancing the Baltic coast where fleet could act object that could successfully complete strategic missions of defending the capital in the eve of the First World War. The author attempts to identify the role and the importance of the fortress of Kronstadt as a part of the coast defence system of the Gulf of Finland at the beginning of the 20th century and to cover progress in the preparation of the fortress of Kronstadt for the First World War of 1914 to 1918 in this article.
Keywords: the First World War, the coast defence of the Baltic Sea coast, coastal artillery, the fortress of Kronstadt.
Zhukova L.V. (Moscow). About the appointment of the Chief Priests of the field in Manchuria during the Russo-Japanese war………………………………………………………………………………………………………109
LEKHA VILEVNA ZHUKOVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of History of Russia XIX — beg. XX centuries, Historical Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University. 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lomonosov Prospect, 27, 4. E-mail:
The article is devoted to one of the topical issues of the management of the military clergy during the Russo-Japanese War. The main sources of the study are track records, reports of the Field Chief priests, and their correspondence with Protopresbyter. Moreover, there are publications in the journal «Journal of Military Clergy», drafts of memoirs, etc. The main part of the sources retrieved from the funds of Russian State Historical Archive and was first introduced in the scientific circulation. The article provides some interesting details regarding individuals appointed priests, their behavior at the front and of the methods of work organization. The author’s conclusions complement the layer-lived understanding of the activities of chaplains at the front in the Russo-Japanese War and have value for studies of the history of military clergy.
Keywords: military clergy, Protopresbyter, Field Chief priest, the meeting of priests, Journal of Military Clergy, military Church, the Minister of War, boxer rebellion, Russo-Japanese War.
Rakhimkulov R.A. (Samara). The formation and improvement of the organizational structure in the Armed forces of South Russia in order to solve the problem of strengthening moral and psychological conditions of personnel (1919 — April 1920)…………………………………………………………………………………119
ROMAN ALEKSEEVICH RAKHIMKULOV — Senior lecturer in physical and tactical and special training, major of internal service, Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. 443022, Russian Federation, Samara, Ryl’skaya, 24 v. E-mail:
This article is devoted to problems of formation and improvement of the organizational structure of the process of strengthening moral-psychological state of the personnel of the parts VSYUR in 1919 — April 1920 Analysis of sources and literature allowed the author to conclude that public education of the whites in the South of Russia in the format of a sole military dictatorship of General A.I. Denikin was created an organizational structure, acting in the interests of strengthening the morale of parts VSYUR. She is constantly improving. This found expression in the dynamics of legal frameworks consider the organizational structure. The basis of this amounted to the orders of the Commander in chief VSYUR. Here is reflected the specificity of the sole military dictatorship of General A. I. Denikin, the white South of Russia. Negative impact on the process of improving the organizational structure of the process of strengthening moral-psychological state of the personnel of the parts VSYUR provided that the whole system of state authority in the white South of Russia in the format of a sole military dictatorship was extremely bureaucratic, hindering rapid response to the dynamics of the military-political, strategic and operational-tactical situation.
Keywords: Сivil war, the Russian South Armed Forces, A.I. Denikin, consolidation of morale and psychological condition, military personnel, News Agency, the Russian Orthodox Church, The white movement, the process of improving the organizational structure.
Rvacheva O.V. (Volgograd). The Don Cossacks Military Service in Territorial-Militia Units in the 1920s as a Factor of “sovietization” of the Cossacks and a Form of Political Loyalty of the Cossacks………………………………………127
OLGA VLADIMIROVNA RVACHEVA — Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Political Science of the Volgograd institute of management — Branch of a RANEPA. 400005, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Gagarin St., 8. E-mail:
In the period of setting and development of the Soviet system the Cossacks displayed their wish to serve both in regular and territorial units. The Cossacks war traditions came to be a basis for cooperation of the Cossacks and the authorities. The territorial-militia system, that was established in the USSR in 1923, proved very popular among the Cossacks. It was similar to the service in irregular units with which the Cossacks were much familiar. The service in territorial units proved an effective way of the Cossacks adaptation to the new social and political conditions and gave them the possibility to show the authorities their loyalty. On the other hand, the Cossacks service was a method to involve them in the processes of Soviet construction. The article analyses the development of the territorial-militia system in Cossack areas.
Keywords: Don Cossacks, territorial-militia system, Cossacks service, Cossacks attitudes.
Pozdeeva M.A. (Saint Petersburg). The First Information about Benjamin Franklin in Russia………………………135
MARIA AVKSENTYEVNA POZDEEVA — Master’s degree student (2nd year), Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University. 199034, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya lin., 5. E-mail:
The article is devoted to the personality of the celebrated American scientist, enlightener, and statesman Benjamin Franklin. This article provides a careful and detailed analysis of the information about this famous person as it was published by the capital Russian newspaper «Saint Petersburg Records» in 1752 and 1754 years. According to the numerous newspaper publications and the materials from Franklin’s «Autobiography» the author of this paper tells about Franklin’s scientific experiment and his invention of a safe lightning-conductor. In order to reveal the principal significance of Franklin’s achievements in the field of natural sciences the author in the article uses the cites the accounts of contemporaries of these events describes the influence of Franklin’s personality on the educated circles in European countries and in the Russian Empire too. And also, the author examines the attitude of several well-known soviet and contemporary Russian researchers to B. Franklin as a symbol of the enlightenment and progressive science in North American and in the main European countries (including the Russian Empire) in the second half of the XVIIIth century. And finally, the considerable part of the materials has been introduced in the researches of this kind for the first time.
Keywords: USA, historiography, Benjamin Franklin, scientist, enlightener, sciences, lightining-conductor.
Zhukova A.E. (Saint Petersburg). M.N. Nikonov. 47 years in the ministry of foreign affairs: career, position, art……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………141
ANASTASIJA EVGEN’EVNA ZHUKOVA — Postgraduate Student, History Department, Pushkin Leningrad State University. 196605, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, 10. E-mail:
The article is devoted to Mikhail Nikolayevich Nikonov, the director of the Department of personnel and economic affairs of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1884–1897 years. On the basis of the annual editions of the MFA, the documents of personal funds of M.N. Nikonov and his related entities, memoirs of contemporaries and other sources M.N. Nikonov’s role in the formation and conduct of personnel policy the Foreign Ministry, various aspects of his career growth and development, relationships with colleagues, personal life and interests are shown in the article. Studying M.N. Nikonov’s life and working experience allows to draw conclusions about the preservation of the traditional features of the formation of the personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia in the second half of the XIX century despite the emergence of new progressive trends in its personnel policy, reveal the importance of well-established contacts with representatives of the higher ranks of the ministry for the successful promotion, as well as to reveal some aspects of everyday life of an official of Russian Foreign Ministry in the period under review.
Keywords: Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomacy, bureaucracy, the nobility, public administration, daily life, personal history.
Shokurov-Svinin A.A. (Saint Petersburg). Architect Vasiliy Fedorovich Svinin: unknown pages of biography and work (1865–1939)………………………………………………………………………………………………145
ARSENII SHOKUROV-SVININ — Master’s Degree Student of Civil Law Department, The North-Western branch of the Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice». 197046, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Aleksandrovskiy park 5, lit. A, B, V, G, D. E-mail:
The following paper considers some unknown facts about the architect Vasiliy Fedorovich Svinin (1865–1939). The author of this paper explores the architect’s birth, lineage and belonging to the nobility. On the basis of archival sources and personal data the author of the article presents V.F. Svinin’s genealogical table with indication of his ancestors and their relatives. The paper also deals with the architect’s life and work during the Soviet period. It also contains circumstances of V.F. Svinin and his wife Z.A. Svinina’s death (Zinaida Aleksandrovna Svinina’s maiden name was Germanova). The author of the article has paid special attention to the sources description — the history of archival fund 188 «Svinin Vasiliy Fedorovich» in the State Russian Museum Department of Manuscripts, the notebooks of V.F. Svinin’s daughter Lidiya Vasilyevna Svinina. Previously unknown archival sources are introduced into the scientific circulation, some excerpts are published for the first time.
Keywords: Vasiliy Fedorovich Svinin, the Russian Museum of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III, the Russian Museum of Ethnography, Lidiya Vasilyevna Svinina, L.V. Svinina’s notebooks, А.N. Polukhina, the State Russian Museum, the State Russian Museum Department of Manuscripts, Zinaida Aleksandrovna Svinina.
Gladilov N.A. (Saint Petersburg). Correct posture and school desk: history and modernity……………………………..156
NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH GLADILOV — Doctor of manual therapy, military pensioner. 195220, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Grazhdanskii pr., 11. E-mail:
Not only in pre-revolutionary Russia, but also in the USSR until the 1970s, the state took care of the correct posture of people, especially children. Instead of tables the desks were installed in schools. Correct posture has not only aesthetic value, but also it is the necessary condition for normal development and full functioning of the internal organs, that is, it is one of the indicators of the state of health. The incorrect position of the body due to the need to maintain the working posture for a long time, the unilateral tension of the muscles during physical exertion causes the development of a tonus-force muscle imbalance, which is one of the main factors for the formation of a non-optimal motor stereotype in humans and, as a result, interferes with the normal functioning of its organs and systems. Disorders of posture contribute and participate in the development of various diseases in children and associate with the formation of a chronic pathological process. In the article the author considers the existing problem and makes it clear that the concept of the formation of correct posture in the younger generation of our country should be fundamental in preserving the health of the nation and also as one of the methods of natural self-improvement.
Keywords: history of medicine, history of education, posture, desk, table, children’s education.
Arteev S.P., Lyamtseva L.V. (Syktyvkar). Cultural diplomacy: Days of Latin America in Syktyvkar…………………………………………………………..161
SERGEY PAVLOVICH ARTEEV — Lecturer, Department of political science and international relations, Humanities Institute, Syktyvkar state University named after Pitirim Sorokin. 167001, Russian Federation, Syktyvkar, Oktyabrsky pr, 55. E-mail:
LYUDMILA VASILEVNA LYAMTSEVA — Ph. D., Associate Professor of history of Russia and foreign countries, Institute of history and law, Syktyvkar state University named after Pitirim Sorokin. 167001, Russian Federation, Syktyvkar, Oktyabrsky pr, 55. E-mail:
The report describes a cultural and educational festival “Days of Latin America” in Syktyvkar state University named after Pitirim Sorokin (Komi Republic, Syktyvkar) in May 2016. In the event took part the delegation of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Russian Federation headed by Minister Counsellor Mr. Hose Gregorio Escalona Brisenio. During the festival, there have been many scientific, educational and cultural activities. The participants agreed to prepare proposals for further cooperation. It is expected the development of relations between the universities of Venezuela and SSU named after Pitirim Sorokin, the regular holding of cultural events with the participation of representatives of Latin American embassies in Russia, as well as assisting in the development of Latin American studies in the Republic of Komi. In addition, the report raised the topic of public diplomacy and the role of Russian regional universities in these process.
Keywords: public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, regional universities, Latin America, Venezuela, Russia, Republic of Komi.