6th July, 2016 at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Saint Petersburg, Russia) the Director of the Institute I.F. Popova, and the employees of the monthly historical journal “Klio” had a meeting with a delegation of scholars and diplomats from China, led by the Chancellor of the Central China Normal University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Ma Min.
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Central China Normal University (Wuhan, P.R.China)
During the meeting devoted to the discussion of topical issues of cooperation between historians of the Russian Federation and historians of the Republic of China, Professor Ma Min was handed an official invitation to join the editorial board of the journal “Klio” by the editor in chief Professor S.N. Poltorak. The invitation was accepted by Professor Ma Min with gratitude.
Professor Ma Min and Professor S.N. Poltorak
Professor Ma Min and his colleagues gave a detailed report of the activities of modern Chinese historians and their new directions of research. On behalf of the Chinese historians, Professor Ma Min expressed his willingness to cooperate with their colleagues from the magazine “Klio”. The head of the Chinese delegation, said that in the near future he will make a presentation at a meeting of deans of faculties of historical Chinese universities. As a member of the editorial board of “Klio” he plans to tell them about the Russian edition and invite them to cooperate with Chinese historians.
In the process of communication has been discussed a number of joint research projects. In particular, the Chancellor of the Central China Normal University Professor Ma Min invited editor in chief of “Klio” Professor S.N. Poltorak to visit his university and speak to the teachers and students with a course of lectures on history. This invitation was accepted with gratitude.
The participants got acquainted with the marvelous exposition of the museum of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts and unique documents that are stored in the collections of local archives. The Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Professor I.F. Popova conducted a tour and gave exhaustive answers to the numerous questions of the guests.
All participants who attended the meeting expressed unanimous confidence that the cooperation between the historical monthly magazine “Klio” and Chinese historians will be actively developed.